"Grand Teton, Moose Entrance" by U.S. National Park Service , public domain
ActivitiesFishing |
Fishing brochure for Grand Teton National Park (NP) in Wyoming. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
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Grand Teton
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Grand Teton National Park
John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Memorial Parkway
Fishing 2020
Cutthroat Trout by Joe Tomelleri
A Wyoming fshing license is required. Licenses
require a Conservation Stamp ($12.50) except the
one- or fve-day licenses.
Youth (14-17, annual*)
Under 14 (creel limit applies) none
Non-resident Annual*
Youth (14-17, annual*)
*Annual license is valid for 12 consecutive months.
Non-residents under 14, accompanied by an adult
possessing a valid Wyoming fshing license, may fsh
free; or they may purchase any non-resident license.
Fish caught by persons under 14 are included in the
licensed person’s creel limit.
Seasonal Restrictions
and Closures
Lakes within Grand Teton National Park are open to
fshing year-round with the following exception:
October 1–31. Jackson Lake is closed to fshing.
Rivers and Streams
Please refer to the following list for seasonal closures
and restrictions.
• November 1–March 31. All cutthroat trout caught
in open, moving water must be released back to the
water immediately.
Legal Tackle
Legal Fishing Tackle
An angler may use two rods or poles if actively
monitoring both. Each line may have no more than
three single or treble hooks, fies, or lures attached.
Flies, Lures, and Bait
• Rivers and Streams
Only artifcial fies and lures may be used in the Snake
River from the gauging station (1,000 feet below
Jackson Lake Dam) to the Wyoming Highway 22
Bridge (Wilson Bridge) and all streams; excluding
the Bufalo Fork, Gros Ventre River, Pacifc Creek,
Purchase fshing licenses at Wyoming Game and Fish
ofces, online (wgfd.wyo.gov), or license vendors
throughout the state. Within the park, purchase
licenses at: Snake River Anglers at Dornans, Signal
Mountain Lodge front desk, Colter Bay Village Store,
and the Headwaters Lodge at Flagg Ranch.
Prohibited Actions
• Chumming or placing food or other substances in
water to feed or attract fsh.
• Digging for or collecting any bait.
• Snagging, archery, and spear-gun fshing.
• Fishing from Jackson Lake Dam, boat docks,
any bridge used by vehicles, or within the limits of
designated mooring areas and swimming beaches.
• Improper disposal of fsh parts and feeding fsh
parts to wildlife such as bears, birds, or foxes.
• December 15–March 31. Access to the Snake
River is closed from the Bufalo Fork confuence
at Moran to Menors Ferry at Moose. Access to the
Bufalo Fork is closed from the east park boundary
to the Snake River confuence at Moran.
• December 1–July 31. All streams and Blacktail
Spring Ponds within Grand Teton National Park
are closed; excluding Polecat Creek, Bufalo Fork
River, Pacifc Creek, Gros Ventre River, and Snake
River in Teton County.
Polecat Creek, and the Snake River upstream of
Jackson Lake.
• Lakes
On lakes not otherwise restricted to fshing, or
designated as artifcial fies and lures only; the
following dead, non-game fsh may be used or
possessed as bait: redside shiner, speckled dace,
longnose dace, Paiute sculpin, mottled sculpin, Utah
chub, Utah sucker, and commercially preserved dead
Creel and Size Limits
Lakes in Grand Teton National Park
• Six (6) trout* per day or in possession, no more
than three (3) shall be cutthroat trout; and no more
than one (1) cutthroat trout shall exceed twelve
(12) inches.
Streams in Grand Teton National Park
• Three (3) trout*, no more than one (1) shall exceed
sixteen (16) inches; and no more than one (1)
cutthroat trout shall exceed twelve (12) inches.
* Trout – excludes brook and lake trout.
In addition to the previous creel limits, anglers
may also have in possession:
• Brook Trout: Sixteen (16)
• Lake Trout: Six (6), no more than one (1)
shall exceed twenty-four (24) inches.
• Whitefsh: Twenty-fve (25)
Any fsh an angler chooses to release must be
carefully and immediately returned to the water from
which it was taken.
Aquatic Invasive Species
• Aquatic invasive species (AIS) are an increasing
concern. Many bodies of water are already
contaminated. Clean, drain, and dry boats, boots,
and waders before entering a new body of water.
• Park inspection stations at Moose and Moran.
• Never empty containers of bait, fsh, plants or
animals into park waters.
• Any watercraft transported into Wyoming
March 1–November 30 requires boat inspection
prior to launch, and the purchase of an AIS decal.
Infatable craft less than 10 feet long are exempt.
• Purchase decals at many fshing gear stores, or
online: wgfd.wyo.gov.
• AIS Fees
Zones and Seasons
Please Note:
This map is designed to aid anglers in
identifying fshing areas. The boundaries
are shown on a small scale and cannot be
considered legally proper or exact. For
detailed information please refer to: Wyoming
Game & Fish: Wyoming Fishing Regulations
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Park Boundary
Fishing Seasons
Open August 1–November 30
(All streams with the park, excluding
Buffalo Fork, Gros Ventre River, Pacifc
Creek, Polecat Creek, and Snake River.)
Open Year Round. Wildlife closures may apply.*
Open April 1–October 31
Open Year Round
(November 1–March 31 Catch and release
ONLY for cutthroat trout.)
Open Year Round
Closed October 1–31
*Wildlife Closures (December 15–March 31)
Snake River is close to human access from the Buffalo Fork
confuence at Moran to Menors Ferry at Moose.
Buffalo Fork River closed to human access from the east park
boundary to the Snake River confuence at Moran.
Park Resources
Bald eagle nesting areas along the Snake River are
signed and closed to river bank use. Do not fsh
near any nest as nesting birds are susceptible to
Fish Cleaning and Disposal
To avoid attracting or feeding wildlife, pack out and
dispose of all fsh parts in bear-resistant garbage cans.
Permanent Closure Areas
Areas closed to fshing include: the Snake River from
Jackson Lake Dam to 150 feet below Jackson Lake
Dam; Cottonwood Creek from the outlet of Jenny
Lake downstream to the second bridge south of the
Jenny Lake parking area; and the artifcial pond next
to the Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve Center. The
following fsh-less lakes are also closed to fshing:
Swan Lake, Christian, Hedrick, Moose, and Sawmill
revised 05/2020