Jordan Craters is a volcanic field, covering 27 square miles with olivine basalt. This otherworldly scene is the result of lava flow that occurred in two main phases, both less than 30,000 years ago. This ancient lava field features craters, lava tubes and pahoehoe (a Hawaiian term meaning "ropy," describing the smooth, billowy lava flows), showing just how mobile a lava flow can be. Drive right up to Coffee Pot Crater, a well-preserved, steep-sided crater that covers two-thirds of a square mile. Hike through or take photos of this alien-like terrain and explore the area's beautiful and geologically violent past.
Recreation Map of Jordan Craters Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) in the BLM Vale District Office area in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
Jordan Craters ACEC
Jordan Craters is a volcanic field, covering 27 square miles with olivine basalt. This otherworldly scene is the result of lava flow that occurred in two main phases, both less than 30,000 years ago. This ancient lava field features craters, lava tubes and pahoehoe (a Hawaiian term meaning "ropy," describing the smooth, billowy lava flows), showing just how mobile a lava flow can be. Drive right up to Coffee Pot Crater, a well-preserved, steep-sided crater that covers two-thirds of a square mile. Hike through or take photos of this alien-like terrain and explore the area's beautiful and geologically violent past.
Jordan Craters is a volcanic field, covering 27 square miles with olivine basalt. This otherworldly
scene is the result of lava flow that occurred in two main phases, both less than 30,000 years ago.
This ancient lava field features craters, lava tubes and pahoehoe (a Hawaiian term meaning “ropy,”
describing the smooth, billowy lava flows), showing just how mobile a lava flow can be. Drive right
up to Coffee Pot Crater, a well-preserved, steep-sided crater that covers two-thirds of a square
mile. Hike through or take photos of this alien-like terrain and explore the area’s beautiful and
geologically violent past.
Know before you go
The area is full of RUGGED TERRAIN, footing is precarious. Lack of trails,
sharp lava formations and open pits can be dangerous for the most
experienced hiker.
LAVA FIELDS can reach temperatures of more than 120 degrees during the
summer. Dehydration is dangerous. Bring enough water to remain hydrated.
roads are nearly impassable when wet. Winter weather makes access
difficult. High-clearance, four-wheel-drive vehicles are recommended.
Jordan Craters is located in the southeast corner of Oregon in Malheur County.
From Highway 95, 8 miles north of Jordan Valley, turn west at the Jordan Craters
sign onto Cow Creek Road. Follow BLM Jordan Craters access signs for 25 miles
to the site.
Contact info
don’t forget!
100 Oregon Street
Vale, OR 97918
Coffee Pot Crater: the only crater on site to offer
vehicle access. This area also features roughly
aligned spatter cones—blocks of lava that have
welded together, forming cones.
Jordan Crater
crater are collapse pits, probably formed by
the collapse of lava tube roofs. Flow structures
include pahoehoe (a Hawaiian term meaning
“rope” or “ropy” that describes smooth, billowy
lava flows), pressure ridges, and lava gutters
that illustrate how mobile molten rock can be.
Know Before You Go
Please be careful. You can get a bad cut if you
fall on the lava. In addition, temperatures on
the lava field can exceed 120 degrees during
the summer, leading to dehydration and heat
Coffee Pot Crater, the only feature to which there
is vehicle access, covers about two-thirds of a
square mile and is a well-preserved, steep-sided
crater. One of the most interesting features in the
vicinity of Coffee Pot is a sequence of roughly
aligned spatter cones. They consist of blocks of
lava, probably ejected in a semi-molten state,
that have welded together, forming cones. The
interiors of the cones have a glassy “furnace
lining” look because they were vents for hot
Fishing, photography, and exploring are all
popular activities.
Directions to the Site
Jordan Craters is located in the southeast corner of
Oregon in Malheur County. From Highway 95,
eight miles north of Jordan Valley, turn west at
the Jordan Craters sign onto Cow Creek Road.
Follow BLM Jordan Craters access signs 25
miles to the site.
From a distance the lava field appears dark, as if
shaded by a cloud.
Several circular features to the northeast of the
Recreational Activities
District Contact Information
Vale District
Bureau of Land Management
100 Oregon Street, Vale, OR 97918
Public Lands USA:
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Welcome to
Jordan Craters
The 27-square mile olivine basalt
lava flow is timated to be
bween 4,000 and 9,000 years
old, based on the degree of lichen
development on the rocks. An
18-acre flow within the field is
thought to be l than 100 years
old bause not even lichens
have begun to colonize it.