Moapa Valley

Brochure and Map

brochure Moapa Valley - Brochure and Map

Brochure and Map of Moapa Valley National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Nevada. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

© U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service © Southern Nevada Agency Partnership Moapa Valley What is a National Wildlife Refuge? National Wildlife refuge Simply put, national wildlife refuges are places where wildlife comes first. With over 550 refuges throughout the United States, the National Wildlife Refuge System is the only network of federal lands dedicated specifically to wildlife conservation. Moapa Valley National Wildlife Refuge “Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.” Nevada 2012 © U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service © Kerry Holcomb — Chief Seattle, 1855 America’s Great Outdoors Get away from the rush and noise of the city. The national wildlife refuges in southern Nevada allow you to experience a real sense of wilderness, marvel at the beauty of the Mojave Desert, watch rare wildlife in their native habitat, and know it will be here for generations to come. © Southern Nevada Agency Partnership Explore this oasis by walking the short trail that meanders along a stream and through the refuge. A stream viewing area allows visitors to get a unique view of the world from the fish’s perspective. Stops along the way tell the story of the many steps taken to protect this vulnerable fish. Learn about the Moapa White River springfish, Moapa pebblesnail, and Moapa Warm Springs riffle beetle, which are only found in this area. Wilderness in Your Backyard © Wendy Smith Welcome to Moapa Valley National Wildlife Refuge, home of the Moapa dace, a small fish that does not occur anywhere else in the world. Here — in the middle of North America’s driest desert — warm water springs bubble up from the earth to form the Muddy River, a crucial habitat for many rare and endemic species. The refuge is the first of its kind established to protect an endangered fish. Southern Nevada has four national wildlife refuges all within an hour and a half drive from Las Vegas: Desert, Pahranagat, Moapa Valley, and Ash Meadows. Many wildlife refuges, like Pahranagat NWR, were established to protect and enhance the resting and feeding grounds of migratory birds, creating a chain of stepping stones along major migration routes. Others, like Desert, Moapa Valley, and Ash Meadows, were established to conserve the natural homes of our rarest wild species, including desert bighorn sheep, unique wildflowers, and rare desert fish. Kerry Holcomb © U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service © Cyndi Souza The Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex Vicinity Map PAHRANAGAT NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Refuge Regulations SEASONS OCTOBER FAL L BER M E PT SE SPRING APRI L AUG U ST Listen for tree frogs or SUM M ER chorus frogs croaking loudly at dusk along water’s edge. As temperatures soar, look for zebra-tailed lizards darting in the heat. When they run they lift their tails up, exposing the stripes that give the lizards their name. Can you spot any redtailed hawks teaching their young how to hunt? As spring wildflowers burst into bloom, like yerba mansa and desert marigold, you can find colorful migrating birds and painted lady butterflies passing through on their way north. Look closely near the warm water springheads — you might see Moapa dace and Moapa White River springfish. These fish spawn year-round, but spawning reaches its peak in the spring. 168 MOAPA VALLEY NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Indian Springs § ¨ ¦ 15 North ( Ä Las Las Vegas Vegas Henderson For more information about Moapa Valley National Wildlife Refuge, including volunteer stewardship opportunities, regulations and any permit requirements, please visit us at or contact: Moapa Valley National Wildlife Refuge U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (702) 515-5225 convenience. Please help keep your refuge clean by disposing of waste properly. H MARC Moapa Valley National Wildlife Refuge constantly changes as the seasons change. Some animals like the heat of summer, while others prefer the cooler winter. JUNE R 93 95 160 Trash cans have been provided for your FE B ( / ASH MEADOWS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Even the best behaving pet can unintentionally scare or harm our wildlife. Please keep pets leashed at all times and remember to clean up after them. JANUA RY Y MA NOV EM BE MBER E C DE 373 This is a day use facility. No camping or overnight parking. WINTER Y AR RU In response to the cooling weather, the rare desert tortoise prepares to enter its winter sleep, called brumation. Check the sky for American kestrels- small, colorful birds of prey- hunting for insects, lizards, or mice. ( Ä Due to its small size, fragile habitats, and on-going restoration, the refuge is only open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from Labor Day weekend through Memorial Day weekend. Weekday visitsespecially for groups- are scheduled on request. Search for great horned owls and other birds roosting in trees for warmth and protection. You can spot belted kingfishers and white-crowned sparrows hunting for food above the warm water springs, and Say’s phoebes as the early nesting season begins. ( / ( Ä DESERT NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE The streams are home to rare and endangered aquatic species. Please keep them and their home safe - no swimming, wading, or fishing. Domesticated animals can carry diseases fatal to their wild relatives. They are often ill-adapted to survive on their own and may eat some of the native species. If you have a cat, goldfish, or any other pet you can no longer take care of, please find a new home for it away from the refuge – no animal dumping About the Southern Nevada Agency Partnership Only street legal vehicles are allowed in the refuge – no all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). Please protect wildlife habitat - please park in designated area. The Southern Nevada Agency Partnership is a partnership of four federal land management agencies: Bureau of Land Hunting is not allowed. Transportation and possession of firearms must be in accordance with federal and Nevada state laws. Management (BLM), National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and U.S. Forest Service (USFS). The agencies work with one Explosives and fireworks are not permitted. another, the local communities, and many Do not remove any fossils or any other natural or cultural objects - it not only prevents future visitors from being able to enjoy them, but is also a violation of federal law. organizations to conserve and enhance the federal lands of southern Nevada for current and future generations. About Friends of Nevada Wilderness Friends of Nevada Wilderness is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated JULY Photo credits: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Owl, butterfly, tree frog Sharon Schafer: Red-tailed hawk Allison Manwaring: Kestrel Kerry Holcomb: Background image © U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to protecting Nevada’s wild heritage. We inform the public about the importance of Nevada’s public lands, and team up with federal land management agencies and volunteers—people just like you—to care for Nevada’s wild places. Together, we work to heal wildlife habitat, maintain trails, and © U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service © U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service removal of resort structures and many palm trees, and the reestablishment of native plants and natural stream courses. Barriers now prevent tilapia from entering the refuge. As the dace’s habitat continues to improve, its numbers are expected to rise. future generations. Join us today, and make a difference that lasts a lifetime. Map Disclaimer Birds SNAP gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, More than 230 bird species have been identified near the Muddy River. Many live here year-round, drawn by the flowing water and abundant food. Others are migrants, stopping on their way along the Pacific Flyway. Listen closely for bird sounds — the steady tapping of sapsuckers and other woodpeckers or the buzzing of hummingbirds. Look for the subtle movement in the willow or bushes that could be caused by warblers or finches. timeliness, or adequacy of the contents of this map, and distribution of this map does not constitute any such warranty. SNAP reserves the right to make changes, corrections, or improvements at any time without notice. Boundaries depicted on this map are for information only and may not be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Private lands The National Audubon Society has recognized Moapa Valley as an Important Bird Area because of the high diversity of birds it supports. may have access restrictions; obtain permission before entering private land. Conditions of backcountry roads vary seasonally and with weather conditions; check with the local ranger station or visitor center for current road conditions. © U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Moapa dace were common in the Muddy River when they were discovered in 1938. However, changes to their habitat made it hard for the dace to survive. Irrigation ditches were built for nearby farming, and water from the springs was diverted. Non-native palm trees were introduced, reducing water flow and dry fronds fueled wildfires. Resort owners developed the warm springs into swimming pools and hot tubs. Blue tilapia, a fish from Africa, was released into the river and began preying on the dace. Recognizing these threats to the Moapa dace species, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and its partners took action. Over the refuge’s history, the natural landscape has been restored by the © U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service During the 1950s several resort businesses were established, flourishing for decades by diverting spring water to create an oasis of warm water swimming pools for visitors. Declining business and various wildfires between the late 1970s and the early 1990s saw the closure of most of these resorts and the eventual purchase of properties from willing sellers by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Why are they endangered? © Wendy Smith The Old Spanish Trail from New Mexico to California passed through this area by the late 1700s, bringing trappers and traders. Mormon settlers arrived in the mid-1800s. Farmers and ranchers tapped the valley’s springs, and utilized the rich resources of the Muddy River and its floodplain. protect natural resources for current and © Kerry Holcomb For generations, Nuwuvi (Southern Paiute) have respectfully used the resources growing on the stream banks and upland desert. Honey and screwbean mesquite pods provide a nutritious food when ground and mixed with water. Nuwuvi — who maintain strong ties to the land — still value these resources. © U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service © U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service History of the valley and refuge MOAPA VALLEY National Wildlife Refuge Apcar (Jones) Spring Complex Plummer Spring Complex Pedersen Spring Complex Area Closed To Public Use CLARK COUNTY VICINITY MAP MAP SCALE 1:2,400 500 100 PAHRANAGAT NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE ( Ä 200 Meters ± 114° 45' 36° 45' 168 WARM SPRINGS RD § ¨ ¦ 15 North Las Vegas GROUP PAVILION / PICNIC AREA FEDERALLY ADMINISTERED LAND RESTROOMS ROAD - PAVED TRAILHEAD ROAD - UNPAVED INFORMATION TRAIL - NON-MOTORIZED USE WARM SPRINGS OVERLOOK STREAM - PERENNIAL STREAM VIEWING AREA M NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE BOUNDARY oa pa W es t LEGEND 168 Indian Springs 160 100 ( Ä MOAPA VALLEY NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Las Vegas 0 1,000 Feet 93 95 ASH MEADOWS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE 50 500 W ME A DO D YR VALLE ( Ä ( / 0 ( / ( Ä DESERT NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE 373 250 QUAD INDEX Henderson Protect the Wilderness: Minimize Your Impact Leave No Trace of Your Visit Plan Ahead & Prepare Leave What You Find Respect Wildlife In order to protect the unspoiled wild nature of wilderness for future visitors, it is crucial to minimize the impact of your visit by following these general Leave No Trace principles: Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you will visit. Prepare for extreme weather, hazards, and emergencies. Preserve the past: examine, but do not touch, cultural or historic structures and artifacts. Leave rocks, plants and other natural objects as you find them. Observe wildlife from a distance. Do not feed, follow or approach animals. Travel & Camp on Durable Surfaces Concentrate use on existing footpaths, washes, and campsites Dispose of Waste Properly Pack it in, pack it out. Pack out all trash, leftover food, and litter including toilet paper. Leave the site cleaner than you find it. Minimize Campfire Impacts Campfires can cause lasting impacts to the backcountry. Instead, consider using a lightweight stove for cooking or even try “no cook” meals. Be aware of seasonal fire restrictions. Be Considerate of Other Visitors Respect other visitors and protect the quality of their experience. Let nature’s sounds prevail. Avoid loud voices and noises

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