

brochure Malheur - Fishing

Fishing at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Oregon. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Welcome, enjoy your visit! Fishing Regulations Cont. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is located in the high desert country of southeastern Oregon. { Boats - Non-motorized or electric boats are permitted Malheur K National Wildlife Refuge Fishing The 187,000 acre Refuge is a remote, arid land of shallow marshes, lakes, small ponds, flood irrigated meadows, alkali flats, rimrock and grass and sagebrush covered hills. The Refuge is situated at 4,100 feet in elevation. Radical weather changes, including lightening storms and intense heat and cold can occur. Be prepared for weather extremes and traveling long distances over gravel roads. Make sure your vehicle is in good condition and the gas tank is full. Carry mosquito repellent if you visit in the summer. The Refuge is open daily from sunrise to sunset. Information about fishing, road conditions and nearby services can be obtained at Refuge Headquarters. Office hours are Monday through Thursday, 7:00 am to 4:30 pm and Friday, 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. The Visitor Center is open Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, and staffed with volunteers most weekends. Fishing Regulations Use Only - The Refuge is open daily from  Day sunrise to sunset. l Fish Safely and Ethically - Limited sport fishing is authorized in accordance with all applicable Federal and Oregon State laws. The use of best methods for releasing fish is encouraged and it is unlawful to leave dead fish or any part thereof on the banks or in the water of any stream, lake or other body of water. Ice Fishing - Ice fishing and all public access onto any ice formation is not permitted. À Refuge Roads - Motorized vehicles and horseback riding are allowed on designated roads shown on È this map. Horseback riding is not permitted on East Canal Road. F Hiking, Bicycling and Cross-country Skiing - Hiking, bicycling and cross-country skiing are allowed only G on designated roads and trails shown on this map. on Krumbo Reservoir, except when ice is present at the boat launch. Gates, Dikes and Road Accesses - Gates, dikes and road accesses may not be blocked by vehicles. Leave all gates as you find them. Pets - Pets must be kept on leash while on the Refuge. Please pick up after your pets. © Weapons - Possession of weapons on the Refuge must abide by all Oregon State lawns and regulations. Discharge of weapons outside of the hunting seasons are prohibited. Prohibited Activities - All-terrain vehicles (ATVs), camping, fires, swimming, ice fishing, and collecting natural objects such as plants, animals, minerals, antlers, objects of antiquity (including Indian artifacts) are prohibited. # < # Ò # r # ± # W # Y # K Malheur National Wildlife Refuge 36391 Sodhouse Lane Princeton, OR 97721 541/493 2612 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for Refuge Information 1 800/344-WILD Visitors with disabilities may be reasonably accommodated upon request and/or receive an alternative format publication. August 2019 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service r ek e d. Auto Tour R 205 Auto To tn . R Open 8/15 through 10/15 eC D onn e Sod House Ranch g Brid ru . S Field Fishing Areas ! D o n n er u n d B lit z e n . R ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! st S id ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Ea ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! al ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Trails ! Gravel Roads n e Ca ! ! Auto Tour Route ! ! Donner und. Blitzen R. ! ! ! ! ! ! Auto Tour Route ! ! ! ! --- Gate 2 Reservoir Fishery – Krumbo Reservoir Species: Rainbowr etrout and largemouth bass k Season/Limits: Year-round and State Limits (see ODFW Sport Fishing Regulations) Fishing Access eC e d. Auto Tour ! ! ! oir ! ! rv zen R . d Blit ! ! ! se r un ! ! ! ! ! g Brid tn . R D onn e ! ! ! d ee ! ! Re R d. Paved Roads ! bo ! ! ! ! op ! ! ! ! m 5! ! _ Steens Mtn. L(paved) Hwy 205 o ! ! y j ! Krumbo Reservoir Rec Site 205 (Includes part of Desert Trail on Refuge) ! ! ! u Kr e ous 5! _! ! i j ! Bridge Creek Trail East Canal Trail Mu Cr _! ! jAuto Tour Route (gravel) ! Refuge Headquarters e ut Mud Creek ! Waterfowl & Upland Game Hunting Benson Pond ! ! @ ! 205 River Trail Brood Pond @P RanchRefuge Headquarters Upland ! ! ! !Game Hunting ! ! ! Gate - Seasonal Closure F! ! [! Z! _! ]! Õ ! ! Select Ponds Krumbo Swamp ! Legend ! . dH o 3 Frenchglen Canal or Stream Buena Vista Ponds & Overlook ! So S Field Open 8/15 through 10/15 Upland Habitat Drive-in access may be closed at gate when road conditions are hazardous. ! Refuge Boundary Irrigated Habitat o l Rd ! i ! Sod House Ranch Pond Refuge Boundary Otter Pond use Ln . R ! Buena Vista Rd. Kru mb o LPonds Buena Vista n. ! ! ! ! ! ! 205 • Artificial flies and lures only • Catch and release for trout • Boats are not permitted ! ! Current Management Darnell r P atr Cente ! ! j ! Sod ho Map 3b 22(Insets) Public Use Facilities Crane Pond ! 2 11 ! Malheur Lake ! Stream Fisheries – Headquarters Fishing Unit (north bank of the Blitzen River from Sodhouse Lane to the bridge on the Boat Landing Road) Species: Non-native carp Marshall Pond Season/Limits: August 1 – September 15 and State Limits (see ODFW Sport Fishing Regulations) 1 ! R. D o n n er u n d B lit z e n ! ! ! ! ! Lawen Lane ! ! ! ! ! ! ! al ! st S id _ Canal or Stream Select Ponds Gate - Seasonal Closure 0 Upland Game Hunting 0.5 Restrooms 1 Miles Waterfowl & 0 0.5 1 Kilometers Upland Game Hunting All inset maps 1:40,000 Ea ! ! r i ! ! D o n n er u n d B lit z e n ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! River Trail ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! n e Ca st S id Ea ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! al ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! oir Drive-in access may be closed at gate when road conditions are hazardous. ! ! ! rv ! ! se i ! ! ! d. ! ! Re R ! ! ! ! ! y j ! p ! ! ! ! ! Steens Mtn. L oo ! ! ! bo ! ! ! ! um ! ! ! (Includes part of Desert Trail on Refuge) ! ! Cr ! ! ! East Canal Trail ! Kr ! ! ! ! ! ! Krumbo Reservoir Rec Site Mud Creek Brood Pond ! ! j ! ! ! ! Mud i ! ! ! _! ! j! 5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! P Ranch ! ! ! Krumbo Swamp ! i ! R. ek e Auto Tour Route ! ! ! ! ! ! Boat ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Auto Tour ! ! ! ! eC Darnell Pond n. ! ! ! Upland Habitat ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Picnic Tables Irrigated Habitat 3 Stream Fisheries – South Fishing Loop (mainstem of the Blitzen River, East Canal, and tributaries upstream of Page Dam and including Bridge Creek) Species: Redband trout Season/Limits: Year-round and State Limits (see ODFW Sport Fishing Regulations) Bridge Creek Trail g Brid 2 ! ! 5 Refuge Boundary ! ! Parking ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! zen R . d Blit ! ! r un . ! D onn e i i ! ! Donner und. Blitzen R. o l Rd ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . d. Auto Tour Route r P atr Cente ! ! ! Donner und. Blitzen R. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5 _! ! 205 5! ! _ Boat Launch Map 3b Public Use Facilities (Insets) Current Management ! ! 3 3 Frenchglen Benson Pond y ! ! oir Auto Tour Route ! ! ! ! ! rv ! ! Refuge Headquarters Otter Pond 205 ! ! ! ! se Rd tn . R and ! ! ! e ous S Field P Ranch ! ! ! ! Re So o ! ! Malheur Field Station R ! ! ! ! bo ! 5! ! _ e ut ! ! ! y Historic Sod House Ranch j ! @ ! ! ! um ! Kr ! R ! ! ! ! ! j ! ! dH use Ln . ing ! ! ! nd d. Crane Pond Historic ! La ! ! Krumbo Reservoir Rec Site mb oL ! ! ! ! ! Sod ho Kru ! ! Open 8/15 through 10/15 River Trail • Use of bait allowed Buena Vista Rd. • 5 trout per day, 8 inch minimum length Mu j ! d day, 3 daily limits • 5 largemouth bass per Buena Ponds Frenchglen Mud Creek Vista Cr ee Brood Pond k in possession P Ranch East Canal Trail (Includes part of Desert _j ! ! • Non-motorized and boats are 205 Trail on Refuge) Buena Vistaelectric Ponds & Overlook permitted ! F [ ! Z ! _ ! ] ! Õ ! n Steens Mtn. L e Ca oo • Drive-in access on Krumbo Lane may be p R closedd.when road conditions are hazardous ! Marshall Pond Sod House Ranch 2 ! Ruh-Red Road Krumbo Swamp Benson Pond ! ! n. ! ! ! mb oL Otter Pond 205 1 Darnell Malheur Lake Pond ! ! Kru ! ! 2 Crane Pond ! ee k • Artificial flies and lures only • Catch and release for trout • Fishing is not permitted within 200 feet upstream and downstream of fish passage ways • Boats are not permitted • Drive-in access on East Canal Road may be closed when road conditions are hazardous k !

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