MalheurBrochure |
Brochure for Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Oregon. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
National Wildlife
Greater Sandhill Crane
Terry Steele
lthough the birds bring me
to Malheur, I am also drawn
by the place itself, the crisp scent
of sage on the air, the crack of a
late summer lightning bolt, the
golden beauty of slanting sun on
rimrock. I have been delighted by
chance encounters with a family
of coyotes, a badger, a porcupine,
and a scorpion. The birds are just
one part of the magic.
One of my most vivid experiences
at Malheur came after a long day
of birding, as I contentedly made
my way home into the setting sun.
I spied a couple of short-eared
owls some distance from the car. I
stopped to watch. One owl left the
group and glided silently in front
of me, turning its head and fixing
me with a steady gaze. That’s
Malheur for you. Even when you
think you’ve seen it all, there is
always one more surprise waiting
around the bend.
Noah Strycker; Writer and Photographer
Steens Mountain overlooking Benson Pond
Doug Dill USFWS Volunteer
Refuge Map
One of the crown jewels of the
A Protected Oasis
inof the crown
jewels of the
Refuge System,
National Wildlife
Oregon’s High Desert
Wildlife Refuge
Malheur National
a vast
a vast
of habitats in
wetlands in Oregon’s high
Refuge is
desert. The refuge is
its tremendous diversity
for for
its tremendous
and spectacular
and spectacular
concentrations of
of wildlife.
wildlife. With
more than 320 bird
Boasting over 320 bird
60 mammal species,
58 mammal
is a mecca
for birdwatchers
species, Malheur
is a mecca
People havePeople
been drawn
drawn to Malheur’s
abundant wildlife and natural
resources for thousands of years.and natural
for thousands
When unregulated
and plume of years.
hunting began
to decimate
market and
of migratory birds, President
to decimate
Theodore Roosevelt stepped in to stop
migratory birds,
the slaughter.
In 1908, heof
Malheur a sanctuary
stepped in to stop the slaughter. In
Today, Malheur National Wildlife
Malheur “as a
Refuge consists
than 187,000
breeding ground for
acres of prime
120,000 acres
of wetlands,
birds.”on the
Pacific Flyway. Particularly
important to
National Wildlife
sandhill cranes, and redband trout,
of more than 187,000
the refuge also encompasses upland
a tremendously
and riparian
vital to many important
migrating birds
habitat. The Refuge
represents a crucial stop along the
Malheur is one of over 500 refuges in
and as–a resting,
the NationalPacific
Refuge System
a network ofbreeding
lands set aside
and specifically
nesting area for
for wildlife.hundreds
Managed by
of the
of birds and
Fish & Wildlife Service, the System is
a living heritage, conserving wildlife
and habitat for people today and for
to come. is a part of the National
©David Pitkin
Great Egret
Roger Baker USFWS Volunteer
Wildlife Refuge System, a network of
over 540 refuges set aside specifically
for fish and wildlife. Managed by
the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service,
the System is a living heritage,
conserving fish, wildlife and their
habitats for generations to come.
A Year of Wildlife
Spring is the most
spectacular season at
Malheur and in the
surrounding areas. Over
130 species of birds arrive
to nest on the Refuge, while
others stop to rest and
refuel for their migration
Yellow Warbler
further north. In late March
Barbara Wheeler USFWS Volunteer
or early April, a few spring
migrants begin to arrive in large flocks such as swans, Northern
Pintails, sandhill cranes, and White-fronted, Snow and Ross’
Geese. During this early spring period, the majority of birds
can be found on the Silvies Floodplain and Sage Grouse begin
displaying on their strutting grounds. By April, the majority of
waterfowl and shorebirds arrive and songbird numbers peak
in late May. May is a time to see large variety of birds and
most “rare” bird species arrive from mid-May to mid-June.
Pronghorn Antelope and Mule Deer fawns are also born at this
As the flurry of migration
settles, most local birds are
raising their young and are
often quiet. Early summer is
a good time to see waterfowl
with their broods and many
waterbirds such as grebes,
American Avocets
pelicans, and White-faced
Barbara Wheeler USFWS Volunteer
Ibises can also be seen
foraging in wetlands. Most “rare” bird species and Bobolinks
are also visible. Early fall migrant shorebirds begin returning to
use shallow water and mud flats areas, and their numbers peak
in August with the increased numbers of waterfowl. Summer
visitors should also prepare to enjoy an Oregon landmark,
Steens Mountain, and the Historic Sod House Ranch (open
August 15 – October 15) to witness eight remaining buildings of
the 1880s era of Peter French.
Activity increases again with the fall
migration. The fall “vagrant season” is
long, with unusual birds appearing from
early September through October, with
September being the best all-around
peak time. One of the highlights of fall is
when Greater Sandhill Cranes “stage”,
or gather, before migrating to wintering
grounds from September through
November. Large number of Mule Deer
move onto the Refuge in October and
Mule Deer
large bucks are visible during their rut
Barbara Wheeler
USFWS Volunteer
from late October through November.
By late November, most migrating birds
head south for the winter, but lucky visitors may view large
flocks of swans. Fall colors are also abundant and beautiful this
time of the year.
Winter is the quietest season at the Refuge and offers an
opportunity for visitors to experience solitude. Although most
ponds freeze over, some remain open, providing food and
water to wintering wildlife. Many mammals and a variety of
raptors, including eagles and hawks, winter on the Refuge.
Most songbirds have moved south for the winter, but some
sparrows remain. Careful observers may find sparrows and
Snow Buntings among the Horned Larks. As migration initiates
in Spring, migratory birds begin returning starting with swans
and Northern Pintails, and followed by large flocks of sandhill
cranes and White-fronted, Snow and Ross’ Geese.
Golden Eagle
Barbara Wheeler
USFWS Volunteer
Land and Water for
Different habitats bring different wildlife
viewing opportunities. Birds and other
wildlife need several types of habitat
for food, shelter, and raising young.
Management of these varying habitats
are key anchors in meeting the needs of
migratory and breeding birds and other
Malheur Lake is one of the largest inland
marshes in the United States varying dramatically in size from 500 to 110,000 acres.
It receives water from the Blitzen and
Silvies Rivers, and predominantly influenced by snowpack on Steens Mountain to
the south and the Blue Mountains to the
north. During high waters, the water will
connect to Mud Lake. Common emergent
species in Malheur Lake include various sedges and rushes supporting mixed
colonies of ibises, egrets, Franklin’s Gulls,
and Western Grebes. There is little direct
management of these lakes, including
Harney Lake.
White-faced Ibis
Jerry Smith
Harney Lake is deeper than Malheur
Lake and water often enters through
Silver Creek. When the lake is full it
supports extensive stands of wigeongrass
and high numbers of waterfowl. However,
Harney Lake dries up completely during
dry periods, shifting from a hypersaline
lake to a dry salt flat. At higher salinities,
it supports an abundance of brine shrimp
and brine flies, an important food sources
for many birds.
Seasonally wet meadows provide foraging,
resting, and nesting habitat for a variety
of waterbirds, waterfowl, shorebirds, and
neotropical migrants. Meadows undergo
a number of manipulations to ensure
desired vegetation structure, including
flood irrigation, prescribed fire, haying
and grazing.
Marshes ideally provide nesting cover
and limited open-water feeding areas for
waterfowl and marsh birds. This habitat
is generally located adjacent to ponds and
experiences shallower flooding depths
ranging from 6 inches to 3 feet and typically occurs from late winter/early spring
through July. Flooding and drawdowns
are common strategies to maintain
healthy meadows.
Sandhill Crane
Roger Baker
USFWS Volunteer
Open Water
Ruddy Duck
Barbara Wheeler USFWS
Ponds provide food resources for diving
and dabbling ducks and support Greater
Sandhill Crane roosting and nesting.
Emergent plants related to ponds
provide nesting and escape cover for
broods and molting birds. Often ponds
are dried to enable submergent plants to
Upland habitats include sagebrush, salt
desert scrub, and dunes. Common upland
plants like sagebrush, greasewood, and
Great Basin wildrye provide habitat
for ground nesting migratory birds,
landbirds, and a diverse variety of
mammals. Prescribed fires are used to
encourage growth of native grasses for
The Refuge annually plants 70 – 100
acres of winter wheat, rye, oats, and
spring barley to support Greater Sandhill
Cranes during fall “staging”, or gather,
and other wildlife, such as pheasants,
geese, dabbling ducks, and deer. Planted
grains complement wetland foods,
especially after the ground freezes.
Did You Know...
Great Blue Heron
…Malheur Lake was once capable of annually producing over
100,000 waterfowl and ranked as one of the most productive
waterfowl areas in North America. The lake also once played a
much more significant role in the Pacific Flyway for migratory
birds. In the early 1950s, the negative impacts of Common Carp
became noticeable and the productivity of lakes has been far
from optimal since.
Buena Vista Ponds
Doug Dill USFWS Volunteer
The Basin Through
For thousands of years, people have
been drawn to Malheur’s abundant
wildlife and natural resources, and the
Refuge is committed to protecting these
resources of plants, animals, and human
interactions with each other and the
landscape over time.
9,800 Years Ago
Harney Basin contained a huge lake
that covered 255,000 acres. These early
inhabitants used plants and animals
found along the edge of this vast lake
and in the surrounding uplands. Hunters
used spears to hunt large game animals,
such as bison, and it was around this
time that twined bags, mats and burden
baskets, and trays began to appear in the
archaeological records.
3,500 Years Ago
Small villages were built along the
edges of lakes, marshes and the river.
Unfortunately, the inhabitants of this
village were forced to abandon their
homes when volcanic cinders from an
eruption at Diamond Craters blanketed
the landscape.
Earliest Evidence of
Early Villages
Following a dry period, moist conditions
returned, bringing an abundance of
resources to lakes, marshes, and uplands,
and attracting many people. This may
be the period of most intensive use of
resources in the Harney Basin. Villages
of mat-covered shelters called wickiups
sprang up along virtually every pond and
marsh. The descendants of these people,
the Wada’tika – Northern Paiute of the
Harney Basin – occupied the area when
the first Europeans arrived.
1,400 Years Ago
Nothern Paiute
Double-O Sunset
Burns Paiute elders recall the
continuation of a seasonal round into
historic times. They talk about gathering
plants, hunting, and fishing as foods
became abundant in the lakes, marshes,
rivers, and the uplands. Spring was a
time for gathering roots and fish, which
they dried and stored away. Tui chub
were harvested in Harney and Malheur
lakes, and salmon were procured from
the Malheur River. In the summer
Barbara Wheeler USFWS Volunteer
Pronghorn Antelope
Barbara Wheeler USFWS
they traveled around their territory,
gathering seeds and berries and hunting
game. Fall was also a time for hunting
waterfowl, jackrabbit, bighorn sheep,
and antelope. Families came together
in the fall for communal antelope and
rabbit drives. Fall was also an important
time for collection of plant materials
to be used for manufacture of sandals,
baskets, and clothing during the winter.
During the winter they retrieved their
supplies of dried food and erected houses
of tule (bulrush) mats near springs in
the wetlands around Malheur, Mud, and
Harney lakes. While the rest of their
territory lay frozen, the wetlands offered
fresh plants, waterfowl, and mammals to
supplement their stored food.
Did You Know...
…The term Wada’Tika
refers to the Paiutes
living in the Harney
Basin and literally
means “wada eaters”.
In the
the tiny black seeds
of wada, a plant that grows along the shores of the lakes.
…Many of these important resources are still harvested
today by the Burns Paiute Tribe at a variety of locations in
the Harney Basin. Members of the Tribe continue to harvest
important plants on the Refuge as they seek to sustain and
share their cultural traditions of basket weaving, and tule mat
and duck decoy construction with tribal youth.
1820s to 1850s
First Non-native
River Otter
Barbara Wheeler USFWS
In 1826 French-Canadian fur trapper
Peter Skene Ogden led a large expedition
of trappers from the Hudson’s Bay
Company into the Harney Basin. The fur
trappers were looking for beaver, river
otter, and other fur-bearing animals.
They encountered Northern Paiute
Indians camped along the shore of the
lakes. The Hudson’s Bay Company
frequently expected local tribes to
supply food for their large expedition
groups. Unfortunately, the Paiutes were
entering the winter season after a very
unproductive summer and were unable to
help the explorers with food.
The 1845 Meeks Wagon Train
represented the next major entry of nonnatives into the area.Nearly 800 pioneers
followed Stephen Meek across Oregon’s
high desert, who claimed that he knew
a shorter route to the Willamette Valley.
As the wagon train entered the Harney
Basin, their primary concerns were
finding water and feed for their livestock.
They camped along Malheur and Harney
lakes but found that the water, because
of its alkaline nature, was not fit for
humans or animals. The ill-fated wagon
train eventually made their way to The
Dalles, but not before suffering from the
deprivations of the high desert.
Alvord Desert Cutoff
Marilyn Kircus USFWS
In September 1853, the “Lost Wagon
Train” led by Elijah Elliot, seeking a
shorter route to the Willamette Valley,
followed the route of the Meeks Wagon
Train into the Harney Basin. Upon
entering Harney Basin, Elliot decided to
detour around the south side of Malheur
Lake and continued around Mud and
Harney lakes until they reached the
springs in the Double-O area. Many
members of the wagon train believed
they were hopelessly lost, but riders
from Central Oregon eventually located
the wagon train many miles west of the
Double-O area and led them to safety.
In 1872 Peter French with 1,200 head
of cattle, six Mexican vaqueros, and a
cook headed to Oregon from California
under the direction of Dr. Hugh Glenn
to begin building a vast cattle empire.
Once he entered the lush Blitzen Valley,
French’s search for land was over.
French continued to acquire land over
the next 25 years using not only the Homestead Act, but also
the Swamp Land and Desert Acts. French eventually managed
a ranch that encompassed the Blitzen, Diamond, and Catlow
valleys. The valleys underwent a transformation from more
natural conditions attributed to pre-European contact to the
highly altered landscape of today with construction of roads,
ditches and impoundments. Land disputes between French and
other settlers led to French’s murder in 1897. The land was
reorganized and sold through several companies before the
ranch was sold to the U.S. Government.
1872 to 1897
Peter French Era
Did You Know...
Malheur Lake
Barbara Wheeler USFWS
…The lack of
available food and
a scarcity of furbearing animals
around Harney
and Malheur
lakes led Ogden
to write the name
“Malheur,” the
French word for
misfortune, on
his maps of the area. From that time on,
the area would be identified as Malheur
…Many local landmarks received their names during
military expeditions. Harney Lake received its name
in 1859 in honor of General William S. Harney.
Steens Mountain is named after Major Enoch Steen,
who led an expedition to survey a military road
through the area in 1860.
…Many early bird observations were recorded
in military journals from the expeditions in the
late 1850s. This information would later attract
feather hunters to the area and eventually bring
about the establishment of the Refuge.
1900 to 1920s
From Ranch to Refuge
In the late 1880s, plume hunters were
decimating North American bird
populations in the name of fashion. The
hunters were collecting breeding feathers
for the hat industry. Shorebirds and
colonial nesting birds suffered the most
as hunters targeted large flocks, injuring
birds indiscriminately and orphaning
chicks. In an era when an ounce of
breeding feathers was worth more than
an ounce of gold, it’s not surprising that
plume hunters sought to make a fortune
by hunting birds on Malheur Lake.
On a trip to Harney County in 1908 to
photograph nesting birds on Malheur
Lake, wildlife photographers William
L. Finley and Herman T. Bohlman
learned that most of the birds had
been killed in 1898 by plume hunters.
After 10 years the bird population
had still not recovered. Outraged by
their observations, they presented
the situation to fellow members of the
Oregon Audubon Society and approached
President Theodore Roosevelt with
the proposal. The “Lake Malheur
Reservation” was established on August
18, 1908. Roosevelt set aside unclaimed
government lands encompassed by
Malheur, Mud, and Harney lakes “as a
preserve and breeding ground for native
1930 to Today
Wildlife First
The drought years of the 1930s
had a profound effect on the “Lake
Malheur Reservation”. Malheur, Mud
and Harney lakes water levels shrank
with the decrease in flows from the rivers
and creeks that fed the lakes. William L.
Finley again played an integral part in
the purchase of the Blitzen Valley which
was added as an addition to the bird
reservation in 1935 with funds designated
for national unemployment relief (e.g.,
the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)).
The purchase included acquiring the
water rights for waters flowing from
Steens Mountain.
Control of the Blitzen River allowed
the bird reservation to restore water to
Malheur Lake by releasing water held
behind ranch dams.
Did You Know...
... In an effort to
revive America
with the Great
Depression in
1933, President
Roosevelt created the
CCC. Three CCC camps
were hosted on the
Refuge and left behind
an incredible legacy
of infrastructure that
remains today. Some
undertaken and well
recognized today are the four stone buildings
at Refuge Headquarters, Refuge roads, dikes
and pond impoundments.
…The newly established “Lake Malheur
Reservation” was the nineteenth of 51 wildlife
refuges created by Roosevelt during his tenure
as President. At the time, Malheur was the third
refuge in Oregon and one of only six refuges west
of the Mississippi.
…George M. Benson served as the Refuge
game warden, and later agent, beginning
in 1918. Preferring the title of “refuge
protector,” Benson not only enforced hunting
and trapping laws at Malheur, but he also
banded many waterfowl, often with the help
of local children. With his wife Ethel, Benson
eventually moved into the old ranch house
that once stood in the large cottonwood grove
at Benson Pond and the Refuge decided to
honor Benson by building a little museum
named George Benson Memorial Museum
located at Refuge Headquarters in 1953.
The Refuge Headquarters and Visitor
Center is located 32 miles south of Burns,
Oregon. From State Highway 205, follow
signs to the Refuge.
The Refuge is open daily from sunrise
to sunset. The Visitor Center is open
Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00
pm, and staffed with volunteers most
Visitor Center
and Museum
The Visitor Center is a good starting
point for your visit. Knowledgeable
volunteers are available to provide
information and answer questions, and
a good selection of educational items
can found in the Nature Store. Visitors
can experience the museum with nearly
200 mounted bird specimens and view a
variety of wildlife in the trees and shrubs,
and on the pond.
Auto Tour
The 42-mile auto tour (Center Patrol
Road) offers prime wildlife viewing and
interpretive opportunities on the Refuge.
Your vehicle is an excellent observation
blind. Self-guided auto tour brochure and
media are available.
Hiking, bicycling and cross-country
skiing provides views of wildlife habitat
and allowed only on designated roads and
trails shown on this map. Refuge trail
brochure is available.
Observation and
With more than 320 species of birds and
60 species of mammals, the Refuge offers
prime wildlife viewing. Bird and mammal
checklists are available.
The Refuge has a variety of locations
with interpretation panels to orient and
provide visitors information about the
The Refuge offers opportunities and
guidance to teachers and educational
groups for outdoor classroom activities.
Call for information.
Knox Ponds
Barbara Wheeler USFWS Volunteer
Fishing and
Fishing and hunting are allowed only in
designated areas shown on Refuge maps
and by Refuge regulations. Fishing and
hunting brochures are available.
Refuge Roads
Motorized vehicles and horseback riding
are allowed only on designated roads
shown on this map. Horseback riding is
not permitted on East Canal Trail.
Non-motorized or electric boats are
allowed on Krumbo Reservoir, except
when ice is present at the boat launch,
and allowed in designated hunt areas
during the Malheur Lake hunt seasons.
Dogs must be kept on leash while on the
Refuge, except in designated hunt areas
during the hunt seasons.
Possession of weapons follows all State
regulations on the Refuge. Discharge of
weapons outside of the hunt seasons are
All-terrain vehicles (ATVs), camping,
fires, swimming, and collecting natural
objects such as plants, animals, minerals,
antlers, and objects are prohibited.
Refuge Areas of Interest
P Ranch
Lawen Lane
Rue-Red Road
Historic Sod House Ranch
Malheur Field Station
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
36391 Sodhouse Lane
Princeton, OR 97721-9523
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Nationwide refuge information
Visitors with disabilities may be reasonably
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an alternative format publication.
Oregon Relay Service
TTY 1 800/735 2900
Voice 1 800/735 1232
March 2015