

brochure Aransas - Wildflowers

Wildflowers of Aransas National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Texas. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Wildflowers of Aransas National Wildlife Refuge This list contains over 167 wildflower species found on Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. Ringed by tidal marshes and broken by long, narrow sloughs, this 59,000-acre refuge sprawls mostly across the Blackjack peninsula, where grasslands, live oaks, and redbay thickets cover deep, sandy soils. Storms and waters of the Gulf of Mexico constantly shape this vital refuge. Whooping cranes join throngs of other migratory birds that settle on tidal marshes stretching before them like huge banquet tables. Strong winds push the bay waters over low-lying shores, forming fertile, brackish tidal marshes among short, salttolerant plants. Mild winters, bay waters, and abundant food provide a winning combination for water-loving birds. How to use this checklist Abundance C Common: suitable habitat is widespread U Uncommon: present, but in moderate numbers O Occasional: may be present in small numbers R Rare: present, difficult to find Habitat Bt Big Tree Trail Bw Boardwalk Dp Dagger Point Trail En Entrance (FM 2040) Hf Heron Flats Trail Hl Hog Lake Hq Headquarters Jl Jones Lake Ot Observation Tower Pa Picnic Area Rt Rail Trail Tl Tour Loop Tr Tower Road Yt Youth Environmental Training Area Note Please do not pick wildflowers. If you should find an unlisted or “rare” species, or a species not listed for a particular habitat, contact the refuge staff and provide a description. We welcome any additions visitors may provide to enhance the accuracy of this checklist. Species Blue Flowers Sp S F W Hbt Baby blue eyes U Nemophila phacelioides Blue curls U Phacelia congesta Carolina larkspur O Delphinium carolinianum Dayflower C C C O Commelina erecta Dotted blue-eyed grass U Sisyrinchium langlosii Downy lobelia O O Lobelia puberula Sandyland bluebonnet R Lupinus subcarnosus Texas bluebonnet R Lupinus texensis Purple Flowers Basket flower U U Centaurea americana Bluebell O O Eustoma russellianum Meadow aster U U Symphyotrichum pratensis Bull thistle U U Cirsium horridulum Butterfly pea C C U Centrosema virginianum California loosestrife O C U Lythrum californicum Florida bluehearts O O O Buchnera americana Hairy-flowered spiderwort U O Tradescantia hirsutiflora Herbertia U Herbertia lahue Lance-leaf loosestrife U U Lythrum alatum Narrowleaf dyschoriste R R Dyschoriste linearis Passionflower O O Passiflora incarnata Prairie bluet C C U Hedyotis nigricans Prairie spiderwort U O Tradescantia occidentalis Purple phacelia U Phacelia patuliflora Purple pleatleaf O O Alophia drummondii Saltmarsh morning glory O O Ipomoea sagittata Shaggy portulaca O O Portulaca pilosa Sharp gayfeather U Liatris acidota Silver-leaf nightshade O Solanum elaeagnifolium Snapdragon vine U U U Maurandya antirrhiniflora Stemless spiderwort U Tradscantia subacaulis Texas thistle U U Cirsium texanum Tie vine U U Ipomea cordatotriloba Venus’ looking-glass U Triodanis perfoliata Hf Hq Hf Pa Tr Hf Tl Tr Hf Hq Tr Hf Tr Hf Tr Hf Tr Pa Tr Hf Tr Tl Tl Hq Tr Hf Tr Hf Hf Hl Hf Hq Tr Hf Hq Tl Tr Tr Hq Dp Tr Hq Hf Hf Hq Tr Tr Hf Hf Species Sp S F W Hbt Vetch U Vicia leavenworthii Violet ruellia U O Ruellia nudiflora Wild petunia C U O Ruellia yucatana Wine cup U Callirhoë involucrata Hf Hq Annual sundew O Drosera annua Coast mistflower C C U Conoclinium coelestinum Drummond phlox C U Phlox drummondii Drummond skullcap C Scutellaria drummondii Eggleaf skullcap U Scutellaria ovata Fragrant boneset O O O Chromolaena odorata Texas vervain C C C C Verbena halei Toadflax U Nuttallanthus texanus Sandbell U U O Nama hispidum Sea lavender U U U Limonium carolinianum Tl Tr Arrowleaf O O Sagittaria longiloba Buckwheat C O Eriogonum multiflorum Bullnettle U U Cnidoscolus texanus Burhead U U Echinodorus beteroi Buttonbush U U Cephalanthus occidentalis Catchfly R Silene antirrhina Chickweed U Stellaria media Climbing hempweed O O Mikania scandens Coast germander U UU U Teucrium cubense Delta arrowleaf U U U Sagittaria platyphylla Southern dewberry C Rubus trivialis Dodder U U Cuscuta indecora Drummond rain lily U O Cooperia drummondii False-garlic C U U Nothoscordum bivalve Fleabane daisy C U Erigeron procumbens Frostweed U Verbesina virginica Green milkweed O C U Asclepias viridis Green lily U U Schoenocaulon drummondii Heart-leaf euphorbia C C U Euphorbia cordifolia Tr Lavender Flowers White Flowers Tr Tl Hq Hf Tr Hf Tr Hf Rt Tr Hf Ot Tl Tr Hf Pa Hf Bw Hf Tr En Pa Tl Hl Jl Tl Hl Jl Tr Hf Hf Tr Hf Jl Hf Hf Tr Hf Tr Tl Hq Hf Tr Hf Hq Tr Hq Pa Tl Tr Hf Hf Yt Species Sp S F W Hbt Heath aster C Tr Symphyotrichum ericoides Hedge bindweed O Hf Calystegia sepium Hoary pea U U Tr Tl Tephrosia onobrychoides Late-flowering boneset U U Hf Eupatorium serotinum Lazy daisy C C Hf Hq Tr Aphanostephus skirrhobasis Old man’s beard O O Hf Clematis drummondii Peppergrass U Hf Hq Lepidium virginicum Philadelphia daisy U Tr Erigeron philadelphicus Pokeweed R Hq Phytolacca americana Rattlesnake master U Tl Eryngium yuccifolium Rattlesnake weed U Hf Jl Tl Daucus pusillus Saltmarsh aster U U Tr Tl Symphyotrichum subulatum Seaside heliotrope U U U Bw Heliotropium curassavicum Snake-cotton O O Hf Tr Froelichia floridana Snow-on-the-prairie U U Tr Euphorbia bicolor Spider lily O Pa Tl Hymenocallis liriosme Spiny aster O O Hf Tr Tl Bw Chloracantha spinosa Spring lady’s tresses O O Tl Hl Spiranthes vernalis Texas bindweed O O Tr Hf Convolvulus equitans Bullnettle U U En Pa Tl Cnidoscolus texanus Tomatillo U U U U Hf Solanum triquetrum Tooth frogfruit U C C U Tl Tr Phyla nodiflor Tropical mexicanclover U U U Dp Jl Richardia brasiliensis White gaura U U Hf Gaura lindheimeri White prickly poppy U C U Hq Tl Argemone albiflora Wild onion U Hf Allium canadense Wild tobacco O O Tl Nicotiana repanda Windflower U Hf Tr Anemone berlandieri Red Flowers Bracted sida U U U Sida ciliaris Cardinal feather U UU O Acalypha radians Coral bean O Erythrina herbacea Indian blanket U C C U Gaillardia pulchella Indian paintbrush U Castilleja indivisa Roundleaf scurfpea O Pediomelum rhombifolium Scarlet pea O U U Indigofera miniata Scarlet pimpernel U Anagallis arvensis Trumpet-creeper R Campsis radicans Turk’s cap O U U Malvaviscus drummondii Woolly globemallow O O Sphaeralcea lindheimeri Hf Tr Hf Tr Pa Hf Tr Hq Hf Tr Tr Hq Hq Hf Pa Tr Hf Tr Hf Hf Tr Hq Hq Species Pink Flowers Sp S F W Hbt American germander U U U Tr Hq Teucrium canadense Curltop smartweed O O O Hf Polygonum lapathifolium Drummond wild onion U Hf Tr Allium drummondii Grass pink U Hf Centaurium calycosum Marsh fleabane O U U U Hf Jl Pluchea purpurascens Meadow pink U Hf Sabatia campestris Pink evening primrose U Hf Tr Oenothera speciosa Pink mint O Hf Stachys drummondii Powderpuff U U Hf Tr Mimosa strigillosa Rose palfoxia U O Tr Palafoxia rosea Rougeberry U U U Hf Rivina humilis Salt-marsh mallow O O Hf Tr Kosteletzkya virginica Spiderflower O O Hq Cleome gynandra Yellow Flowers Balsam gourd O O Ibervillea lindheimeri Bitterweed O O Helenium amarum Blackeye evening primroseU U Calylophus berlandieri Bladderwort O Utricularia gibba Black-eyed Susan U C Rudbeckia hirta Butterweed U Senecio tampicanus Camphor daisy U UU U Machaeranthera phyllocephala Camphorweed U U Heterotheca subaxillaris Coast sunflower C Helianthus debilis Coffee senna O O Senna occidentalis Common broomweed C U Amphiachyris dracunculoides Fluttermill U Oenothera grandis Common lantana O O Lantana urticoides Common sunflower U U Helianthus annuus Cowpen daisy U UU U Verbesina encelioides Cut-leaf evening primrose U U Oenothera laciniata False dandelion U Pyrrhopappus carolinianus Fragrant goldenrod U Solidago odora Goldenmane coreopsis C U Coreopsis basalis Greenthread U UU U Thelesperma filifolium Groundsel O Baccharis halimifloia Hairy carpetweed O Kallstroemia hirsutissima Least snout bean C Rhynchosia minima Lemon paintbrush R Castilleja purpurea Medic O Corydalis micrantha Hf Tr Hf Tr Tr Tr Tl Bw Tr En Hq Tr Hf Tr Hf Hq Tr Pa Hq Hf Hq Species Sp S F W Hbt Mexican hat U C U Ratibida columnifera Partridge pea C U U Chamaecrista fasciculata Plains coreopsis C U Coreopsis tinctoria Prairie goldenrod U Euthamia gymnospermoides Prickly sowthistle U UU U Sonchus asper Puccoon O Lithospermum incisum Queen’s delight O Stillingia sylvatica Rattlebush O U Sesbania drummondii Rosinwood O U Silphium gracile Savannah milkweed U U O Asclepias oenotheroides Scratch daisy U Croptilon divaricatum Sea ox-eye U UU U Borrichia frutescens Seacoast goldenrod U Solidago sempervirens Silkgrass O U Pityopsis graminifolia Silver-leaf sunflower C Helianthus agrophyllus Soft camphorweed U U Chrysopsis pilosa Sour clover O U Melilotus indicus Spotted horsemint U C U Monarda punctata Stiffstem flax U U Linum berlandieri Tall goldenrod O Solidago canadensis Texas prickly pear U Opuntia engelmannii Wild indigo U Baptisia bracteata Yellow clammyweed O O Polanisia erosa Yellow woodsorrel U U U Oxalis dillenii Hf Tr Hf Tl Hf Tl Tr Hf Pa Tl Hl Jl Tr Tr Tr Hf Tl Tr Bw Hf Ot Hf Tl Tr En Tr Tl Hq Pa Tr Hf Tr Tr Hf Tl Dp Hf Hq Source Information Most of the information supplied in this checklist is from An Annotated List of the Plants of the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge by Dr. Wayne H. McAlister and Vascular Plants of Texas by Stanley D. Jones, Joseph K. Wipff and Paul M. Montgomery. Suggested reference books Tl Wildflowers of Texas by Geyata Ajilvsgi, and, Plants of the Texas Coastal Bend by Roy L. Lehman, Ruth O’Brien and Tammy White. Hq Tl For Additional Information Hq Tl Hf Hf Bw Hq Hf Tr Hq Aransas National Wildlife Refuge P.O. Box 100 Austwell, TX 77950 361/286-3559 361/286-3722 FAX 1 800/735-2989 Texas State Relay Service aransas/ Revision December 2007

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