Christmas Valley Sand DunesBrochure and Map |
Brochure and Map of Christmas Valley Sand Dunes Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
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An unusual stand of ancient ponderosa pine forest growing out
of the sand is the outstanding feature of the Lost Forest Research
Natural Area, which is located in the northeast portion of the
area. A remnant of a forest that existed in a cooler and wetter age,
these pines survive on half the typical annual precipitation for this
tree species due to unique soil and hydrologic properties of the
area. The nearest forest is 40 miles to the northwest, yet the pines
continue to reproduce and thrive in this environment. Old growth
juniper groves also exist in the Lost Forest. Motorized vehicles
are allowed in the Lost Forest on routes posted “open.” No cross
country use is allowed. Camping is permissible in designated
sites only.
Sand Dunes Wilderness Study Area
The Sand Dunes Wilderness Study Area, located in the south and
central part of the area, is the largest inland shifting sand dune
system in the Pacific Northwest and a popular destination for offhighway vehicle enthusiasts. The dunes are composed largely
of ash and pumice that blew into the area 7,000 years ago when
Mt. Mazama erupted forming Crater Lake. Nearly 8,900 acres of
dunes remain open to vehicle use. Please keep your vehicle on
routes posted “open” until you reach the open bare dunes.
Fossil Lake Area of Critical
Environmental Concern
New species continue to be unearthed by research groups at
Fossil Lake. Collecting fossils by the public is strictly prohibited.
Access to this special area is limited to walk-in traffic only.
Know Before You Go
Camping and Services
• Camping areas are primitive. There are no facilities, water,
or restrooms in the area. Please pack out toilet paper and
bury human waste in a four-to six-inch-deep “cat-hole” at
least 200 feet away from campsite.
• Camping is permitted in designated sites only.
• No firewood collecting or cutting is permitted anywhere in
the area.
• The nearest services are located in Christmas Valley,
Oregon, approximately 16 miles southwest.
• Off-highway vehicles are allowed only on designated routes or
• The Bureau of Land Management follows Oregon State laws
and regulations pertaining to off-highway vehicles. The term
off-highway vehicle refers to all motorized vehicles.
• You must have a valid driver’s license, state-issued all-terrain
vehicle operator permit, or be accompanied by someone 18 or
older with a valid driver’s license or operator permit.
• Flags are required on all vehicles on the dunes (9 feet tall orange
or red flag).
• A State of Oregon off-highway vehicle sticker is required
to operate on all lands managed by the Bureau of Land
Management in Oregon. Stickers may be purchased at All
Terrain Vehicle dealerships or by calling 1 (800) 551-6949.
• Children between the ages of 7 and 12 must have both a stateissued all-terrain vehicle operator permit and be accompanied
by someone 18 or older with a valid driver’s license or stateissued all-terrain vehicle operator permit.
• Children under the age of 18 must wear a helmet on all-terrain
vehicles and motorcycles.
• Use headlights and taillights between dusk and dawn.
• Mufflers must be maintained at 99 decibels.
• Out-of-state visitors are required to have their state off-highway
vehicle sticker, or must purchase a State of Oregon sticker to
ride here.
• Operate your off-highway vehicle sober, not under the influence
of drugs or alcohol. No open liquor containers are allowed.
• Stay on designated travel routes between camping and day-use
parking areas and the open dunes.
• Respect the rights of other visitors as you enjoy your visit.
Valley Sand
Area of Critical
Environmental Concern
Directions to the Site
From Christmas Valley, Oregon travel east on County Road 5-14
for 8 miles. Turn left (north) on County Road 5-14D and travel
another 8 miles. Turn right (east) at the “T” and travel 3 miles on
County Road 5-14E to the entrance of the Sand Dunes. Another
4 miles on Bureau of Land Management Road 6155 will bring
you to the Lost Forest.
Lakeview District
The Fossil Lake Area is closed to off-highway vehicle use to
protect the fragile fossils found here. These fossils range in age
from about 10,000 years old, to as much as 400,000 years old.
Paleontologists have worked in the Fossil Lake deposits for more
than 100 years. Hundreds of species of reptiles, birds, fish, and
mammals have been identified. Some are extinct, such as the
mammoth, Dire wolf, giant beaver, and a large species of eagle.
Others, such as the Tui chub, rabbit, ground squirrel, salmon, and
prairie dog, exist here or in other parts of North America.
Rules and Regulations for Off-highway Vehicle Use
Lost Forest Research Natural Area
District Contact Information
Lakeview District
Lakeview Resource Area
Bureau of Land Management
1301 South G Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
(541) 947-2177
Public Lands USA:
Use • Share • Appreciate
Welcome to
Christmas Valley
Sand Dun
Area of Critical
Welcome to the Lost Fort, Sand Dun, and
Foil Lake Areas of Critical Environmental
Concern. The areas also include a Rearch
Natural Area and a Wildern Study Area within
their boundari. The area offers a variy of
rreational activiti, including off-highway
vehicle use, hiking, sightseeing, hotography, and
The main road to the Lost Fort and Sand Dun
is minimally maintained and drivers should
use caution. The other roads in the area are not
maintained and may be impable at tim.
High clearance, four-eel drive vehicl are