Occoquan Bay

Tear Sheet

brochure Occoquan Bay - Tear Sheet

Tear Sheet of Occoquan Bay Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Virginia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

lffillsl wl*H#l Occoquan Bay Wildlife R efug e Visitor Information I,{ ational The refuge is open seven days a week: April through September ? AM to 7 PM, October through March 7 AM to 5 PM. Entranc6 Fee Required. PlLase consultlhe fee schedule at the entry gate to determine the appropriate pa5nnent. Your entry fees provide and enhance visitor services. Enioy Your Refuge Summers are normally hot and humid with biting insects. This is an excellent time to view wildflowers and dragonflies. Wearwide brimmed hats and light colored clothing. Use repellants. Check for ticks! Fall and Spring are mild and pleasant. Migrating birds flood through the refuge affording exceptional and challenging bird watching opportunities. Winters are mild with occasional cold, blustery winds across the meadows and off the river. m Over four miles of gravel nrads serve as fuails and afford easy casual walking opporhmities. To avoid encounters with iffitating plarts andinsects, pleasewalkwithin the mowed or cleared hzcks of the gravel roads. Protect Your Refuge Picnicking is not allowed. You may not bring a dog or other pet into the refuge even if left in the vehicle. Guide and service dogs are permitted. f:'-=1 llf;il (::::2:, Our wildlife drive is a convenient means of touring a portion of the refuge by auto, motorcycle or bicycle. Please stay in or on your vehicle while traveling the drive and do not block the roadway. tool Bicycles are allowed only on the entry road and wildlife drive. A bike rack is available at the central parking lot '@, Jogging is not permitted on the refuge. Hunting and flshing are not permitted Q,Ol AII visitors must remain on the gravel roads and designated trails. Wandering into the meadows is not permitted. on the refuge except at certain managed events. l-ffiil I l rrcm- .1 l"o I SlGt l€l ? @ Area Closed signs mark additional areas closed to visitors to protect wildlife and plantlife. l I Do not collect or remove any natural or cultural objects including flowers, arrowheads, wood, rocks, feathers or bones. ,::::":: I Parking is permitted only at the central parking lot and Visitor Contact Station. E@ Wildlife viewing and photography are very popular activities on the refuge. TWo observation platforms are located less than a mile from the central parking lot. a^--l Ball playing, kite flying and other games are not permitted on the refuge. Do not feed, disturb, capture or release any wildlife. The use of mechanical or electronic devices to lure or attract wildlife is prohibited. Heed immediate help? Dial 911- 0ccoquan Bay NationalWildlife Refuge located at I4050 Dawson Beach Boad, Woodbridge, VA. Want to report a violation or have a que$tion? Dial 703/490 {979 For more information, consutt the refuge brochure or visit our Web site at: www.fws.gov/occoquanbayfi ndex.html ,i$t teged tE witdtite photos,aplty EI e,*i,s El ffi ....... r'm' Irlrr @ ffi obseilarion Pladom Envionmental Eduetim V_elicle Tntfi c-O-nly. (tsrf,6 arc Yehrcl6) FootTralfic only Vehicle & FootTlalfic rorora March Taylor Point

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