Hart Mountain


brochure Hart Mountain - Map

Map of Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Oregon. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Black Rim Hart Mountain Bluejoint Lake id ge Gray Buttes Visitor Information Ji m R National Antelope Refuge Sn y hglen de Frenc r C an ker n yo S ix Po Turpin Lake es 28 mil le D mi r a Pok Upper Campbell Lake Warner Valley Overlook Warner Pond llow Cre ek eek k Cr S pr Roc th Ho t Valet Spring d Swede Knoll Adams Butte Bo D nd Cre e k No r d oa ky R oa s S ing N N Antelope Spring Piaute Reservoir d Hot Springs n anyo on rmo a ny C Potter C yo n e Ga Flook Lake eR on rk DeGa rmo Fo C u Mo ak ny Arsen ic C a n yon ad k Ro glen B lue Ca Anderson Lake Mulk ey Canyon C r ee nch - Fre kL Fl o o Ju n i pe r Wi rt Ha in nta Blizzard Ridge Wil low Visitor Information Camp Hart Mountain Swamp Lake Roc k ttl e snake D raw Mugwump Lake Petroglyph Lake eek Cr Ra Flagstaff Lake Jim er Ro a 3-11 Reservoir Lake Ro ad Campbell Lake Poker Jim Lake Road Poker Jim Spring w Flook Knoll Stone Corral Lake Miles Miles 0 0 Kilometers Kilometers 4 4 4 Legend Black Canyon Indian Springs Legend n Road Bl ack C anyo Lookout Point 00 an ck Refuge Boundary Bla 4 on Can y View Points Refuge Boundary Warner Wetlands an yo Warner Peak (elev.-8,017 ft.) n ad d Ha oa Area Closed to Hunting Intermittent / Dry Lake Private Inholdings C no oad eR Lak Thunderbird sh i Lake n a Sp k ree n Lo Big Flat Ri ffl e Mound Lake Wire Corral Flat C a ny on Wool Lake Fisher Canyon Crump Lake Cat Butte Reservoir Lake May L ake Refuge Headquarters Area Closed to Hunting Observation/Photography Dobyns Lake Fred Pond Long Lake Cat Forty-four Lake (Do Not Trespass) Proposed Wilderness Desert Lake ad Ro ake gL The Narrows (see State Regulations) Streams / Creeks Waterbodies Open to Fishing Intermittent / Dry Lake Waterbodies Spanish Flat Gua (June 15 - Dec. 1 & Barnhardy Rd. Aug. 1Openunless to Fishing Dec.1 posted otherwise) Proposed Wilderness kR ad Ro Spanish Lake Streams / Creeks Seasonal Roads (see State Regulations) ir Sh ar y st M e Po Martin Canyon d un Bo th Post Meadows W ar C ree rt oad ary R Twin Lake Milit Old Fitzgerald Link Lake Lake Blue Sky ek o ws Road ain unt c k ade Cre Sou Mo Sto k Hart La ke Road (Subject to conditions) View Points West RoadSeasonal Roads Gulch Open (June 15Roads - Dec. 1 & Barnhardy Rd. Aug. 1Dec.1 unless posted otherwise) (Subject to conditions) k C ree Deer Old Camp Warner (Historic Site) ne r Alkali Flat D rive d Roa Guano Creek Hart Lake Open Roads Skyli n e 3-12 Hart C Barn h ardy Plush 10 miles Private Inholdings (Do Not Trespass) Refuge Headquarters Alger Lake Observation/Photography Lone Grave Butte Lakes Billy Burr Lake Coffee Pot Reservoir Jacobs Reservoir G ua Cr e o n ek Guano Valley Clover Swale 6-14-2014

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