

brochure Erie - Fishing

Fishing at Erie National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Pennsylvania. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Erie National Wildlife Refuge 11296 Wood Duck Lane Guys Mills, PA 16327-9499 814/789 3585 Erie Federal Relay Service for the deaf and hard-of-hearing 1 800/877 8339 National Wildlife Refuge U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service For Refuge Information 1 800/344 WILD R TM E NT O F T H E IN RIOR U.S. DE TE PA July 2010 M AR 4 C H 3, 1 8 9 Fishing Introduction Public Fishing Areas (see maps) Refuge areas are open for fishing one half-hour before sunrise to one halfhour after sunset. There is road access to most waters, foot travel to others. Refuge waters for fishing include Hanks Road (1-acre pond and stream access), Pool 9 (some bank fishing and non-powered-boat fishing), Meyers Pond (15 acres), Pool K (10 acres with access for disabled anglers), Reitz Pond (5 acres), and Muddy and Dead Creeks. All fishing seasons are in accordance with Pennsylvania state regulations. Available species include rainbow, brook and brown trout, largemouth bass, yellow perch, bluegill, sunfish, carp, crappie and bullhead. 1. 1 Woodcock Creek at north end— from northern refuge boundary, upstream or south past Hickory Corners Rd. 627 about one-tenth of a mile. 2. 2 Woodcock Overlook Pond—west side of Hanks Road. 3. 3 Woodcock Creek south— downstream from Hanks Road for 150 feet. 4. 4 Pool 4 outlet—downstream from Shaffer Road for 150 feet. 5. 5 Pool 9 dike area—bank fishing on the dike and below the dike along Lake Creek for about 400 feet. Boats without motors and ice fishing upstream from the dike north to Area Closed signs (3000'). 6. 6 Meyers Ponds 7. 7 Pool K—bank fishing along dike and 300 feet of southwestern shore. 8. 8 Reitz Pond dike. 9 Bank fishing all creeks and beaver ponds in the Seneca Unit, with the exception of the closed area (north of Muddy Creek and west of Swamp Road) from Jan. 15 - Aug. 15. c Fishing access is available for disabled individuals at Pool K (on the Sugar Lake Division), and on Muddy Creek via Muddy Creek Holly Trail (on the Seneca Division). All fishing must be in compliance with PA Fish & Boat Commission regulations and the following special conditions. Special Conditions 1. Area 9 is open to bank fishing only. Wading is not permitted. 2. Fishing is permitted from 1⁄2 hour before sunrise till 1⁄2 hour after sunset. 3. Boats (without motors) are only permitted in Area 5 and only from the second Saturday in June through September 15. Boats must remain in an area from the dike to Area Closed signs (3000' upstream). 4. All watercraft must be removed from the refuge within 1⁄2 hour after sunset. 5. Ice fishing is permitted in Areas 5 and 7 only. 6. The taking of frogs is prohibited. 7. The use or possession of live baitfish is prohibited on the Seneca Unit. 8. The taking or possessing of shellfish is prohibited. Miller Station Road Seneca Division Erie National Wildlife Refuge Fr enc h C re Cambridge Springs ek 79 Seneca Division 19 6 77 86 198 408 Guys Mills Sugar Lake Division Meadville 27 27 Ro ad Mud d Holl y Cree y Tr k ail 173 amp Johnstown Ro ad 427 Crawford Co. Sw Venango Co. 322 9 79 Mercer Co. Te e D Grey Town Hills Road Franklin ea eF d pl ev ill ek dd re Mu C ad Ro lats 408 y Henry Road pR o t tree eS at tl T Sw ra eT am n Li ey North eek o ll Tr ad Cr il LEGEND Refuge Boundary Roa d Stream and body of water Teepleville Area where fishing is permitted 408 Road Area Closed Jan. 15 — Aug. 15 Muddy Creek Holly Trail Access to Muddy Creek is available for disabled individuals along trail Trolley Line Trail Parking Areas (Approximate) 1 Kilometer 0 0 .5 1 Mile 6/2010 k Cree dc o ck Sugar Lake Division Woo 1 Erie National Wildlife Refuge Hickory Corners Rd. Road 2 M 0 .5 Hank s ys Gu 1 Kilometer 0 ad Ro ills 3 1 Mile LEGEND Refuge Boundary ke La 198 Refuge Headquarters k ee Cr Area where fishing is permitted Gilberts Corners 198 Stream and body of water Guys Mills Road 4 Accessible fishing pier S ha ff e r R o ad Accessible rest room Parking Road Road Beuchat Road Area Closed Jan. 15 — Aug. 15 Cambridge Springs McFadden New 198 27 . Rd Oil Creek North Allen Road North 79 Seneca Division 19 6 5 27 Fo wl e rR 173 86 oa d 7 408 Meadville Bo ga rdu sR oa d ga rL ke 27 Sugar Lake Division 27 173 a 8 198 Guys Mills Su oad Boland R 6 77 Mt. Hope R oad Sugar Lake 427 Crawford Co. Venango Co. 173 322 d Lake Creek Ro a 79 6/2010 Mercer Co. Franklin

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