TrailsRincon Loop Geology Tour |
Brochure of the Rincon Loop Geology Tour in Big Bend Ranch State Park (SP) in Texas. Published by Texas Parks & Wildlife.
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The geology of the lower Fresno Canyon area
includes rock deposits that represent the diverse
geological history of the Big Bend region. The
rocks visible in the area span the time frame from
Cretaceous to recent (~100 million years to present).
The Cretaceous rocks were deposited during the
last major marine transgression onto the North
American continent, in a shallow inland sea that
extended from Texas to Alaska.
These deposits are divided into two groups, an
older group that represents the maximum of this
transgression (“Comanchean” group) and a later
group that represents a time when the sea was
receding (“Gulfian” group). As the Cretaceous sea
was receding, a major mountain building event
referred to as the Laramide orogeny caused regional
folding and faulting. This is the event that created
the Rocky Mountains. Locally, this event uplifted
the Cretaceous limestones and resulted in the
deposition of coarse gravel deposits due to the
erosion of the uplifted rocks. Volcanism from 48
million to 17 million years ago followed the Laramide
orogeny. This volcanism occurred throughout what
is now west Texas, and in the Fresno canyon area,
the volcanic products include basalts, rhyolites and
tuffaceous rocks. Associated with this volcanism
was the intrusion of a large magma mass that
uplifted the overlying rocks to form the Solitario
dome and other smaller domes in the area.
Following the volcanism, the area experienced
a period of deformation associated with crustal
extension. During this period, strike slip faults and
other structures developed small basins in the area.
This faulting began as the volcanism was waning,
and continues in an abated form to this day.
Our current terrain has developed through the
modern evolution of the Rio Grande Basin and
with contributions by natural landscape processes,
especially erosion. In our area these drainages
include Fresno, Contrabando and Commanche
creeks. The landscape we observe today has been
subjected to further modification through a myriad
of anthropogenic episodes (land-uses) in addition
to ongoing natural processes.
This guide briefly describes five locations in the
Rincon Loop area that represent this diverse
geologic history. The text is based upon the
author’s knowledge and Henry, 1998.
View west of Rincon Mountain and Arroyo Mexicano from
stop 4. The mountain is capped with basalt. The rock
debris in the foreground is peralkaline rhyolite from the
mountain due south of this stop.
actual fragmentation of the lava as it hardened.
One can see evidence of this in the boulders
near the trail.
The Jeff Conglomerate
This stop is located in Fresno Creek. It is best
accessed by walking up the creek 20 meters
from where the trail enters the creek from
the north. From here we can see Chisos strata
to the east similar to what we saw at stop 3.
A layer visible at the bottom of these rocks,
and on top of the Cretaceous strata, is the
Jeff conglomerate. This is a coarse gravel
conglomerate composed of rounded limestone
clasts (Comanchean series) and basalt that is
a basal conglomerate for the Tertiary section
of rocks in this area. The conglomerate formed
as the result of erosion of the Terlingua uplift
associated with the Laramide orogeny.
Henry, Christopher D. 1998. “Geology of Big Bend Ranch
State Park, Texas.” Guidebook - Bureau Of Economic
Geology, University Of Texas At Austin.
PWD BR P4501-0152U (6/15)
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Rincon Loop
Geology Tour
by Kevin Urbanczyk
intruded into one of the Gulfian series rock
units referred to as the Boquillas formation.
You can see it as the dark wedge shaped rock
outcrop in the cliff across the canyon.
Flower Structure
To the west across the small arroyo where you
can see evidence of a particular style of strike
slip faulting referred to as transpressional.
This strike slip faulting with a component
of compression. A careful observation of the
outcrop here reveals individual wedge shaped
segments of Boquillas flagstone, wide at the
top, pushed upward to form the “flower.”
Drag folds can be seen, particularly in the
north section visible to the right in the
following image (folded rocks delineated
in red, offset indicated by green arrows):
Qal, ls, f
Quaternary alluvium, landslide and fan deposits
Closed Canyon Formation—basalt
Trsbp—Rawles Formation—Sauceda basalt
Peralkaline rhyolite
Chisos Tule mntn trachyandesite
Chisos Mule Ear spring tuff
Chisos undifferentiated
Jeff conglomerate
Kbo Boquillas formation
Kbu Buda limestone
Del Rio clay
Santa Elena, Del Carmen, Glen Rose limestones
Buena Suerte / Whitroy mine area
and Wax Factory laccolith
From this stop, evidence of the Mercury
mining that occurred in the Fresno canyon
area is prevalent. Old mining structures and
ore processing equipment are still present.
Also visible to the west is an exposure of
the Wax Factory laccolith. A laccolith is a
magma body that was emplaced fairly high
in the earth’s crust. This laccolith was
located in Boquillas flagstone is referred to as
Chimney rock. It appears to be a particularly
erosionally resistant layer within this
formation. Farther to the north and east,
the prominent flatirons of the Solitario dome
are visible. These represent steeply tilted
Comanchean limestone (tilted by the intrusion
of the Solitario) that was then eroded to their
present shape. As we proceed from here to our
next stop, we will ride through exposures of the
Buda limestone (Comanchean) which has been
described as being “porcelaneous” due to its
hard, white and vitric appearance. It also has a
very rough erosional surface that is distinctly
different than the uniform flaggy layers seen in
the overlying Boquillas formation.
View east of the Solitario from Stop 4. Note the flatirons formed from erosion of steeply tilted limestone.
Drag folds such as this imply a “positive”
flower structure, but, the overall orientation
of the beds across the outcrop imply some
type of downward motion of the strata (a
“negative” flower structure). This fault is one
of many structures in this area that trend
east-northeast and is related to the Laramide
Volcanic stratigraphy, Chimney rock
and the Solitario
From stop 3, we can first observe the volcanic
stratigraphy of the area. The mesa to the west
is composed of lavas and tuffs of the Chisos
formation. These include the Mule Ear Spring
Tuff and the Tule Mountain trachyandesite,
and are lying on the Boquillas formation
flagstone. To the north, the small butte
Rincon Mountain, Arroyo Mexicano
and volcanic rocks of the
Bofecillos mountains
The view to the west from this stop is toward
the Bofecillos Mountains, which are composed
of a different group of volcanic rocks. The
prominent canyon to the west is Arroyo
Mexicano. Rincon mountain is immediately
south of this and is composed of basalt.
Numerous trachyte lava flows are also found in
this area. The Terneros Creek rhyolite makes
up the top of the mountain to the south. This
rhyolite is peralkaline and was emplaced on
softer tuffaceous sediments of the Chisos
formation. A landslide and subsequent erosion
has formed the chaotic boulder field below the
cliff. The flow was apparently fairly viscous as
it was emplaced. This resulted in flow folds and