Bald Ridge Trail

undefined - Wyoming

This horseback riding and hiking trail winds for five miles through BLM-managed public lands and state land to Bald Ridge in the Shoshone National Forest. The elevation ranges from 4,880’-8,400’. Spectacular views of the Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone River to the west and of Heart Mountain to the east await you. The trail is steep and arduous requiring good physical condition of both humans and horses. The trail is marked by trail signs, and then rock cairns as it winds up Bald Ridge. The middle and upper portions are not marked or constructed; users must pick their own route up the mountain.



Trails Map of Bald Ridge Trail in the BLM Cody Field Office area in Wyoming. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).Bald Ridge Trail - Trails Map

Trails Map of Bald Ridge Trail in the BLM Cody Field Office area in Wyoming. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Visitor Map of Sunlight Basin Wildlife Habitat Management Area (WHMA) in Wyoming. Published by Wyoming Game & Fish Department (WGFD).Sunlight Basin - Visitor Map

Visitor Map of Sunlight Basin Wildlife Habitat Management Area (WHMA) in Wyoming. Published by Wyoming Game & Fish Department (WGFD).

Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) of the North Zone (side 2) of Shoshone National Forest (NF) in Wyoming. Published by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).Shoshone MVUM - North - 2 2022

Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) of the North Zone (side 2) of Shoshone National Forest (NF) in Wyoming. Published by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).

Map of Shoshone North Off-Road Vehicle Trails (ORV) in Wyoming. Published by Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites, & Trails (WYSP).Shoshone - North - ORV Trails 2024

Map of Shoshone North Off-Road Vehicle Trails (ORV) in Wyoming. Published by Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites, & Trails (WYSP).

Map of Seasonal and Year-Round BLM Public Land User Limitations in the BLM Cody Field Office area in Wyoming. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).Wyoming Public Land - Cody

Map of Seasonal and Year-Round BLM Public Land User Limitations in the BLM Cody Field Office area in Wyoming. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

State Map of Wyoming. Published by the Wyoming Department of Transportation.Wyoming State - Wyoming State Map

State Map of Wyoming. Published by the Wyoming Department of Transportation.


Wyoming Public Land Recreation Guide. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).BLM Wyoming - Recreation Guide

Wyoming Public Land Recreation Guide. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Bald Ridge Trail This horseback riding and hiking trail winds for five miles through BLM-managed public lands and state land to Bald Ridge in the Shoshone National Forest. The elevation ranges from 4,880’-8,400’. Spectacular views of the Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone River to the west and of Heart Mountain to the east await you. The trail is steep and arduous requiring good physical condition of both humans and horses. The trail is marked by trail signs, and then rock cairns as it winds up Bald Ridge. The middle and upper portions are not marked or constructed; users must pick their own route up the mountain.
Welcome to the public lands administered Your visit to BLM lands in Wyoming will offer you a once in a lifetime experience. Whether you’re exploring the high desert, hiking in the mountains or fishing in a freshwater stream, you’ll experience the undeveloped landscapes of BLM public lands. Unless otherwise posted, all public lands are available for recreation use. However, please remember that there are other uses of these lands, such as livestock grazing, and mineral development, to name just a few. This publication will give you a general idea of where recreation opportunities exist on public lands in Wyoming. Please note the location of the BLM offices throughout the state. BLM staff are happy to assist you while you are enjoying Wyoming’s public lands. For additional interpretive and informational BLM Wyoming resources, please visit our online public room at: BLM Wyoming Online Public Room Developed Campgrounds Public Access by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Wyoming. BLM manages approximately 18 million acres of public land in Wyoming, representing about 30 percent of the state. These lands are yours to enjoy and use for a variety of recreational opportunities. Field Office Welcome to Your Public Lands • • • Wyoming • • A public trail, road, or highway; A navigable water; From adjacent public or state lands that are legally accessible; Across adjacent private land with permission from the landowner; In an aircraft where landing has no resource impact. OHVs Yes No N/A Casper 38 Buffaloberry Chalk Bluffs Golden Currant Buffalo Creek Grave Springs Lodgepole Rim Pete’s Draw 4 11 4 4 12 15 8 7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No No $10/Night $10/Night $10/Night N/A N/A $7/Night $7/Night $10/Night Cottonwood Creek Five Springs Falls Hogan Luce 6 19 5 Yes Yes Yes No Yes No N/A $7/Night N/A BOR Fontenelle Creek BOR Slate Creek BOR Tailrace BOR Weeping Rock Pine Creek 56 13 3 8 7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No $7/Night N/A N/A N/A N/A Atlantic City Big Atlantic Gulch Cottonwood 18 10 18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes $6/Night $6/Night $6/Night North Boulder Lake Scab Creek Large Vehicle Scab Creek Small Vehicle Warren Bridge 5 7 12 15 Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A $10/Night Bennett Creek Corral Creek Dugway Encampment River Prior Flat Teton Reservoir 11 6 5 8 15 5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No $10/Night $10/Night N/A $10/Night N/A N/A Blucher Creek Killpecker Sand Dunes Sweetwater Bridge Sweetwater Guard Station 7 12 12 11 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A Castle Gardens Middle Fork of the Powder River 4 3 Yes Yes No Yes N/A N/A 22 32 7 8 70 71 56 Lander 54 44 Pinedale 63 62 65 Rawlins 98 90 97 93 88 Rock Springs 59 76 58 Back Country Byways Office Contacts Collecting Fee 12 Kemmerer The best way to ensure a successful outing is to check with the nearest BLM office for up-to-date access information in your area. Your local BLM office can also supply you with recreation permits and information on specific recreation opportunities, such as camping, fishing, wildlife watching, hiking, off-highway vehicle travel and snowmobiling. Water Outlaw Cave 1 BLM visitors are responsible for knowing their location and applicable regulations. Appropriate public land users remain on legal routes, obey all signs, respect private property, and avoid resource damage. In most circumstances, visitors are allowed to drive up to 300 feet off-route if no resource damage will occur and no ruts are created. Vault Toilet 20 Cody A visitor may legally access public lands via: #of Sites* Buffalo 40 BLM Wyoming-administered public lands are intermingled with private, state, and a variety of other federal agency jurisdiction. Campground Name Worland 17 19 *All BLM Wyoming developed campsites are first-come, first-served. No campground may be occupied by an individual party for more than 14 days in a 28 day period. Campground fees and amenities are subject to change. Fire Safety U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Dispersed Camping Unless otherwise posted, most BLM Wyomingadministered public lands provide excellent opportunities for dispersed camping. However, make sure to follow these guidelines: Wyoming Numerous opportunities for off-highway vehicle (OHV) recreation exist on BLM-managed public lands. Miles of routes and open areas await OHV enthusiasts. Please obey all signs regarding the management of public lands and routes. The BLM administers three back country byways in the state of Wyoming: Red Gulch/Alkali, South Bighorn/ Red Wall, and Seminoe to Alcova. These routes provide opportunities for scenic exploration, solitude, and diverse travel modes—from stretches of paved road suitable for passenger vehicles to sections of rough, rocky terrain that are only passable by high clearance, four-wheel drive vehicles. Consult the nearest

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