Pocket Maps
Shift Calendar |
A calendar with all your work shifts.
Works with any number of shifts. Just enter the shift sequence and a start date.
The app generates a calendar showing the work shifts for each day in the year.
While especially designed for work shifts of the state police, this app might be useful for
other branches, too.
Old School Calculator |
Old School Calculator is a scientific calculator doing plain and simple math.
Just input a formula as you would write it down.
The calculator comes with decimal, sexagesimal, exponential and fractional displays. It performs arithmetic,
trigonometric and logarithmic functions. It knows about permutations, combinations and coordinate conversions.
...and it stores up to 7 numerical results!
Convertulous |
Convertulous combines a powerful unit converter with the usefulness
of an old school calculator.
This simple to use calculator comes with converters for currency, angle, area, energy, length, power,
pressure, speed, temperature, typography, time and volume.
Droid Calc / Calculon |
Droid Calc is our super fast easy-to-use full-fledged
calculator which we especially designed for Android.
Its buddy Calculon is almost like a twin who moved over to BlackBerry county.
The app shares many features with old school calculator:
it comes with decimal, sexagesimal,
exponential and fractional displays. It performs arithmetic, trigonometric and logarithmic functions.
It knows about permutations, combinations and coordinate conversion.