Cedar HillActivity Guide |
Activity Guide for Cedar Hill State Park (SP) in Texas. Published by Texas Parks & Wildlife.
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cedar hill state park
activity guide
to Cedar Hill State Park and Penn Farm.
Today you’ll have the chance to learn about some local history
and natural sciences. There are many things to see, learn and do
at the park. We hope you enjoy your time here.
The Penn Farm Tour and other programs offered at Cedar Hill
State Park will open the door for enjoying the rich history in
this area and nurture an appreciation for the environment. The
games and information in this guide book are meant to enhance
your experience.
Other Programs Offered:
Penn Farm Tour
Pond Walk
Talala Trail Hike
Fuzzy and Furry Friends
Our Scaly Skinned Friends
Get To Know the Trees
Birding Basics
Kid’s Wilderness Survival
About the cover: This is a picture of a bobcat. It is rare to see a bobcat, but it isn’t impossible. Keep your eyes open and you may catch
a glimpse of some of the animals that live at Cedar Hill State Park.
Cedar Hill State
Park Pledge
I will:
• Treat all wildlife with kindness and
• Bring home only pictures and
• Do my best to have a safe and fun time.
• Stay on the trail.
• Leave no trace, by packing trash out
and throwing it in the dumpster.
• Recycle when possible.
• Be quiet and polite to others.
• Leave my area cleaner than I found it.
• Swim only in posted areas and with
an adult.
Signature of Park Protector
Witness to the Park Protector Pledge:
Signature of Parent or Participating Adult
Get t o K n o w t h e Tr ee s
The Mountain Cedar is also known as
Ash Juniper. Cedar Hill State Park got its
name from the abundance of this shrub-like
tree. It has bark that peels in strips. The
leaves are short and scale-like. Settlers used
to brew the leaves to make a tea that has
a high concentration of vitamin C. Most
people that are allergic to this tree are allergic to the male tree that produces the tiny
cones, which release pollen. The female
tree produces small blue berries.
The Cedar Elm is sometimes called the
“winged elm” due to new twig growth often
producing small wing-like scales. The elm’s
branches are very dense and grow slightly
downward. The leaves feel rough, like fine
sandpaper when rubbed. The cedar elm can
grow up to 80 feet tall.
The Post Oak got its name from farmers
and ranchers, who used its wood to make
fence posts. It can grow to 70 feet tall. The
Post oak’s leaves are leathery and deeply
lobed. This tree produces acorns, which
many animals eat. Most of the ones you see
at the Park are 100 to 400 years old.
The Mesquite, also known as the Honey
Mesquite, has become one of the most common trees in Texas. The seeds are a beanpod type fruit, that are eaten by coyotes and
some other wildlife. Native Americans used
this tree to make black dye and a cement for
mending pottery. The thorns on its branches
were used like safety pins in the Civil War.
The Honey Locust can grow over 50 feet
tall, with smooth bark. Thorns can grow
out of the trunk and branches. A bird called
the Northern Shrike will stick its prey onto
the thorns and settlers used the thorns as
sewing needles. Bobcats have been known
to eat the seed pods of the tree.
L e a f I l l u s t r a t i o ns
A ct i v i - Tr e e
Have you ever made a leaf rubbing? All you need is a crayon, some paper,
a leaf and a hard surface. Use the space below to make a leaf rubbing. Place
the paper on the leaf, then rub it with the side of your crayon. Try different
leaves, or coins, or even old gravestones. Remember, leave whatever you find
where you found it!
Fun facts about trees!
n Moss and lichens usually grow on the north side of a tree.
n Baseball bats are often made of ash wood, because of its flexibility. These
trees grow straight most of the time.
n A gall is a tree’s reaction to an insect laying an egg on it. The outside is
actually part of the tree and in the middle is the developing egg or larva.
n The Soapberry tree has berries, and the liquid from the berry was used to
make soap.
Pe nn F a r m H i s t o r y L e sso n
The park has more to offer than
just the study of natural history.
It also can give a glimpse of the
past and the family who lived on
the farm.
Around 1850, John Anderson
Penn went to California and found
gold. In 1854, John Penn and his
family moved from Illinois and settled in Texas. Like many farmers,
they grew wheat, corn, oats and barley. John also managed herds of horses,
sheep and cattle with his sons. In the late 1850s, son John Wesley Penn
became sole owner of 1,100 acres, known as Penn Farm.
In 1859, John Wesley Penn married Lucinda Moore and they built a
frame house. A tool called an adz was used to shape the logs of this barn
and the jack barn. Most of their money was made by raising and selling
cattle. During the Civil War, John and two of his brothers joined the
Confederate Army where his brother William died. Their father, John A.,
returned to Illinois.
By 1876, John W. and Lucinda had five children. They built a new
house as the family continued to grow. The children would have gone to
school from kindergarten to eighth grade. They would have had school all
year round, with breaks for harvesting and planting. The farm was very
prosperous, but even when they bought a new piece of farm equipment they
would keep the old one for parts.
In 1888, John Wesley Penn died from a rattlesnake bite. Lucinda and
her nine children continued to farm the land. Son Andrew “Andy’ Penn
managed the main farm operation; and another son, Sidney J. Penn, and his
family farmed the lower acreage. Although Andy didn’t farm on a large scale
for himself, he rented the land to several families to farm. The Hoffards were
one of those families who lived at the Penn Farm.
Andy married Dee Etta Hoffard in 1927. The farm had some setbacks
due to the Great Depression and World War II. Andy, now 65 years old,
was reducing the number of his cattle and was cultivating less land. He died
in 1964, and soon after Dee Etta began selling some of the land that comprised Penn Farm. She continued to live on the farm until 1970. Five years
later the land and the buildings were sold to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department received the land in 1990 and
the park opened in 1991.
P e n n F a m i l y Tr ee
Like nature’s trees, a family tree has branches and is unique. We can learn
about our history and our culture by studying our family’s past and how our
ancestors branch out all over this great nation. In some cases, you may find
family members came from other countries to establish new roots in America.
John Anderson Penn
born: 1804
Charlotte Coley
born: unkown
Nancy Anderson
born: 1805
Ruben Moore
born: unkown
Lucinda Moore
born: 1840
John Wesley Penn
born: 1833
Dee Etta Hoffard
born: 1905
Andrew Penn
born: 1876
Sidney Penn
born: 1872
Maude Potter
born: 1873
Lovell Penn
born: 1904
C ed a r H i l l S t a t e P ark
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Write your name on the line.
Family Tree
Fill in the blanks with the names of your relatives to see how your family tree
grew. If you need it, ask your parents to help.
Great Grandmother’s Name
Great Grandmother’s Name
Great Grandfather’s Name
Great Grandfather’s Name
Great Grandmother’s Name
Great Grandmother’s Name
Great Grandfather’s Name
Great Grandfather’s Name
Mom’s Name
Dad’s Name
Your Name
*There are many online resources for researching your family tree.
Ask your parents for help getting started.
Ae r i a l V i e w o f P e n n F a rm
Now that you have taken a look at the past, let’s check out where you
are now!
You’re at Cedar Hill State Park, Located in Cedar Hill, Texas, of course, and
here’s a bird’s eye view of Penn Farm!
This satellite picture is from North Central Texas Council of Governments
and here’s the web site.
*Get you parent’s permission and check out your own house or apartment
from an aerial view.
“Isn’t that Amazing!”
P e n n F a r m M a ze
Windmill and
Pump House
Original Barn
1876 House
1859 House
C ed a r H i l l S t a t e P ark
What did the Penn children
do for fun?
A long time ago, children didn’t have a lot of free time. They also didn’t have
television, radio or video games. They had to make up their own fun. Here
are some things the Penn children may have done for fun.
n Race a sibling to get chores done.
n Play with homemade toys or dolls.
n Whittle (carving a stick with a knife).
n Skipping rocks (Have your parents show you how.)
n Swing from a homemade swing.
n Drawing/writing.
n Hide and seek.
n Pretend or make believe.
C ed a r H i l l S t a t e P ark
What could you do for fun
without using electricity?
Get with a sibling and see who can come up with the most
fun things to do!
A F e w W o r d s A b o u t Birds!
Greater Roadrunner is a member of
the cuckoo family and can fly, but
usually chooses not to. They have a
shaggy crest on their head that can be
raised or lowered.
Great Blue Heron is a stork-like bird
and is actually grey with black accents
on its crown and portions of its wing.
They wade in shallow water in search
for food, but have been seen in lowland fields stalking mice or gophers.
They can get 4-5 feet tall, with a wing
span of about 5-6 feet.
Red-winged Blackbird, as the name
suggests, is a blackbird with red shoulder patches. The patches have a yellow
border that is sometimes hard to see.
A noisy bird, its song sounds like
Northern Cardinal is vivid red with
a tufted crest on its head. Cardinals
mate for life and the male can often
be seen feeding his mate. The cardinal’s call sounds like, “what-cheer,” or
“teew teew teew.”
A F e w W o r d s A b o u t Birds!
Eastern Bluebirds have a beautiful
blue color on their head and back,
with a cinnamon red splash on their
chest fading to a paler shade on their
stomach. Thanks to the bluebird
houses, they are not as rare as they
used to be. The brown-headed cowbird will lay an egg in the blue bird
nest and the mother blue bird will
raise it as their own, often causing her
own babies to die.
The Northern Shrike has been said to
be the hawk of the songbirds, selecting
the highest perches to see prey. They
are grey, black and white with a black
mask around their eyes. They will
catch their prey and stick it on thorns
or barbwire.
Painted Buntings are very shy and
like the thick woods. This bird has a
remarkable blue head, reddish chest
and green back and wings. That’s
why it’s called painted. These birds
are becoming more rare as they are
captured in Central America and sold
as caged birds. It also doesn’t help that
the cowbird will lay its eggs in the
bunting’s nest as well. The Painted
Bunting’s song sounds like, “graffiti
graffiti spaghetti for two.”
There are venomous snakes at Cedar Hill State Park. Venomous means that these snakes
which is toxic. Venom can be neurotoxic (new-ro-tox-ic) or hemotoxic (he-mo-tox-ic). N
tissue. If you see these snakes, back away from them quickly.
The Diamondback Rattlesnake has
a rattle made up of loosely interlocking segments that they shake when
alarmed. This is meant as a warning.
New segments of rattle are added
when the snake sheds, but old segments can also break off. They have
diamond pattern markings which act
as camouflage.
The Coral Snake has red, yellow,
and black stripes. Its venom is one of
the most deadly and is a neurotoxin,
affecting the nervous and respiratory
systems. They are shy and will avoid
human contact. They look similar to
the King or Milk snake. Remember
“Red on yellow, will kill a fellow. Red
on black, friend of Jack.”
The Copperhead is tan with darker
brown markings that sometimes looks
like an hourglass or thick irregular
stripes. This snake moves slowly, so it
hides itself until its prey approaches.
The Copperhead’s fangs are short and
their bites are seldom fatal. The female
does not lay eggs, but has live young.
s have hollow fangs that are attached to a gland, behind the eye that produces venom,
Neurotoxic venom affects your nervous system and Hemotoxis affects your muscle
The Diamondback Water Snake is
a good snake with a terrible name.
It gets mistaken for a cottonmouth
because it spends a lot of time in the
water. People think it’s venomous
because of the diamond markings,
but it is NOT! It eats frogs, rats and
other small animals that live around
water areas.
The Great Plains Rat Snake eats
rats, as the name suggests, but it will
also feed on all sorts of other small
animals. It can be found in a variety
of areas, not just the desert plains.
The female snake will lay three to 21
eggs, depending on its age.
Be snake smart!
When exploring you can be snake smart by:
n Looking on the other side of logs before you step
over them.
n Lift rocks or logs towards you to act as a shield if a snake
is under it.
n Check for snakes before you reach onto rocky ledges or
between rocks.
When you are at the park, consider that you are in a wildlife habitat. Just like
your home is your habitat, the park is home to many wild animals. A habitat
is also a place where an animal finds and eats food.
The Coyote is a member of the dog family and they generally travel in packs.
They are omnivores, meaning they will eat meat and vegetation. When it
gets too hot to chase prey, the coyote will seek out plants to eat. Coyotes are
highly adaptive and are found all over Texas. A coyote will weigh between
20-50 pounds.
The Bobcat is a member of the cat family, hunts at night, travels alone and
is seldom seen. They are very adaptive and can be found all over Texas. The
bobcat is a carnivore, but will eat plant material if meat is not available. Like
cats, the bobcat may partially cover its scat. A bobcat will generally weigh
between 15-35 pounds.
Beavers have a flat tail for slapping the water as a warning when danger is
near. Their teeth never stop growing until they die. This is why they have to
chew, to wear down their teeth. They will build both a den and a dam, living
in the den. They have webbed feet to help them swim and they are herbivores
(eats only plants). Beavers can get as big as 75 pounds.
Raccoons are best known for their mask, ringed tail and their ability to get
into just about anything. This is only matched by their curious nature. Their
paws resemble human hands and they will eat just about anything. Make no
mistake, even though a raccoon appears tame, it is a wild animal and can hurt
you. The raccoon can weigh up to 35 pounds.
The Opposum is a shy, nocturnal marsupial, coming out at night. Being a
marsupial, it has a belly pouch to carry its young, until they get too big.
They are omnivores and will play dead when frightened. The term “playing
opposum” came from this curious behavior. A opposum will usually weigh
9-13 pounds.
The Nine-banded Armadillo has a thick hide or armor for protection. When
an armadillo gets frightened it may kick quite hard and run away or may curl
into a ball to protect its underside. The armadillo roots around like a pig in
search for food and can weigh up to 17 pounds when full grown.
The Striped Skunk has a stinky reputation for a good reason. The scent
gland of the skunk is a defense mechanism as well as a means for marking its
territory. A skunk is a very shy animal and it would be unusual to see one.
The skunk has a white stripe down its back and will weigh 6-14 pounds as
an adult.
Get Tracking!
Tracks are impressions left by an animal’s pawprints or a human’s footprints
on the ground. If you get a chance to walk one of the trails at the park, keep
your eyes open for tracks. Shown next to each mammal is a front (on top)
and a back (on bottom) paw print.
B e a Tr a ck i n g D e t e c t ive
Can you look at the animal tracks and
figure out what happened?
Skunk ---->
Bobcat ---->
Clue: Follow the skunk’s tracks very carefully.
F igur e O u t W h a t H a p pe ne d
Can you look at the animal tracks and
describe what happened?
Coyote ---->
Rabbit ---->
Clue: Take a good look at all the rabbit tracks.
C ed a r H i l l S t a t e P ark
What’s the Scoop in Poop?
Scat is a nice word for poop. You may ask “Why study scat?”
Well, if you are tracking an animal, it would help you to know
what animals are in the area. You could find clues by studying
the scat left by animals. Scat may contain fur, bones, seeds,
vegetation or insect parts. Certain animals’ diets change from
season to season.
Bobcats will eat the meat off the bones of their prey, while a
coyote will eat bone and all.
Some animals are omnivores. This means they eat both plants
and meat.
Some animals are carnivores and they eat meat, while other
animals are herbivores and they eat only plants.
*A person who studies scat for a living is called a Scatologist.
What’s Bugging You?
Ant lion – You have probably seen
the habitat for the larva of this insect.
They will dig a funnel shape pit in
the dust or fine dirt and wait at the
bottom for ants to fall in. As a larva
they have huge mouth parts to crush
an ant. The adult looks more like a
dragon fly.
Chigger – Related to ticks and spiders, chiggers are the larvae stage of
the harvest mite. By the time you feel
their bites, they have already jumped
off. They like warm dark places, so
you won’t normally get them on
exposed skin. To see if a grassy area is
infested with chiggers put out some
black paper and the chiggers will jump
on it if they are there.
Scorpion – A member of the spider
family called arachnids, scorpions
can sting you with their “telson” or
stinger. A Texas scorpion’s sting isn’t
life threatening, but hurts a lot. Their
preferred habitat is dark, warm and
dry. They usually eat small insects.
Scorpions will molt (shed skin) 4-5
times, until they become mature.
Tarantula – The tarantula is also a
member of the arachnid family. All
are hairy and when threatened will
flick hairs off their abdomen with
their hind legs as a defense mechanism
for escape. They are not poisonous
as many believe. The bite of nearly
all tarantulas is about as harmful as a
bee sting.
Food Chain
Every food chain starts with the sun and is
the transfer of food energy from one organism to another. It is made up of producers,
consumers and decomposers. Use the answer
bank to create a food chain.
berry bush
*Your chain may not use all five links, but it might.*
Answer Bank
We all need each other to survive.
Protect wildlife and don’t break the chain!
C ed a r H i l l S t a t e P ark
The Melancholy Life of
a Dead Tree
One of the best places to look for wildlife is in and around a dead tree.
A standing dead tree is known as a snag. Some predatory animals and
birds will use a snag as a perch to hunt for prey, because it has no
leaves. Bluebirds, owls, bats, squirrels, raccoons and wood frogs will
live in the cavities abandoned by other animals or which result from a
lightning strike. Woodpeckers will make their own hole in a snag.
A fallen tree may support more life than a living one. It is the link
between past and future forests. As a dead tree decomposes, it puts
nutrients back into the soil. The recycling of nutrients continues the
process of a complex food chain. Bacteria, fungus and wood-boring
insects feed off of the decaying wood. They in turn become food for
small rodents, which become food for larger animals.
C ed a r H i l l S t a t e P ark
What is an ecological footprint?
Definition: An ecological footprint is the amount of land required to grow
and produce the items you use and consume in your daily life. Answer the
questions below to find out how much of an impact you have on the planet.
1. How many miles do your
parents drive you in a week?
A. 0 - 10 miles.
B. 11 - 25 miles.
C. 26 - 35 miles.
D. 36 or more miles.
4. Do you recycle?
A. Yes, everything we can.
B. We recycle about 50% of our
C. We recycle about 25% of our
D. We don’t recycle.
2. Do you produce any of your
own food?
A. Yes, we produce all of our food.
B. Yes, we produce 50% of our
C. Yes, we produce 25% of our
D. No.
Where do you live?
In an apartment.
In a brick home.
In a wood home.
In a mobile or manufactured
3. Do you buy consumable
products that are made locally?
A. As often as possible.
B. I don’t know.
C. I haven’t really paid that much
D. No.
Most kids in America will have an ecological footprint of about 4.6. This means
if everyone lived the same way, we would need 4.6 earths to survive. Check out
www.myfootprint.org and find out what your ecological footprint is.
Learn more about conserving, saving, cleaning and reducing at
Pa r k Tr i v i a C r o s s w o rd
All of the answers can be found in this guide. Some may be
tricky, but if you read carefully you can do it!
2. John Wesley Penn’s wife.
5. A place where an animal lives and eats.
7. Impressions left on a trail by animals are called ________.
8. This mammal has been known to eat the seed-pods of the
Mesquite Tree.
9. This mammal’s teeth never stop growing while it is alive.
10. _____ Penn married Dee Etta Hoffard in 1927.
16. The park is in what city?
18. The Ash Juniper is another name for _______ Cedar.
19. The children who attended the school, now located in the
main barn, would only have finished ________ grade.
21. A standing dead tree where an animal may live or store food.
23. The name of the family who used to own the farm.
1. What snake bit John Wesley Penn in 1888?_______snake
3. Moss and lichens usually grow on the _______ side of trees.
4. The tool used to shape logs in the original barn and jack
6. Who built the first house at Penn farm?
9. This mammal is part of the cat family and is found
at the park.
11. Every food chain starts
with the _______.
12. Kid’s _______ Survival is
a program at Cedar Hill
State Park.
C ed a r H i l l S t a t e P ark
13. John A. Penn left _______ to come to Texas in 1854.
14. The leaves of the Post Oak are _______.
15. Many farmers kept old equipment when they bought new
ones, to use them for _______.
17. Something is said to _______ when it dies and puts
nutrients back into the soil.
20. This tree is the state tree of Texas.
22. This tree usually grows straight and is flexible. It is often
used to make baseball bats.
Outdoor Learning
Select an area to practice your skills of observations. Mark
off the area boundary with string or set limits within an
open space or cluster of trees. Observe what ever objects
you would like. Fill in the graph below to keep track of
your work. List your items on the lines provided and count
how many of each kind are in your marked area.
List your items:
You could do this in any open
area, not just at the park. You
can even make observations
over a period of time.
Tree Trivia
Use what you have learned to match the tree to the its leaf information.
Draw a line from the tree name to the correct clue.
Tree Name
1. Mountain Cedar
2. Cedar Elm
3. Post Oak
4. Mesquite
5. Honey Locust
a. lobed
b. elliptic
c. linear
d. ovate
e. scalelike
H ow L o n g W i l l L i t t e r Last ?
Cigarette butts
Aluminum cans
Glass bottles
Plastic bags
Plastic coated paper
Plastic film containers
Nylon fabric
Wool socks
Orange and banana peel
Tin cans
Plastic six-pack rings
Plastic bottle and styrofoam
1–5 years
500 years
1,000 years
10–20 years
5 years
20–30 years
30–40 years
up to 50 years
1–5 years
up to 2 years
50 years
100 years
So Please Don’t Litter!
Ans w e r s t o G a m e s a n d Q u iz
Tree Trivia
Lines should be drawn to these coordinates.
1. e, 2. d, 3. a, 4. c, 5. b
Created by:
Dianne Morgan
TPWD 2004 intern for Cedar Hill State Park
Resources from:
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
The Nature Conservancy
Recommended Books:
Animal Tracks of Texas
Texas Monthly: A Field Guide to Wildflowers,
Trees and Shrubs of Texas
Learn About … Texas Birds
Learn About … Texas Insects
For more information, call:
(972) 291-3900
Cedar Hill State Park
1570 West F.M. 1382
Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
4200 Smith School Road • Austin, Texas 78744
(800) 792-1112 • www.tpwd.texas.gov
© 2019 Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
PWD BK P4503-131N (8/19)
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