Friendship HillNational Historic Site - Pennsylvania |
Friendship Hill was the home of early American politician and statesman Albert Gallatin (1761–1849). Gallatin was a U.S. Congressman, the longest-serving Secretary of the Treasury under two presidents, and ambassador to France and Great Britain. The house overlooks the Monongahela River near Point Marion, Pennsylvania, about 50 miles (80 km) south of Pittsburgh.
featured in
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Map of the U.S. National Park System. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
Map of the U.S. National Park System with DOI's Unified Regions. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
Map of the U.S. National Heritage Areas. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
Official Tourism and Transportation Map of Pennsylvania. Published by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Friendship Hill was the home of early American politician and statesman Albert Gallatin (1761–1849). Gallatin was a U.S. Congressman, the longest-serving Secretary of the Treasury under two presidents, and ambassador to France and Great Britain. The house overlooks the Monongahela River near Point Marion, Pennsylvania, about 50 miles (80 km) south of Pittsburgh.
Albert Gallatin is best remembered for his thirteen year tenure as Secretary of the Treasury during the Jefferson and Madison administrations. In that time he reduced the national debt, purchased the Louisiana Territory and funded the Lewis & Clark exploration. Gallatin's accomplishments and contributions are highlighted at Friendship Hill, his restored country estate.
Friendship Hill NHS is located on PA 166 three miles north of Point Marion, Pennsylvania.
Gallatin House
The Gallatin House was the home of Albert Gallatin, the fourth Secretary of Treasury. The house contains exhibits on Gallatin's family life and public career. The trails and grounds are open sunrise to sunset every day as weather allows, but the Gallatin House and Visitor Center are only open 9 AM to 5 PM. The house may be closed during the week, so please call 724-329-2501 to verify!
Friendship Hill NHS is located on PA 166 one mile south of New Geneva and three miles north of Point Marion, Pennsylvania. We are 27 miles and about 40 minutes from Fort Necessity National Battlefield.
Gallatin House in Winter
Gallatin House - Stone House and South Wing in snow with blue sky
The Gallatin House is open weekends in the winter months.
Gallatin House - Stone House and well
Gallatin house
Friendship Hill was the country home of Albert Gallatin
Friendship Hill NHS event honors eight fire companies that saved the historic Gallatin House
On Sunday, July 14, 2019, Friendship Hill National Historic Site paid tribute to the firefighters who worked diligently to save the Gallatin House and hosted a public event observing the 40th anniversary of the fires. Former and current firefighters, along with their families, attended a short welcome ceremony where certificates of appreciation were presented to each of the eight volunteer fire departments that responded in 1979.
Monarch Mafia: Making a Difference One Butterfly at a Time
All it takes is a small group of dedicated people to make a difference. Meet the Monarch Mafia of Friendship Hill National Historic Site and find out how they are making a difference for pollinators!
Volunteers in the Monarch Mafia surveying pollinator gardens
National Park Getaway: Friendship Hill National Historic Site
Tucked away in a wooded spot overlooking the Monongahela River in southwestern Pennsylvania is Friendship Hill National Historic Site, home of Albert Gallatin (1761–1849). Gallatin is best known for serving as Secretary of the Treasury under Presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
Gallatin House and surrounding lawn covered in snow
My Experience With "Shop With a Cop"
As a law enforcement officer at Friendship Hill National Historic Site and Fort Necessity National Battlefield, my duties give me a lot of different experiences. On December 18, 2017, I found myself at the Mount Pleasant Walmart in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, shopping for Christmas presents with a three-year-old girl named Anastasia.
Be a Friendship Hill BARK Ranger
Complete the BARK Ranger program at Friendship Hill to learn about the benefits and rules of visiting the National Parks with your dog. Your dog will be sworn in as a "Bark Ranger" and receive a Bark Ranger collar tag.
BARK Ranger 'Heidi' remains on her leash while hiking at Friendship Hill
The National Road
The story of America's first federally funded highway.
Map of the National Road
Albert Gallatin and Canals
Gallatin, President Jefferson’s Secretary of the Treasury, understood that transportation systems in the young country were, at best, dismal, rough and unreliable. In 1807, the U. S. Senate passed a resolution calling upon the treasury department to compile a report proposing ways that the Federal Government could address these issues. The result was Albert Gallatin’s landmark Report on Roads, Canals, Harbors and Rivers submitted in 1808.
Traveling on the National Road
The opening of the National Road saw thousands of travelers heading west over the Allegheny Mountains to settle the rich land of the Ohio River Valley.
Forest Health in a Regional Context
Eight Inventory and Monitoring networks have been collaborating on forest health monitoring since 2005. Participants include 61 national parks in the eastern United States. As a result of this collaboration, vegetation data are collected in similar ways, which allows us to compare various parks across the region.
One person on the forest floor collecting data, while another records the data
So Many Mushrooms!
It started as a personal project. Biological technician Sarah Daugherty would be out collecting data for the Eastern Rivers and Mountains Network’s forest health monitoring program, and notice so many cool mushrooms. She started taking photos and jotting down what she saw. Soon, she noticed that many of the species she was finding weren't on park species lists. Discussing her discoveries with her colleagues, everyone agreed that a more formal fungi inventory was in order.
Mushrooms of different colors, shapes, and sizes, laid out next to each other on a floor
Bat Population Monitoring in western Pennsylvania national parks
White-nose syndrome has decimated the populations of several bat species across the Northeast and research indicates that bat populations in western Pennsylvania national parks have been affected by the disease. Many species that were once common, are now rare. In order to better protect bats, the National Park Service continues to study how bat populations are changing.
A northern long-eared bat showing symptoms of white-nose syndrome.
Western Pennsylvania Virtual Junior Ranger
Learn about the everyday heroes at five western Pennsylvania National Park Sites who rose to the challenges that faced them and made history. Answer questions and learn about Allegheny Portage Railroad national Historic Site, Flight 93 National Memorial, Fort Necessity National Battlefield, Friendship Hill National Historic Site and Johnstown Flood National Memorial to become a Virtual Junior Ranger.
A collage of employees and kids and the question
2019 Weather In Review: Friendship Hill National Historic Site
It was a warm and wet year at Friendship Hill National Historic Site. The year ended as the 9th warmest and 13th wettest year at the park since 1895.
View of the front of the stone portion of the Gallatin House with green trees in the background.
Silent Witnesses, Old Trees are Hiding in Our Midst
An article about old trees in Eastern Rivers and Mountains Network (ERMN) parks. ERMN scientists have collected cores from two "average" looking canopy trees adjacent to every permanent long-term forest health monitoring plot in network parks. Of the 700 trees cored, over 60 of them hovered near 200 years old.
A woman uses an increment borer to take a core sample from a tree.
NPS Geodiversity Atlas—Friendship Hill National Historic Site, Pennsylvania
Each park-specific page in the NPS Geodiversity Atlas provides basic information on the significant geologic features and processes occurring in the park. Links to products from Baseline Geologic and Soil Resources Inventories provide access to maps and reports.
historic home
"With respect to the war, it is my wish that the United States may be burdened with the smallest possible quantity of debt, perpetual taxation, and military establishments"
The Madison administration struggled over the philosophical contradiction between their hawkish anti-Great Britain policy and traditional doctrine of small budget and limited government.
Black and white daguerreotype of Albert Gallatin
The Whiskey Rebellion: A Political Opinion Quiz
Use this nine question quiz to find our if your opinion most closely matched that of the Whiskey Rebellion rebels, the moderates or the federalists.
Political cartoon from the Whiskey Rebellion
National Park Service Commemoration of the 19th Amendment
In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th Amendment the National Park Service has developed a number of special programs. This includes online content, exhibits, and special events. The National Park Service’s Cultural Resources Geographic Information Systems (CRGIS) announces the release of a story map that highlights some of these programs and provides information for the public to locate and participate.
Opening slide of the 19th Amendment NPS Commemoration Story Map
Series: National Road - America's First Federally Funded Highway
The road George Washington cut through the forest was replaced by the National Road. The road bustled with traffic heading from port to plains and plains to port.
Map of the National Road
Forest Health Monitoring in Friendship Hill National Historic Site
Invasive plant species are a serious threat to the forests in Friendship Hill National Historic Site. The park contains the most invasive plant species (as measured by total cover and number of invasive plant species per plot) of any network park. Without strategic management, these species will spread further, displacing native species and disrupting the forest ecosystems.
Close up of two cinnamon fern fiddleheads.
2020 Weather In Review: Friendship Hill National Historic Site
Friendship Hill National Historic Site experienced a very warm 2020 but in total, the year had near-normal precipitation. The year ended as the 4th warmest and 58th wettest on record.
Clouds in an orange sunrise.
All Hope is Not Lost – Parks plan strategically to treat invasive plants
Managing invasive plant species can seem like an endless and insurmountable challenge, but parks are using a new strategic collaborative tool to protect their most valuable resources.
Four photos show invasive plants spreading over an area during 12 years
Lafayette and Gallatin: A Friendship Forged in the Fight for American Success
Filled with the spirit of reason, liberty and progress brought on by the Age of Enlightenment, two young men set off independently for America in the late 1770s. Unbeknownst to them, their European upbringings would serve them well in the new world, setting them up for a future–– and a close friendship–– which would change the course of American history.
Portraits of the Marquis de Lafayette and Albert Gallatin, Courtesy Independence NHP
Whiskey Rebellion: Question 2.
Whiskey Rebellion Quiz: Question 2
Whiskey Rebellion: Question 1.
Quiz Question 1
Whiskey Rebellion: Questions 6.
Whiskey Rebellion Quiz: Question 6
Whiskey Rebellion: Question 5.
Whiskey Rebellion Quiz: Question 5
Whiskey Rebellion: Question 4.
Whiskey Rebellion Quiz: Question 4
Whiskey Rebellion: Question 3.
Whiskey Rebellion Quiz: Question 3
A tale of two parties: Partisanship as "Seditious Opposition"
In the march to war, the Republican administration worried about political resistance in Federalist New England. Madison saw “intrigue” and “seditious opposition” in those who “clogged the wheels of war.” He could not rely on Federalist-dominated states to provide able-bodied men for military service.
Portraits of President James Madison and Treasury Secretary Albert Gallatin
Gallatin: A Voice of Moderation During the Whiskey Rebellion
Early in his political career Albert Gallatin became embroiled in the Whiskey Rebellion, where his courage, wisdom and moderation helped the region, and propelled him onto the national stage.
Albert Gallatin at Whiskey Point
2021 Weather In Review: Friendship Hill National Historic Site
Friendship Hill National Historic Site had a very warm 2021 with total precipitation that was slightly above normal. In total, the year ended as the 4th warmest and 49th wettest on record.
Sunset through the trees
Resilient Forests Initiative - Managing Invasive Plants & Pests
Park forests are threatened by invasive plants and pests. Strategically tackling invasive plants to protect park’s highest priority natural resources and planning around forest pests and pathogens are important actions in managing resilient forests.
Forest Regeneration
I&M Networks Support Resilient Forest Management
NPS Inventory and Monitoring Networks have been tracking forest health in eastern national parks since 2006. This monitoring information can guide resilient forest management and support parks in adapting to changing conditions through the actions described below.
Forest health monitoring
Series: Managing Resilient Forests Initiative for Eastern National Parks
Forests in the northeastern U.S. are in peril. Over-abundant deer, invasive plants, and insect pests are negatively impacting park forests, threatening to degrade the scenic vistas and forested landscapes that parks are renowned for. With regional collaboration, parks can manage these impacts and help forests be resilient. This article series explores tools available to park managers to achieve their goals.
Healthy forests have many native seedlings and saplings.
Streamside Bird Monitoring in Friendship Hill National Historic Site
Streamside bird monitoring at Friendship Hill National Historic Site 2008-2019 indicates that only 54% of bird species that breed in the park during the summer have stable or increasing populations.
A blue bird with a white face, black mask, and pointed black beak.
Managing Resilient Forests. A Regional Initiative
Forests cover tens of thousands of acres in eastern national parks and these critical resources face a range of interacting stressors: over-abundant white-tailed deer populations, invasive plant dominance, novel pests and pathogens, among other threats. The Resilient Forests Initiative will help parks address these issue collectively.
Forest health monitoring
Series: Madison, Party Politics and the War of 1812
It was known as Mr. Madison's War. Throughout his career, James Madison was appreciated for his deliberative character, his leading role in state and national legislatures, and his reasoned opinions on such issues as commerce and constitutions. But no one looked to the guarded, if good-humored, fourth president for wartime leadership. Nancy Isenberg and Andrew Burstein of Louisiana State University explore James Madison's legacy and influence on the War of 1812.
Madison, Party Politics and the War of 1812
Resilient Forests Initiative - Managing Deer Impacts
A healthy forest needs to have enough tree seedlings and saplings to regenerate the forest canopy after a disturbance. Analysis of NPS I&M and other long-term datasets makes it clear that many eastern national parks lack adequate tree regeneration due to decades of over browsing by white-tailed deer.
Deer impacts
2022 Weather in Review: Friendship Hill National Historic Site
In all, Friendship Hill National Historical Site experienced a near-normal year for temperature, but precipitation was slightly more than the long-term average. The year ended as the 54th warmest and 39th wettest on record (since 1895).
A two-story stone house of gray stone, set behind a matching stone well.
NPS Resilient Forest Initiative Restores Forest Ecosystems in Appalachian National Parks
In Appalachia, forests are crucial to the health of ecosystems and local communities in and around National Parks. However, forest health monitoring in eastern National Parks has shown that park forests are rapidly changing, and don’t have enough tree regeneration to replace canopy trees as they fall or die. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds are being used to support the Resilient Forest Initiative in the restoration efforts within these parks.
Two NPS workers in a forest.
Project Profile: Develop Site Assessment for Ice Pond Run in Friendship Hill National Historical Site
The National Park Service will evaluate conditions at Ice Pond Run, a site impacted by acid mine drainage (AMD), in Friendship Hill National Historic Site to determine if further action is warranted under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act or Abandoned Mined Lands Program.
a shallow creek surrounded by forest vegetation
Shaping the System Under President Jimmy Carter
President Jimmy Carter oversaw one of the largest growths in the National Park System. Explore some of the parks that are part of the legacy of the presidency of Jimmy Carter, who served as the 39th president of the United States from January 20, 1977, to January 20, 1981.
Historic photo of Jimmy Carter walking through a crowd at Harpers Ferry
2023 Weather in Review: Friendship Hill National Historic Site
In all, temperatures in 2023 at Friendship Hill National Historic Site were well above normal though total annual precipitation was close to average. The year ended as the 6th warmest and 58th driest since 1895 for Fayette County, PA.
A stone house (Gallatin House) with a green grass yard.
Updated Species Database Will Help Boost Amphibian Conservation Across the National Park Service
To steward amphibians effectively, managers need basic information about which species live in parks. But species lists need constant maintenance to remain accurate. Due to recent efforts, the National Park Service now has an up-to-date amphibian species checklist for almost 300 parks. This information can serve as the basis for innumerable conservation efforts across the nation.
A toad sits on red sand, looking into the camera.
Project Profile: Restore Eastern Grasslands
The National Park Service will restore up to 4,000 acres of agricultural fields and degraded lands across 37 parks in 15 states. This landscape-scale restoration project will expand the range and connectivity of native grasslands across the eastern US, restore biodiversity and critical ecosystem functions, reduce pesticide use, benefit people and wildlife, and create employment opportunities for diverse early career youth.
A park manager and others standing amidst a grassy landscape.
Inventory & Monitoring Partnerships Aim to Improve Park Forest Health from Coast to Coast
From coast to coast, the NPS Inventory and Monitoring Division is helping park managers improve the health and function of forest ecosystems. From promoting resilient forests in the Northeast, to conserving whitebark pine in the West, to protecting Hawaiian forest birds from avian malaria, scientific partnerships are helping parks to share information, leverage funding sources, and work together for outcomes that extend beyond what any park could accomplish on its own.
Four people, one in NPS uniform, stand in a forest. Three look upward through binoculars.
Hidden in Plain Sight: Old Growth Remnant Grasslands
During 2024 scouting for a large eastern grassland restoration project funded by IRA and BIL, several old growth remnant grasslands were identified in National Capital and Northeast Region parks that were previously unknown. These remnants preserve the genetic integrity of the original grassland flora of the eastern US and are true unexpected treasures that in some cases, were hidden in plain sight.
a grassland landscape with distant trees
Project Profile: Managing Resilient Eastern Forests
The National Park Service will improve the ecological health of eastern forests in 38 parks using an array of management techniques. The NPS has selected forest ecosystems of high ecological and cultural value across multiple parks from Virginia to Maine that are at greatest risk of forest loss due to chronic and interacting stressors.
Person gazes up at a tall tree