Baskett Slough

National Wildlife Refuge - Oregon

Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge is located in northwestern Oregon, 10 miles (16 km) west of Salem in Polk County. Situated in open farmland near the eastern foothills of the Oregon Coast Range with the broad Willamette Valley and the Cascade Range to the east, elevations range from 185 to 414 feet (56 to 126 m) MSL. The Willamette Valley, with its mild, rainy winter climate, is an ideal environment for wintering waterfowl. Today, the valley is a mix of farmland and growing cities, with few areas remaining for wildlife.



Map of the West Oregon Protection District. Published by the Oregon Department of Forestry.West Oregon - 2017

Map of the West Oregon Protection District. Published by the Oregon Department of Forestry.

Official State Map of Oregon. Published by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).Oregon State - Official State Map

Official State Map of Oregon. Published by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).


Map of Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Oregon. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Baskett Slough - Map

Map of Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Oregon. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Birds at Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Oregon. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Baskett Slough - Birds

Birds at Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Oregon. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Baskett Slough NWR Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge is located in northwestern Oregon, 10 miles (16 km) west of Salem in Polk County. Situated in open farmland near the eastern foothills of the Oregon Coast Range with the broad Willamette Valley and the Cascade Range to the east, elevations range from 185 to 414 feet (56 to 126 m) MSL. The Willamette Valley, with its mild, rainy winter climate, is an ideal environment for wintering waterfowl. Today, the valley is a mix of farmland and growing cities, with few areas remaining for wildlife.
Aleutian Marsh Morgan Reservoir Moffiti Marsh Smithfield Road McMin n Live r mo re ville (1 6 Roa d miles) > Baskett Slough NWR 10995 Highway 22 Dallas, OR 97338 (503) 623-2749 (DRAFT 5-2-05) Parvipes Marsh Baskett Butte Taverner's Marsh Coville Road Vancouver Marsh Cackler Marsh 22 < Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge: Public Use Facilities Wildlife Viewing Sites State Highways Restrooms County Roads Baskett Slough Trailhead Wetlands Refuge Office Trails (open year round) Trails (open April 1 - Sept. 30) 0 0.3 0.6 1.2 Upland Prairie/Oak Woodlands Refuge Boundary 1.8 Miles 2.4 Highway 99W ay Da lla s (3 m ile s) Hi gh w Dusky Marsh Salem (10 miles)>
Species VIREO BBBBBBBBBB Cassin’s Vireo Hutton’s Vireo Warbling Vireo Refuge SP S F W X A B F X X X U A B F O R U U U A B F A B F U U R Species American Pipit American Pipit WAXWING U Cedar Waxwing BBBBBBBBBB LARKSPUR Refuge SP S F W Species A B F C C BBBBBBBBBB ORIOLE X A B F X X X Bullock’s Oriole C A B F C C R BBBBBBBBBB FINCH X X X X Purple Finch A B F C Refuge SP S F W A B F X X A B F X X U A B F U X A B F X X X C C C U A B F X X X Lapland Longspur A B F R R House Finch A B F C U C U C C BBBBBBBBBB WARBLER X X X X Red Crossbill A B F C C A B F R A B F X Steller’s Jay R R R R California Scrub-Jay A B F C C C Orange-crowned Warbler A B F C U R O O O C C C C Nashville Warbler R A B F O O Pine Siskin A B F A B F C A B F C U U O A B F U U U U MacGillivray’s Warbler A B F U U O A B F U U C C O A B F A U A B F U A B F A O O U U O U A B F A B F O U U U C U Black-throated Gray Warbler A B F R U U O A B F U BBBBBBBBBB JAY American Crow Common Raven LARK BBBBBBBBBB A B F X A B F X X X Common Yellowthroat O O O U Yellow Warbler A B F X X X Yellow-rumped Warbler A B F X O A B F O R A C C O Townsend’s Warbler A B F C C C R Hermit Warbler Northern Rough-Winged Swallow A B F U O O R A B F R A A U A A C R Spotted Towhee Horned Lark BBBBBBBBBB SWALLOW Purple Martin Tree Swallow Violet-green Swallow Bank Swallow Cliff Swallow Barn Swallow A B F A B F Lesser Goldfinch U American Goldfinch R U O B F O R R Wilson’s Warbler A B F C U O U R BBBBBBBBBB SPARROW A B F U X A B F X X X A A A A U U O R R R Yellow-breasted Chat A B F BBBBBBBBBB CHICKADEE A B F X X X X Chipping Sparrow A B F Black-capped Chickadee A B F C C C Brewer’s Sparrow A A B F C U U U Vesper Sparrow A B F U C C C C Savannah Sparrow A B F X X X Grasshopper Sparrow A B F A B F X C C C Fox Sparrow A B F White-breasted Nuthatch A B F U C C C C Song Sparrow A B F A Brown Creeper A B F U U U Lincoln’s Sparrow A B F U U U A B F U X X X Swamp Sparrow R R C A B F R A B F X C U O O A B F C U C C White-crowned Sparrow C C A B F C C U U Golden-crowned Sparrow C A Chestnut-backed Chickadee Bushtit BBBBBBBBBB NUTHATCH Red-breasted Nuthatch BBBBBBBBBB WREN House Wren Pacific Wren Marsh Wren White-throated Sparrow F A B F R A B F R R A A A U R R R U C A A A B F A B F A B F A B F A B F C C C C Dark-eyed Junco A B F X X X BBBBBBBBBB TANAGER Golden-crowned Kinglet A B F X C U C C Western Tanager Ruby-crowned Kinglet A B F C R C C GROSBEAK BBBBBBBBBB B F U U U U Black-headed Grosbeak X X X Lazuli Bunting A B F X U O U U BBBBBBBBBB BLACKBIRD F R R Red-winged Blackbird A B F R C Tricolored Blackbird A B F Bewick’s Wren KINGLET BBBBBBBBBB Wrentit BBBBBBBBBB THRUSH Western Bluebird Mountain Bluebird Swainson’s Thrush Hermit Thrush American Robin Varied Thrush European Starling A B F A B F U A B F A A B F U A B F A C C A U O U Western Meadowlark A A Yellow-headed Blackbird O U Brewer’s Blackbird A A Brown-headed Cowbird C A O C U A C A B F U C A X A B F X X X C A B F U O X X X A B F C C U U A B F U R X A B F X X X A C A A R R A B F U A B F U U U A B F U R C A B F C C C U C U O A B F Evening Grosbeak House Sparrow INCIDENTAL 5 records or less TUFTED DUCK SURF SCOTER WHITE-WINGED SCOTER RED-BREASTED MERGANSER PACIFIC LOON COMMON LOON SNOWY EGRET TRICOLORED HERON CATTLE EGRET NORTHERN GOSHAWK SWAINSON’S HAWK FERRUGINOUS HAWK GYRFALCON WILLET HUDSONIAN GODWIT MARBLED GODWIT RUDDY TURNSTONE RED KNOT RUFF SHARP-TAILED SANDPIPER PARASITIC JAEGER BLACK-LEGGED KITTIWAKE SABINE’S GULL ARCTIC TERN COAST HWY 22 MONMOUTH SALEM EXIT 253 ANKENY EXIT 243 99W X C PORTLAND BASKETT SLOUGH CORVALLIS HWY 34 EXIT 228 I-5 FINLEY SNAG BOAT BEND WILLAMETTE RIVER EUGENE SNOWY OWL NORTHERN SPOTTED OWL BLACK SWIFT BLACK-CHINNED HUMMINGBIRD CALLIOPE HUMMINGBIRD YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER EASTERN KINGBIRD LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE GRAY JAY CLARK’S NUTCRACKER MOUNTAIN CHICKADEE ROCK WREN TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE SAGE THRASHER NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD WHITE WAGTAIL BOHEMIAN WAXWING CHESTNUT-COLLARED LONGSPUR YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER AMERICAN TREE SPARROW LARK SPARROW BLACK-THROATED SPARROW LARK BUNTING HARRIS’S SPARROW INDIGO BUNTING GREAT-TAILED GRACKLE Willamette Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex SEASONAL BIRD CHECKLIST Willamette Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex Ankeny NWR Baskett Slough NWR William L. Finley NWR Snag Boat Bend Refuge Headquarters 26208 Finley Refuge Rd. Corvallis, Oregon 97333 (541) 757-7236 william_l_finley/ DATA COMPILED BY JOEL GEIER & BILL TICE CON

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