Warner Wetlands

Area of Critical Environmental Concerns - Oregon

Formed thousands of years ago when gigantic faults in the earth’s crust shifted, today’s Warner Wetlands is a 40-mile chain of lakes separated by a unique series of bow-shaped dunes. Each spring and fall, thousands of birds visit the wetlands during their annual migrations. Recreation facilities include the Hart Bar Interpretive Site, Warner Valley Overlook, and the Warner Valley Canoe Trail. The interpretive site has restrooms, a sheltered picnic table, interpretive panels, and a 0.25 mile hiking trail to wildlife viewing blinds. The Warner Valley Overlook affords a panoramic overview of the wetlands with the desert buttes to the west and south.



Recreation Map of Warner Wetlands Wilderness in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).Warner Wetlands - Recreation Map

Recreation Map of Warner Wetlands Wilderness in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Map of Oregon Sunstone Public Collection Area in the BLM Vale District area in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).Sunstone Collection Area - Public Collection Area Map

Map of Oregon Sunstone Public Collection Area in the BLM Vale District area in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).


Guide and Map of Warner Wetlands Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).Warner Wetlands - Guide and Map

Guide and Map of Warner Wetlands Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Warner Wetlands ACEC https://www.blm.gov/visit/warner-wetlands Formed thousands of years ago when gigantic faults in the earth’s crust shifted, today’s Warner Wetlands is a 40-mile chain of lakes separated by a unique series of bow-shaped dunes. Each spring and fall, thousands of birds visit the wetlands during their annual migrations. Recreation facilities include the Hart Bar Interpretive Site, Warner Valley Overlook, and the Warner Valley Canoe Trail. The interpretive site has restrooms, a sheltered picnic table, interpretive panels, and a 0.25 mile hiking trail to wildlife viewing blinds. The Warner Valley Overlook affords a panoramic overview of the wetlands with the desert buttes to the west and south.
1 1/2 0 61 3 30 25 26 33 34 35 32 33 31 36 35 34 36 Chan ce Lak 0 H A R N E Y es C O U N T Y L AKE 6 5 4 61 55 -C COUNT Y 3 2 42° 45' 00" 6155-C0 0 4500 6 4 5 2 1 11 12 3 6 1 15 -00 COLLECTION SUNSTONE 8 7 12 10 9 8 7 12 32 7 8 9 10 11 7 0 6155-C 5 27 PUBLIC KILOMETERS Scale 1:63,360 OR 1 Inch = 1 Mile Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic Datum: North American of 1983 0 Central Meridian: -119.75 Elevation Shown in Feet 00 11 31 31 1 2 2 0 -0 95 61 3 4 1 MILES 1 28 30 T 32 S Last 5 0 29 25 RO AD 1 1/2 0 500 26 S 2 1 27 Lakeview District 36 35 34 SUNSTONE 2 28 5-00 33 42° 45' 00" 6 29 500 ST ON E ROA D T 32 S 32 31 36 30 R27E 119°37'30" 619 WARNER WETLANDS 25 26 R26E 119°45'00" 6155-00 35 27 28 29 30 25 R25E 119°52'30" UN 26 R24E 50 5000 00 24 23 12 10 9 Ranch ! 11 Warner Valley and Hart Mountain were formed thousands of years ago when massive faults in the earth’s L C T L 27 28 29 B 30 25 00 50 E 26 Adel 32 31 Lakeview 33 To Denio 31 15 36 00 35 33 32 35 34 36 31 1 6 34 M C 4500 1 FL L RO AD E N 4500 A K E N 19 23 00 00 60 0 U 00 T R A 119°52'30" 60 E 19 6500 00 BLUE SKY 27 25 Cree k Post Meadows BLU SKY E Plush Cottonwood Spring AD RO 2 0 7000 36 Cre ek 35 650 00 34 Cr ee 4 3 R25E 8017 33 32 0 6000 1 6 5 4 37 S J Western Se a Purslane Ring-necked Duck All motorized vehicle use is limited to designated roads and trails, posted as “Designated Route.” During wet years, portions of many of these roads (especially those crossing channels and lake bottoms) may be ooded and impassable. te Boating/Canoeing both seasonally and from year-to-year. Hart Lake is typically available for boating during both low and high-water years. Motorized boating is allowed throughout the wetlands, although personal motorized watercraft (i.e. Jet Skis and WaveRunners) are not allowed. During wet years, experienced paddlers can explore the 10 mile Warner Valley Canoe Trail. The trail follows the channels connecting Campbell, Turpin, and Stone Corral Lakes. Green -winged Teal Sandhill Crane www.avenzamaps.com/a/im0ueac 60 00 18 T 35 S L 24 23 Cr ee k Mallard smartphone or tablet. Use your device’s built-in GPS to track your location on the map. Saved maps do not need a live network connection. 19 BLM Oregon-Map Store R27E 25 26 3-10 6155-00 11 30 Information Rockhounding Wildlife Viewing Blind Primitive Boat Launch Canoe36Trail Put-In 31 Canoe Trail Hiking Trail Back Country Byway Oregon Scenic Bikeway 2 OTHER FEATURES Populated Place Locale 26 27 Summit (Elevation in Feet) BLM managed areas such as The Deschutes Wild & Scenic River or The Oregon Badlands Wilderness can be downloaded for free to your mobile device. Clark’s Grebe https://www.avenzamaps.com/vendor/472/bureau-of-land-management-oregon LEGEND TRANSPORTATION 6 1 Improved Road Unimproved Road (Check Local Conditions) County Road BLM Road Number 12 7 County Line 500 Foot Contour 100 Foot 25 Contour 18 Recreation Opportunities Camping The wetlands White-faced Ibis area is open for dispersed camping. Keep all vehicles on routes posted “Designated Route.” Visitors should bring all necessary camp gear and water with them, pack out all trash and leave areas in better condition than found. Areas exist along the lake shores for both tents and RVs. The nearest developed campgrounds are located on Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge and the Sunstone Public Collection Area. Fishing pastime for late spring and summer anglers. An occasional native Redband Trout will also show 19 30 NOTE TO VISITORS: - All motorized vehicle use is limited to designated roads, shown as “Improved Road” or “Unimproved Road” on map. These roads are signed as “Designated Route” while driving. - During 34wet years, many of35these roads may36be flooded or 31 impassable. Travelers are discouraged from driving on wet roads if surface damage occurs while driving. - Closed routes are not shown, but exist on the ground. T - No cross-country travel is permitted. k 2 119°45'00" 31 600 Warner Peak 28 29 POST MEADOWS er Ranch 30 60 Goa t 75 4500 5 R E 21 20 00 H 33 32 K O P k Ro c Roc k 00 7000 0 650 G 70 7000 75 0 0 00 00 60 00 55 00 65 U 0 550 45 00 31 6 00 3 R24E 24 k Box Cree To Adel & Hwy 140 16.4 Miles F OLD CAMP WARNER to x 1 45 go re O E 36 4 T 36 S GUANO CREEK (541) 947-2177 desert buttes to the west and south, and interpretive panels along a short hike to the overlook. Avenza Maps is a mobile map application that enables you to ADMINISTERED LANDS Bureau of Land Management BLM Area of Critical 14Environmental Concern 13 15 (ACEC) or Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA) BLM Sunstone Rockhounding Area U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS Proposed Wilderness Area Area of No Huntin

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