

brochure Cascade-Siskiyou - Mammals

Mammals at Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument (NM) in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

BLM Cascade-Siskiyou Mammals Checklist Yellow-bellied marmot Welcome Thank you for visiting Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, a unit of the BLM’s National Conservation Lands. The Monument was set aside on June 9, 2000 in recognition of its remarkable setting and biologic diversity. The Monument is situated where the Klamath, Siskiyou, and Cascade Mountain ranges converge, setting the stage for a diverse range of plant and animal habitat. The mixing of diverse habitats in such close proximity to each other creates an exciting opportunity to observe a wide range of flora and fauna. This list is compiled utilizing field observations and the likelihood of presence based on habitat availability. You can help protect the Monument by following a few simple rules. Harassment of wildlife and cross country travel by bicycle or vehicle are prohibited. With limited exceptions, the removal of any monument features or objects is prohibited. Please respect and avoid private property when exploring the Monument. Order & Common Name Scientific Order Insectivora: Insect eaters ______Water shrew ______Trowbridge’s shrew ______Vagrant shrew ______Shrew-mole Order Chiroptera: Bats ______ California myotis ______ Little brown myotis ______ Long-eared myotis ______ Fringed myotis ______ Long-legged myotis ______ Yuma myotis ______ Silver-haired bat ______ Hoary bat ______ Big brown bat ______ Townsend’s big-eared bat ______ Pallid bat ______ Brazilian free-tailed bat Sorex palustris Sorex trowbridgii Sorex vagrans Nuerotrichus gibbsii cold small stream banks with cover, bogs conifer forests and other wooded areas marshes, bogs, wet meadows, forested streams moist-shady areas, along streams Myotis californicus Myotis lucifugus Myotis evotis Myotis thysanodes Myotis volans Myotis yumanensis Lasionycteris noctivagans Lasiurus cinereus Eptesicus fuscus Plecotus townsendii Antrozous pallidus Tadarida brasiliensis hollow trees, mine tunnels, buildings, bridges caves, mine tunnels, hollow trees thinly forested areas around buildings, trees caves, attics buildings, crevices in rock ledges caves, tunnels, buildings, arid areas forested area buildings, caves wooded areas caves, tunnels, crevices, hollow trees, buildings caves, mines, tunnels, buildings for roost crevices in rocks, buildings, trees for roosts caves and building Order Lagomorpha: Hares, Rabbits, and Pikas ______ American pika ______ Brush rabbit ______ Snowshoe hare Habitat Ochotona princeps Sylvilagus bachmani Lepus americanus talus slopes, rockslides near timberline chaparral, thick brush swamps, forests, thickets, mountains CASCADE SISKIYOU National Monument Order & Common Name Scientific Order Rodentia: Gnawing mammals Order Carnivora: Flesh-eating mammals ______ Coyote ______ Red fox ______ Common gray fox ______ Black bear ______ Ringtail cat ______ Common raccoon ______ American marten ______ Fisher ______ Ermine ______ Long-tailed weasel ______ American badger ______ Western spotted skunk ______ Striped skunk ______ Mountain lion ______ Bobcat ______ River otter Canis latrans Vulpes vulpes Urocyon cinereoargenteus Ursus americanus Bassariscus astutus Procyon lotor Martes americana Martes pennant Mustela erminea Mustela frenata Taxidea taxus Spilogale gracilis Mephitis mephitis Felix concolor Felis rufus Lutra canadensis moist areas, dense thickets, forests open conifer forest, chaparral, rocky areas conifer forests and adjacent chaparral rocky, talus slopes-valleys & foothills pastures, slopes with scattered trees mountain areas, mixed conifer forest, chaparral oak and pine-oak forest, fairly open areas conifer forest loamy soils, valleys, mountain meadows grassy prairies, alpine meadows, open pine forest sagebrush, chaparral, pinon pine, yellow pine dry grassy plains, partly open gravely slopes grassland, open desert, weed patches rocky canyons and slopes, old lava areas forests, grasslands, dry land habitats rocky terrain with scattered pinon pines & juniper heavy chaparrel, streamside thickets, mixed woods arid conditions, seasonal creek areas forest floors, log strewn moist areas fir/spruce/hemlock forests marshy ground, wet meadows, hillsides forest, brush, grassy areas, dry slopes near streams, lush grasses, forested areas or brush BLM Aplodontia rufa Tamias amoenus Tamias siskiyou Marmota flaviventris Spermophilus beecheyi Spermophilus lateralis Sciurus griseus Tamiasciurus douglasii Thomomys bottae Thomomys mazama Perognathus parvus Dipodomys californicus Reithrodontomys megalotis Peromyscus crinitus Peromyscus maniculatus Peromyscus truei Neotoma fuscipes Neotoma lepida Clethrionomys californicus Arborimus longicaudus Microtus californicus Microtus oregoni Zapus princeps Erethizon dorsatum Cascade-Siskiyou ______ Mountain beaver ______ Yellow-pine chipmunk ______ Siskiyou chipmunk ______ Yellow-bellied marmot ______ California ground squirrel ______ Golden-mantled squirrel ______ Western Gray squirrel ______ Douglas’ squirrel ______ Botta’s pocket gopher ______ Western pocket gopher ______ Great Basin pocket mouse ______ California kangaroo rat ______ Western harvest mouse ______ Canyon mouse ______ Deer mouse ______ Pinyon mouse ______ Dusky-footed woodrat ______ Desert woodrat ______ Western Red-backed vole ______ Red Tree vole ______ California vole ______ Creeping vole ______ Western Jumping mouse ______ common porcupine Habitat prairies, open woodlands, brushy-rocky arid areas forest, chaparral chaparral, open forest, rimrock mountainous areas chaparral, rocky ridges and cliffs, near water along streams, near wooded areas, rock cliffs fir/spruce/hemlock forests extensive mixed hardwood forests brushy, wooded areas-near a water source all land habitats near water open grasslands, deserts brushy sparsely wooded areas-along streams semi-open country, mixed woodlands, brush rugged mountains, forests, swamps chaparral, rimrock near streams, lakes Order Artiodactyla: Even-toed Hoofed Mammals ______ Elk or Wapiti ______ Black-Tailed/Mule Deer Cervus elaphus Odocoileus hemionus semi-open forest, mountain meadows, valleys conifer forest, desert shrubs, chaparral Did you know? CASCADE SISKIYOU Grizzly Bears: National Monument Grizzly Bears were common throughout the Cascade-Siskiyou range. In 1890 two ranchers near Pilot Rock finally caught up with and killed one of the few remaining grizzlies, nicknamed “Reelfoot” or “Clubfoot,” who had tormented local ranchers for several decades. According to local newspaper reports, the last known grizzly bear was killed by a rancher near the present day monument in 1902. Wolves: Prior to widespread human settlement, wolves were a common mammal throughout Oregon. Starting in 1913 the Oregon Game Commission offered a bounty for evidence of wolf kills. The last Oregon wolf was killed in 1946 on the west side of the Cascade Range on the Umpqua National Forest. Wolves were listed as endangered in 1974, following the Endangered Species Act of 1973. By 2005 evidence suggested wolves had begun to naturally migrate into the NE part of Oregon from Idaho. By 2011 wolf pack activities were documented in the NE part of the state. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife continues to monitor wolf migration throughout the state. References: Carraway Leslie N. and Verts, B.J,.1998. Land Mammals of Oregon. University of California Press, Berkeley, California. Nelson, Karen. 1997. Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna Survey of the Soda Mountain Region of Southwestern Oregon. Department of Biology and the Graduate School of Southern Oregon University. Ashland, Oregon. Last update July 22, 2011 NAT I O NAL C O N S E R VAT I O N LAN D S Bureau of Land Management, Medford District Office, 3040 Biddle Road Medford, Oregon 97504 541-618-2200 .

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