OurayHunting and Fishing |
Hunting and Fishing Regulations of Ouray National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Utah. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
This goose, designed by
J.N. “Ding” Darling,
has become the symbol
of the National Wildlife
Refuge System.
Ouray National Wildlife Refuge (NWR)
was established in 1960 on land purchased
by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with
revenue from the sale of Migratory Bird
Hunting and Conservation Stamps
(Federal Duck Stamps).
General Information
■■The Refuge headquarters is open Monday
through Friday from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm,
except on Federal holidays.
■■Overnight camping or parking and open
fires are not allowed on Refuge lands.
■■Disturbing, injuring, or removing plants,
animals, natural objects (including shed
antlers), or artifacts is prohibited. These
items should be left for the enjoyment of
■■Please pack out any trash including shell
casings, ammunition boxes, and fishing
■■Persons possessing, transporting, or
carrying firearms on National Wildlife
Refuges must comply with all provisions
of State and local law. Persons may only
use (discharge) firearms in accordance
with Refuge regulations (50 CFR 27.42
and specific Refuge regulations in 50 CFR
Part 32).
■■All vehicles, including ATV’s, must stay on
established roads.
■■Pets must be confined or leashed (except
hunting dogs when participating in a
legal hunt).
Refuge Hunting Regulations
Hunting is permitted for ducks, geese,
coots, pheasants, deer, elk, and turkeys
ONLY in designated areas in accordance
with State and Federal regulations. Duck,
goose, coot, pheasant, and deer hunting is
open for all State seasons.
There are seasons and weapons restrictions
on Refuge elk and turkey hunts as follows:
■ The Refuge is open to youth elk hunts,
the general archery and Uintah Basin
extended archery elk hunts and limited
late-season antlerless elk hunts (starting
December 1st). The Refuge is also open
to State- managed depredation and
disabled/other elk hunts. The Refuge is
closed for
National Wildlife Refuge
Hunting and Fishing Regulations
the general any-legal weapon (rifle) and
muzzle loader bull elk hunts.
The Refuge is open to turkey hunting for
youth hunters only.
areas within the Refuge that are closed to
hunting (see map).
During hunting season, the Refuge is open
from 1½ hours before sunrise to 1½ hours
after sunset. Public entry and use on the
Refuge is prohibited during closed hours.
Hunting Areas
Portions of the Refuge are leased Tribal
land (see map). However, a special hunting
permit issued by the Ute Tribe is required.
■ The river, sandbars, and islands within the
Refuge boundary are closed to hunting.
■ The northern one-third of Wyasket
Bottom is open to pheasant, deer, elk and
turkey hunting.
■ Leota Bottom is the only area on the
Refuge that is open to duck, goose and
coot hunting, but waterfowl hunting
within 100 yards of the Green River in
Leota Bottom is prohibited.
■■Leota Bottom is also open for pheasant,
deer, elk, and turkey hunting. Access
into this area is limited to foot, bicycle,
horseback, canoes and small boats with
electric motors only.
■■Sheppard Bottom is closed to all hunting.
Johnson Bottom is open to pheasant, deer,
elk, and turkey hunting.
■■Portions of Brennan Bottom that are on
the Refuge are open to pheasant, deer, elk
and turkey hunting.
Special Shot Restrictions
Only approved non-toxic shot may be
possessed in the field while hunting
waterfowl, pheasant, and turkey.
Possession of lead shot while in the field on
the Refuge is prohibited.
The hunting of waterfowl with a shotgun
capable of holding more than three shells is
Blinds and Other Uses
■■Hunters may use portable blinds or blinds
constructed of natural dead vegetation,
temporary tree stands, or climbing
devices that do not require drilling or
nailing into a tree. Hunters must remove
all blinds/stands no later than the last day
for which you have a permit.
■■The accessible hunting blind in Leota
Bottom is not in service (until further
notice) due to flood damage.
■■The Refuge prohibits use of bait or
hunting over bait.
■■The Refuge prohibits the use of trail or
game cameras.
Refuge Fishing Regulations
Fishing is allowed on Refuge lands that
border the Green River, but fishing within
the Refuge impoundments is not allowed.
All State of Utah and Tribal fishing
regulations apply.
Fishing with the aid of trot lines, bows
and arrows, spears, spear guns, cross
bows, and firearms is prohibited.
■ A fishing platform provides an accessible
river fishing opportunity along the auto
tour route in Sheppard Bottom (see map).
■ Please be aware that the razorback
sucker, Colorado pikeminnow, humpback
chub, and bonytail are endangered fish
species found in the river and must
be returned to the river unharmed if
accidentally caught.
Accessibility Information
Equal opportunity to participate in and
benefit from programs and activities of the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is available
to all individuals regardless of physical or
mental ability. Dial 711 for a free connection
to the State relay service or TTY and voice
calls to and from people with speech and
hearing disabilities. For more information,
or to address accessibility needs, please
contact the Refuge staff at 435 / 545 2522,
or the U.S. Department of the Interior,
Office of Equal Opportunity, 1849 C Street,
Washington, D.C. 20240.
Ouray National Wildlife Refuge
HC 69, Box 232
Randlett, UT 84063
435 / 545 2522
435 / 545 2369 fax
For State Relay Serice
TTY / Voice: 711
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
For Refuge Information
1 800 / 344 WILD
February 2016