Cascade-SiskiyouBrochure |
Brochure of Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument (NM) in Oregon. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
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Diverse Habitats
To understand the ecological diversity that
characterizes the landscape, one must look
east to the Great Basin, north to the Cascades,
and west to the Siskiyou Mountains. Influences from each of these regions converge in the
Monument, resulting in a constantly changing
and colorful landscape.
Oak woodlands
representative of
Oregon’s western
valleys intermingle
with gnarled
juniper trees from
the eastern basins,
creating an unusual
plant community.
Our Heritage
The CSNM is part of the Bureau of Land
Management’s National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS), established to protect
some of the nation’s most remarkable and
rugged landscapes. The NLCS provides opportunities for current and future generations
to explore and discover some of our last, great
open spaces.
National Monument
Scarlet Fritillary
Oak Woodlands
Hardy mountain mahogany
and sagebrush on rocky
bluffs are reminiscent of the
Great Basin, and provide
homes for rock wrens, rattlesnakes, and kangaroo rats.
Rocky Bluffs
Black Bear
Great Gray Owl
Old Growth
Impressive stands of old-growth trees, associated with forests of the western Cascades and
coast range, provide habitat for species such as
northern spotted owls and northern goshawks.
Bureau of Land Management
Medford District
(541) 618-2200
Bureau of Land Management
A Wealth of Species
A Recipe for Diversity
The Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument is the
nation’s first monument designated in recognition
of an area’s biological diversity. The Monument’s
remarkable ecology is a product of its location at the
crossroads of two different mountain ranges — the
Cascades and the Siskiyous — as well as its proximity to the Great Basin.
The Ancient Siskiyou Mountains
The western portion of the Monument is part of
the Siskiyou Mountains—an ancient range containing some of the oldest rocks known in Oregon at
425 million years old. Their unusual east-west orientation creates an important connection between
the Cascades to the east and the coastal ranges to
the west. In addition, the Siskiyou Mountains were
not heavily glaciated in the last ice age and served
as a refuge for species whose habitat disappeared
under tons of continental ice.
The Volcanic Cascades
The Cascades are a relatively young mountain
range, built up by volcanic activity beginning approximately 40 million years ago. They run north
and south through the central and eastern portions
of the Monument.
The Great Basin
The Monument’s proximity to the Great Basin
adds to the area’s biological diversity. Species
adapted to this open, arid landscape to the east
mingle with species found in the western Cascades
and Siskiyous.
Kangaroo Rats
Typically found in desertlike habitats, kangaroo rats
move by hopping on their
hind feet, using their very
long tail for balance.
A Variety of Plants and Animals Share the Landscape
Found at the
southern edge,
the prickly-pear
cactus illustrates
the Great Basin’s
The Monument’s diversity depends on other key ingredients such as a wide
range of soil types, elevations, moisture levels, and temperatures. Rainfall, for
example, ranges from 20 inches at lower elevations to 40 inches at higher elevations. All of these factors directly affect the types of plant and animal habitats
found throughout the Monument.
Botanical Treasures
Unusual Neighbors
Different rock types create the foundation
for diverse soils, which, in turn, support
a stunning variety of plant life. Spring
and summer reward the casual hiker and
seasoned botanist alike with a colorful
display of wildflowers. Many rare and
unusual plants are found throughout the
Thanks to the Monument’s location, plants
and animals typically found in different
geographical regions can find homes in
this varied landscape. Species generally
found in arid climates, such as kangaroo
rats, are neighbors with northern spotted
owls and rough-skinned newts, species associated with much wetter western forests.
Indicators of Diversity
Numerous butterfly species provide
evidence of the Monument’s ecological
diversity. Butterflies are good indicators
of plant diversity since the caterpillars of
individual species only feed on specific
plants, called host plants. The presence of
a butterfly indicates that its host plant is
nearby. To date, field surveys have identified 111 butterfly species in the Monument, compared with 162 in all of Oregon.
A multitude of seeps, springs, and wetlands
add to the diverse habitats found in the
Monument. Wetlands are a critical water
source for many species during summer drought. Some springs are
home to tiny snails found
only in the Monument.
Northern Spotted Owls
Mardon Skippers
Closely associated with native
grasslands, the rare mardon
skipper is found in only a few
locations in Washington, Oregon
and California.
Also known as arrowleaf,
this important
wetland species
produces edible tubers
that were harvested by
Native Americans.
The northern spotted owl
nests in the coolness of the
Monument’s old-growth forests.
Residing in or
near ponds and
streams, roughskinned newts
secrete one of
the most deadly
natural toxins yet