Beacon Rock State Park
Equestrian Trailhead
Popular Hikes
West Hardy (multi-use)
5.64 miles, out and back,
moderate, 1123’
Hardy Ridge Loop (hiker only)
Via West Hardy,Hardy Ridge,
East Hardy Trails
7.31 miles, difficult, 1800’ gain
Bridge Trail Loop (multi-use)
Via East Hardy, Bridge,and
Upper Hardy Trails
7.04 miles, moderate, 1004’ gain
The Saddle (multi-use)
7.0 miles, out and back,
moderate, 1320’ gain
Hamilton Mountain Summit (hiker only)
8.7 miles, out and back,
difficult, 1658’ gain
Trails open 8AM-Dusk
The Equestrian trailhead is the only multiuse (equestrian, bicycle, hiker) access point
for the park and the trailhead for Hardy Ridge. It is also a great place to start your hike
for Hamilton Mountain on a busy weekend day, as there is usually parking available.
Head up the moderate, multiuse double track meandering through mature second
growth. After a varied climb reach the first trail junction at 1.22 miles. The following
are directions to the most popular routes:
West Hardy: Go left on West Hardy Trail to head up towards Hardy Ridge. A mile and a
quarter up enjoy westerly views, at a little over a mile and half the trail intersects with
Hardy Ridge Trail (hiker only), the turn around point for equestrian and bicycles.
Hardy Ridge Loop (hiker only):
Follow directions above for West
Hardy. Hikers continue up Hardy
Ridge Trail ascending the recently
rerouted switchbacks to the spine
of the ridge at 2580’ in two thirds
of a mile. Enjoy panoramic views
of the Columbia River Gorge. The
ridge is abound with wildflowers
in spring and early summer. DeHardy Ridge.
scend eastward reaching East
Hardy Trail (double track) in a little over a half mile. Continue on East Hardy Trail passing an intersection with Bridge Trail at .82 miles, in another .78 miles reach another
four way junction with the Equestrian Trail. Go right on Equestrian Trail to return to
trailhead in 1.8 miles.
Bridge Trail Loop: Go straight following the Equestrian Trail, in .57 miles reach the intersection with East Hardy and Loop Trail. Turn left onto East Hardy Trail, in .78 miles
reach Bridge Trail. Turn right and meander through a young forest, with keen eyes
look for charred evidence left from the massive Yacolt Burn of 1902. Cross the bridge
over Hardy Creek and reach the junction with Upper Hardy Trail in .76 miles. Turn
right on Upper Hardy Trail reach the Equestrian Trail in .75 miles, passing Don’s Cuttoff
Trail (hiker only) and a backcountry vault toilet along the way. Go right on the
Equestrian Trail returning to trailhead in just over 2.5 miles.
The Saddle: Go straight following the Equestrian Trail, in .57 miles reach the intersection with East Hardy and Loop Trail, keep straight. The trail descends then crosses
over Hardy Creek at .65 miles, this is also the intersection with Hardy Creek Trail (hiker
only). Stop here to enjoy a snack at the picnic table. The trail ascends almost immediately crossing an intersection with Upper Hardy Trail, stay to the right here. Steadily
climb nearly a mile passing the junction with Don’s Cutoff Trail (hiker only) reaching
The Saddle at 2100.’ The views here are spectacular and expansive of the Columbia
River Gorge, Bonneville Dam, surrounding Cascade Mountains, Beacon Rock, Table
Mountain, and Hardy Ridge. The Saddle is the terminus of the Equestrian Trail, intersecting with Upper Hardy Trails and the Hamilton Mountain Trail (hiker only). Explore
the nested Upper Hardy Trails to
the north or retrace your steps
back to the trailhead.
Equestrian, bicycle, foot
traffic only
Backcountry camping prohibited
Looking south from The Saddle at Hamilton Mountain.
Hamilton Mountain Summit (hiker
only): Follow directions above for
The Saddle. From The Saddle go
south on the Hamilton Mountain
Trail. The mostly open trail reaches the 2438’ summit of Hamilton
Mountain in .8 miles.