Caddo LakeInsects |
Insects of Caddo Lake State Park (SP) in Texas. Published by Texas Parks & Wildlife.
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This checklist is a list of butterfies, moths, damselfies, and dragonfies
observed in and around the park, as compiled by Mike Dillon from 2010 to
2020. This list does not include species with the potential to occur and should
not be used as a comprehensive list. Collection of insects is prohibited.
Thanks for your cooperation.
___ Silver-spotted Skipper
___ Hoary Edge
___ Northern Cloudywing
___ Juvenal’s Duskywing
___ Horace’s Duskywing
___ Funereal Duskywing
___ Common Checkered-Skipper
___ Clouded Skipper
___ Fiery Skipper
___ Whirlabout
___ Little Glassywing
___ Dun Skipper
___ Dusted Skipper
___ Dusky Roadside Skipper
___ Pipevine Swallowtail
___ Zebra Swallowtail
___ Black Swallowtail
___ Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
___ Spicebush Swallowtail
___ Giant Swallowtail (Eastern)
___ Falcate Orangetip
___ Eastern Pine Elfn
___ Red-banded Hairstreak
___ Gray Hairstreak
___ Eastern Tailed Blue
___ American Snout
___ Monarch
___ Gulf Fritillary
___ Variegated Fritillary
___ Astyanax’ Red-spotted Purple
___ Viceroy
___ Hackberry Emperor
___ Phaon Crescent
___ Pearl Crescent
___ Common Buckeye
___ Question Mark
___ Eastern Comma
___ Mourning Cloak
___ Red Admiral
___ American Lady
___ Goatweed Leafwing
___ Gemmed Satyr
___ Little Wood Satyr
___ Carolina Satyr
___ Checkered White
___ Clouded Sulphur
___ Orange Sulphur
___ Cloudless Giant Sulphur
___ Little Yellow
___ Sleepy Orange
___ Dainty Sulphur
___ Great Purple Hairstreak
___ Luna Moth
___ Eight-spotted Forester
___ Bella (Ornate) Moth
___ Orange Holomelina
___ Vetch Looper Moth
___ Forage Looper Moth
___ Large Necklace Moth
___ Bayou Clubtail
___ Texas Mocis
___ Oklahoma Clubtail
___ Common Oak Moth
___ Twin-spotted Spiketail
___ Snowy Urola Moth
___ Arrowhead Spiketail
___ Epipagis huronalis
___ Stream Cruiser
___ Mournful Thyris
___ Royal River Cruiser
___ Thin-lined Erastria
___ Slender/Dot-winged Baskettail
___ White-tipped Black Moth
___ Common Baskettail
___ Cross-lined Wave
___ Prince Baskettail
___ Mantled Baskettail
___ Halloween Pennant
___ Ebony Jewelwing
___ Southern Spreadwing
___ Swamp Spreadwing
___ Blue-tipped Dancer
___ Familiar Bluet
___ Turquoise Bluet
___ Atlantic Bluet
___ Burgundy Bluet
___ Citrine Forktail
___ Lilypad Forktail
___ Fragile Forktail
___ Rambur’s Forktail
___ Eastern Pondhawk
___ Band-winged Dragonlet
___ Blue Corporal
___ Golden-winged Skimmer
___ Spangled Skimmer
___ Slaty Skimmer
___ Widow Skimmer
___ Painted Skimmer
___ Twelve-spotted Skimmer
___ Great Blue Skimmer
___ Hyacinth Glider
___ Roseate Skimmer
___ Blue Dasher
___ Wandering Glider
___ Common Green Darner
___ Comet Darner
___ Springtime Darner
___ Swamp Darner
___ Harlequin Darner
___ Cyrano Darner
___ Two-Striped Forceptail
___ Spot-winged Glider
___ Eastern Amberwing
___ Common Whitetail
___ Blue-faced Meadowhawk
___ Variegated Meadowhawk
___ Carolina Saddlebags
___ Black Saddlebags
___ Red Saddlebags
___ Stillwater Clubtail
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