Texas Mid-coast NWR ComplexFish |
Fish of Texas Mid-coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex (NWR) in Texas. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Texas Mid-coast
National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Bastrop Bayou Fishing Pier
The following 127 fish ranges Goldfish
Red shiner
are expected to include Brazoria County and the refuges. Blacktail shiner
Common carp
Mississippi silvery minnow
Spotted gar
Plains minnow
Longnose gar
Ribbon shiner
Alligator gar
Shoal chub
American eel
Silver chub
Inshore lizard fish
Golden shiner
Least puffer
Blackspot shiner
Smalleye shiner
Skipjack herring
Ghost shiner
Gizzard shad
Sharpnose shiner
Gulf Menhaden
Chub shiner
Threadfin Shad
Silverband shiner
Bay anchovy
Sand shiner
Mimic shiner
Grass pickerel
Pugnose minnow
Central stoneroller
Suckermouth minnow
Grass carp
Fathead Minnow
Bullhead minnow
Creek chub
River carpsucker
Blue sucker
Lake chubsucker
Smallmouth buffalo
Black buffalo
Spotted sucker
Gray redhorse
Family Mugilidae
Striped mullet
White mullet
Lady fish
Gulf pipefish
Chain pipefish
Black bullhead
Yellow bullhead
Blue catfish
Channel catfish
Tadpole madtom
Freckled madtom
Flathead catfish
Sea catfishes
Hardhead catfish
Gafftopsail catfish
Gulf toadfish
Atlantic midshipman
Pirate perch
Brook silverside
Inland silverside
Atlantic needlefish
Western mosquitofish
Sailfin molly
Western starhead topminnow
Golden topminnow
Gulf killifish
Diamond killifish
Blackstripe topminnow
Bayou topminnow
Longnose killifish
Plains killifish
Rainwater killifish
Sheepshead minnow
White bass
Crevalle jack
Redbreast sunfish
Green sunfish
Orangespotted sunfish
Dollar sunfish
Longear sunfish
Redear sunfish
Spotted sunfish
Bantam sunfish
Spotted bass
Largemouth bass
White crappie
Black crappie
Banded pygmy sunfish
Western sand darter
Scaly sand darter
Slough darter
Cedar Lake Creek Boat
Slop Bowl Aerial Photo
Dusky darter
Spotfin mojarra
Silver jenny
Tidewater mojarra
Flagfin mojara
Freshwater Drum
Black Drum
Red Drum
Gulf Kingfish
Sand Seatrout
Silver Seatrout
Spotted Seatrout
Atlantic croaker
Silver perch
Southern Flounder
Fringed flounder
Bay whiff
Lined sole
Blackcheek tonguefish
Southern stingray
Atlantic stingray
Naked goby
Clown goby
Darter goby
Texas Mid-Coast National
Wildlife Refuge Complex
2547 CR316
Brazoria, TX 77422
Phone 979-964-4011
Fax 979-964-4021
Photographs © Greg Lavaty