
Monument Guide

brochure Cascade-Siskiyou - Monument Guide

Monument Guide to Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument (NM) in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Friends of Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument National Monument BLM Monument Guide Cascade-Siskiyou National Conservation Lands Bureau of Land Management U.S. Department of the Interior u National monument Cascade-Siskiyou National Landscape Conservation System Official Guide and Map A Recipe for Biodiversity The remnant of an ancient volcano, Pilot Rock stands out as one of the most striking features of Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. Below Pilot Rock lies a landscape that awakens the senses - a landscape where a short hike leads the explorer from the quiet grandeur of a cool, moss-covered forest to a wildflower and boulder-strewn meadow with hundreds of colorful butterflies. From the meadow, one looks out across the rocky ridges of the Siskiyou Mountains, the wide expanse of the Shasta Valley, and the towering snow-capped volcanic peak of Mount Shasta. The forest and the butterflies, as well as the mountains, volcanoes, and valleys, help tell the ecological story of the area. What’s Inside western coastal ranges. In addition, the Siskiyou Mountains were not heavily glaciated in the last ice age and served as a refuge for species whose habitat disappeared under tons of continental ice. The final ingredients in the recipe for ecological diversity are the sudden changes in elevation and aspect that affect sun exposure, moisture, and temperature throughout the monument. To facilitate your safe, low-impact experience of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument’s vast array of unique places and creatures, you will find in this newspaper a directory of hikes, what weather to expect, and a map. We hope you will enjoy your visit! Ultimately, diversity of habitat provides stability and resiliance. When studied carefully, this remarkable array of plants and animals will provide scientists and visitors with answers to questions about the complex biological and climatic history of Biodiversity - Converging Influences the area. Nature & Education ......2 Science ..........................3 Monument Map .............4 Hiking .............................6 Camping ........................7 Partnerships..................8 CASCADE MOUNTAINS IYOU SISK GREAT BASIN DESER T KLAMATH M OUN TAI NS CSNM Emergency Information Call 911 Fire/Medical/Medical Local dispatch for non-emergency 541-776-7206 ns Another important factor in the ecological makeup of the area is the unusual east-west orientation of the Siskiyou Mountains. The Siskiyous provide species with a critical connection between the Cascade Mountains and the wet forests of the National Conservation Lands are part of an active vibrant landscape where people live,work,and play. They feature exceptional opportunities for recreation, solitude, wildlife viewing and exploration. In keeping with NCL philosophy, visitor services such as visitor centers, lodging and restaurants are located in adjacent communities. This philosophy benefits local communities and their economies while minimizing the environmental impact on the Monument. tai oun da M Neva Sierra The species in the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument are representative of ecologically distinct regions known as ecoregions. Ecologists classify areas as ecoregions based upon unique combinations of topography, geology, soils, climate, and vegetation. In this area, multiple ecoregions meet, creating an ecologically jumbled landscape. Species typically found east of the Cascade Range, such as pygmy nuthatches and kangaroo rats, share habitat with western species such as rough-skinned newts and northern spotted owls. Where is the Visitor Center and the Lodge ? RANGE The monument’s ecology is influenced by the region’s extremely complex geology. A majority of the monument lies within the relatively young, volcanic Cascade Range. The southwest portion of the monument is in the much older Siskiyou Mountains. At 425 million years old, the rocks of the Siskiyou Mountains are the oldest known in Oregon. The differences in rock types and ages provide the foundation for a variety of soil types and habitats. Biodiversity created by the converging influences of the surrounding ecosystems Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument NOT TO SCALE Map Not To Scale M11-07-03 Issue 1_01_2013.2014WEB Nature & Education U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Medford District Office 3040 Biddle Road Medford, Oregon 97504 Monument Designation The Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument (CSNM) was established by the presidential proclamation of William J. Clinton on June 9, 2000, in recognition of its remarkable ecology and to protect a diverse range of biological, geological, acquatic, archeological, and historic objects. The CSNM is part of the BLM’s National Conservation Landscape System, preserving some of America’s most spectacular landscapes. In 2009 the Soda Mountain Wilderness was designated by Congress, enhancing the protection of some 25,000 acres in the southern portion of the monument. Location The Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument is situated where the Klamath, Siskiyou, and Cascade Mountain Ranges converge, setting the stage for a unique mixing of diverse habitats in a small area. CSNM is the first monument set aside solely for the preservation of biodiversity. Trails Although set aside for its objects of biological interest, visitors are welcome to explore the monument. One of the easiest ways to explore CSNM is via the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail (PCT) that runs some 19 miles through the monument. Regulations Cross-country travel by bicycle or vehicle is prohibited. With limited exceptions, the removal of any monument feature or object is prohibited. Possessing or using mechanized or motorized equipment such as ATV’s, game carriers, generators, wagons, carts, or bicycles is prohibited in the Soda Mountain Wilderness. Special recreation permits are required for organized groups. Please contact the district office for permit information. Private Lands Private lands are found within and surrounding the monument. Please respect and avoid private property when exploring the monument. Hunting Hunting is a popular activity in the monument. Hunting is regulated by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Monument Guide 2 Focus on Environmental Education Dr. Stewart Janes The Environmental Education Department at Southern Oregon University has a growing partnership with the BLM and the Friends of CascadeSiskiyou National Monument to become the providers for environmental education on the monument. In 2011, we began “Fall in the Field,” a program which brings school kids from the Rogue Valley to the monument for a day of learning and exploration. In addition, the partnership offers graduate students the opportunity to develop curriculum, create educational kits, and lead guided walks. The key benefit of this partnership is the delivery of quality field-based environmental education to the region’s K-12 community.Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument is situated in an area of tremendous biological and geological diversity, difficult to match anywhere in the country. Within 30 minutes, students can be at 7,000 feet in the Siskiyou Mountains or walk through coniferous forests, oak savannas, grasslands, cottonwood-lined streams, or chaparralcovered hillsides. Conflicts over environmental degradation and resource use are vital concerns of our time. Creating greater public awareness of the processes and complexity of ecosystems is essential to development of a land ethic and responsible stewardship of our natural resources. The Southern Oregon University Master’s Program in About the Programs: Classes are divided into small groups, generally 15 or less, with each group having two instructors. The programs explore topics and concepts such as: • Biodiversity in forest habitats • Influence of geology on diversity of organisms • Human relationships with the environment • Exploration of riparian habitats • Aesthetics, art and nature appreciation The field season generally runs from late September to early November. Groups are led on hikes that range anywhere from 1.5 miles to 3 miles. Teachers generally set aside 3/4 of a school day for the visits. Environmental Education addresses the issues of responsible stewardship and ethical land use. Our goal is to train educators to meet the challenge of developing awareness, promoting stewardship, and inspiring a sense of wonder for the natural world. A handson program, it provides field-oriented courses that broaden students’ scientific understanding of the environment, exposes students to environmental problems and associated social conflicts, and prepares students to become effective environmental educators. The goal of the SOU – CSNM youth education partnership: 1. To serve the local K-12 school community by offering quality standardsbased environmental education programming. 2. Advance the monument’s interpretive and education themes through enjoyable outdoor experiences. 3. Provide meaningful work opportunities and experience for youth and SOU students. 4. Advance appreciation and awareness of the monument and its unique features. 5. Foster a stewardship ethic among school age youth. SEEC and you shall find. The Siskiyou Environmental Education Center (SEEC) serves as a hub for environmental education networking and resources within the bioregion. Staffed by Environmental Education (EE) graduate assistants, SEEC connects our graduate students with environmental education events, internships, and jobs. They also provide much needed environmental education expertise to local schools and non-profit programs. Our evergrowing collection of curriculum kits and resources makes place-based and hands-on lessons available to all educators in southern Oregon and northern California. The SEEC office is housed in SOU’s College of Arts and Sciences and is available for use by all EE students. The SEEC office manages the day to day operations of the EE program. To reserve a hike or an education kit, contact a graduate assistant in the SEEC office: Email: Phone: 541-552-6876 Science Beavers and Frogs Interview with Dr. Michael Parker What’s so special about the CascadeSiskiyou National Monument? “The monument was proclaimed because it’s a place where there’s exceptional biodiversity — the coming together of different bioregions, different physiographic regions, different climatic conditions, different aspect and slope, and geographic and geologic diversity. This allows species to co-occur that don’t ordinarily co-occur. The idea that there is a place in the world that has 135 species of butterflies is just magical! Even for scientists, that’s just ‘Wow!’ And from a scientific perspective, why are there so many there? That’s an interesting question you can explore.” Dr. Michael Parker holding a Spotted Frog Why is biodiversity important? “Each species is a unique product of the evolutionary process; if for no other reason, their biology is interesting. Biodiversity also provides ecosystem services — clean air, water, soil — in which we have a common interest, so there is economic, ecological, and biological value to us. The word “biodiversity” was coined by E.O Wilson, at a time when the accelerating pace of species extinctions and loss of genetic information due to human activities was becoming obvious. A major decline in biodiversity makes it much less likely that a system can respond to perturbations, whether natural or human. In addition to the practical things we’ve been talking about — ecosystem services, the loss of genetic diversity and the ability to respond to environmental change — aesthetic value of biodiversity cannot be overstated. Interesting species occurring in an interesting landscape is aesthetically appealing. So, even though many people may never go see it, simply knowing there are places in the world like CSNM with its incredible biodiversity is important.“ One of your primary research interests is the Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa). What are you finding? “The Oregon spotted frog is a candidate for listing as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. There are historical records of the frog in Little Hyatt Reservoir, so when I first arrived at SOU in 1994 I started looking for them there but never found them over a number of years. As part of my aquatic survey for the BLM, I walked the length of every stream in the CSNM from the headwaters all the way down. I found wetland ponds that seemed to have all the ingredients to support a population of Oregon spotted frogs. In 2003 I took my herpetology class to survey amphibians and we found a breeding population of spotted frogs that I’ve been monitoring ever since. The population is tiny, with only 11-20 females breeding each year. It’s just hanging on, and if this population ’winks out,’ it will have significant ramifications for conservation of the species as a whole.” What can we do to help the frogs on the monument survive? “My biggest worry is that those ponds are disappearing, and if the ponds go away the frog goes away. One very important factor for frogs in particular and aquatic biodiversity in general is beavers. The Oregon spotted frog population I’ve been tracking is struggling due to cattail encroachment as a natural part of pond succession. The Oregon spotted frog is the most aquatic frog species in our region and they require warm open water habitats. Beavers raise the water levels by dam building. Beavers and muskrats eat cattail tubers and create open pathways through the cattails, which is really important for the frogs. Another thing we worry about with amphibians are diseases like ranavirus Pilot Rock Geology By Barb Morris, M.S.: BLM Employee, past President Friends of CSNM, Science Educator and Chytrid fungus that people can transport on their boots. Egg masses can also be infected with Saprolegnia fungus. There is a virulent form in hatcheries that is deadly in the wild. So just about anybody who fishes in reservoirs with planted fish, like Howard and Hyatt Reservoirs, picks up those fungus spores on their boots and can transport it. People should be aware of their potential impacts. Cleaning our Jenny Creek near former Box O Ranch boots after every pond visit and providing good places for beavers to live are crucial. Human activity and behavior will likely determine if the frogs make it.“ So one species can make a huge difference to other species? “Absolutely. All those interrelationships contribute to biodiversity. If we remove one piece of the puzzle, the beaver, species diversity hasn’t gone down very much, but what’s missing because of that one piece? We still have the butterflies and the plants, but that landscape of wetlands, wetland plants, and the birds and mammals that use the wetlands, their pattern of movement across the landscape, that whole set of interactions is changed just by the loss of that one animal. Beavers are important ecosystem engineers. They created many of those habitats, and if they’re allowed to continue that important function it’s going to be beneficial not only to the frogs but to biodiversity in general. On Jenny Creek in places that cattle have been gone now for several years, the willows and alders and broadleaf trees started coming back, and beavers have reestablished. The beavers didn’t create huge ponds, but what they did do is raise the water table in the entire meadow which became a sponge that retains water much longer into the season. As a result, flows in Jenny Creek are higher and cooler which benefits both aquatic and riparian communities.” Jad D’Allura, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor of Geology, Southern Oregon University Pilot Rock, Southern Oregon’s very own “Devil’s Tower,” is a prominent 25.6-millionyear-old volcanic intrusion of both historical and geological significance. The rocks it intruded are part of the Western Cascades volcanic series, predecessors of the magnificent High Cascade Volcanoes. However, unlike the latter, very few landforms remain. All have been buried to a depth of over five to seven kilometers, tilted to the east, and are very highly eroded. That burial, and subsequent increase in temperature and pressure, has slightly altered the original minerals. Gradual uplift of the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains has tilted Pilot Rock about 20° to the east. Prior to the onset of the Western Cascade volcanism, the climate changed from subtropical to temperate. The previous landscape was quite flat, allowing great rivers issuing from Idaho to flow across the landscape. Eruption of the Western Cascade volcanoes erected the first significant barrier to rivers flowing from the continental interior toward the West Coast. An exploration of Pilot Rock geology begins at the quarry, where visitors can see 27 million-year-old lava flow rocks and weathering phenomena. The walk to the saddle (where the old parking lot was) and down the closed road to the south follows the upper part of this flow. Local gooey soil along the road is derived from the weathering of overlying softer volcaniclastic rocks (violentlyejected volcanic fragments). These soft rocks and soil are quite prone to slope failure (landslides). Exposures of the volcaniclastic rocks are visible on a ridge to the southeast of Pilot Rock. Most of those rocks are volcanic breccias (large angular blocks in a finer matrix) that represent debris flows that issued from long-extinct volcanoes. On that same ridge are other intrusive rocks that pushed up through the weaker volcaniclastic rocks. Pilot Rock, the most impressive of these intrusions, “baked” and oxidized (rusted) the surrounding rocks as it shoved them aside. The hornblende-pyroxene andesite (the name “andes” was inspired from rocks described in the Andes Mountains of South America) that makes up Pilot Rock is quite atypical and hence distinctively unique as compared to adjacent rocks. Strikingly visual columns are cooling features of the volcanic “neck” or throat of what may have been a long-eroded volcano. Radial “dikes” (intrusions radiating from Pilot Rock as it pushed up through the broken landscape) can be seen best to the east of Pilot Rock. Monument Guide 3 k Cr e e Co t R 39-3 E-2 d 1 Rd R at t 4852 dy 403E5 ee Cr ee So da 3 9- k k D A 32 3 E- 3.3 T Ke en e Parsnip Lakes t a in Cr B al NS Hobart Lake So S Cr W all dy l ch B al Gu Baldy PC Gree Spri C 40 -3 er C ar t il Ne r Buck Rock .3 uth Hobart Bluff Overlook Hobart Peak ek A nt gr a E mi Pilot Rock Co d Fk t E as Rd Cole s tin 5 Cascade–Siskiyou National Monument M T N S Pa 0.2 5771 Mariposa Botanical Area SODA EXIT 1 Sc st Pilot Rock Boccard Point Monu Cr e e S co M O U N TA I N tc h k Scotch Creek Research LO Cre Natural NE ek Area SL PI ID N Cathedral E E Cliffs RI R ID D C r e ek G G E E WI Sl i Cr Cr e ek Cr e cific Hut t o n e ek ou t h 9 S en mp Cre y9 1.6 6093 ic Ca Hw 1.8 Chocolate Falls OREGON 3.3 n tio Na O ld Skoo Soda Mtn 5886 al reek d n woo t to oo 84 ine 5266 PCT Access Rd l PCT Access k PCT Access Rock i Tr a 5630 Porcupine Mtn 5 S I S K I Y O U 4590 Little Pilot Peak 40 -3E -5 O ven w FOREST C r ee i st le Co P il o t 40-2E-33 eek D u tc h 4491 up Cr Joes Rock Cree Siskiyou Pass Little Pilot Rock 4885 C ain k u nt 2.9 Em n Mo 40-3E-21 .1 Ce t an igr 4255 ee 4310 Highest point on I-5 Cole Spr Cr e e k n Tables Picnic 2.4 T NS PC l Cot to rc Po Siskiyou Mtn Summit r k 39-3E-32.3 Green Mtn Gr Sp Cr e e ing Hobart Bluff Rd 273 ne M il Parking Area ng Hy E T NS PC C r eek k ea RR–S NF Campground Monument GuideS4pauldi E-5 Buckhorn Springs 4137 4551 Rd Trail Access Medford unstaffed ad Ro Emi Cr n e ee So Creeukth Sli d Cr e ek Creek Tyler B Toll Road EXIT Gap 6 40-2E-19 M t A s h la n dd Roa Visitor Info Station NATIONAL Eugene Info Station Ro a d Cr ee r Ty l e Cr Rd Cr e e k S ch o o lh o u s e Rd k ro ail 5843 National Trail with mileages Salem Green Springs Summit 4618 s r PCNST T NS P C Hiking Trail Portland 1.5 t tl e Ca nt gra ek Cre Ashl a n d i k ng pr or 66 Mo u n ek Tolman Creek Tolm C Rd ee Cr nd Ashla Fo Keen Creek Reservoir da Ogden Hill Inquire locally about conditions: 4WD or High-Clearance vehicles recommended C t k S Cr 99 Old Hw y E rn k Rd ho So 40-3E-3 Wagner Soda Spring t ck Ea s Bu Cr e e ay La d e R es 3 w Hi gh 1.8 5502 Local Road Trailhead Rd s Generally Suitable for Passenger Cars 1.5 k rin g Unpaved Road Mount Ashland Ski Area ee Sp a n Paved Road 7480 Cr e ee cific Mdws tt 2 Gr t an ig r Em -34 -2E 39 fic Bull Gap Pa Hy nt L it tl e gr a l i Pac e Major Thru Paved Road 5531 Mount Ashland 39-3 E-3 0.8 1.4 Em i 4085 & ad -2 1 Hyatt Green Springs Mtn Buck Point 273 R Cr R OGUE RIVER– SISKIYOU NATL FOREST 3E Little Hyatt Reservoir 2.2 Cre ek son n RIVER Winter road conditions: Many roads are not maintained. Please inquire locally. Interstate p S am Hil go Ore All other land shown is private property. Please respect the rights of private property owners and observe all posted signs. k ht 2694 ek t 3343 Songer Butte al Forest Service t as Rd BLM property R ig Major Butte tr Cen L o op Cr ay 80 20 Monument boundary Wilderness boundary F 0 40 lan d H L Round Mtn 66 FS A sh 9- ek Fo r 2398 NATIONAL LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION SYSTEM ad 4767 Songen Gap FS R OGUE r nt w 5 to FS 800 4977 39-3 E-3 Ro Bu gh n -21 393E -17 5217 y Cla Mt ek 2589 Emigrant Lake 39-3 rn Rd rings Sp p Cascade–Siskiyou National Monument re Cr Bu Loo Dunn Butte EXIT 11 Four Corners le 5177 99 3465 Winburn Mtn 3E ek land rk 5 Miles Tom Spring Tom Spring Mtn e Cr Lamb Saddle t o nw o o d Gl a d e s Chapman Lake en Hi k ek e ov North 0 66 an Ta b wood 6056 - Cre Rogue River–Siskiyou NF Ashland Ranger District Office Gre 39 -3E -3 Cold Spring to n Table Mtn a nt Lithia Spring ot 6037 Little Prairie 5 Kilometers White Oak Spring Cottonwood Glades Henry Mtn 39 EXIT 14 Ashland St Reeder Reservoir Cr lke r Em i gr d RR–S NF Big Prairie 2772 ke B lv C 0 E Main St ou 38 -2 Black Rock 2369 La kiy A sh l a n d Sis 2439 Wa Oak S t Cr ASHLAND Rattlesnake Point Cr Pompadour Bluff k Big Craggy C ee e 4 E-3 Lithia Park Cr dl id e E-34.1 38-2 M dg Cr e Ri rn t ky 39-2E -34 99 er Bu Ga A sh W Monument Map r 0.9 Bea de N Cr e e k A W i l l ow l ai ser 39 -4 39 Re 4E l -18 4E st Cr e ap -16 Yew Spr rs Bluejay d C r e ek Bluejay Spring Little Chinquapin Mtn in Assistant Monument Manager, Howard Hunter, at Earth Day Event Manager’s Corner 5712 R Cascade– Rd -3 E 4 0 -3 40 C r ee 5 .1 E-3 -26 t -35 -3 E 40 Rd er Fo r k in ap Ch Siskiyou 4 0 - 3 E - 3 4. 6 0 k Sou t h ee Rd Cr 4 0 - 4 E -3. u Fairchild Spring 4 0 -3 E -34 Cr e e k ast Jen n y h k For 66 Je Co Round Island en Gre Spri n g s High w ay rr al y nn S p rin g s Cr e e k Lincoln 66 Hig h w ay Pinehurst State Airport Ro a d Cr e pc 40-4E-4.0 2.1 40-3E-1 ek Rd i ll Soda Spring Je nn co Randcore Pass Rosebud Mtn Oregon Gulch o ku m Ro a Creek Rosebud Helipond Research Rid Cr 4272 4177 Keene y 1 L in 40-3 E-12 . Rim Reservoir k Cr e e ln Cre National d BLM property is in green. Please respect the rights of private property owners by observing all posted signs. 1 k M en Co 4 0 - 4 E -3. Pa Gre Pinehurst o 4 Twentymile Springs E-7 40-4 For akes Rd ip L rsn 3E-2 0 Cr 4 .1 E-7 0-4 e Tubb Springs State Wayside ek Tubb Springs M i ll C r en ings ge Former SODA O re g on Natural Gu l Box O Rattlesnake Spring Ranch ch Area M O U N TA I N 40 -4E 1 -3. Shoal Spring Ha ment Fall L ake 5.2 3E-3 E 40- ut av Be r ave Be H ya t t So 6079 inq hn k Chinquapin Mtn N o r th C hi n q u a p i n 4 0 -3 E -2 7 R d Jo s on r tw Cr e ll D ra Sp r i n g WILDERNESS C r w ek ad Ro Fa ll r C C o p co Jen Cr Flat ny Agate 40-4 E-3 .1 S al t Cr e LDERNESS No warranty is made by the BLM as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual or aggregate use with other data. Original data were compiled from various sources and may be updated without notification. OREGON CALIFORNIA G ulch Close 3635 Butte ck y Cr Welcome to Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument! As you will see throughout this newspaper, the “story” of the CSNM is biodiversity. The Monument was established on June 9, 2000, in recognition of its phenomenal biological diversity. Many regional scientists are conducting research on the Monument, often with the support of BLM’s National Landscape Conservation System grants, and some of those research findings are detailed in this issue. Geologist Dr. Jad D’Allura’s article about CSNM’s iconic landmark, “Pilot Rock,” goes into more detail about Monument geology. “Beavers and Frogs,” an interview with Dr. Michael Parker, an aquatic biologist at Southern Oregon University, discusses his research on the Oregon spotted frog, a species of concern on the Monument. He concludes that the frog’s ability to thrive depends on beaver, and that humans are largely in control of population dynamics of both species and consequent biodiversity. In “Focus on Environmental Education,” Dr. Stewart Janes, ornithologist, science educator, and director of SOU’s Environmental Education graduate program, details the essential role of environmental educators in preserving biodiversity. BLM and SOU, “with a little help from our Friends,” are partnering to bring school groups from throughout the Rogue Valley to the CSNM each fall so Mtn they can experience biodiversity and learn about their Parker role in5203 preserving it. The Friends of Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument sponsor other learning opportunities, including a “Hike and Learn” series led by regional scientists. The Monument’s recreation staff, partners, and volunteers have been hard at work maintaining and improving trails and trailheads, because good trails protect biodiversity. Preserving biodiversity on the Monument is a team effort. An expression of gratitude is warranted for the diverse people and organizations who give of their time and expertise in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management, simply because they value this unique landscape. Much has been accomplished since June 9, 2000. In addition to the research described above, scientists have studied mammals, insects, birds, plant communities, and the impact of grazing on monument resources, and the CSNM management plan has been adopted and implemented. Congress established the Soda Mountain Wilderness within the CSNM in 2009, we’ve written and signed the Wilderness management plan, and we’ve begun the immense job of plan implementation and restoration. We are very proud of our interpretation and environmental education programs for which we thank our SOU partners, the Friends of CSNM, Justin Glasgow, and all those who have helped. Much remains to be done, so we invite your participation, encourage you to contact BLM and our partners, and thank you for getting involved! JACKSON COUNTY KLAMATH COUNTY Little Rock Spring 1.6 d Fredenburg Spring Cre e k t 3 9- Sp ek Hyatt Lake 0 -8. -4E Yew n Rd Lit tl e Ch in q u 39 Je Blu e j ay .1 ri e at 39-4E-8 .0 Crane Prairie Rd -9.0 -4E 39 Dogwood Spring Cr e a ek -9.2 -4E 39 on C re J e n ny 39-4E-5.0 Cr ny voi r So da .0 E-6 R ic en ad Ro Sc Wildcat Hy Medford District Cr Tr 39-4E-7.5 Rd ai w 6.5 Wildcat Glades ti Na Jenny Creek Spring BLM Asperkaha County Park Rd llo L ake E H ya t t Pr Wi Howard Prairie Lake Table Mtn SnoPark 3E-3 Klum Landing Buck Island We also thank all those involved in our land-acquisition program which to date has added 8473 acres to the CSNM. This will help us better manage this diverse landscape which was formerly dissected in the “checkerboard” ownership that characterizes the BLM landbase in western Oregon. Those deserving credit in this effort are the Pacific Forest Trust, The Conservation Fund, Meriwether Southern Oregon Land & Timber LLC, Brian and Kathleen Dossey, and many others. Monument Guide 5 Hiking Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail Access Points Trail Distance Sky King Cole Access to Pilot Rock Trail Intersection 1.9 miles Difficulty / Additional Info. Moderate. Trail is usually snow free from late May - October. Directions from Ashland I-5 S to Exit 6 (Jct with Old Hwy 99) Follow Old Hwy 99 for 2 mi S to Pilot Rock Rd (40-2E-33) on left. Follow Pilot Rock Rd (staying left) 1 mile to Sky King Cole PCT crossing, where there is room to park. Pilot Rock Access to Pilot Rock .9 mi to Pilot Rock Trail; .2 mil to base of Pilot Rock Strenuous. Trail is usually snow free from late May - October. I-5 S to Exit 6 (Jct with Old Hwy 99). Follow Old Hwy 99 for 2 mi S to Pilot Rock Rd (40-2E-33) on left. Follow Pilot Rock Rd (staying left) for 1 mi to Sky King Cole PCT crossing. Quarry parking is 1 mi further on the right. Pilot Rock Access to Porcupine Gap Access .9 mi to PCT crossing; then 1.6 mi to Porcupine Gap. Moderate. Trail is usually snow free from late May - October. I-5 S to Exit 6 (Jct with Old Hwy 99). Follow Old Hwy 99 for 2 mi S to Pilot Rock Rd (40-2E-33) on left. Follow Pilot Rock Rd (staying left) for 3.8 mi, past Sky King Cole PCT crossing (1 mi) and Pilot Rock quarry parking (2 mi) to PCT access and parking at Porcupine Gap (1.8 mi). Rough road. I-5 S to Exit 6 (Jct with Old Hwy 99) Follow Old Hwy 99 for 2 mi S to Pilot Rock Rd (40-2E-33) on left. Follow Pilot Rock Rd (staying left) for 3.8 mi, past Sky King Cole PCT crossing and Pilot Rock quarry parking (2 mi) to PCT access and parking at Porcupine Gap (1.8 mi). Rough road. 3.3 miles Moderate. Trail is usually snow free from late May - October. 2.9 miles Moderate. Trail is usually snow free from late May - October. I-5 Exit 14 to Hwy 66 (Greensprings Hwy) 8 mi to Buckhorn Rd on right, 2 mi on Buckhorn Rd (staying left at Emigrant Creek and Buckhorn Springs Roads) to Tyler Creek Rd, 2.5 mi on Tyler Creek Rd to Baldy Creek Rd on right, 6.2 mi on Baldy Creek Rd to PCT crossing and parking. 1.3 miles to top of bluff. Moderate. Trail is usually snow free from late May - October. I-5 Exit 14 to Hwy 66 (Greensprings Hwy) 15.5 mi to Soda Mtn Rd on right. Soda Mtn Rd (39-3E-32.3) 3.8 mi S to power line corridor and PCT crossing and parking. Hobart Bluff Access to Highway 66 Trailhead 4.3 miles Moderate. Trail is usually snow free from late May - October. I-5 Exit 14 to Hwy 66 (Greensprings Hwy) 15.5 mi to Soda Mtn Rd on right. Soda Mtn Rd (39-3E-32.3) 3.8 mi S to power line corridor and PCT crossing and parking. Highway 66 Trailhead to Green Springs Mountain Loop Access 1.8 miles Moderate. Trail is usually snow free from late May - October. I-5 Exit 14 to Hwy 66 (Greensprings Hwy) 15.5 mi to Soda Mtn Rd on right. Park at Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument kiosk. Trail begins across the road from the kiosk. Green Springs Mountain Access Loop Trail 2.2 miles (RT) Moderate. Trail is usually snow free from late May - October. I-5 Exit 14 to Hwy 66 (Greensprings Hwy) 15.5 mi to Little Hyatt Prairie Road on left. Follow Little Hyatt Prairie Road .7 mi to 39-3E-32 on left. Follow 39-3E-32 to signs for Green Springs Mountain Trail, and park in the small turnout. Green Springs Mountain Loop Access to Little Hyatt Lake 3.1 miles Moderate. Trail is usually snow free from late May - October. Porcupine Gap Access to Boccard Point

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