

brochure Erie - Birds

Birds at Erie National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Pennsylvania. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Refuge Manager Erie National Wildlife Refuge 11296 Wood Duck Lane Guys Mills, PA 16327 814/789 3585 Federal Relay Service for the deaf and hard-of-hearing 1 800/877 8339 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1 800/344 WILD TM E NT O F T H E TE RIOR U.S. DE R IN PA August 2011 M AR C H 3, 18 49 Blue Jay Dave Menke U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Erie National Wildlife Refuge Birds Introduction Erie National Wildlife Refuge, established in 1959, is located in Crawford County in northwestern Pennsylvania. The refuge consists of two separate land units. The Sugar Lake Division, containing 5,206 acres, is 10 miles east of Meadville on the outskirts of the village of Guys Mills. The Seneca Division, containing 3,594 acres, is 10 miles north of the Sugar Lake Division, near Cambridge Springs This list follows the Fifty-first Supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Checklist of North American Birds. Forests, swamps, beaver ponds, manmade impoundments, grasslands and croplands make up the diverse habitats that have attracted more than 230 species of birds. An additional 18 species have been observed only one or two times and are listed separately as accidentals. • Birds known to nest on or near the refuge Waterfowl migrations occur in March to early April and again from September to November. There are more wood ducks nesting on the refuge than any other duck; a good place to watch them during the spring migration is from our observation blind. In the spring, goslings and their parents also can be seen as they travel back and forth from Pool C to the Entrance Road Pond. Spring and summer are the times to look for nesting songbirds. Look for Henslow’s sparrow, a rare bird in most areas of the United States. This sparrow is secretive and usually sings its “slick” song from a low perch in an open field. Shorebirds, such as sandpipers and yellowlegs, can be seen in small groups feeding on mudflats during summer and fall. On a winter walk, black-capped chickadees, nuthatches, downy woodpeckers and dark-eyed juncos are easy to spot. Most birds are migratory and their seasonal occurrence and relative abundance are coded as follows: Season Sp spring S summer F fall W winter March – May June – August September – November December – February Relative Abundance Relative abundance indicates how frequently you might see a bird in its favored habitat. a c u o r abundant common uncommon occasional rare very numerous and readily seen likely to be seen or heard in suitable habitat present, but not certain to be seen seen only a few times during a season may be present but not every year Sp Geese – Swans – Ducks ___ Snow Goose ________________________ ___ • Canada Goose ______________________ ___ Tundra Swan _______________________ ___ • Wood Duck _________________________ ___ Gadwall____________________________ ___ American Wigeon ___________________ ___ • American Black Duck ________________ ___ • Mallard ____________________________ ___ • Blue-winged Teal ___________________ ___ Northern Shoveler __________________ ___ Northern Pintail ____________________ ___ Green-winged Teal __________________ ___ Canvasback ________________________ ___ Redhead ___________________________ ___ Ring-necked Duck __________________ ___ Greater Scaup ______________________ ___ Lesser Scaup _______________________ ___ Long-tailed Duck ___________________ ___ Bufflehead _________________________ ___ Common Goldeneye _________________ ___ • Hooded Merganser __________________ r c c c c c o c c u u c o o c r o r c o c S c c r o c u r c F W r c c c c c o c c u o c o o c r o r c o c r c o o r r u c r r u u r r o r r o o r Sp ___ ___ ___ Common Merganser _________________ o Red-breasted Merganser _____________ o Ruddy Duck ________________________ o Grouse – Allies ___ Northern Bobwhite _________________ ___ • Ring-necked Pheasant _______________ ___ • Ruffed Grouse ______________________ ___ • Wild Turkey ________________________ r u c c S F W r o o o r r r u c c r u c c u o u o Rails – Cranes Loons – Grebes ___ Common Loon _____________________ o ___ • Pied-billed Grebe ___________________ c ___ Horned Grebe ______________________ o Cormorants ___ r u c c ___ Northern Goshawk __________________ ___ • Red-shouldered Hawk _______________ ___ • Broad-winged Hawk _________________ ___ • Red-tailed Hawk ____________________ ___ Rough-legged Hawk _________________ ___ Golden Eagle _______________________ ___ • American Kestrel ___________________ ___ Merlin _____________________________ ___ Peregrine Falcon ____________________ Double-crested Cormorant ___________ o r ___ • Virginia Rail _______________________ ___ • Sora ______________________________ ___ • Common Gallinule __________________ ___ • American Coot______________________ ___ • Sandhill Crane______________________ Sp S F W r c u c r c u c r c u c r o o r r r r r o r r u u o o o r o u u o o o u u o o o c r r o Killdeer Plovers – Sandpipers Mallards Bitterns – Herons – Egrets ___ • American Bittern ___________________ ___ • Least Bittern _______________________ ___ • Great Blue Heron ___________________ ___ Great Egret ________________________ ___ Little Blue Heron ___________________ ___ • Green Heron _______________________ ___ Black-crowned Night-Heron __________ Vultures – Hawks – Falcons ___ • Turkey Vulture _____________________ ___ Osprey ____________________________ ___ • Bald Eagle _________________________ ___ • Northern Harrier ___________________ ___ • Sharp-shinned Hawk ________________ ___ • Cooper’s Hawk _____________________ u r c o r u r c o c o u c r r c o u c r u r c c r u c c o c o c r u c u o r u c ___ Black-bellied Plover _________________ ___ American Golden-Plover _____________ ___ Semipalmated Plover ________________ ___ • Killdeer ___________________________ ___ • Spotted Sandpiper __________________ ___ Solitary Sandpiper __________________ ___ Greater Yellowlegs __________________ ___ Lesser Yellowlegs ___________________ ___ Upland Sandpiper ___________________ ___ Semipalmated Sandpiper _____________ ___ Least Sandpiper ____________________ ___ Pectoral Sandpiper __________________ ___ Dunlin _____________________________ ___ Stilt Sandpiper _____________________ ___ Short-billed Dowitcher _______________ ___ Long-billed Dowitcher _______________ ___ • Wilson's Snipe ______________________ ___ • American Woodcock _________________ Gulls – Terns ___ ___ u c u u u u r r u u u c u o o o r r u c c Bonaparte’s Gull ____________________ o Ring-billed Gull _____________________ o u u r r u c u u u u r u u u u r u r u c o o r Sp ___ ___ ___ ___ Herring Gull _______________________ Black Tern _________________________ Common Tern ______________________ Forster’s Tern ______________________ S o r r r F W o r r r Sp S F W ___ • Northern Flicker ___________________ c ___ • Pileated Woodpecker ________________ u c u c u u u Flycatchers ___ Olive-sided Flycatcher _______________ ___ • Eastern Wood-Pewee ________________ ___ Yellow-bellied Flycatcher _____________ ___ • Acadian Flycatcher __________________ ___ • Alder Flycatcher ____________________ ___ • Willow Flycatcher ___________________ ___ • Least Flycatcher ____________________ ___ • Eastern Phoebe ____________________ ___ • Great Crested Flycatcher ____________ ___ • Eastern Kingbird ___________________ r c r c o c c c c c c c o c u c c c r c r c o c c c c c Shrikes – Vireos ___ Northern Shrike ____________________ ___ • White-eyed Vireo ___________________ ___ • Yellow-throated Vireo ________________ ___ • Blue-headed Vireo __________________ ___ • Warbling Vireo _____________________ ___ Philadelphia Vireo___________________ ___ • Red-eyed Vireo _____________________ Great Horned Owl Doves – Cuckoos ___ • Rock Pigeon________________________ ___ • Mourning Dove _____________________ ___ • Yellow-billed Cuckoo _________________ ___ • Black-billed Cuckoo _________________ c c u c c c u c c c u c c c r u c r u c r u c c r r r r c r c r r u r r u c r c r r r ___ • Chimney Swift ______________________ c ___ • Ruby-throated Hummingbird _________ c ___ • Belted Kingfisher ___________________ c c c c c c c o u c c c u u c c c u c r c u Owls – Nightjars ___ • Barn Owl __________________________ ___ • Eastern Screech-Owl ________________ ___ • Great Horned Owl __________________ ___ Snowy Owl _________________________ ___ • Barred Owl ________________________ ___ Long-eared Owl ____________________ ___ Short-eared Owl ____________________ ___ Northern Saw-whet Owl _____________ ___ • Common Nighthawk_________________ ___ Eastern Whip-poor-will ______________ Swifts – Hummingbirds – Kingfishers Woodpeckers ___ • Red-headed Woodpecker _____________ ___ • Red-bellied Woodpecker _____________ ___ • Yellow-bellied Sapsucker _____________ ___ • Downy Woodpecker _________________ ___ • Hairy Woodpecker __________________ u c o c u r r r Jays – Crows – Larks – Swallows ___ • Blue Jay ___________________________ ___ • American Crow _____________________ ___ Common Raven _____________________ ___ • Horned Lark _______________________ ___ • Purple Martin ______________________ ___ • Tree Swallow _______________________ ___ • Northern Rough-winged Swallow _____ ___ • Bank Swallow ______________________ ___ Cliff Swallow _______________________ ___ • Barn Swallow ______________________ White-breasted Nuthatch r r o c u r a o o c c a r o c u r a a a u u u a u c r c a a u o c a c c r a a a u u c a u c r a a a u o Chickadees – Titmice – Nuthatches – Creepers – Wrens ___ • Black-capped Chickadee _____________ ___ • Tufted Titmouse ____________________ ___ • Red-breasted Nuthatch ______________ ___ • White-breasted Nuthatch ____________ ___ • Brown Creeper _____________________ ___ • Carolina Wren ______________________ ___ • House Wren ________________________ ___ • Winter Wren _______________________ ___ • Sedge Wren ________________________ ___ • Marsh Wren ________________________ Sp S F W S Snow Bunting a u u c u o c o a u r c u o c r r u a u u c u o c o a u u c u o o Eastern Bluebird Kinglets – Gnatcatchers – Thrushes – Mimic-Thrushes – Starlings – Pipits – Waxwings ___ • Golden-crowned Kinglet _____________ ___ • Ruby-crowned Kinglet _______________ ___ • Blue-gray Gnatcatcher _______________ ___ • Eastern Bluebird ___________________ ___ • Veery _____________________________ ___ Gray-cheeked Thrush________________ ___ Swainson’s Thrush __________________ ___ • Hermit Thrush _____________________ ___ • Wood Thrush _______________________ ___ • American Robin ____________________ ___ • Gray Catbird _______________________ ___ Northern Mockingbird _______________ ___ • Brown Thrasher ____________________ ___ • European Starling __________________ ___ American Pipit _____________________ ___ • Cedar Waxwing _____________________ Sp u u u c c o c c c a c r u a r c r u c c r c a a r u a a c c u c c o c c c a c r u a r a u r ___ Snow Bunting _______________________ Wood Warblers ___ • Blue-winged Warbler ________________ ___ • Golden-winged Warbler ______________ ___ Tennessee Warbler __________________ ___ Orange-crowned Warbler_____________ ___ Nashville Warbler ___________________ ___ Northern Parula ____________________ ___ • Yellow Warbler _____________________ ___ • Chestnut-sided Warbler ______________ ___ • Magnolia Warbler ___________________ ___ Cape May Warbler __________________ ___ • Black-throated Blue Warbler _________ ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler ______________ ___ • Black-throated Green Warbler ________ ___ • Blackburnian Warbler _______________ ___ Pine Warbler _______________________ ___ Prairie Warbler _____________________ ___ Palm Warbler_______________________ ___ Bay-breasted Warbler _______________ ___ Blackpoll Warbler ___________________ ___ Cerulean Warbler ___________________ ___ • Black-and-white Warbler _____________ ___ • American Redstart __________________ ___ Prothonotary Warbler _______________ ___ • Ovenbird __________________________ ___ • Northern Waterthrush _______________ ___ • Louisiana Waterthrush ______________ ___ Kentucky Warbler ___________________ ___ Connecticut Warbler_________________ ___ • Mourning Warbler __________________ ___ • Common Yellowthroat _______________ o o r r a u Northern Cardinal c r u c r c o c c c o u a c c r r u u u r u c r c u c r r u a r c c c r r c u r r o c c u c r u a F W o o c u r c o c c c u u a c c r r u u c r u c r c u u r u a o ___ • Hooded Warbler ____________________ ___ Wilson’s Warbler ____________________ ___ • Canada Warbler ____________________ ___ • Yellow-breasted Chat ________________ Sparrows – Allies ___ • Eastern Towhee ____________________ ___ American Tree Sparrow ______________ ___ • Chipping Sparrow___________________ ___ • Field Sparrow ______________________ ___ • Vesper Sparrow _____________________ ___ • Savannah Sparrow __________________ ___ • Grasshopper Sparrow _______________ ___ • Henslow's Sparrow __________________ ___ Fox Sparrow _______________________ ___ • Song Sparrow ______________________ ___ Lincoln’s Sparrow ___________________ ___ • Swamp Sparrow ____________________ ___ White-throated Sparrow _____________ ___ White-crowned Sparrow _____________ ___ • Dark-eyed Junco ___________________ Tanagers – Buntings – Allies ___ • Scarlet Tanager _____________________ ___ • Northern Cardinal __________________ ___ • Rose-breasted Grosbeak _____________ ___ • Indigo Bunting _____________________ Sp c u u u c c c c o u o u o a r a c u c c c c c S c o u c F c u u o o c c c c o o o u o a r a c u c c c c c c c c c c c o o o u a a W r a r Finches ___ Pine Grosbeak ______________________ ___ • Purple Finch _______________________ ___ • House Finch _______________________ ___ Red Crossbill _______________________ ___ White-winged Crossbill ______________ ___ Common Redpoll____________________ ___ Pine Siskin _________________________ ___ • American Goldfinch _________________ ___ Evening Grosbeak __________________ u o u o u o o a o a o a o r u o r r r o c o ___ • House Sparrow _____________________ a a a a Weaver – Finches u u o r a c Accidentals (only 1 or 2 records) ___ Mute Swan ___ Eurasian Wigeon ___ Surf Scoter ___ White-winged Scoter ___ Black Scoter ___ Red-throated Loon ___ Gyrfalcon ___ Willet ___ Whimbrel ___ Hudsonian Godwit ___ White-rumped Sandpiper ___ Baird’s Sandpiper ___ Buff-breasted Sandpiper ___ Lapland Longspur ___ Clay-colored Sparrow ___ Blue Grosbeak ___ Dickcissel ___ Brewer’s Blackbird NOTES Location ________________________________________________ American Goldfinch Blackbirds – Allies ___ • Bobolink ___________________________ ___ • Red-winged Blackbird _______________ ___ • Eastern Meadowlark ________________ ___ Rusty Blackbird ____________________ ___ • Common Grackle ___________________ ___ • Brown-headed Cowbird ______________ ___ Orchard Oriole _____________________ ___ • Baltimore Oriole ____________________ Date ______________________ Time________________________ Observers_______________________________________________ u a u u a c o c c a o a c r c u a o u a c o c o r o o Weather ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

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