Conboy LakeBrochure |
Brochure of Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Washington. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Conboy Lake
National Wildlife
A Hidden Treasure Picture a rustic cabin in a grassy
meadow bursting with colorful
blooms. The smell of tall, ruddybarked ponderosa pines fills the air.
The distinctive trumpeting of
sandhill cranes echoes throughout
the Refuge as they descend to their
valley home. Calm water reflects the
rich and varied greens of meadows
and forested hills. Dancing glints of
sunlight catch the eye as a stream
Elk in the spring on
winds its way from hill to lake.
Conboy Lake National
Wildlife Refuge.
Left: Camas with
Mt. Adams in the
©Darryl Lloyd
This, in part, is the experience of
Conboy Lake National Wildlife
Refuge, and you are welcome here.
In fact, people have been coming
here for millennia. Native Americans
found life-sustaining resources in
abundance, and nineteenth century
settlers could see its
tremendous potential
as a place to call
home. All the while,
the wildlife lived
here, too.
This blue goose
has become the
symbol for the
National Wildlife
Refuge System.
Conboy Lake National
Wildlife Refuge
Trout Lake
A Diversity Of
©Dr. Lloyd Glenn Ingles
Although much
of the refuge is open
meadowland, it
does contain forested
areas of lodgepole
(bottom) and
ponderosa pine —
essential habitat for
animals like the
Steller’s jay (top).
Precious homes are found on Conboy
Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Many
are in stream, lake or wetland areas.
Others are in the uplands, where
ponderosa and lodgepole pines,
bitterbrush, snowberry or sagebrush
grow. Some homes are in the grassy
prairie that sweeps in and out of the
trees and up to the water’s edge.
Rainbow and brook trout live in the
streams. Tundra swans, pintail, teal
and mallard ducks need the lake for
food and rest. Frogs, salamanders and
toads grow in the adjacent calm pools.
A rich variety of meadow plants host
colorful dragonflies and butterflies.
The prairie grasses feed both elk and
cranes. Jays, grouse and squirrels
find homes in the forest.
Some animals rely on only one habitat.
For example, woodpeckers nest, forage
and rest in the trees. In contrast,
some wildlife need more than a single
habitat type. Although they nest in
tree cavities like woodpeckers, wood
ducks also rely on nearby streams
or canals. This need for two habitat
types just begins to show the complex
network of life on a refuge.
©Jim Cruce
©Dr. Lloyd Glenn Ingles
The habitats protected and managed
at this Refuge are home to so much
life that it is difficult to identify it all.
There are 7 amphibian, 10 reptile, 40
mammal and 165 bird species known
here. This does not include a myriad
of invertebrates and the many plants,
fungi, lichens and other organisms.
Now, consider this diversity. Suppose
the streams all vanished. How much
life depends on a stream? How many
species are homeless in its absence?
Some effects are obvious — the trout
would disappear. Others are more
subtle — the wood duck would go as
well. In many ways our knowledge
of the interaction of habitats just
scratches the surface. The value
both for us and for wildlife, of this
complexity, seems to increase with
each new discovery.
A few refuge residents
(from top to bottom):
marsh wren, yellow-bellied
racer, deer mouse, American
kestrel, snowshoe hare and
There’s No Place
Like Home
Imagine returning from a trip to find
your home has vanished. Year after
year, migrating pairs of greater
sandhill cranes faithfully return
to the same nesting sites,
sites found suitable by untold
generations of cranes. The
problem for cranes is that
suitable nesting sites are scarce.
Greater sandhill cranes need
isolated, open, wet meadows or
shallow marshes on the edges of rivers
or lakes. Open meadows allow them
to see predators from a distance, but
there is some indication they select
nest sites near interspersed groves —
perhaps for wind and storm protection.
Each family — parents and young
called “colts” — may actively defend
a territory of as much as 250 acres.
From egg to
adolescence cranes
are vulnerable, but a
flighted adult has few
enemies — loss of
habitat is the biggest
concern for greater
sandhill cranes.
Because of this,
they are listed as
endangered in the
state of Washington.
Crane parents and
one foraging crane
©Jim Cruce
For centuries, the Conboy Lake
region has provided homes for cranes,
but what is an ideal home for wildlife
is often desired by people, too. Early
settlers found the “Camas Prairie,”
as they called it, ideal for farming and
cattle. To increase hay production
and pasture land, Conboy Lake was
partially drained. Loss of habitat to
such activities, along with hunting,
took its toll on wildlife. By the end
of the 19th century, journal entries
indicate a scarcity of game — ducks,
geese and swans — in this area.
Easily disturbed, cranes also did
not tolerate the increasing human
population. Eventually, nesting pairs
In 1972, Conboy Lake National
Wildlife Refuge was established
to preserve and restore habitats.
Ironically, the Refuge was not created
for cranes. Yet, in 1979 one pair
returned. Today there over twenty
nesting pairs. The return of nesting
cranes is significant. It means the
habitat, to some extent, is again
suitable — and not just for cranes.
Look What Else
Showed Up
Oregon spotted frog
3-4 inches
Other amphibians,
like this Pacific tree
frog, also live on the
©Dr. Robert C. Drewes
In 1992 a particular frog was “noticed”
on the Refuge. It wasn’t discovered, it
wasn’t new, it was simply
identified. Biologists took
a closer look. They found
the Oregon spotted frog
here in healthy numbers,
making Conboy Lake
one of only four such
populations in the state
of Washington.
Why is it here? Perhaps refuge
management efforts for other species,
like cranes, saved or enhanced this
frog’s unique habitat. Like many
frogs, the Oregon spotted frog needs
a permanent water source — lakes,
ponds, or slow-moving streams. In
addition, these frogs must also have
emergent wetlands, which are shallow
pockets of water that occur in flood
zones. In most areas these shallow
floodplain pools were drained,
diked and filled to accommodate
people. However, drainage efforts
on Conboy Lake were not entirely
successful. Rain and snowmelt
overflowed drainage ditch banks even
in settlement days, so frog habitat
It’s a Frog-EatFrog World
Bullfrog, 7-8 inches
©Jane Abel
At Conboy Lake, bullfrogs and
spotted frogs exist side by side. This
doesn’t occur at the other spotted frog
sites in Washington.
Non-native bullfrogs
usually crowd other frogs
out of their habitats.
Because it “tastes” bad, the
bullfrog has few natural
enemies. Predators actually
prefer other frogs, leaving
even bullfrog tadpoles as
a meal of last resort. So, the bullfrog
is free to thrive, even eating spotted
frogs — tadpoles to adults — in the
Why the Oregon spotted frog persists
here, in spite of the bullfrog, is a good
Right: Garter snake
©William Leonard
Below: Mink
©Gerald & Buff Corsi
Still, like sandhill crane habitat,
spotted frog habitat is scarce. Spotted
frogs occur in only a small fraction of
their historic range in Washington. It
is listed as a state endangered species
and proposed for federal listing.
Spotted frogs are food for many
predators, including this predaceous
water beetle (right) and mink,
common garter snakes,
and great blue herons
(opposite page).
Of these, the garter snake is the least
finicky about also eating bullfrogs.
Beetle. ©Gerard Visser
Great blue heron. ©Jim Cruce
Mount Adams
Glenwood Hwy
Goldendale >
(32 mi)
z ie
Troh Ln
©Dr. Lloyd Glenn Ingles
BZ - Glenwood Hwy
Lake Rd
Elk are common along refuge roads.
C r ee k
Cemetery Rd
Lakeside Rd
Hansen Rd
Cold S p
Western tanager
r i n gs Di tc h
©Dr. Lloyd Glenn Ingles
Bi rd
C re e k
Rd efug
Ca mas Ditc h
< Trout
(10 mi)
Call for Road Conditions
Although roads to the refuge are
maintained, always check the road
conditions from fall to spring.
Kreps Ln
Holme s Creek
Laurel Rd
n C
(15 mi)
Conboy Lake
National Wildlife Refuge
Refuge office
Fishing area
Self-guided foot trail
Historic cabin
Observation platform
Heavy equipment,
like this backhoe, is
used to maintain
refuge waterways.
Tundra swans need
deep water.
Is it pure coincidence that Conboy
Lake has the Oregon spotted frog,
or that sandhill cranes nest here in
ever increasing numbers? No. The
Refuge actively manages the land and
its resources to improve habitat for
One resource that is carefully
managed is water. Balancing human
and agricultural water demand with
wildlife requires cooperation between
the Refuge and its neighbors. Water
management on the Refuge mimics
the natural cycle of flooding and
drying that existed prior to attempts
to drain Conboy Lake. The main goal
is to hold enough winter water for
late summer wildlife needs in the
following year.
The location, depth and timing
of water distribution is important.
Migrating swans and mallard, pintail
and teal ducks need shallow and
deep water for rest, food and safety.
Receding water creates mud margins
used by killdeer, spotted sandpipers
and other shorebirds. Wading birds,
like great blue herons, work the
shallow waters for young fish and
invertebrates. Irrigated meadows
stimulate new plant growth, or
browse, for migrating Canada geese.
Sometimes a nuisance, beavers have their
own water control agenda. However, there is
some indication that spotted frogs benefit from
beaver-made waterways.
Water management is combined with
other habitat management practices.
A combination of haying and then
flooding provides foraging for cranes,
especially colts. Flooding previously
hayed fields also looks promising
for enhancing spotted frog breeding
Common snipe prefer
to forage in shallow
water and mud.
©Dr Lloyd Glenn Ingles
Management begins
with observation.
There are many other management
practices used by the Refuge.
Prescribed burning improves soil
conditions and checks the spread of
pines into the meadowlands. Planting
native plants supports animals by
making the plant community more
diverse. Sometimes,
sensitive habitats are
made inaccessible in order
to minimize disturbance or
promote natural recovery.
The decision to adopt
any management activity
depends on many factors,
but in the end it is based
on observable benefits to
wildlife. The key question is: What is
best for this habitat and the wildlife
that depend upon it?
The Conboy Lake area could host even greater numbers of nesting
sandhill cranes. Future habitat management practices will continue
to create conditions favorable to the cranes. ©Don Baccus
Important To
Native Peoples
This type of
spear point was
used on the shores
of the ancient lake
(50 percent of actual
The Klickitat
people knew this
prairie as “Tahk”
and found it a
reliable source
for game and
vegetable foods —
often with a
surplus for
storage. Here
Camas root is a
they congregated,
traditional food of
as did the
native peoples.
Yakama, to collect
camas in the
spring. While the women dug and
dried the camas roots the men would
hunt and fish. Because plants mature
later at higher elevations these
camps followed the harvest up the
mountain. In late summer
huckleberries and strawberries
were gathered, as well as cedar
roots for basket making.
This pattern of seasonal use at
Conboy Lake has a long history.
Archeological evidence shows
encampments on the lakeshore
dating between 7,000 and 11,000
years ago — possibly while ice age
glaciers from Mt. Adams still reached
into the valley.
A Chance
Meeting Of
Francis A. Chenowith,
First Speaker of the
Washington State
Photo courtesy of
the Oregon Historical
Chief Kamiakin of
the Yakama
Sketch by Gustav Shoni,
courtesy of the Oregon
Historical Society
Klickitat and
Yakama hunting
parties camped at
Camas Prairie,
pursued game such
as elk and ruffed
©Gerald & Buff Corsi
In the 1850s Francis A. Chenowith,
first Speaker of the Washington
Territorial Legislature, wrote letters
to The Oregonian newspaper
describing his travels in the region.
One such trip took him to Camas
Prairie, where he met Chief Kamiakin
of the Yakama Tribe.
While the exact location of the
meeting between these Northwest
notables is unknown, it certainly
took place on or near the present
Refuge. The open prairie would have
lent itself to gatherings and games.
Imagine the sound of pounding
hooves racing around a well-worn
track in these fields 150 years ago.
“The chiefs and wealthy ones
from the surrounding tribe
always meet here when the
camas is ripe, and while the
women are harvesting the
camas, these ‘lords of creation’
amuse themselves by trying the
speed of their splendid animals.
... Comican [sic] the principal
chief invited us to his tent,
and treated us with politeness
and hospitality, giving us
camas, bread, sugar and tea.
He showed us with an air of
satisfaction the pile of blankets
and other articles he had won
at the races.”
Chief Kamiakin was one of the
principle signers of the Treaty of
1855, which established the Yakama
Indian Reservation. When the treaty
was violated by gold prospectors, he
led the Yakama, Palouse and Klickitat
against the U.S. Army. He was forced
into exile in Canada but eventually
returned, renouncing his leadership
role. Chief Kamiakin died in 1877 in
the Palouse country.
©Jim Cruce
Still Standing
A visitor peeks into
the past through a
window of the
Whitcomb-Cole Hewn
Log House.
The Richard Kreps
family lived in the
house as tenants of
John Cole from about
1897 until 1900
Drawn by accounts of the valley’s
abundant resources, settlers like
Peter Conboy, for whom the lake is
named, began arriving in the area
during the 1870s. The WhitcombCole Hewn Log House near the
Refuge headquarters is an example
of the homes they built and is one
of only a few pioneer log homes still
standing in Klickitat County.
This log house originally stood two
miles across the lake on land settled
by Stephen Whitcomb, who ran the
first post office in the area out of his
cabin. In 1891 John Cole acquired
the land from Whitcomb and built
the main structure of the house from
hand-hewn logs. The large downstairs
room served many purposes,
including kitchen, dining, sitting and
family room. Imagine a family of
seven living in such cozy conditions.
The Coles sold the property in 1911.
Later residents added the kitchen in
1914. Inhabited for another 40 years,
the house was finally abandoned in
the late 1950s.
Hand shaping timbers
with a broad axe
Fine tuning a
window opening the
old-fashioned way
Lacking a proper
foundation, the home
fell into disrepair. Logs
began rotting away and
floors buckled. In 1987 the
entire structure was put
on a truck and moved to
its current location where
it could be protected
and enjoyed by Refuge
visitors. Great care was
taken to restore the house, not just
with similar materials, but by also
using traditional methods. The
replacement timbers were harvested
by hand, delivered by horse-drawn
wagon and hand hewn to fit. A rock
and concrete footing now supports the
house, the only concession to modern
construction practices.
Today, the house is listed on the
National Register of Historic Places.
Visitors are invited to wander through
its rooms and listen for the echoes of
life on Camas Prairie over a
century ago.
The Refuge
Pintail pair
©Don Baccus
Binoculars are handy
for viewing wildlife.
Visitors set out on
the Willard Springs
Where’s The Lake? — Because of past
efforts to drain it, Conboy Lake is
now a seasonal marsh. Early in the
year the lake is more
apparent, complete
with swans, geese
and ducks.
Hours — The
Whitcomb-Cole Hewn
Log House, public
restrooms and the
Willard Springs Trail
are all near the
Refuge office. These
areas are open to the public everyday
during daylight hours. The Refuge
office is intermittently open weekdays
from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The rest of the refuge is closed for
public entry, except for hunting (see
Hunting and Fishing).
Viewing Tips — Wildlife viewing is at
its best in the spring when flocks of
migrating birds are present. Visit the
Refuge at first light or just before
sunset; animals are more active at
these times. To get a closer look,
bring binoculars or a spotting scope.
Move quietly so as not to disturb
wildlife. A field guide is helpful for
identifying species.
as tanagers, orioles, warblers,
grosbeaks and crossbills. Watch the
trail for elk and deer or their tracks.
Signs of beaver and porcupine activity
are also visible.
Elk calf
©C. Kofoed
Cinnamon teal (top)
and common snipe
Hunting and Fishing — Hunting and
fishing are permitted on the Refuge
in designated areas (see the Refuge’s
hunt sheet with designated hunt
zones) and in accordance with state
and federal regulations. Hunting
geese, ducks, coots and common
snipe is allowed. All other species
are protected. Trained dogs are
recommended for retrieving downed
birds. Always get permission prior to
entering private land. Please contact
the Refuge for further details.
Camping — The Refuge is open only
for day use. Camping is available at
Glenwood and Trout Lake.
Willard Springs Trail — This two-mile
loop is a pleasant walk along the edge
of the open marsh and into the pines.
The terrain has some gentle grades.
Blackbirds, swallows and hawks can
be seen in the fields.
Look for wood ducks and cinnamon
teal in the canals near the trail.
Cranes can sometimes be seen in the
early spring just prior to nesting.
Spring is also good for viewing snipe,
elk, deer and, of course, wildflowers.
Listen for woodpeckers and look
for them on standing dead trees.
Northern flickers, nuthatches,
chickadees, towhees and flycatchers
all frequent the forest. In addition to
these, look for such colorful migrants
Road Views — The Willard Springs
Trail is a good representation of the
whole Refuge. Roads adjacent to or
through the Refuge complement the
trail. Elk can be seen along the roads.
In early fall it is possible to watch
both cranes and elk in the same field.
Please be cautious and courteous
when pulling off the road. Parking is
available west of BZ/Glenwood Road
(see map).
Pets — Pets must be leashed.
Education — The Refuge offers
outdoor education programs and/
or the opportunity for staging your
own activity. Please call the Refuge
Manager in advance for information.
Jaynee Levy/USFWS
Volunteers — Volunteering at
a wildlife refuge is a rewarding
experience. There are many
opportunities for a variety of
talents and expertise. For example,
volunteers help with Oregon spotted
frog studies. Contact the Refuge
Manager at Conboy Lake to find
out more.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Conboy Lake
National Wildlife Refuge
100 Wildlife Refuge Road
Glenwood, WA 98619
509/364 3667
Conboy Lake
National Wildlife
Conboy Lake is one of eight refuges
comprising the:
Mid-Columbia River
National Wildlife Refuge Complex
64 Maple Street
Burbank, WA 99323
509/546 8300
Washington Relay Service
Voice 1 800/833 6384
TTY 1 800/833 6388
Telebraille 1 800/833 6385
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
For Refuge information
1 800/344 WILD
This brochure is available in an
alternative format upon request.
Conboy Lake
National Wildlife Refuge
100 Wildlife Refuge Road
Glenwood, WA 98619
509/364 3410
Conboy Lake is one of eight refuges
comprising the:
Mid-Columbia River
National Wildlife Refuge Complex
64 Maple Street
Burbank, WA 99323
509/546 8300
Washington Relay Service
Voice 1 800/833 6384
TTY 1 800/833 6388
Telebraille 1 800/833 6385
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
For Refuge information
1 800/344 WILD
February 2014
This brochure is available in an
alternative format upon request.
June 2009
Cover photo: Oregon spotted frog.
©William Leoonard