

brochure Falcon - Birds

Birds of Falcon State Park (SP) in Texas. Published by Texas Parks & Wildlife.

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TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE BIRDS OF FA L C O N S T A T E P A R K A FIELD CHECKLIST 2019 INTRODUCTION F alcon State Park is a 572.6-acre tract that lies at the southern end of the Falcon International Reservoir, partly in Starr County, partly in Zapata County. The dam was dedicated in 1953. Work was completed on the embankment in 1954. Falcon State Park opened to the public in 1965. Its Tamaulipan thornscrub woodlands and gently rolling terrain offer excellent birding. Blackbrush acacia, persimmon, cenizo, guayacan, allthorn and other native plants provide habitat. A 2.6-mile hiking loop circles the park and is clearly marked with signs that name each trail segment. The shoreline can be accessed from day use and boat launch areas. In the distant past, the Rio Grande River seasonally overflowed its banks as it carried a tremendous volume of water and sediment from the high mountains of Colorado and Mexico to the Gulf of Mexico. Frequently, flow from spring flooding and late summer storms would alter the course of the river. Today, dams such as Falcon International Reservoir help control water flow. The river originates in the Rio Grande National Forest of Colorado. By the time it reaches Presidio, Texas, flow is greatly diminished. Only water from the mountains of Northern Mexico now flows between Presidio and the Gulf of Mexico. Resident species such as Green Jay, Great Kiskadee, Greater Roadrunner, Bewick’s Wren, Verdin, Curve-billed Thrasher, Pyrrhuloxia, Olive Sparrow and Black-throated Sparrow are often easily seen. Specialties such as Zone-tailed Hawk, Ringed Kingfisher, and Black-tailed Gnatcatcher might be found. This checklist follows the nomenclature and organization of the 58th supplement to the A.O.S. Check-list of North American Birds. It was compiled by Sherry Wilson from data provided by visiting birders, with feedback from Mary Beth Stowe. Please report any new or unusual observations to the state park headquarters. Your contributions will help with future updates to this checklist. Please help us protect the natural avian communities in our parks by refraining from using playback tapes of bird songs. Frequent use of these tapes disrupts normal avian activity patterns and essential territorial behavior, and may lead to nest failure. Thank you for your cooperation. 1 LEGEND C U R X W Sp S F – – – – – – – – Common; often seen daily Uncommon; might be seen, some years more likely than others Rare; very few sightings Extremely rare; only a few records exist Winter (December, January, February) Spring (March, April, May) Summer (June, July, August) Fall (September, October, November) 2 CHECKLIST W Sp S F GEESE AND DUCKS ___ Black-bellied Whistling-Duck R U R R ___ Fulvous Whistling-Duck X ___ Snow Goose R R R ___ Ross’s Goose X X ___ Greater White-fronted Goose R U ___ Canada Goose X ___ Muscovy Duck X X ___ Wood Duck R R X ___ Blue-winged Teal U U U ___ Cinnamon Teal R R ___ Northern Shoveler U U R ___ Gadwall U U R ___ American Wigeon U U U ___ Mallard U U U ___ Mottled Duck U U U U ___ Northern Pintail U R U ___ Green-winged Teal U R R ___ Canvasback R R R ___ Redhead R R R ___ Ring-necked Duck U R ___ Lesser Scaup R R ___ Bufflehead U R R ___ Hooded Merganser R X R ___ Red-breasted Merganser R R ___ Ruddy Duck R R 3 R W Sp S F GUANS ___ Plain Chachalaca R U R R NEW WORLD QUAIL ___ Northern Bobwhite C C C C ___ Scaled Quail U U U U TURKEYS ___ Wild Turkey R R R GREBES ___ Least Grebe U ___ Pied-billed Grebe R U C C ___ Horned Grebe X ___ Eared Grebe U U PIGEONS AND DOVES ___ Rock Pigeon U ___ Red-billed Pigeon U R R R ___ Eurasian Collared-Dove C C C U ___ Inca Dove C C C C ___ Common Ground-Dove C C C C ___ White-tipped Dove R R R R ___ White-winged Dove U C C U ___ Mourning Dove C C C C CUCKOOS, ROADRUNNERS, ANIS ___ Yellow-billed Cuckoo U U ___ Greater Roadrunner C C C C ___ Groove-billed Ani R C C R GOATSUCKERS ___ Lesser Nighthawk 4 C C R W Sp S F ___ Common Nighthawk C C R ___ Common Pauraque C C C C ___ Common Poorwill R R X ___ Chuck-will’s-widow X ___ Eastern Whip-poor-will R SWIFTS ___ Chimney Swift U R R HUMMINGBIRDS ___ Ruby-throated Hummingbird U U ___ Black-chinned Hummingbird R R R ___ Rufous Hummingbird X X ___ Buff-bellied Hummingbird X R R RAILS, GALLINULES, COOTS ___ Sora R ___ Purple Gallinule R ___ Common Gallinule R R ___ American Coot C C R R C CRANES ___ Sandhill Crane R R STILTS AND AVOCETS ___ Black-necked Stilt R U X ___ American Avocet R R U PLOVERS ___ American Golden Plover R ___ Snowy Plover X X ___ Semipalmated Plover R ___ Killdeer C 5 C C C W Sp S F JACANAS ___ Northern Jacana X SANDPIPERS, PHALAROPES, ALLIES ___ Upland Sandpiper ___ Long-billed Curlew U R ___ Hudsonian Godwit X ___ Baird’s Sandpiper R R ___ Least Sandpiper U R C R U ___ Buff-breasted Sandpiper R ___ Pectoral Sandpiper U ___ Semipalmated Sandpiper X X ___ Western Sandpiper R R ___ Long-billed Dowitcher R R ___ Wilson’s Snipe R R R ___ Spotted Sandpiper C C R U ___ Solitary Sandpiper R R R ___ Lesser Yellowlegs U R R R ___ Willet X X ___ Greater Yellowlegs U R U ___ Wilson’s Phalarope U X GULLS, TERNS, SKIMMERS ___ Bonaparte’s Gull R ___ Laughing Gull C C C ___ Franklin’s Gull U U ___ Ring-billed Gull C C R C ___ Herring Gull U R R ___ Lesser Black-backed Gull R 6 C W Sp S ___ Least Tern U U ___ Gull-billed Tern U U U R ___ Black Tern R ___ Forster’s Tern ___ Caspian Tern U U U C ___ Black Skimmer U U F R R LOONS ___ Common Loon R R R STORKS ___ Wood Stork R R CORMORANTS ___ Neotropic Cormorant C C C C ___ Double-crested Cormorant C C C DARTERS ___ Anhinga R R R R PELICANS ___ American White Pelican C C R ___ Brown Pelican X X C BITTERNS, HERONS, ALLIES ___ American Bittern R ___ Great Blue Heron C C U C ___ Great Egret C C C C ___ Snowy Egret C C C C ___ Little Blue Heron U R R R ___ Tricolored Heron U R R R ___ Cattle Egret R U U R U U ___ Green Heron 7 ___ Black-crowned Night-Heron W Sp S F R U R R R R ___ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron IBISES AND SPOONBILLS ___ White Ibis R R X ___ White-faced Ibis R R R R R ___ Roseate Spoonbill X NEW WORLD VULTURES ___ Black Vulture C C C C ___ Turkey Vulture C C C C OSPREYS ___ Osprey C C C C HAWKS, KITES, EAGLES, ALLIES ___ White-tailed Kite R ___ Mississippi Kite R R R U U ___ Bald Eagle X ___ Northern Harrier U U U ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk U U U ___ Cooper’s Hawk U U U ___ Roadside Hawk X X ___ Harris’s Hawk C C C C ___ White-tailed Hawk U U U U ___ Gray Hawk R R R R ___ Red-shouldered Hawk U R R ___ Broad-winged Hawk U R ___ Swainson’s Hawk C U R ___ Zone-tailed Hawk R R R ___ Red-tailed Hawk C U C 8 W Sp S F BARN OWLS ___ Barn Owl R R R R TYPICAL OWLS ___ Eastern Screech-Owl R R R R ___ Great Horned Owl U U U U ___ Short-eared Owl R KINGFISHERS ___ Ringed Kingfisher R R R U ___ Belted Kingfisher U R U ___ Green Kingfisher R R R R WOODPECKERS AND ALLIES ___ Golden-fronted Woodpecker C C C C ___ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker R R R ___ Ladder-backed Woodpecker C C C C ___ Northern Flicker R R R CARACARAS AND FALCONS ___ Crested Caracara C C C C ___ American Kestrel C C R C ___ Merlin R R R ___ Peregrine Falcon R R R ___ Prairie Falcon X TYRANT FLYCATCHERS ___ Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet R ___ Olive-sided Flycatcher R R ___ Eastern Wood-Pewee R R ___ Yellow-bellied Flycatcher R R ___ Acadian Flycatcher R 9 W Sp S F ___ Least Flycatcher R U R R ___ Black Phoebe R R R R ___ Eastern Phoebe C U C ___ Say’s Phoebe U R U ___ Vermilion Flycatcher C C U C ___ Ash-throated Flycatcher R C U R ___ Great Crested Flycatcher R R ___ Brown-crested Flycatcher C C ___ Great Kiskadee C C C C ___ Couch’s Kingbird R C C U ___ Cassin’s Kingbird X ___ Western Kingbird C C ___ Eastern Kingbird R R ___ Scissor-tailed Flycatcher C C C SHRIKES ___ Loggerhead Shrike C U U VIREOS ___ White-eyed Vireo C C C ___ Bell’s Vireo U R ___ Yellow-throated Vireo R ___ Blue-headed Vireo R R ___ Warbling Vireo R ___ Red-eyed Vireo R C R JAYS AND CROWS ___ Green Jay C C C C ___ Chihuahuan Raven U C R R 10 W Sp S F LARKS ___ Horned Lark R R R SWALLOWS ___ Purple Martin R U U ___ Tree Swallow U U R ___ Northern Rough-winged Swallow R U R R ___ Bank Swallow R U R ___ Cliff Swallow U U ___ Cave Swallow R C C U ___ Barn Swallow R C U C TITMICE ___ Black-crested Titmouse C C C C VERDINS ___ Verdin C C C C WRENS ___ Rock Wren R ___ House Wren C U C ___ Marsh Wren R R R ___ Carolina Wren R R R R ___ Bewick’s Wren C C C C ___ Cactus Wren C C C C GNATCATCHERS ___ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher C C U C ___ Black-tailed Gnatcatcher U U U U KINGLETS ___ Golden-crowned Kinglet R R R ___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet C U C 11 W Sp S F THRUSHES ___ Eastern Bluebird U R R ___ Hermit Thrush U R U ___ Wood Thrush R ___ Clay-colored Thrush R R ___ American Robin R R R R MOCKINGBIRDS AND THRASHERS ___ Gray Catbird U U R ___ Curve-billed Thrasher C C C C ___ Long-billed Thrasher C C C C ___ Sage Thrasher R R ___ Northern Mockingbird C C C C STARLINGS ___ European Starling U C U C WAXWINGS ___ Cedar Waxwing R R SILKY-FLYCATCHERS ___ Phainopepla X OLD WORLD SPARROWS ___ House Sparrow C C C C PIPITS ___ American Pipit C R ___ Sprague’s Pipit R R R FINCHES AND ALLIES ___ House Finch U ___ Pine Siskin R ___ Lesser Goldfinch R 12 R R R R R ___ American Goldfinch W Sp S F U R R LONGSPURS ___ Chestnut-collared Longspur X TOWHEES AND SPARROWS ___ Olive Sparrow C C C C ___ Green-tailed Towhee R R ___ Spotted Towhee R R ___ Rufous-crowned Sparrow R R R ___ Cassin’s Sparrow U C U R ___ Chipping Sparrow C C U ___ Clay-colored Sparrow U U R ___ Brewer’s Sparrow R ___ Field Sparrow R R R ___ Vesper Sparrow U R R ___ Lark Sparrow C C C C ___ Black-throated Sparrow C C C C ___ Lark Bunting U R R ___ Savannah Sparrow C C C ___ Grasshopper Sparrow R R R ___ Song Sparrow R R ___ Lincoln’s Sparrow C R U ___ Swamp Sparrow R R ___ White-throated Sparrow R R ___ White-crowned Sparrow C U U YELLOW-BREASTED CHATS ___ Yellow-breasted Chat 13 U U W Sp S F BLACKBIRDS ___ Yellow-headed Blackbird R R R ___ Eastern Meadowlark R U U C ___ Western Meadowlark C U U ___ Orchard Oriole R U R ___ Hooded Oriole R U U R ___ Bullock’s Oriole R C C R ___ Altamira Oriole U U R R ___ Audubon’s Oriole R R R R ___ Baltimore Oriole U U ___ Red-winged Blackbird C C C C ___ Bronzed Cowbird R C U R ___ Brown-headed Cowbird U C U U ___ Brewer’s Blackbird R R R ___ Common Grackle X X ___ Great-tailed Grackle C C C C WOOD WARBLERS ___ Ovenbird R R ___ Northern Waterthrush X ___ Golden-winged Warbler X ___ Black-and-white Warbler R R R ___ Tennessee Warbler R R ___ Orange-crowned Warbler C C C ___ Nashville Warbler U R R ___ Mourning Warbler X ___ Common Yellowthroat R U U ___ Hooded Warbler X 14 W Sp S F X X X ___ Northern Parula R ___ Magnolia Warbler X ___ Yellow Warbler C ___ American Redstart R ___ Chestnut-sided Warbler R C X ___ Pine Warbler R R ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler C C C ___ Yellow-throated Warbler R R ___ Black-throated Gray Warbler X ___ Black-throated Green Warbler X R R ___ Wilson’s Warbler R U U CARDINALS, PIRANGA TANAGERS, ALLIES ___ Summer Tanager R ___ Scarlet Tanager X ___ Northern Cardinal C C C C ___ Pyrrhuloxia C C C C ___ Rose-breasted Grosbeak R ___ Black-headed Grosbeak R ___ Blue Grosbeak U ___ Lazuli Bunting X ___ Indigo Bunting U R R U ___ Varied Bunting R R ___ Painted Bunting R C C R ___ Dickcissel R R U TANAGERS AND ALLIES ___ Morelet’s Seedeater 15 X citation Wilson, S. April 2019. Birds of Falcon State Park: a field checklist. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin, Texas. In 1983, the Texas Legislature created the Special Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Fund. This fund may be used for nongame wildlife and endangered species research and conservation, habitat acquisition and development and dissemination of information pertaining to nongame management. Money for this fund is obtained through private donations and sale of nongame wildlife art prints and stamps. This fund now gives Texans a unique opportunity to help support this state’s valuable and sensitive nongame resources. Your individual contributions and purchases of nongame art prints and stamps will help determine the level of nongame conservation activities in Texas. For more information call toll-free (1-800-792-1112) or contact: Nongame and Endangered Species Program, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, Texas 78744. Cover: Illustration of Cactus Wren by Clemente Guzman III. TPWD receives funds from the USFWS. TPWD prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, age, and gender, pursuant to state and federal law. To request an accommodation or obtain information in an alternative format, please contact TPWD on a Text Telephone (TTY) at (512) 389-8915 or by Relay Texas at 7-1-1 or (800) 735-2989 or by email at accessibility@ tpwd.texas.gov. If you believe you have been discriminated against by TPWD, please contact TPWD, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, TX 78744, or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office for Diversity and Workforce Management, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041. Natural Resources Program Texas Parks and Wildlife 4200 Smith School Road Austin, Texas 78744 © 2019 Texas Parks and Wildlife Department PWD BK P4502-0060A (5/19) In accordance with Texas Depository Law, this publication is available at the Texas State Publications Clearinghouse and/or Texas Depository Libraries.

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