Utah State Parks

Utah Scenic Byways

brochure Utah State Parks - Utah Scenic Byways

Guide to Utah Scenic Byways. Published by visitutah.com

Utah is the place where prehistory intersects with the enduring spirit of the Old West. Wild, adventure-rich places cradle vibrant urban centers. With interstates and airplanes, the world can feel pretty small. On Utah’s designated scenic byways, the world feels grand; its horizons seem infinite. As you drive through Utah, you’ll inevitably encounter many of the state’s scenic byways. In total, Utah’s distinct topography provides the surface for 27 scenic byways, which add up to hundreds of miles of vivid travel experiences wherein the road trip is as memorable as the destination. Utah’s All-American Road: Scenic Byway 12 headlines the network of top roads thanks to landscapes and heritage unlike anywhere else in the nation. All of Utah’s scenic byways are explorative journeys filled with trailheads, scenic overlooks, museums, local flavors and vibrant communities where you can stop for the night or hook up your RV. Not sure where to start? In the following pages, you’ll discover monumental upheavals of exposed rock strata among multiple national and state parks along the All-American Road (pg. 4); dense concentrations of fossils along Dinosaur Diamond (pg. 8); and the blazing red cliffs and deep blue waters of Flaming Gorge–Uintas (pg. 12) — and that’s just in the first three highlighted byways. Your journey continues down two dozen additional byways, arranged north to south. Best of all, these byways access an outdoor adventureland you can hike, fish, bike, raft, climb and explore from sunup to sundown — then stay up to welcome the return of the Milky Way. But get some sleep. There’s more road ahead. Vicki Varela Managing Director, Utah Office of Tourism, Film and Global Branding 2 Bear Lake GARDEN CITY 15 84 1 LOGAN 30 16 BRIGHAM CITY 3 15 5 OGDEN Great Salt Lake 80 84 4 Flaming Gorge MANILA ANTELOPE ISLAND STATE PARK SALT LAKE CITY 80 WENDOVER 150 11 191 PARK CITY 6 196 DINOSAUR NTL. MONUMENT VERNAL 7 TOOELE 8 35 40 PROVO Utah Lake 9 DUCHESNE 40 TIMPANOGOS CAVE NTL. MONUMENT 12 191 6 ' ,, ' ' , .. ... - ,. r - ...- .... 89 96 Ri v er 10 6 Gr e en PRICE 31 15 6 89 28 191 MANTI CASTLE DALE 50 6 100 GREEN RIVER 10 FILLMORE 257 70 70 RICHFIELD ARCHES NATIONAL PARK 24 24 13 16 GOBLIN VALLEY STATE PARK 25 MOAB 313 15 89 15 LOA 62 BEAVER CAPITOL REEF NATIONAL PARK 17 14 24 HANKSVILLE CANYONLANDS NATIONAL PARK TORREY 95 18 23 89 24 191 211 Co lo ra do 130 12 ve r 20 Ri 21 BOULDER PAROWAN CEDAR CITY 21 15 27 95 276 22 ZION NATIONAL PARK 59 89 NATURAL BRIDGES NTL. MONUMENT BLANDING 95 BRYCE CANYON NATIONAL PARK 9 ST. GEORGE 12 19 26 SNOW CANYON STATE PARK ESCALANTE 143 20 MONTICELLO PANGUITCH HOVENWEEP NTL. MONUMENT 25 276 GRAND STAIRCASE–ESCALANTE NATIONAL MONUMENT 261 BLUFF 163 491 SPRINGDALE KANAB MEXICAN HAT 89 Lake Powell MONUMENT VALLEY 191 FOUR CORNERS MONUMENT 160 ~ National Forest ~ National Park/Monument • City Paved Road Unpaved Road = Interstate -------- 1. Logan Canyon National Scenic Byway 2. Bear Lake Scenic Byway 3. Ogden River Scenic Byway 4. Great Salt Lake Legacy Parkway 5. Mirror Lake Scenic Byway 6. Big Cottonwood Canyon Scenic Byway 7. Little Cottonwood Canyon Scenic Byway 8. Provo Canyon Scenic Byway 9. Nebo Loop National Scenic Byway 10. Energy Loop: Huntington & Eccles Canyon Ntl. Scenic Byway 11. Flaming Gorge–Uintas National Scenic Byway 12. Dinosaur Diamond Prehistoric Highway–Ntl. Scenic Byway 13. Dead Horse Mesa Scenic Byway 14. Potash–Lower Colorado River Scenic Byway --- ----- 15. Beaver Canyon Scenic Byway 16. Fish Lake Scenic Byway 17. Capitol Reef Country Scenic Byway 18. Scenic Byway 12 All-American Road 19. Utah’s Patchwork Parkway National Scenic Byway 20. Cedar Breaks Scenic Byway 21. Markagunt High Plateau Scenic Byway 22. Mount Carmel Scenic Byway 23. Bicentennial Highway 24. Indian Creek Scenic Byway 25. Trail of the Ancients National Scenic Byway 26. Kolob Fingers Road Scenic Byway 27. Zion Park Scenic Byway GUIDE CONTENTS HIGHLIGHTS DINOSAUR DIAMOND PREHISTORIC HIGHWAY NATIONAL SCENIC BY WAY PAGE 08 ALL-AMERICAN ROAD: SCENIC BYWAY 12 PAGE 04 Thor’s Hammer, Bryce Canyon National Park | Larry Price Look for the Geocaching logo throughout this guide to see how many caches are placed on or near each byway Utah Field House of Natural History State Park Museum, Vernal | Mark Osler FLAMING GORGE – UINTAS NATIONAL SCENIC BY WAY PAGE 12 Flaming Gorge | Dan Ransom ~I Explore more road trips and itineraries at visitutah.com/itineraries .__ ________ 02 visitutah.com/scenicbyways __J The Hogsback, All-American Highway: Scenic Byway 12 | Michael Kunde NORTH TO SOUTH LOGAN CANYON TO OGDEN RIVER SCENIC BY WAY LOOP 16 GREAT SALT LAKE LEGACY PARKWAY SCENIC BY WAY 20 MIRROR LAKE SCENIC BY WAY 21 BIG COTTONWOOD CANYON SCENIC BY WAY 22 LITTLE COTTONWOOD CANYON SCENIC BY WAY 23 PROVO RIVER SCENIC BY WAY 24 NEBO LOOP NATIONAL SCENIC BY WAY 25 ENERGY LOOP: HUNTINGTON & ECCLES CANYONS NATIONAL SCENIC BY WAY 26 BEAVER CANYON SCENIC BY WAY 30 FISH LAKE SCENIC BY WAY 31 UTAH’S PATCHWORK PARKWAY NATIONAL SCENIC BY WAY 32 TRAIL OF THE ANCIENTS NATIONAL SCENIC BY WAY 36 ZION PARK SCENIC BY WAY 40 ADDITIONAL PLANNING SCENIC BACKWAYS 44 ANNUAL PARK PASSES 46 ON THE ROAD WITH CARLOS BRACERAS FROM UDOT 47 GEOCACHING & ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 48 GUIDE CONTENTS 03 ALL-AMERICAN ROAD: SB 12 AT A GLANCE: ALL-AMERICAN ROAD: SCENIC BYWAY 12 START: Panguitch or Torrey (S.R. 24, 12) SCENIC BYWAYS: NUMBER OF DAYS: 2–4 Capitol Reef Country (S.R. 24) All-American Road: Scenic Byway 12 DISTANCE: 119 miles Sometimes you fnd yourself driving down roads that you can sense are truly special. It is not just the scenery, like the orange hoodoos of Red Canyon or contrasting landscape of alpine and distant sandstone seen from atop Boulder Mountain. It is something about the road itself. It seems to have a history. There’s something in the engineering. The way the road connects with the land. On Scenic Byway 12, discover the vast Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument interspersed with national forest lands and state parks like you’ve never seen. Introduce yourself to the unique communities of adventurous and welcoming folks who call it home. Uncover a sense of prehistory that strengthens the fabric of this memorable road trip. Whether you long to camp in the backcountry or wish to seek out Zagat-rated organic cuisine, you’ll want to slow down and enjoy this journey. 70 15 24 24 72 FISHLAKE NATIONAL FOREST CAPITOL REEF NATIONAL PARK Cap Sce itol Ree f Cou n t r n ic Byway y LOA TORREY d: BOULDER GROSVENOR ARCH le -R c ·Y k Ro PEEK-A-BOO GULCH 276 ad LA KE COTTONWOOD CANYON ···... (o) - in - th o KODACHROME BASIN STATE PARK H e 89 HENRIEVILLE -~: .......... :'......' .. :_ '' GRAND STAIRCASE–ESCALANTE NATIONAL MONUMENT o BRYCE CANYON NATIONAL PARK 276 .. L TROPIC . EL 143 CALF CREEK RECREATION AREA .. --.... : k W ESCALANTE ANASAZI STATE PARK MUSEUM ' y wa ESCALANTE PETRIFIED FOREST STATE PARK RED CANYON 12 ac PANGUITCH a Ro ic B DIXIE NATIONAL FOREST l-A Al mer ican DIXIE NATIONAL FOREST 20 95 m- B ullfro g Scen Not o S c enic By w ay 12 24 PO 62 89 Left: Red Canyon arch tunnels | Michael Kunde ALL-AMERICAN ROAD: SCENIC BY WAY 12 05 Scenic Byway 12 is one of the most fascinating stretches of road you’ll ever drive. It’s even better when combined with the drive through Capitol Reef National Park. From I-70, take Exit 149 for S.R. 24. DON'T MISS Torrey The idyllic and eclectic mountain town has wonderful accommodations at the doorstep to Scenic Byway 12 and Capitol Reef National Park. From Hanksville you’ll continue west along the Fremont River through Capitol Reef and to the junction with Scenic Byway 12. From there, it’s one endlessly scenic route to Panguitch with optional spurs into the Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument — though backcountry enthusiasts with a reliable, high-clearance, four-wheel-drive vehicle could take the really scenic and remote route down the Notom-Bullfrog Scenic Backway to the Burr Trail. Hole-in-the-Rock (Spooky and Peek-a-boo gulch) and Cottonwood Canyon (Grosvenor Arch) offer additional unpaved journeys into the monument with careful planning in the right conditions. Boulder Incredible outdoor adventure, the Burr Trail, Anasazi State Park Museum and Zagat-rated cuisine at Hell’s Backbone Grill lure travelers off the road. Escalante An adventure town cradled by the Dixie National Forest, Grand Staircase– Escalante and the Escalante Petrifed Forest State Park. Henrieville-Cannonville-Tropic Get to know the welcoming people who live among the unparalleled natural beauty of Bryce Canyon, Kodachrome Basin and the Grand Staircase. Calf Creek Recreation Area Calf Creek Recreation Area is a premier stop along Scenic Byway 12 in Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument. Lower Calf Creek Falls Trail is an almost 6-mile moderately strenuous round-trip hike to a stunning 126-foot waterfall. Red Canyon Cut into the sculpted Claron limestone of the Paunsaugunt Plateau, Red Canyon’s most immediately striking natural feature is its variety of weirdly sculpted erosional forms variously described as turrets, hoodoos, pinnacles or spires. Dixie National Forest Dixie National Forest, at almost two million acres and stretching from east to west for approximately 170 miles across southern Utah, is the state’s largest national forest. Scenic Byway 12 weaves in and out of Dixie National Forest. Anasazi State Park Museum The museum is located in Boulder, Utah, on the site of an Ancestral Puebloan habitation that archaeologists believe was occupied between A.D. 1050 and 1175. Escalante Petrifed Forest State Park This popular state park offers one of Utah’s best and most accessible displays of petrifed wood — fossilized trees from millions of years ago. The visitor center offers displays of plant and marine fossils, petrifed wood and fossilized dinosaur bones. Kodachrome State Park Named during the late 1940s by a National Geographic Society expedition in honor of the then revolutionary Kodak flm, the park draws visitors fascinated by the area’s unusual geological forms, including a series of upright cylindrical chimneys called sand pipes. The Blues/Powell Point Overlook This spectacular overlook rests below the delicate pink limestone ledges of Powell Point, rising to an elevation of 10,188 feet and above “The Blues,” a badland of gray-green shales deposited some 80 million years ago when the area was covered by an inland ocean. Boynton Overlook Offering a bird’s-eye view of the riparian area along the twisting Escalante River below, the fowing water and vegetation offer ideal habitat for small birds and animals, including river otters which were reintroduced here in 2005. The Hogsback Between Calf Creek Recreation Area and the town of Boulder is an internationally famous stretch of byway known as “The Hogsback.” As the asphalt clings to this thin razorback ridge of slickrock, the terrain spills steeply off each side toward winding creeks and canyons below. Bryce Canyon National Park | Larry Price Learn more about Utah’s All-American Road: d) I Scenic Byway 12 at visitutah.com/american ___ 06 visitutah.com/scenicbyways I All-American Road: Scenic Byway 12, Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument | Larry Price DON’T MISS Homestead Overlook From this 9,400-foot-high vantage point on Boulder Mountain visitors can see the fve peaks of the Henry Mountains to the east, the magenta wedge of the Waterpocket Fold below and the striated face of the Kaiparowits Plateau to the west. Larb Hollow Overlook Located about 10 miles south of Grover on Scenic Byway 12, this scenic overlook commands a stunning view of southeastern Utah, especially the Waterpocket Fold in Capitol Reef National Park and the Henry Mountains. Calf Creek Falls, Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument | Michael Kunde ADDITIONAL RESOURCES • Visitor Services Capitol Reef Country (435) 425-3365 | (800) 858-7951 • Visitor Services Bryce Canyon Country (435) 676-1160 | (800) 444-6689 • Visitor Services Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument (435) 644-1300 Hole-in-the-Rock Road The 57-mile-long scenic backway is a gravel and dirt road that closely follows the route taken by Mormon pioneers in 1879– 80 in an attempt to establish a shortcut across the Colorado River between established communities in the center of the state and the Four Corners area. Upper Valley Granaries Tucked into the cliff face above this wayside is a small stoneand-mud-daubed structure constructed by Ancient Puebloans. Head of the Rocks Overlook Head of the Rocks Overlook provides expansive views out across the Escalante Canyons where colorful slickrock stretches almost as far as the eye can see. • Visitor Services Red Canyon (435) 826-5600 | 755 W Main Street, Escalante, UT • Escalante Ranger District (435) 826-5600 | 755 W Main Street, Escalante, UT • Make camping reservations for the Dixie National Forest at recreation.gov 0000000000 ALL-AMERICAN ROAD: SCENIC BY WAY 12 07 DINOSAUR DIAMOND AT A GLANCE: DINOSAUR DIAMOND PREHISTORIC HIGHWAY NATIONAL SCENIC BYWAY START: Vernal or Moab SCENIC BYWAYS: NUMBER OF DAYS: 4–6 Dinosaur Diamond Prehistoric Highway National Scenic Byway (U.S. 191, U.S. 6, I-70, U.S. 40, S.R. 128) DISTANCE: 500+ miles Dead Horse Mesa State Scenic Byway (S.R. 313) Potash–Lower Colorado River Scenic Byway (S.R. 279) Audio Tour available for Dinosaur Diamond Prehistoric Highway National Scenic Byway at visitutah.com/scenicbyways Let your imagination run wild on this road trip 200 million years in the making. The Dinosaur Diamond Prehistoric Highway National Scenic Byway bridges eastern Utah and western Colorado in a real-life “Jurassic Park” along more than 500 miles of beautiful red rock scenery, rugged Book Cliffs and cool waters of the Colorado and Green rivers. Not only does Utah hold the fossil record of more dinosaur species than any other state, many consider these lands to represent the most complete record of prehistoric life than any other geographic area on the planet. As you drive and hike, you’ll discover the prolifc fossil record of bones and tracks exposed in the sedimentary record of Mesozoic age. Meanwhile, museums on the Dinosaur Diamond house the world’s largest collection of mounted dinosaur skeletons and interpretive sites provide archaeological, cultural and historical information. VERNAL 149 DINOSAUR NATIONAL MONUMENT 35 ROOSEVELT 40 40 40 88 45 DUCHESNE 191 ASHLEY NATIONAL FOREST 6 ER RIV GR EEN HELPER D in osaur D iam o nd 6 ic National Sc en way igh ic H or ist eh Pr 31 CO PRICE 191 GRAND JUNCTION GREEN RIVER R By w ay 10 VE CASTLE DALE FRUITA 24 191 LO ARCHES NATIONAL PARK CO CRESCENT JUNCTION 70 RA DO CISCO RI HUNTINGTON 29 UT 96 128 Dead Horse Mesa Scenic Byway GOBLIN VALLEY STATE PARK MOAB 279 CANYONLANDS NATIONAL PARK 313 Potash–Lower Colorado River Scenic Byway DEAD HORSE POINT STATE PARK Left: Dinosaur National Monument | Mark Osler DINOSAUR DIAMOND PREHISTORIC HIGHWAY NATIONAL SCENIC BY WAY 09 Hiking near Fisher Towers in Castle Valley | Marc Piscotty Are you a dinosaur detective? If starting in Moab, visit the Museum of Moab for prehistoric exhibits as well as more recent artifacts from native cultures, the explorations of Spanish missionaries and early settlers. Discover a prolifc display of dinosaur tracksites along U.S. 191 of the Dinosaur Diamond Prehistoric Highway National Scenic Byway while surrounded by amazing red rock scenery. Stops include Mill Canyon, Copper Ridge and Poison Spider. Also near Moab, plan time to enjoy the photogenic views and sublime dark skies of Dead Horse Point State Park on the Dead Horse Mesa State Scenic Byway, the red rock spires of Fisher Towers and Castle Valley (a popular Hollywood flm location) on the byway and a trip down the Potash–Lower Colorado River Scenic Byway for ancient rock art and dinosaur tracks. The Moab area is also home to Arches and Canyonlands national parks. Continuing northwest along the diamond, plan time for a stop in Sego Canyon for an incredible outdoor gallery of pictographs and petroglyphs spanning 8,000 years of Native American culture. Next, enjoy the green oasis of Green River State Park before taking a turn off the byway to visit the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry. Then stop in Price at the College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum to see discoveries unearthed at a local coal mine and three large and impressive dinosaur skeletons in the Grand Jurassic Gallery. This museum also discovered the Utahraptor, the unwitting star of the movie “Jurassic Park.” A marquee destination on the trip is Dinosaur National Monument near Vernal, Utah. Many travelers launch their journey here, inspired by the world-famous Carnegie Quarry’s “Wall of Bones,” a cluster of 1,500 dinosaur fossils along one magnifcent rock spine. Extend the stay with camping at Echo Park, Split Mountain or the nearby Jones Hole Fish Hatchery, and then hike among the serene desert landscape and river raft the adventurous reaches of the monument. Tours and activities at the monument explore the area’s fascinating geology, history, wildlife and rugged beauty. 10 visitutah.com/scenicbyways DON'T MISS Biking and Off-road Enjoy some of the greatest mountain biking on the planet, no matter your skill level. The Sand Flats Recreation Area includes the renowned 40-mile Slickrock Bike Trail and is part of 8,000 acres of open exploration for motorized and non-motorized users alike. Near Moab there are more than 100 trails labeled with terrain designations of easy, intermediate and diffcult. Hiking From cool streamside hikes to spectacular sandstone arches, Dinosaur Diamond Prehistoric Highway National Scenic Bywayarea communities are full of exciting day-hikes. National parks, monuments and state parks offer exceptional hiking trails through a wide variety of terrain. Climbing and Canyoneering If you are looking for something even more adventuresome, try climbing or canyoneering. Climbers and canyoneers can scale up or drop into some of the most stunning spots in the southwest. It’s incredible even just seeing fearless climbers on the famous Wall Street along the Potash–Lower Colorado Scenic Byway or the narrow spires and chimneys of Fisher Towers. River Activities The Green and Colorado rivers are known for an array of single or multi-day raft trips. Canoes, kayaks and paddle boards are perfect for the calm water segments. New to rafting? Local guides will show the way. Paddle boarding the Colorado River in Moab | Photo courtesty of Discover Moab Aerial Activities Get a bird’s-eye view from an airplane, helicopter, hot air balloon or zipline to add a bit of excitement to your adventure. Contact the Moab Information Center for the listing of guides and outftters. Night Skies Away from big cities, the Colorado Plateau is one of the top spots for stargazing and perfect for astronomy lessons. Dead Horse Point State Park is a certifed International Dark Sky Park, making it an ideal overnight camping destination (including reservable yurts). Winter Recreation These three scenic byways are open all year long and access winter recreation such as snow-dusted red rock landscapes near Moab or cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in the nearby national forests. High Elevation The byways connect you to the La Sal Mountains attaining heights of nearly 13,000 feet. Spring brings spectacular wildfowers, whispering pines, quaking aspens and bubbling brooks. Summer affords a cool respite from warmer temperatures. Fall is colorful on the mountains, while winter brings solitude, snow, and winter sports. Petroglyphs along Potash | Barry Gutierrez ADDITIONAL RESOURCES • Uintah County Tourism | (435) 781-6767 • Duchesne County Tourism | (435) 722-4598 Uncover the best in dinosaur tourism and Visit Utah’s Dino Trekker itinerary at visitutah.com/dino or try our Southern Dinos and Goblins Road to Mighty® itinerary at visitutah.com/dinos-goblins • Carbon County Tourism | (435) 636-3701 • Emery County Tourism | (435) 636-3701 • Moab Information Center | (435) 259-8825 000000000000 000000000000 DINOSAUR DIAMOND PREHISTORIC HIGHWAY NATIONAL SCENIC BY WAY 11 FLAMING GORGE–UINTAS 22 GUIDE CONTENTS visitutah.com/scenicbyways AT A GLANCE: FLAMING GORGE–UINTAS NATIONAL SCENIC BYWAY START: Vernal (175 miles from Salt Lake City) SCENIC BYWAYS: NUMBER OF DAYS: 3+ Flaming Gorge–Uintas National Scenic Byway (U.S. 191, S.R. 44) DISTANCE: 125 miles Audio Tour available for Flaming Gorge-Uintas National Scenic Byway at visitutah.com/scenicbyways As you drive the Flaming Gorge–Uintas National Scenic Byway, you will pass through one of the richest areas for wildlife and their fossilized ancestors in the western United States. Pull over at any of the 15 Wildlife Through the Ages interpretive sites and nature trails to explore an unusual diversity of natural ecosystems both past and present. Here you will fnd stunning landscapes that have been uplifted and carved by the earth’s forces, exposing almost seven miles of rock evidence of warm shallow seas along ancient coastlines and Sahara-like dune felds.. The formations exposed comprise 770 million years of geologic history, making it one of the greatest varieties of formations found anywhere. The backdrops to this unique byway corridor are the majestic peaks of the Uinta Mountains; forests of aspen, ponderosa, and pinyon-juniper; limestone towers and slickrock cathedrals; verdant cottonwood and willow-lined streams; and the blazing red cliffs and blue waters of Flaming Gorge. Journey through prehistoric landscapes where paleontologists have found dinosaur bones, seashells and shark’s teeth. Today, pronghorn antelope ply the sands of primeval seas, colorful song birds fy above the remains of petrifed forests, and fsh swim among ancient rocks. FLAMING GORGE NATIONAL RECREATION AREA UT DUTCH JOHN RED CANYON SHEEP CREEK 44 STEINAKER STATE PARK Fla mi ng t Gorge–Uin as N ASHLEY NATIONAL FOREST EN R 149 DINOSAUR NATIONAL MONUMENT 121 35 87 ROOSEVELT 40 STARVATION STATE PARK 191 IVER RED FLEET STATE PARK UTAH FIELD HOUSE OF NATURAL HISTORY STATE PARK MUSEUM VERNAL GR E UT 191 Kings Peak a tional Scenic Byway MANILA CO WY 40 40 45 DUCHESNE Left: Flaming Gorge | Dan Ransom FL AMING GORGE– UINTAS NATIONAL SCENIC BY WAY 13 Begin your journey with a visit to prehistoric times at Dinosaur National Monument, where the world-famous Wall of Bones awaits. This is the only place on the planet to see more than 1,500 dinosaur bones along one magnifcent rock spine. The monument also offers camping, hiking and river-running amongst the serene desert landscape. Continue unraveling the mysteries of the past at the Utah Field House of Natural History Museum in Vernal. The kids will thank you. See those mountains on the near horizon? It’s time to head up to them through the ancient rocks and present day landscapes of the Ashley National Forest. While the prehistoric life is now seen only in fossils, modern behemoths still exist in the form of Flaming Gorge’s famous trophy trout. With eleven state fshing records and some 15,000 trout per river mile, it’s no wonder the stunningly beautiful Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area has become America’s top trophy fshing destination. Here you will fnd miles of uncrowded trails, fun-loving guide services, world-class boating and incredible paddling adventures, all among spectacular landscapes teeming with wildlife. And yes, there’s the way the sun catches the red canyon walls and seems to light them on fre that will provide a lasting memory. Flaming Gorge–Uintas National Scenic Byway is a land where amazing outdoor adventures, uncommon geology and visual splendor overfow. Catching brown trout on the Green River | Sean Slobodan ADDITIONAL RESOURCES • Visitor Services Dinoland, Vernal | (435) 781-6765 | 800-477-5558 • Visitor Service Flaming Gorge Country | (435) 784-2318 x 135 • Ashley National Forest (435) 789-1181 | 355 North Vernal Avenue, Vernal, Utah • Make camping reservations for the Ashley National Forest at recreation.gov A young bighorn sheep 14 visitutah.com/scenicbyways See more of Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area and its environs at visitutah.com/flaming-gorge DON'T MISS Rafting Don’t miss foating down the famous Green River, the local’s top pick for family adventure. Seeking a little more whitewater? Crash the rapids on guided trips through Dinosaur National Monument. Fishing Whether you are just getting started or a seasoned veteran, there is no end to fshing opportunities along the byway. Enjoy incredible fy-fshing on the river and mountain streams and world-class lake fshing. Boating With 91 miles of lake in Flaming Gorge, it is easy to fnd a spot to call your own. And don’t miss the scenic waters of Red Fleet or Steinaker State Parks just outside of Vernal. Wildlife Watching Magnifcent herds of bighorn sheep and excellent birding make viewing wildlife easy. Paddling You’ll want to try a few of the paddling routes and come for the annual PaddleFest at Red Fleet State Park in June. Winter Recreation Outdoor recreation doesn’t end when snow arrives. Groomed snowmobile, cross-country ski and snowshoeing trails await in the nearby national forest. Dinosaur National Monument The gateway to the park’s prehistory is in the Quarry Exhibit Hall near Jensen, Utah. Here you will uncover the world-famous fossil exhibits that give the park its name. Utah Fieldhouse of Natural History Take a virtual tour of our planet’s ancient history at this 22,000-square-foot facility in the heart of Dinosaurland. Includes full-size dinosaur replicas, and interactive exhibits. Ute Fire Tower Flaming Gorge Dam Visitor Center A great launching point for a visit to Flaming Gorge, plan time for a free guided tour, offered daily mid-April through mid-October. Red Canyon Visitor Center Enjoy daily summer programs, a fully accessible interpretive trail and access to longer hiking and biking trails all with amazing overlooks of this scenic reservoir. Moose Ponds The easy-to-access pond is an excellent family fshing spot with a surrounding interpretive nature trail. Sheep Creek Geologic Loop A 10-mile section of road that takes you through the extreme forces of nature at work along the Uinta Crest Fault with opportunities to glimpse Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. Ute Fire Lookout Tower The 1937 fire tower is the last of its kind in Utah. See what living in a fire lookout was like, which includes a homing pigeon program that recalls wildland firefighting communications before telephones and radio. Ashley National Forest visitors at Red Canyon Visitor Center can release messages on homing pigeons to the tower. Boating along Hideout Canyon | Marc Piscotty 0000000 FL AMING GORGE– UINTAS NATIONAL SCENIC BY WAY 15 LOGAN TO OGDEN LOOP AT A GLANCE: LOGAN CANYON TO OGDEN RIVER SCENIC BYWAY LOOP START: Logan or Ogden SCENIC BYWAYS: NUMBER OF DAYS: 2–4 Logan Canyon Ntl. Scenic Byway (U.S. 89) D Ogden River Scenic Byway (S.R. 39) DISTANCE: 100 miles Bear Lake Scenic Byway (S.R. 30) The top of Utah is a tranquil place, rich in wildlife, natural splendor and cultural amenities. Drive the Logan Canyon National Scenic Byway and Ogden River Scenic Byway, splash in stunning turquoise water, taste the bountiful harvest and experience world-class performing arts. You’ll uncover endless outdoor adventure, a certifed International Dark Sky Park under a vast feld of brilliant stars, fall colors and warm hospitality. Between Bear Lake and the popular Pineview Reservoir, you can cool off on personal watercraft or luxuriate on sandy beaches and complement your adventure with nights on the town or quiet sunrises in untouched wilderness. So pack your gear. It’s time to head to the top of Utah. BEAVER MOUNTAIN RESORT GARDEN CITY BEAR LAKE y TONY GROVE al ation nC an yo n By wa LAKETOWN y 30 ga N ni c 218 BEAR LAKE STATE PARK e Sc e Lak 91 Be a r S c enic Bywa 142 Lo 89 30 LOGAN 23 15 165 To SPIRAL JETTY RANDOLPH 101 89 BRIGHAM CITY 39 15 OGDEN SNOWBASIN RESORT PINEVIEW RESERVOIR O gden en NORTH FORK PARK ic B ywa y WILLARD Sc WILLARD BAY STATE PARK WOODRUFF UINTA-WASATCH-CACHE NATIONAL FOREST Historic F r GREAT SALT LAKE 16 38 u it W ay BEAR RIVER MIGRATORY BIRD REFUGE HYRUM STATE PARK Ri v er HUNTSVILLE Left: Autumn colors in Logan Canyon | Steve Greenwood LOGAN CANYON TO OGDEN RIVER SCENIC BY WAY LOOP 17 Start this loop near Brigham City and consider a side trip to the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. In the summer and fall, exit at Willard to cruise the Historic Fruit Way before heading up the canyon to Logan. Between the beautiful agricultural lands of Cache Valley and the turquoise waters of Bear Lake lies the 41-mile Logan Canyon National Scenic Byway. This section of historic Highway 89 carves a winding path through 500 million years of breathtaking geology and Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest lands before hitting a summit pass approaching 8,000 feet. Complete the Bear Lake Scenic Byway then continue the back way (S.R. 30 to S.R. 16) to access the Ogden River Scenic Byway (S.R. 39). In the Ogden Valley, make a refreshing stop at Pineview Reservoir or take on a day of lift-served mountain biking at Snowbasin Resort. Check udottraffc.utah.gov for season road closures. Discover the very best of the top of Utah at visitutah.com/top-of-utah or combine your Northern Utah road trip with the Yellowstone Loop at visitutah.com/yellowstone Paddle boarding the “Carribean of the Rockies” | Marc Piscotty American West Heritage Center | Nicole Morgenthau 18 visitutah.com/scenicbyways Kids playing in the sand at Bear Lake | Marc Piscotty DON'T MISS Logan Stroll through historic downtown Logan for a taste of small-town Americana, visit the Cache Valley Gardeners’ Market Saturdays, May– October, or rent horses or ATVs. Additionally, you can take a foodie trek, see a live performance at one of the three historic theaters or take a step back in time at the American West Heritage Center. Garden City This gateway to Bear Lake serves up hand-spun raspberry shakes along with small-town charm and access to endless fshing and water sports. Celebrate the famous Raspberry Days harvest in August with pageants, fairs and freworks. Huntsville Experience Pineview Reservoir and Utah’s oldest continuously operating saloon. Ogden Explore this outdoor recreation mecca with a lively and historic downtown including indoor skydiving and Blue Ribbon fshing on the Ogden River. Tony Grove Lake This crown jewel of the Bear River Range features an easy hiking trail at an alpine lake with camping, picnicking and fshing. Beaver Mountain Resort Avoid long lift lines and high prices at the longest-running family-owned resort in the nation. Kayaking the Weber River near Ogden Ogden Valley’s North Fork Park Discover the Milky Way at this certifed International Dark Sky Park. Conestoga Ranch Glamping! Step back in time and stay in a covered wagon or tent. Bear Lake State Park Dubbed the “Caribbean of the Rockies” for its stunning blue water and sandy beaches. Bear Lake offers boating, paddle boarding and swimming. Cabin lodging available. Beaver Creek Lodge Enjoy beautiful horseback rides or an off-road adventure in side-byside RZR vehicles during summer and fall. Rent snowmobiles and enjoy hundreds of miles of riding all winter. Hyrum State Park This beautiful 450-acre man-made lake offers boating, year-round fshing, waterskiing, camping and swimming. Fruit Way Along U.S. 89 discover fruit stands with the very best in loca

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