Maston Trail

Trail Use Area - Oregon

There’s a hidden jewel on the east side of the Cascade Mountains. Here, there are over 4,000 acres where mountain bikers and horseback riders share the space but not the trails. Hikers can meander along lava rock-lined routes to breathtaking views of the Deschutes River, and trail runners can beat the snow in the winter. Start your adventure into the Maston Area through the Maston or Juniper Trailheads, and spend a day exploring the geology and landscape of Central Oregon on almost 50 miles of trail. Lunch under the twisted limbs of an old-growth juniper and watch eagles soar overhead.



Motor Vehicle Travel Map (MVTM) of Tumalo in Deschutes National Forest (NF) in Oregon. Published by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).Deschutes MVTM - Tumalo 2022

Motor Vehicle Travel Map (MVTM) of Tumalo in Deschutes National Forest (NF) in Oregon. Published by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).

Trails Map of Cine Buttes Off-High Vehicle (OHV) Trails System in the BLM Prineville District Office area in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).Cline Buttes - Off-High Vehicle Trails

Trails Map of Cine Buttes Off-High Vehicle (OHV) Trails System in the BLM Prineville District Office area in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Trails Map of the Maston Trail System in the BLM Prineville District Office area in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).Maston - Trails Map

Trails Map of the Maston Trail System in the BLM Prineville District Office area in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Trails Map of Huntington Wagon Road Trail in the BLM Prineville District Office area in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).Huntington Wagon Road - Trails Map

Trails Map of Huntington Wagon Road Trail in the BLM Prineville District Office area in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Trail Map of Redmond Caves Recreation Site (RS) in the BLM Prineville District Office area in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).Redmond Caves - Trail Map

Trail Map of Redmond Caves Recreation Site (RS) in the BLM Prineville District Office area in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Map of the Land Resource Management Plan for Ochoco National Forest (NF) in Oregon. Published by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).Ochoco - Land Resource Management Plan

Map of the Land Resource Management Plan for Ochoco National Forest (NF) in Oregon. Published by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).

Map of the Sisters Sub-Unit North of the Prineville Unit in the Central Oregon Protection District. Published by the Oregon Department of Forestry.Central Oregon - Sisters North 2015

Map of the Sisters Sub-Unit North of the Prineville Unit in the Central Oregon Protection District. Published by the Oregon Department of Forestry.

Map of Prineville Southwest in the Central Oregon Protection District. Published by the Oregon Department of Forestry.Central Oregon - Prineville Southwest 2015

Map of Prineville Southwest in the Central Oregon Protection District. Published by the Oregon Department of Forestry.

Map 2 of the Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) of Deschutes National Forest (NF) in Oregon. Published by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).Deschutes MVUM - Map 2 2021

Map 2 of the Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) of Deschutes National Forest (NF) in Oregon. Published by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).

Official State Map of Oregon. Published by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).Oregon State - Official State Map

Official State Map of Oregon. Published by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).


Brochure and Map of the Maston Trail Use Area in the BLM Prienville District area in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).Brochure and Map - Maston Trail

Brochure and Map of the Maston Trail Use Area in the BLM Prienville District area in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Maston Trail Use Area There’s a hidden jewel on the east side of the Cascade Mountains. Here, there are over 4,000 acres where mountain bikers and horseback riders share the space but not the trails. Hikers can meander along lava rock-lined routes to breathtaking views of the Deschutes River, and trail runners can beat the snow in the winter. Start your adventure into the Maston Area through the Maston or Juniper Trailheads, and spend a day exploring the geology and landscape of Central Oregon on almost 50 miles of trail. Lunch under the twisted limbs of an old-growth juniper and watch eagles soar overhead.
MASTON TRAIL USE AREA WELCOME TO MASTON TRAIL USE AREA! There 's a hidden jewe l on the east side of the Cascade Mountains. Here , there are over 4,000 acres w here mountain bikers and horseback riders share the space but not the trails. Hikers can meander along lava rock-lined routes to breathtaking views of the Deschutes River, and trail runners can beat the snow in the w inter. Start yo ur adventure into the Maston A rea through the Maston or JuniperTrailheads , and spend a day exploring the geology and landscape of Central Oregon on almost 50 miles of trail. Lunch under the tw isted limbs of an old-growth juniper and watch eagles soar overhead. KNOW BEFORE YOU GO ~ OPEN YEAR ROUND and often avai lab le in w inter when higher elevation trai Is are snowed out. ~ ACCESSIBILITY includes disabled parking with paved access to picnic areas and the restroom at Maston trailhead. Also includes parking for trailers. ~ NO FEES. No water. No overn ight camping. Single veh icles on ly. M PETS ALLOWED under owner control. Watch for hikers, bikers, and horses. DIRECTIONS Th ere are two trail heads that access the Maston Trai l Use Area.To get to the main Maston Trailhead from Bend, head north to Tu malo and then turn on to Cline Falls Highway.Travel about 4.5 miles toward Eag le Crest Resort. Turn right (east) on Newcomb Road and the trail head is% mile down the road on your left. The smaller Juniper Trai lhead is located along Cline Falls Highway at the north end of the Maston area. POINT OF INTEREST Discoverthis 4,000-acre land ofopportunity! Therides follow gentle draws around basalt outcrops, whi le hikes go further into the rugged Deschutes River Canyon and the views shift from great to incredible! MOJ-00-21 LEGEND m Trailhead = ----- Multi-Use Trail Highway (Hike and Equestrian) ¢ 0.9 ¢ Trail Mileage - - lm~roved ~ Parking oad Seasonal ••••••••• Hiking Trail BLM Wildlife Closure - - Bicycle and Hiking Trail ~ Privateor - - Right of Way Road fl 0.2 fl Trail Mileage Other E:I CJ ~ DRY RIVER CANYON SEASONAL WILDLIFE CLOSURE All entry into the closure is Prohbited from February 1 to August 31 N W *E s 500 0 1000 2000 3 Feet ---- - ---- - ---- - ~<$., Newcomb - "2;fl lf Unimproved.,,r Road To Tumalol Bend ;, White Rock ' Loop ; Hareer Road ~ SJ

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