MalheurHiking Trails |
Hiking Trails at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Oregon. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Refuge Trails cont.
Landing Road is actually a driving route;
3 Boat Closed
however, it may be most enjoyable to get outdoors
to listen for birds on the Blitzen River and the surrounding marsh. At the end of the route, view Tern
Island at a distance, observe the mouth of the Blitzen
River flowing into Malheur Lake and possibly witness
non-native carp stirring up the waters that unfortunately diminishes
water quality.
Length: 1½ miles one-way
Grade: Gentle
Surface: Two-track path
4 Buena Vista Overlook Trail is surrounded with years
of geological processes and an abundance of wildflowers. Instead of driving to the overlook, stretch your
legs and take this short trail. The trail, starting at the
restrooms, will lead to an overlook with interpretive
panels and an awe-inspiring view of Steens Mountain
and a panorama view of the Refuge. The overlook is
dedicated to Patrick R. Hickey, a
USFWS employee who designed
and built the overlook.
Length: 1/3 mile one-way
Grade: Gentle
Surface: Native
5 Crane Pond Overlook Trail provides open terrain that
leads to a rim of basalt overlooking seasonal ponds.
The ponds may be water-packed allowing one to
quietly observe and identify a variety of birds. If not,
be rewarded with scenic landscapes and solitude. The
trail was developed by Friends of Malheur National
Wildlife Refuge, a nonprofit organization of volunteers dedicated to support the
goals of the Refuge.
Length: ½ mile loop
Grade: Gentle
Surface: Native
Other Trails:
Auto Tour Route/Center Patrol Road (CPR) showcases
the scenic Blitzen River Valley’s outstanding features
of historical, geological, and biological interests. The
driving route traverses all habitat types of the Refuge –
shallow marshes, small ponds, flood irrigated meadows,
rimrock, and grass and sagebrush covered hills; it is
however, open to hiking, bicycling, cross-country skiing
and horseback riding. Be cautious, the route is shared
with vehicular traffic.
Length: 42 miles one-way
Grade: Gentle
Surface: Gravel
Desert Trail from Page Springs Campground to Diamond
Craters is part of the Oregon State Recreational Trails
System. Malheur’s section of the trail begins at East
Canal Trail and continues toward ‘Dutch Oven’ caldera,
Krumbo Reservoir, McCoy and Webb Spring Creeks and
ending at Diamond Craters. Guides are available from
the Desert Trail Association.
National Wildlife Refuge
Refuge Trails
‘…walking is the
fresh-air way to
view and listen
to the birds.’
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge offers an experience to all visitors – a tremendous diversity and
spectacular concentrations of wildlife, signs of earlier
inhabitants, scenic landscapes and solitude, and some
fresh air are all reasons to explore the Refuge.
The Refuge offers 12 designated trails for hiking,
bicycling and cross-country skiing from sunrise to
sunset. Pets must be on a leash and please stay on
designated roads and trails shown on this map and
observe all regulations to protect wildlife.
Refuge brochures, maps, information and interpretive exhibits are available at Refuge Headquarters.
The Visitor Center is open Monday through Friday,
8:00 am to 4:00 pm and staff with volunteers, most
Refuge Trails:
1 Overlook Trail goes through sagebrush habitat for an
opportunity to view birds in the tree canopies above
Refuge Headquarters, for an up close view of one
of the four historic lookout towers built by Civilian
Conservation Corps (CCC, 1935 - 1942), and for a
stunning view of Malheur Lake that was established
in 1908 to protect migratory and breeding birds
although non-native carp have
severely depleted food resources
on the Lake.
Length: 30 miles one-way (Horses and camping not permitted on the Refuge)
Grade: Gentle and moderate
Surface: Two-track path and native
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
36391 Sodhouse Lane
Princeton, OR 97721
Length: 1/10 mile one-way
Grade: Moderate
Surface: Gravel
Telephone: 541/493 2612
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
2 Marshall Trail leads to an observation blind overlook-
ing Marshall Pond and slightly loops through marsh
and sagebrush habitat. The blind was built to replace
an Oregon Audubon Society photographic blind and
designed with native rock to blend with the natural
surroundings. The trail is in memory of David B. Marshall, a dedicated USFWS employee who once lived
near the pond and was known for his strong advocate
for wildlife and habitat conservation.
Visitors with disabilities may be reasonably accommodated upon request and/or
receive an alternative format publication.
6 Krumbo Reservoir was created to improve habitat
for wildlife and angling. The drive to the Reservoir
provides wildlife viewing within the marsh and
sagebrush habitat. Along the way, look for a large
rock for an opportunity to view the role of rock art of
Welcome, enjoy your visit!
Spring flowers along Buena Vista Overlook Trail
Length: 1/5 mile loop
Grade: Gentle
Surface: ADA
the Northern Paiute people. Once at the banks, roam
freely along the Reservoir to view a variety of birds
dependent on the open, deep water. Restrooms, picnic
tables and shelters are available.
Length: Free roam bordering the
Grade: Gentle
Surface: Native
7 Benson Pond Trail was named for George M. Benson, the first Refuge Game Warden (1918 – 1949).
George and his wife Ethel lived in an old ranch
house that once stood amongst the trees that
have created an oasis for wildlife. A Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC, 1935 - 1942)
pump house still remains in the shade of
these trees. Roam freely beneath the trees,
watch and listen for a variety of birds and
potentially observe the Trumpeter
swans that typically nest on the
Length: ½ mile one-way
Grade: Gentle
Surface: Two-track path and native
8 Bridge Creek Trail begins at the confluence of Bridge
Creek and the Blitzen River. The trail provides an
abundance of birds and other wildlife intermixed with
willows and other friendly wildlife habitat. The twotrack path of the trail eventually ends; however, roam
freely heading east along Bridge
Creek, which leads to East Canal
Length: 1 ½ miles one-way
Grade: Gentle
Surface: Two-track path
9 River Trail is along the most scenic section of the
Blitzen River on the Refuge. The trail provides an
abundance of songbirds and other wildlife. Access the
trail at several areas from the confluence of Bridge
Creek on the auto tour route (CPR), at the Historic P
Ranch or along Steen Mountain Loop Road; however,
most of the trail is native. The two-track path of the
trail (3/4 mile one-way) is located at the Historic P
Ranch, where the original Peter French 1880s historic long barn, beef wheel and hay tripod is.
Refuge Trails cont.
Refuge Map
Length: 2 miles one-way
Grade: Gentle
Surface: Native and two-track path
10 Orchard Trail nestles at the Historic P Ranch, which
was once the orchard for Peter French and residents
in the 1880s. Roam freely in the orchard and watch for
birds amongst the old growth trees and look for the
resident mule deer eating from the apple trees. The
trail loops through an area where there once stood
twenty-one buildings for Peter French and residents
and to the original Peter French historic long barn,
beef wheel and hay tripod.
Length: Free roam amongst the
Grade: Gentle
Surface: Native and two-track path
Auto Tour Route
Refuge Trails cont.
11 Barnes Springs Footpath, covered in spring wildflowers, leads to a homestead site characterized by cottonwoods and other non-endemic trees and shrubs
associated with historic landscapes. Bird for potential
rare and incidental birds, particularly songbirds, and
at the end of the trail, observe an old mud brick building with corral, wattle fences, and
warm spring pools.
Length: 9/10 mile one-way
Grade: Gentle
Surface: Two-track path and native
12 East Canal Trail is a pastoral trail accented by ample
amounts of birds and butterflies. Enjoy the scenery
and explore Mud Creek Brood Pond, Mud Creek
and Bridge Creek along the way. The trail stops at
Bridge Creek; however, roam freely heading west
along Bridge Creek, which leads to
Bridge Creek Trail. Be cautious, the
trail is shared with vehicular traffic.
Length: 3¼ mile one-way
Grade: Gentle
Surface: Two-track path