History and ScienceSauceda Historic District |
Brochure of the Sauceda Historic District in Big Bend Ranch State Park (SP) in Texas. Published by Texas Parks & Wildlife.
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Early maps call this area Saucita—
Thank you for visiting
Sauceda Historic District.
We hope you enjoyed your stay.
But don’t stop now.
Big Bend Ranch State Park
has even more to offer.
Unidentified ranch hand with J.M. Fowlkes, Jr.
on Grey Boy at tack room, c. 1942.
Courtesy of the Fowlkes family
B.F. Hill and guide during a 1902 mineral
survey sponsored by the University of Texas’s
Bureau of Economic Geology. The structure
was likely built by rancher Theo Barnhart in
the 1880s or by W.W. Bogel at the turn of the
20th century. The site is located west of the
nearby arroyo near Sauceda.
Briscoe Center for American History,
University of Texas, Austin
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
PWD BR P4501-152K (6/12)
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named for the willows growing around
Walking Guide to the
a spring that once flowed in the nearby
arroyo. Its name evolved to “Sauceda”
over time. One century ago, what we
now call the historic district looked
quite different: the buildings were
Historic District
Big Bend Ranch
State Park
fewer and less refined than today.
Just fifty years ago, Sauceda was a
shipping hub with many pens and
The tract surrounding Sauceda was the second one
settled by George A. Howard who originally occupied
nearby uplands where he established the Chillicothe
Ranch. He then purchased this site to form the
Chillicothe-Saucita Ranch in 1905 and developed the
core of the historic district’s main building. Howard
moved to Marfa and Gus, Gallie, and Graves Bogel—
sons of the early Presidio County settler and rancher
W.W. Bogel, who lived to the north on Alamito Creek—
acquired the land by 1915.
The Bogel sons established their ranch headquarters
here. They began running stock on the once rich grasslands of the surrounding plateau, turning later to raising
sheep and goats. In the years before the widespread use
of barbed wire, stone fences helped manage the livestock,
and the fences stand today as reminders of the Bogels’
enterprise. By 1923, the Chillicothe-Saucita Ranch
exceeded 25,000 acres.
The Bogel brothers introduced their brides to this place
and modified the complex to suit their growing families
and ranching needs. Gus’s wife, Maude, remembered
seeing Sauceda Ranch for the first time, describing it
as “beautiful, [with] a running creek just in back of the
house—and beautiful cottonwood trees on both sides of
the stream. There were several places where natural
waterfalls and clear deep pools with beautiful maidenhair ferns were growing around the falls.” World War I
interrupted the ranch’s calm when members of the
Bogel family were called into military service. Drought
and the Great Depression finished off many family
ranches in the area, and by 1934 the brothers were
forced to sell their ranch.
corrals extending over several acres.
ranch viable. Fowlkes’ employees built long stretches of
wire fences and built stone dams for water and erosion
control; they laid hundreds of miles of pipelines, along with
accompanying water storage and distribution facilities,
in order to move water for stock to the far-flung reaches
of the huge and rugged tract. But drought and a crash of
the global wool market, combined with the family’s ambitious ranch expansion, forced the Fowlkeses off the land.
Like many prosperous Texans during the 1950s, Midland
oilman and lawyer Len G. (Tuffy) McCormick wanted a
bigger ranch, so he bought one that was described as half
the size of Rhode Island and among the 15 largest in the
United States: he called it Big Bend Ranch and formed
the Big Bend Ranch Corporation to manage it. Purchased
in 1958 from banking institutions that held notes on the
ranch, McCormick had it mapped (including pastures,
roads, and waterlines), and he built the bunkhouse, pole
barn and several outbuildings. He arranged for the
upgrading of a river access road, which is now the scenic
Camino del Rio, by granting an easement to the Texas
Highway Department. But when an oilfield accident forced
McCormick to liquidate his assets, the Ranch sold to his
“silent” partner, Julian Sprague, a Massachusetts electronics executive. And when Sprague died not long after,
his family leased the ranch to Robert O. Anderson’s
Lincoln Livestock Company of Roswell, New Mexico.
The Fowlkes family, also well known in far west Texas,
bought the property and proceeded to put their mark on
the place. They expanded the main house and filled it
with family heirlooms, wedding gifts, and purchases.
Anderson subsequently purchased the ranch in 1969 and
became, as owner of the Diamond A Cattle Company, the
largest private landholder in the United States. As a cattle
operation, the Diamond A prospered during the 1970s.
But when the oil business, which helped finance Diamond
A, was in a recession during the early 1980s, something
had to change. Anderson sold half-interest to Walter
Mischer, then the owner of Lajitas Resort, to market Big
Bend Ranch as a private hunting preserve. In order to
accommodate this new function, the partners made considerable changes to what is today the historic district.
The brothers, Edwin and Manny Fowlkes, raised sheep
and goats, and acquired and leased land that increased
the ranch to almost 300,000 acres. As you tour areas of
the park, note evidence of extensive efforts to make the
Individuals and groups involved in land conservation in
Texas worked for many years before TPWD was able to
purchase the ranch in 1988 from Hondo Corporation and
Mr. and Mrs. Mischer.
1. Foreman’s House
As the hub of daily operations for the Fowlkes
Brothers and Diamond A Cattle Company, the
foreman’s house sits on the location of the Bogels’
original stone carriage house expanded by the family
into living quarters between 1917 and 1920. Graves
and Mary Bogel moved into the enlarged space.
Adobe brick and plaster were added during the
1940s when Preston Fowlkes occupied the house as
ranch foreman. Other foremen followed him and
continued to live in the residence.
The exterior adobe walls surrounding the yard were
added in the mid 1970s. In early 2008 the structure
was renovated, and today it serves as the residence
of the superintendent of the Sauceda Unit of Big
Bend Ranch State Park.
and Shop
3. Wool Barn
Constructed during the 1940s, the barn stored
wool. At their most productive period, in 1955, the
Fowlkes Brothers sold more than 200,000 pounds of
wool—“the largest wool clip in the state of Texas.”
The Fowlkeses eventually adapted the barn’s interior
by building wooden stalls for their riding horses and
milk cows.
The barn now stands empty, awaiting work that will
help preserve it.
tack room and
the MAIN house
2. The Apartments
These structures were built during the 1940s as
a commissary, a residence for the caporal (field
manager), a garage, a residence for the cook, and
a kitchen and informal eating area for the ranch
hands. Working cowboys and their families
purchased food and equipment at the commissary.
The kitchen could feed many of the cowboys who
lived on the open range, and it also housed some of
the hands when they gathered at the headquarters
during roundups. The building now serves as staff
apartments and storage.
Pole Barn
4. Corrals
While stone and wood often formed early
corrals, the ones you see are constructed of pipe.
Anderson’s Diamond A Cattle Company built
most of these corrals.
5. Tack Room
Modified by the Fowlkeses and their workers
during the late 1930s or early 1940s, this building
housed the tack room and also functioned as a
bunkroom. Having changed little during the
past 70 years, the tack room serves its original
purpose; the bunkroom now functions as storage.
Gus Bogel at tack room, c. 1925. The photo was
taken at the southeast corner of the tack room
before the structure was plastered by the Fowlkes
family who updated this and other buildings.
6. The MAIN House
Although the exact date of the house’s construction
is unknown, the first recorded landowner, George
A. Howard, probably built a structure in this area
between 1905 and 1908. It may have been the core
of either the main house or the foreman’s house.
We do know that when the Bogel brothers acquired
the property, they lived with their families in a
structure believed to have been already standing on
the property.
When Gus and Maude Bogel lived here, the house
had only two bedrooms, a bathroom, and one fireplace located in the living room. The kitchen’s large
wood burning range heated most of the house.
Armchairs of upholstered leather and a large oak
table furnished the living room where the Bogels
played cards and listened to the phonograph.
Brothers Edwin and
Manny Fowlkes at main
house, 1936. The photo
was taken on the south
side of the main house
and documents the
building before the
1951 renovations
by the family.
Courtesy of the Fowlkes family
When Manny and Patricia Stewart Fowlkes occupied the house in the late 1930s, they filled it with
furnishings that Patricia’s father, Maco Stewart,
provided as a wedding gift. The couple had six
children and expanded the main house during 1950
and 1951 to make room for the large family. They
also installed colorful Mexican tile inside and outside
and they erected a white picket fence. The grounds
embraced a large garden behind the house and a
side area for killing and dressing beef and lamb.
During the mid 1970s, Robert Anderson planted
palm trees and encircled the house and yard with
low adobe walls. When used as a hunting lodge
during the 1980s, the house emphasized leisured
outdoor living: screens enclosed the porch; colorful
tiles from Chihuahua City covered the porch floor;
and a grape arbor provided shade and decoration
on the east side of the house.