

brochure Hagerman - Birds

Birds of Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Texas. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Birds of Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge Snow geese descend like a prairie blizzard upon the 11,320 acre Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge located on Lake Texoma, 10 miles northwest of Sherman, Texas. Just 75 miles north of Dallas where the Red River etches the boundary between Oklahoma and Texas, migratory birds by the thousands refuel for long journeys. The main road through the refuge offers outstanding views of the restless flocks. The refuge was created to provide food and nesting habitat for all types of migratory birds. Snow, Ross’s, and Canada geese spend the entire winter loafing here on the Big Mineral Arm of Lake Texoma. Mississippi kites and scissor-tailed flycatchers hunt the summer skies for insects. Great blue herons call the refuge home in every season. Hagerman has recorded 330 species of birds that have been seen on the refuge since its establishment in 1946. The information reflected in this list was compiled by refuge staff, volunteers, and visiting ornithologists. This listing is in accordance with the seventh edition of the American Ornithologists’ Union Checklist of North American Birds, (1998) and its supplements through July 2010. Bird List Introduction and Key If you should find an unlisted or rare species during your visit, please contact the Refuge staff and provide a description. The refuge birds do not recognize traditional calendar seasons, therefore, season designations for species are intended as general guidelines. Symbols used in this list are defined as follows: Sp S F W - Spring Summer Fall Winter March - May June - July August - November December - February Abundance A - Abundant A common species that is very numerous. C - Common Likely to be seen in suitable habitats. U - Uncommon Present, not certain to be seen. O - Occasional Seen few times during the season R - Rare Seen at intervals of 2 to 5 years. X - Accidental Has been seen only once or twice. * - Nests locally or has previously nested locally (I) Introduced An established species that is not native to North America. Italicized bird names indicate threatened or endangered species. Common Name Sp S Ducks, Geese, and Swans __Black-bellied Whistling-Duck __Fulvous Whistling-Duck __Gr. White-fronted Goose U __Snow Goose C __Ross’s Goose C __Brant __Cackling Goose O __Canada Goose * U __Mute Swan (I) X __Tundra Swan __Wood Duck * U __Gadwall U __Eurasian Wigeon __American Wigeon O __American Black Duck X __Mallard * U __Mottled Duck __Blue-winged Teal C __Cinnamon Teal O __Northern Shoveler C __Northern Pintail U __Green-winged Teal U __Canvasback O __Redhead U __Ring-necked Duck U __Greater Scaup __Lesser Scaup O __Surf Scoter __White-winged Scoter __Long-tailed Duck __Bufflehead O __Common Goldeneye O __Hooded Merganser O __Common Merganser O __Red-breasted Merganser __Ruddy Duck O New World Quail __Northern Bobwhite * O Pheasants __Ring-necked Pheasant (I) X Turkeys __Wild Turkey * U Loons __Red-throated Loon __Common Loon R Grebes __Pied-billed Grebe * U __Horned Grebe O __Red-necked Grebe __Eared Grebe O __Western Grebe Storks __Wood Stork Cormorants __Neotropic Cormorant R __Double-crested Cormorant C Pelicans __American White Pelican C __Brown Pelican R Anhingas __Anhinga * R Herons, Bitterns and Egrets __American Bittern O __Least Bittern * X __Great Blue Heron * C __Great Egret * C __Snowy Egret * C __Little Blue Heron * U __Tricolored Heron R __Reddish Egret X __Cattle Egret * C __Green Heron * U __Black-crowned Night-Heron __Yellow-crowned Night-Heron * Ibises and Spoonbills __White Ibis __White-faced Ibis O __Roseate Spoonbill Vultures __Black Vulture * C __Turkey Vulture * C O U R X U O F X X C C C X O U X X U C X O X C X C O C C C O U U X U W C C C X O U X X U C O X C X R O O O O R O R O C C C O U U X O X X R O O O O R O O O O U U U R X R R R O U O X O R U O O R R R R O R C R C O C R O R R R O X C C C C R X C U O O O X C C C C R C U O O O X O O O O R R O R X C C C C C C O C R Common Name Sp S Kites, Eagles and Hawks __Osprey O __Swallow-tailed Kite X __White-tailed Kite X __Mississippi Kite * U __Bald Eagle O __Northern Harrier U __Sharp-shinned Hawk O __Cooper’s Hawk O __Northern Goshawk X __Common Black-Hawk __Harris’s Hawk __Red-shouldered Hawk * U __Broad-winged Hawk * O __Swainson’s Hawk * O __Red-tailed Hawk * U __Ferruginous Hawk __Rough-legged Hawk R __Golden Eagle Caracaras and Falcons __Crested Caracara __American Kestrel U __Merlin R __Peregrine Falcon R __Prairie Falcon X Rails, Gallinules and Coots __Black Rail X __King Rail * X __Virginia Rail R __Sora O __Purple Gallinule X __Common Moorhen X __American Coot C Cranes __Sandhill Crane R __Whooping Crane Plovers __Black-bellied Plover O __American Golden-Plover O __Snowy Plover R __Semipalmated Plover O __Piping Plover O __Killdeer * U __Mountain Plover X Stilts and Avocets __Black-necked Stilt O __American Avocet O Sandpipers, Phalaropes and Allies __Spotted Sandpiper U __Solitary Sandpiper O __Greater Yellowlegs O __Willet O __Lesser Yellowlegs U __Upland Sandpiper O __Whimbrel R __Long-billed Curlew R __Hudsonian Godwit O __Marbled Godwit O __Ruddy Turnstone R __Red Knot __Sanderling O __Semipalmated Sandpiper O __Western Sandpiper O __Least Sandpiper U __White-rumped Sandpiper U __Baird’s Sandpiper U __Pectoral Sandpiper U __Dunlin O __Stilt Sandpiper U __Buff-breasted Sandpiper O __Short-billed Dowitcher U __Long-billed Dowitcher U __Wilson’s Snipe U __American Woodcock __Wilson’s Phalarope O __Red-necked Phalarope __Red Phalarope F W O O R U U O U O O O U O O U O O U X X U O O U R X R X X U O R X R X R O X O X A U U X R X U R R R U R X R R R R O O U O O R O O U R U O O O O R R R U R O O R R R R R R U O O O U O R R R O R R O O O U R O U R O O R U R R O R R R U U O U O U U U R O R R X U R R O X X R R O R Common Name Sp S Gulls, Terns and Skimmers __Sabine’s Gull __Bonaparte’s Gull O __Little Gull X __Laughing Gull R __Franklin’s Gull U __Ring-billed Gull C __Herring Gull O __Glaucous Gull __Least Tern * U __Caspian Tern R __Black Tern U __Common Tern R __Forster’s Tern C __Black Skimmer X Jaegers __Parasitic Jaeger Pigeons and Doves __Rock Pigeon (I) O __Eurasian Collared-Dove (I) __White-winged Dove X __Mourning Dove * C __Inca Dove Cuckoos and Roadrunners __Yellow-billed Cuckoo * U __Black-billed Cuckoo __Greater Roadrunner * U Barn Owls __Barn Owl R Typical Owls __Eastern Screech-Owl * O __Great Horned Owl * O __Snowy Owl __Burrowing Owl X __Barred Owl * O __Short-eared Owl __Northern Saw-whet Owl Goatsuckers __Common Nighthawk O __Chuck-will’s-widow * R __Eastern Whip-poor-will R Swifts __Chimney Swift * U Hummingbirds __Ruby-thr. Hummingbird * U __Black-ch. Hummingbird X Kingfishers __Belted Kingfisher * U Woodpeckers __Red-headed Woodpecker * U __Red-bellied Woodpecker * C __Yellow-bellied Sapsucker O __Ladder-bac. Woodpecker R __Downy Woodpecker * C __Hairy Woodpecker * O __Northern Flicker U __Pileated Woodpecker * U Flycatchers __Olive-sided Flycatcher O __Eastern Wood-Pewee * O __Yellow-bellied Flycatcher R __Acadian Flycatcher R __Alder Flycatcher R __Willow Flycatcher R __Least Flycatcher U __Black Phoebe __Eastern Phoebe * U __Say’s Phoebe X __Vermilion Flycatcher X __Ash-throated Flycatcher __Great Crested Flycatcher *U __Great Kiskadee __Western Kingbird * U __Eastern Kingbird * U __Scissor-tailed Flycatcher * C Shrikes __Loggerhead Shrike * U Vireos __White-eyed Vireo * U __Bell’s Vireo * R __Yellow-throated Vireo R __Plumbeous Vireo __Blue-headed Vireo O __Warbling Vireo O __Philadelphia Vireo R __Red-eyed Vireo * U Jays and Crows __Blue Jay * C __American Crow * C __Fish Crow X F W R O X O X R R O R C A O U R U R O U R U C X R A O X R X O U O O C R C R C U X U U X U U R R R O O O O O O X O X O R X O R X O R O R R U U U U U U U U C U C U R C O U U U C U R C O U U R C O X U X O U O O R R R R O X U U U U C X X U X U U C X X U U U U R U R O O X O O U U C C C C U X X C C Common Name Sp S Larks __Horned Lark * Swallows __Purple Martin * U U __Tree Swallow * O R __N. Rough-winged Swallow *O O __Bank Swallow O __Cliff Swallow * C C __Barn Swallow * C C Chickadees and Titmice __Carolina Chickadee * C C __Tufted Titmouse * C C Nuthatches __Red-breasted Nuthatch O __White-breasted Nuthatch * U U Creepers __Brown Creeper U Wrens __Carolina Wren * C C __Bewick’s Wren * U U __House Wren O __Winter Wren O __Sedge Wren R __Marsh Wren O Gnatcatchers __Blue-gray Gnatcatcher * C C Kinglets __Golden-crowned Kinglet O __Ruby-crowned Kinglet U Thrushes and Allies __Eastern Bluebird * C C __Mountain Bluebird __Veery R __Gray-cheeked Thrush R __Swainson’s Thrush O __Hermit Thrush O __Wood Thrush R __American Robin C O Mockingbirds, Catbirds, and Thrashers __Gray Catbird O __Northern Mockingbird * C C __Sage Thrasher __Brown Thrasher * U U __Curve-billed Thrasher Starlings __European Starling (I) * C C Pipits __American Pipit U __Sprague’s Pipit R Waxwings __Cedar Waxwing U Longspurs __McCown’s Longspur __Lapland Longspur __Smith’s Longspur __Chestnut-collared Longspur Wood-Warblers __Tennessee Warbler O __Orange-crowned Warbler O __Nashville Warbler O __Northern Parula R __Yellow Warbler O R __Chestnut-sided Warbler R __Magnolia Warbler R __Black-thr. Blue Warbler R __Yellow-rumped Warbler C __Black-thr. Green Warbler R __Blackburnian Warbler R __Yellow-throated Warbler R __Pine Warbler R __Prairie Warbler __Palm Warbler R __Bay-breasted Warbler R __Blackpoll Warbler R __Cerulean Warbler R __Black-and-white Warbler * U U __American Redstart R __Prothonotary Warbler * U U __Ovenbird R __Northern Waterthrush R __Louisiana Waterthrush * R R __Kentucky Warbler * R R __Mourning Warbler R __MacGillivray’s Warbler X __Common Yellowthroat * U U __Hooded Warbler X __Wilson’s Warbler O __Canada Warbler R __Yellow-breasted Chat * R X F W U U U O O O C C C C C C O U O U U U C U O O R O C U O O R O C X O U O U C X C X O O O C C O C X U X X C U C C U R U R U U R R R R R R R R O O O R O R R X C R R R R R R R X U R U R R R R R X U X O R R O O C Common Name Green heron Mike Chiles/USFWS F W Sparrows and Allies __Green-tailed Towhee X __Spotted Towhee O O __Eastern Towhee O O __Cassin’s Sparrow X __American Tree Sparrow R R __Chipping Sparrow O R O __Clay-colored Sparrow O O __Field Sparrow * U U U __Vesper Sparrow U U __Lark Sparrow * U U U __Lark Bunting __Savannah Sparrow A A __Grasshopper Sparrow * U U U __LeConte’s Sparrow U U __Nelson’s Sparrow R __Fox Sparrow U U __Song Sparrow U U __Lincoln’s Sparrow O O __Swamp Sparrow U U __White-throated Sparrow C C __Harris’ Sparrow C C __White-crowned Sparrow C C __Dark-eyed Junco __Slate-colored Junco C C __Oregon Junco O O Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks and Buntings __Summer Tanager * U U U __Northern Cardinal * C C C __Rose-breasted Grosbeak R R __Black-headed Grosbeak X X __Blue Grosbeak * U U U __Lazuli Bunting R __Indigo Bunting * C C U __Painted Bunting * C C U __Dickcissel * C C U Blackbirds and Orioles __Bobolink O X __Red-winged Blackbird * C C C __Eastern Meadowlark * C C C __Western Meadowlark O C __Yellow-headed Blackbird O R O __Rusty Blackbird R R __Brewer’s Blackbird O U __Common Grackle * U U O __Great-tailed Grackle * U U O __Brown-headed Cowbird * C C C __Orchard Oriole * O O O __Baltimore Oriole * O O O Finches __Purple Finch O O __House Finch * O O O __Red Crossbill X __Pine Siskin O U __American Goldfinch * U R C __Evening Grosbeak R R Old World Sparrow __House Sparrow (I) * U U U If you should find an unlisted or rare species during your visit, please contact the Refuge staff and provide a description. We welcome visitor wildlife reports to help augment our records. For Additional Information Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge 6465 Refuge Road Sherman, TX 75092 903/786-2826 903/786-3327 FAX www.fws.gov/southwest/refuges/texas/ hagerman/ January 2011 U Sp S O O R O C O O X A U U U O U C C C C O C C C C R R U O O O O O X U C R U

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