"Aerial view of the refuge" by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Northeast Region , publicdomain/mark/1.0/

Eastern Shore of Virginia

National Wildlife Refuge - Virginia

The Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge is located in Northampton County, Virginia, at the southern end of the Eastern Shore and near the tip of the Delmarva Peninsula. Within the refuge's boundaries is Fisherman Island, classed as a "Wetland of International Importance". The refuge is an important staging area for migratory birds, and is used as well for the management and study of endangered species such as the northeastern beach tiger beetle and piping plover.



Bicycle Map of Virginia. Published by the Virginia Department of Transportation.Virginia State - Virginia State Bicycle Map

Bicycle Map of Virginia. Published by the Virginia Department of Transportation.


Brochure of Eastern Shore of Virginia (NWR) in Virginia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Eastern Shore of Virginia - Brochure

Brochure of Eastern Shore of Virginia (NWR) in Virginia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Map of Eastern Shore of Virginia (NWR) in Virginia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Eastern Shore of Virginia - Map

Map of Eastern Shore of Virginia (NWR) in Virginia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Nesting Birds at Eastern Shore of Virginia (NWR) in Virginia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Eastern Shore of Virginia - Nesting Birds

Nesting Birds at Eastern Shore of Virginia (NWR) in Virginia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Birds at Eastern Shore of Virginia (NWR) in Virginia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Eastern Shore of Virginia - Birds

Birds at Eastern Shore of Virginia (NWR) in Virginia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Native Plants at Eastern Shore of Virginia (NWR) in Virginia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Eastern Shore of Virginia - Native Plants

Native Plants at Eastern Shore of Virginia (NWR) in Virginia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Hunting at Eastern Shore of Virginia (NWR) in Virginia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Eastern Shore of Virginia - Hunting

Hunting at Eastern Shore of Virginia (NWR) in Virginia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Eastern Shore of Virginia NWR https://www.fws.gov/refuge/eastern_shore_of_virginia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Shore_of_Virginia_National_Wildlife_Refuge The Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge is located in Northampton County, Virginia, at the southern end of the Eastern Shore and near the tip of the Delmarva Peninsula. Within the refuge's boundaries is Fisherman Island, classed as a "Wetland of International Importance". The refuge is an important staging area for migratory birds, and is used as well for the management and study of endangered species such as the northeastern beach tiger beetle and piping plover.
: Coming to the Point This goose, designed by J.N. "Ding" Darling, has become the symbol of the National Wildlife Refuge System. Situated at the tip of the Delmarva Peninsula, the Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge serves as one of the country's most valuable stopovers for migratory birds. Nestled between the Atlantic Ocean and Chesapeake Bay, this 1,123-acre refuge was established in 1984 for migratory and endangered species management and for wildlife­ dependent recreation including interpretation and education. This area is one of the most important avian migration funnels in North America. Each fall, the refuge is the scene of a colorful drama as millions of songbirds and monarch butterflies and thousands of raptors converge at the peninsula's tip. Weather patterns push migrating species through in waves. Clouds of tree swallows swirl over ponds and orange and black­ winged monarch butterflies float aloft. On peak days, 100,000 monarchs have been seen on refuge roosts. Protected habitats such as the Eastern Shore of Virginia and F isherman Island National Wildlife Refuges provide critical stopover areas where birds can rest and feed before resuming their arduous journey. A Haven for Wildlife Woodcock The varied habitats of the Eastern Shore of V irginia NWR support a diversity of wildlife throughout the year. Migrant birds of prey (hawks, falcons, eagles) and songbirds are common from late August to early November. American woodcock zoom and twitter as they fly from woods to fields at dusk from late November to February. Also, the tiny northern saw­ whet owl migrates down the lower Delmarva Peninsula to winter here. View of saltmarsh from the nature trail overlook USFWS several species of owls and woodpeckers. Thirty-four species of mammals, including river otter, American mink, gray and southern flying squir rels, Virginia opossum, raccoon, white-tailed deer, red and gray fox, coyotes and nine species of bats make their home on the refuge. Tree swallows perch on a branch During winter days, northern harriers fly low over fields in search of rodents, while American kestrels perch in strategic locations searching for prey. Black ducks and other dabbling ducks feed in refuge marshes. After sunset, snow geese and swans are often heard overhead. With the arrival of spring, migrating songbirds pass through the refuge on their way to nesting grounds. Marsh and shorebirds search for food in shallow waters while ospreys repair their nests. In spring and summer, the endangered northeastern beach tiger beetle scurries along refuge beaches. The threatened loggerhead sea turtle feeds in the rich waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Other marine turtles in the bay include the endangered ti leatherback, Atlantic hawksbill, � Kemp's Ridley and the threatened � ::>' green turtle. In refuge grasslands, butterflies and skippers with vivid � ....._ .. names such as painted lady and pearl Loggerhead turtle crescent dart between flowers. ·! Refuge woodlands and fields provide year-round homes for Carolina chickadees, Carolina wrens and Yellow-rumped warbler on flowering dogwood A Unique Past The Eastern Shore of Virginia has long been a rural agricultural area. Prior to colonization, however, the Eastern Shore was almost entirely forested by deciduous mixed hardwood. Anthropologists believe the indigenous people were hunters and gatherers but, land use changed after the arrival of Europeans. Uplands were farmed and wetlands and waters were hunted and fished. Additionally, the strategic location at/ the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay encouraged military uses. Aerial photo of Cape Charles Air Force Station . -� .�\ ·�� [ �I::..�..-·· .W yr�.• .· . . . . '\ Aerial photo of the Winslow bunker At the beginning of World War II, much of the land that is now refuge was acquired by the federal government and named Fort John Custis, after a prominent eighteenth century resident of Northampton County. During the war, large bunkers housed 16-inch guns designed to protect naval bases and shipyards in Virginia Beach and Norfolk. In 1950, the Air Force acquired Fort John Custis, renaming it Cape Charles Air Force Station. Radar towers and additional facilities were built by the Air Force, which occupied the area until 1981. In 1984, the area was transferred to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Today, management focuses on protecting, restoring and enhancing habitat for forest and shrub­ dependent migratory birds. By increasing hardwoods like oak, hickory, maple and sweet gum and increasing shrublands, these migratory species will have additional sources of high-quality food. [ en :::,. Workamper volunteers installing bluebird boxes on the refuge Visitor Activities Future conservation efforts lie in the refuge's commitment to protecting and enhancing the migration corridor through preserving, acquiring, and revegetating hardwood, shrub and grassland areas. Alliances with nearby landowners will incre
Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge Cedar Grove Drive N Bike & Hike Trail Parking W E S Kiptopeke State Park 13 600 Mockhorn Island Wildlife Management Area rail 2 Southern Tip Bike and Hike T Magothy Bay Natural Area Preserve iles ½-m 600 Chesapeake Bay Refuge Visitor Center Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Welcome Center Photo Blind Refuge Headquarters Butterfly Trail ½-mile Wildlife Trail ½-mile Bunker Overlook Historic Cemetary Marsh Overlook Vi r gi ni a In si de Pa ss ag e Wise Point Boat Ramp 13 www.fws.gov/northeast/easternshore/ 757/331 2760 Atlantic Ocean Eastern Shore of Virginia NWR State Lands Private Lands Property Lines Bike Trail
WATCH YOUR STEP! Piping Plover Help protect Virginia’s nesting birds. Nests and chicks are sensitive to your presence from April through September. Please: 1 Respect all posted bird nesting areas. Do not enter nesting colonies. 2 Leave your dogs at home. They may step on nests and chase birds. 3 Avoid the berm, dunes, washovers, and backside mudflats. 4 Remain below the last high tide line to avoid disturbing chicks or damaging eggs. 5 Be aware of birds calling loudly from the beach or over your head. They are letting you know that you are too close to a nest or hidden chicks. 6 Teach others to appreciate the beauty and wildlife of Virginia’s barrier islands. See the egg hidden in the sand? That’s why it’s so important to walk below the high tide line whenever possible. You’re just visiting, the beach is home. From April through early September, thousands of birds nest on the beaches of Virginia’s barrier islands. The islands provide important breeding areas for several bird species whose populations are declining or that are considered threatened or endangered. Life on the beach can be tough, and these birds need your help to survive. Beach-nesting birds, such as the Black Skimmer, lay their eggs directly into shallow depressions in the sand. The eggs and nests are very hard to see against the sandy background. Some species nest in colonies that range in size from two to over a Wilson’s Plover thousand pairs of birds and can be very noisy and conspicuous. Others, such as the Piping Plover are less noticeable because they breed in territories defended by a single pair. Once the eggs hatch, adult birds raise their young along the beaches, dunes, mudflats, and marsh edges of the islands where the chicks can feed and hide until they are able to fly. By learning about these vulnerable birds and their breeding habits, you can help ensure that they successfully raise young and that they continue to be a part of the rich biodiversity of Virginia’s barrier islands. NESTING ON THE BEACH CAN BE TOUGH. Beach-nesting birds have to beat some hefty odds to successfully produce young on Virginia’s barrier islands. Natural threats such as storm waves and extremely high tides can wash out large numbers of nests or drown flightless chicks. Predators such as raccoons, foxes, gulls, and crows who love to feast on eggs, chicks, and occasionally adult birds, also are significant threats. Breeding birds are only successful when photography by: f. truslow (vireo), brad winn (georgia department of natural resources), michael costello (cornell lab of ornithology), lawrence wales (cornell lab of ornithology), richard kusminski (u.s. fish and wildlife service) but for these birds, all of these unpredictable circumstances are in their favor. Most importantly, they need undisturbed nesting sites near good feeding areas, favorable weather, and few predators. Black Skimmer PEOPLE ON THE BEACH CAN MAKE NESTING EVEN TOUGHER. People using the beaches during the breeding season present an additional challenge to beachnesting birds and may unknowingly impact the birds’ chances of success. Someone wandering through a nesting area may accidentally step on wellcamouflaged eggs or chicks. Dogs can quickly find and destroy nests or chase young birds. Additionally, people and pets venturing too close to nesting sites cause adult birds to leave their nests, exposing chicks and eggs to predators or excessive temperatures. Trash left in nesting areas attracts raccoons and gulls, and places the birds in greater danger of being discovered by predators. You can help protect these beach-nesting birds so that they continue to grace Virginia’s coastal environment. Before visiting the islands, become familiar with the various beach habitats the birds call home by referring to the diagram on the inside of this brochure. LEARN TO RECOGNIZE BARRIER ISLAND BEACH-NESTING BIRDS. A merican O y stercatcher Oystercatchers are striking brown, black, and white shorebirds with long, orange-red bills. They defend solitary nesting territories on the berm, dunes, washovers, and high marsh areas. Their loud, high-pitched call will let you know when you are too close to a nest or chicks. B lack S kimmer Skimmers are black above and white below with long, slender wings. The lower part of their knifeshaped black and red bill is longer than the upper part. They feed by ‘skimming’ the water’s surface with their bills to catch small fish. Skimmers nest in colonies on washovers and have a distinct ‘barking’ call. TERNS Several species of terns breed on Virginia’s barrier islands. All are whitish, slender-winged birds that aggressively defend their nests by swooping down on intruders. Some tern species nest in colonies on washovers, often with Black Skimmers, while others nest in the marsh. Least Tern P I P I N G P LOV E R A federally threatened species, this small ghostly solitary-nesting shorebird is well camouflaged against the background of a beach. They are
ABUNDANCE DESIGNATIONS BIRDLIFE at the SOUTHERN TIP OF VIRGINIA'S EASTERN SHORE On Virginia’s Eastern Shore, some 439 bird species have been recorded. Of these, 406 have been found in the Southern Tip of Northampton County, at the Eastern Shore of Virginia and Fisherman Island National Wildlife Refuges, Kiptopeke State Park, Magothy Bay Natural Area Preserve, Mockhorn Island Wildlife Management Area, and surrounding lands. The twin refuges lie at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, gateway to the largest estuary in North America, and the Atlantic Ocean. The meeting of ocean and bay produces an abundance of food for birds, as do the other habitats: coastal beaches, salt marshes, pine and hardwood forests, wooded swamps, grasslands and agricultural areas. BIRDING through the SEASONS Birding can be fascinating on any day of the year in southern Northampton County. In autumn, large numbers of birds of many species can be observed during their southbound migration, especially during and just after the passage of cold fronts. Most southbound birds of prey and other landbirds are reluctant to make the 17-mile crossing of the Chesapeake Bay, and so under certain conditions, they become concentrated by the narrowing geography of the southern tip of the Peninsula. Winter is an excellent season to see waterfowl, shorebirds, raptors and sparrows. Spring offers the welcome return of colonial nesting birds such as terns, herons, egrets and ibises; warblers and other Neotropical migrants also return, though their numbers are small compared to the counts of the autumn. During the summer months, June and July, many birders seek out migrating shorebirds. This checklist has been organized by month. Within each monthly box are bar-graphs showing species abundance by week. In addition to the time of year, abundance is based on the habitats where the species are most likely to be found. COMMON: Virtually certain to be found in proper habitat __ Sooty Shearwater __ Wilson's Storm-Petrel FAIRLY COMMON: Will usually be found in proper habitat PELICANS & ALLIES UNCOMMON: Probably present, but will often be missed OCCASIONAL: Not always present; may require several visits to find ******* RARE: Not recorded annually VERY RARE TO ACCIDENTAL: Fewer than 10 records since 1985 (see end of list) ^ Nesting has been recorded in the checklist area. GEESE, DUCKS & SWANS __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Snow Goose Ross's Goose Canada Goose ^ Cackling Goose Brant Tundra Swan Wood Duck ^ Gadwall ^ Eurasian Wigeon American Wigeon American Black Duck ^ Mallard ^ Blue-winged Teal ^ Northern Shoveler Northern Pintail ^ Green-winged Teal Canvasback Redhead Ring-necked Duck Greater Scaup Lesser Scaup King Eider Common Eider Harlequin Duck Surf Scoter White-winged Scoter Black Scoter Long-tailed Duck Bufflehead Common Goldeneye Hooded Merganser ^ Common Merganser Red-breasted Merganser Ruddy Duck Eastern Meadowlark __ __ __ __ __ __ J FMAMJ J ASOND J FMAMJ J ASON D * __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Northern Gannet American White Pelican Brown Pelican ^ Double-crested Cormorant Great Cormorant Magnificent Frigatebird STILTS & AVOCETS __ Black-necked Stilt __ American Avocet American Bittern Least Bittern Great Blue Heron ^ Great Egret ^ Snowy Egret ^ Little Blue Heron ^ Tricolored Heron ^ Cattle Egret ^ Green Heron ^ Black-crowned Night-Heron ^ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron^ SANDPIPERS __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ VULTURES __ Turkey Vulture ^ __ Black Vulture ^ HAWKS, EAGLES & FALCONS Osprey ^ Swallow-tailed Kite Mississippi Kite Bald Eagle ^ Northern Harrier ^ Sharp-shinned Hawk Cooper's Hawk Northern Goshawk Red-shouldered Hawk ^ Broad-winged Hawk Red-tailed Hawk ^ Swainson's Hawk Rough-legged Hawk Golden Eagle American Kestrel ^ Merlin Peregrine Falcon ^ GALLINACEOUS BIRDS __ Northern Bobwhite ^ __ Wild Turkey ^ J FMAM J J AS OND __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Barn Owl ^ Eastern Screech-Owl ^ Great Horned Owl ^ Short-eared Owl Long-eared Owl Northern Saw-whet Owl __ Carolina Chickadee ^ __ Tufted Titmouse ^ NUTHATCHES & CREEPERS __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ WOODPECKERS Red-headed Woodpecker ^ Red-bellied Woodpecker ^ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Downy Woodpecker ^ Hairy Woodpecker ^ Northern Flicker ^ Pileated Woodpecker ^ NIGHTJARS Carolina Wren ^ House Wren ^ Winter Wren Sedge Wren Marsh Wren ^ MIMICS __ Gray Catbird ^ __ Northern Mockingbird ^ __ Brown Thrasher ^ VIREOS __ Black-billed Cuckoo __ Yellow-billed Cuckoo ^ White-breasted Nuthatch Red-breasted Nuthatch Brown-headed Nuthatch ^ Brown Creeper WRENS __ Belted Kingfisher ^ __ __ __ __ __ __ Purple Martin ^ Tree Swallow ^ N. Rough-winged Swallow^ Bank Swallow Cliff Swallow Cave Swallow Barn Swallow ^ CHICKADEES & TITMICE KINGFISHERS CUCKOOS J FMAMJ J ASON D SWALLOWS __ Ruby-throated Hummingbird ^ __ Rufous Hummingbird Rock Pigeon ^ Eurasian Collared-Dove ^
Native Plants of Accomack and Northampton Plant Accommack and Northampton Natives! For the purposes of this guide, plants native to Virginia’s Eastern Shore - Accomack and Northampton counties - are those that have been part of the local ecology prior to John Smith’s landing and are adapted to the Shore’s local soils and climate conditions, resulting in many benefits to the region, its residents and migratory birds. The Eastern Shore native plants featured in this guide were selected because they are attractive, relatively easy for the home gardener to acquire, easy to maintain, and offer various benefits to wildlife and the environment. This guide to Accomack and Northampton native plants is being provided through the “Plant ES Natives” campaign, initiated by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program through its Virginia Seaside Heritage Program, and developed with the assistance of a planning team representing the following partners: Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay Barrier Islands Center Eastern Shore Environmental Education Council Eastern Shore Soil and Water Conservation District Maplewood Gardens The Nature Conservancy University of Virginia Anheuser Busch Coastal Research Center Virginia Cooperative Extension Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation - Eastern Shore Regional Office Virginia Department of Environmental Quality - Office of Environmental Education Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Virginia Master Gardeners Virginia Master Naturalists To learn more visit - www.deq.virginia.gov/coastal/go-native.html. The “Plant ES Natives” campaign logo depicts a branch of Downy Serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea) and a Scarlet Tanager, a migratory songbird which needs the berries and insects provided by this and other Eastern Shore native plants to fuel their long journey. The Shore is one of only a few rest stops for these and other migratory birds. Special thanks to our wonderful native plant photographers - Dot Field, Irv Wilson, Gary Fleming, Alli Baird, Alan Cressler, Ruth Meyers and the late Ken Lawless - without whom this guide would not be so attractive! Design and editing by Virginia Witmer, Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program. Native plant information provided by the following sources: USDA Plants Database (United States Department of Agriculture), Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at the University of Austin, Division of Natural Heritage - Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Chesapeake Bay Watershed Native Plants for Wildlife and Habitat Conservation (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). Special thanks to Dot Field for her invaluable assistance in production of this guide. This native plant guide was designed and printed in Fall 2009 through funding from the U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, to the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program at the Department of Environmental Quality under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended. DEQ VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Visit us on the Web at: www.deq.virginia.gov/coastal/ Cover Photos: top row Baccharis halimifolia - Groundsel tree (Field), Rosa palustris - Swamp rose (Lawless), Cercis canadensis - Eastern redbud (Field); second row Symphyotrichum novi-belgii - New York aster (Field), Sassafras albidum - Sassafras (Meyers), Rudbeckia hirta - Black-eyed susan (Field); bottom row Callicarpa americana - American beautyberry (Field), Amelanchier arborea - Downy serviceberry (Fleming), Osmunda cinnamomea - Cinnamon fern (Wilson). Back Cover Photos: top row Asclepias tuberosa - Butterflyweed (Field), Baptisia tinctoria - Yellow wild indigo (Lawless), Viburnum prunifolium - Blackhaw (Fleming); second row Passifora incarnata-Passionflower (Lawless), Lonicera sempervirens - Coral honeysuckle (Field); bottom row Andropogon glomeratus - Bushy bluestem (Field), Hibiscus moscheutos - Seashore mallow (Field), Alnus serrulata - Common alder (Wilson). What Makes Accomack and Northampton Native Plants So Special? Whether you want to put in a flower garden or establish or restore the landscape around your home, there are a great variety of Eastern Shore native plants from which to choose. Native plants not only offer many practical, low cost, environmental benefits over non-native plants, many also offer an appealing display of foliage and flowers that surpass non-native ornamentals. By planting natives, you will join an increasing number of gardeners who have discovered that wildflowers, trees, shrubs, grasses and annuals native to their region are not only important to protecting local water supply and wildlife, but are simply gorgeous. So, regardless of your gardening and landscaping plans, Virginia’s Eastern Shore natives are worth checking out. We think you’ll find just what you and the Shore need! Here’s Why! • Our native plants are survivors! They are well adapted to the Virginia Eastern Shore’s local soils and climate conditions. • Our natives generally require less watering an
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Archery and Firearms Hunt Map 2020 - 2021 Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge 600 13 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 600 Visitor Center P 4 Zones 1 through 4 open for archery and shotgun with buckshot only Zone 5 Archery only for both hunting seasons P Refuge Headquarters 1 g ke apea Ches P s e a s a P P 5 2 Bay Road I 3 To l l Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Hunting Zones i r g i n i n s i d e a N V Wise Point n s e r m a F i s h t I n l e Legend Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel 0 0 1 Kilometer 1/2 Mile Residential Area Refuge Boundary Walking Trail Roads Closed Area Visitor Center Refuge Headquarters Boat Ramp Refuge Facilities P Parking White-tailed Deer Hunt Dates • October 3, 2020 - January 2, 2021 • No hunting on Sundays • No hunting during Freedom Hunters Dates: October 29-31, 2020 & December 10-12, 2020 Hunt Hours In accordance with state law. Refuge main gate opens at 5:00 am. Bag Limits White-tailed Deer: In accordance with state law. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (15.2 meters) of the center line of any road, whether improved or unimproved, or paved trail. You must park your vehicle in designated areas (See map). You must sign in before entering the hunt zones and sign out upon leaving the zone. We allow the use of portable tree stands, but stands must be removed daily. We prohibit deer drives. We define “drive” as four or more persons involved in the act of chasing, pursuing, disturbing, or otherwise directing deer so as to make the animal more susceptible to harvest. Hunt zone boundaries are delineated by white posts signs, fences, and flagging. We prohibit nocked arrows outside of the designated hunting areas. The taking of wildlife other than white-tailed deer is prohibited. 9. Types of Available Hunts All First Come, First Served Hunters With Disabilities Please contact the hunt coordinator for additional information at 757/336 6122 x2308. 1. Archery Season October 3, 2020 - January 2, 2021 • All Zones: Archery Only 2. Firearms Season (Shotgun) November 28, 2020 - December 5, 2020 • Zone 1-4: Shotgun/Archery • Zone 5: Archery Only General Regulations We allow hunting of white-tailed deer in designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State law subject to the following federal regulations: 1. 2. 3. We allow holders of a refuge hunt permit to access areas of the refuge typically closed to the non-hunting public. All occupants of a vehicle or hunt party must possess a refuge hunt permit and be actively engaged in hunting. We allow an exception for those persons aiding a disabled person who possesses a valid state-issued Commonwealth of Virginia Disabled Resident Lifetime License or Commonwealth of Virginia Resident Disabled Veteran’s Lifetime License. No hunting within 100 feet (30.5 meters) of any building. You may not hunt, discharge a weapon, or nock an arrow or crossbow bolt within 50 feet Hunt Orientation For more information about this hunt see the online Hunt Orientation: https://www.fws.gov/refuge/Eastern_Shore_ of_Virginia/visit/hunting.html Permits PRINT, SIGN BELOW AND RETAIN A COPY OF THIS BROCHURE, WHICH SERVES AS YOUR HUNT PERMIT IN THE FIELD. This permit must be displayed on your vehicle dashboard. You do not need to submit a copy to the refuge. By signing below I acknowledge that I have read and understand the refuge hunt regulations and agree to abide by the regulations governing hunting on the refuge. ________________________________________________ Hunter Name - Printed ________________________________________________ Hunter Signature ________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name Printed (Required for hunters less than 16 years old) ________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge 5003 Hallet Circle Cape Charles, VA 23310 757/331 2760 www.fws.gov/refuge/Eastern_Shore_of_Virginia Federal Relay Service for the deaf and hard-of-hearing 1 800/ 877 8339 TDD/ 1 800/828 1140 voice. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1 800 344 WILD http://www.fws.gov August 2020

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