DesertBrochure |
Brochure of Desert National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Nevada. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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Desert National Wildlife Refuge
HCR 38 Box 700
Las Vegas, NV 89124
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
June 2012
© Gary Kramer
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
National Wildlife
The refuge is a
remarkable land
encompassing great
diversity of terrain
and climate wrapped
in wild beauty and
Welcome to the
Desert National
Wildlife Refuge
The Desert National Wildlife Refuge
includes more than 1.5 million acres
(over 2,300 square miles) in southern
Nevada. The vast refuge is large
enough to cover the state of Rhode
Island twice, and still have room
left for over a quarter of a million
football fields. This is the largest
National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in
the lower 48 states.
The Desert NWR forms one of
the largest intact blocks of desert
bighorn sheep habitat remaining
in the Southwest. The population
fluctuates with ecological conditions.
All roads are primitive, and
ordinary passenger vehicles are
not recommended. The wildlife
and wildlands of the area are best
appreciated by traveling on foot or
horseback into the backcountry.
The Desert NWR contains six
major mountain ranges rising to
an elevation of almost 10,000 feet.
Annual rainfall ranges from less
than 4 inches at low elevations to
more than 15 inches on the highest
peaks. The wide range of elevation
and rainfall has created amazingly
diverse habitat suited to a wide
variety of flora and fauna. The
Desert NWR is a land of great
diversity. Here the Mojave Desert
ecosystem merges with the Great
Basin ecosystem on this vast dry
Plan your trip wisely and take time
to get out of your car and onto this
remarkable land to experience its
stark beauty, wildness and solitude.
© Sharon Schafer
Of The Refuge
U.S. Fish
& Wildlife
The area now known as the Desert NWR
has been utilized by ancient people for
thousands of years: first by Archaic people
and then during the last several hundred
years by the Southern Paiutes and others.
These Native Americans traveled
in small mobile bands while following
the seasonal ripening of plants and the
movements of animals. The evidence
of these ancient people is seen in
numerous cultural resource sites such
as agave roasting pits, rock shelters,
camps, rock art and ancient artifacts.
Spears were commonly used for
hunting larger game such as mule deer
and bighorn sheep. The spear thrower
or atlatl was a revolutionary advance in
weapon design that allowed the spear
to be thrown with far greater power,
range and accuracy.
© Sharon Schafer
Roasting Pit
© USFWS Photo
Roasting pits are circular mounds of
firecracked and whitened limestone
that were used by ancient people for
cooking meats and vegetables.
Native foods such as agave
were placed in a bed of hot coals
mixed with limestone cobbles
and covered with vegetation
and earth to slow cook for many
hours. Limestone was discarded
after each use and eventually
formed a low mounded hill with a
central depression.
Later History Of The Refuge
Paiute Indians were living near the
watering places in the late 1700s
when Europeans first visited the
region. These were Spanish pioneers
searching for a route between
settlements in present day New
Mexico and California which later
became known as the Spanish Trail.
In the mid 1850s Mormon settlers
moved into southern Nevada. Some
settled in the area that is now near
downtown Las Vegas. By the 1880s
settlements in the Moapa Valley
(east towards the Colorado River)
were well established.
Around the turn of the century,
two wagon trails now known as
the Alamo Road and the Mormon
Well Road were developed as travel
routes by pioneers in this region.
These trails served early efforts at
mining and ranching in this part of
the state.
The Desert National Wildlife
Refuge was established by executive
order in 1936 for the protection,
enhancement, and maintenance of
desert bighorn sheep. Corn Creek
Spring, purchased in 1939 by the
Federal Government, was an old
ranch site and stage coach stop used
by prospectors and cattlemen, as
well as poachers and bootleggers.
Petroglyphs are images chipped into
stone, most often through a thin, dark
layer on the rock known as desert
varnish, exposing the light rock
underneath to create the images.
Pictographs or rock paintings
are less common, usually found
on the light-colored surfaces in
protected places such as rock
shelters and beneath overhangs.
The true meanings of these images
remains unknown but are thought to
document various aspects of social
and religious life.
During the early stages of World
War II an aerial bombing and
gunnery range was superimposed
on the western portion of the Desert
NWR. This use continues today as
the U.S. Air Force Nevada Test and
Training Range. Due to safety and
other security concerns this area is
closed to all public entry.
© Sharon Schafer
Bighorn Management
The agile desert bighorn is at home
in steep rocky mountains and foothills
where it finds food, water, escape
terrain and, most importantly,
space. Bighorn can be extremely
intolerant of human interference
and the 1.5 million acres of
the Desert NWR provides
much needed refuge. Having
rebounded from a record low
of 300 in the late 1930s, the
desert bighorn population now
numbers approximately 750.
This is well below the peak numbers
recorded during the late 70s to the middle
80s, which coincided with a period of high
The males clash with their horns to
establish social rank. Two rams will
charge one another at combined speeds
of nearly 45 miles per hour with the
resulting crack of impact heard over a
mile away. The rams with the largest
horns generally prove themselves most
Bighorn ewes average 34 inches at the
shoulder and rams average 36 inches,
with weights of 75-115 pounds for an adult
female to 125-180 pounds for a male.
Desert bighorn are highly socialized
animals. Breeding season, or rut, peaks
in late summer with lambing season
occurring in late winter or early spring.
During the non-breeding season, older
rams tend to segregate themselves from
the remainder of the population. Group
size varies with season and averages less
than four sheep.
© Gary Kramer
Bighorn are remarkably adapted to this
harsh desert environment. A human will
die from dehydration after losing only 10%
of their body weight. The bighorn are able
to go as long as 8 days without a drink,
losing up to 31% of their body weight, and
then will drink nearly 5 gallons at one time
to replenish their lost water.
The majestic curled horns of the
mature desert bighorn ram weigh
approximately 30 pounds and may reach
30-40 inches on the outside curl. The ewe
has slightly curved horns only
10-13 inches long. These horns are
permanent and continue to grow
throughout the animal’s life.
Water is the most limiting factor for
bighorn populations and is in short
supply on much of the refuge. For
this reason, over 30 springs have been
improved and 30 “guzzlers” developed.
Guzzlers, or rain catchments, collect
precipitation and deliver it to storage
tanks that fill a small drinking
trough. The improvement and
careful placement of water sources
dramatically helps bighorn populations.
More widespread distribution of water
lowers competition for water and forage
and reduces vulnerability to predators
and disease.
and Radio
In order to better manage the
bighorn sheep population, animals are
occasionally captured and relocated. At
times, bighorn sheep are trapped with
nets, then transported to release sites.
The sheep are relocated to re-establish
herds in former historic ranges,
ensuring the survival of the desert
Often the trapped
sheep are marked
with ear tags and
may be fitted with
a radio collar that
enables tracking
of individuals to
determine seasonal
© Sharon Schafer
© Gary Kramer
Bighorn Habitat
U.S. FishSheep
& Wildlife Service
Fish & Wildlife Service
Life Zones
Pine - Fir
Pinyon - Juniper
Joshua Tree
Creosote Bush
© Sharon Schafer
Over 500 species of plants have been
identified in plant communities or
zones varying from saltbrush on
the valley floors to ponderosa pinewhite fir and bristlecone pines at the
highest elevations.
© John Hiatt
Bristlecone Pine
Near 10,000’, where the growing
seasons are the shortest, the
only trees surviving the extreme
conditions are the bristlecone pines.
These very long lived trees are found
in the Sheep Mountain Range.
© Sharon Schafer
The boundaries between these
zones are seldom sharp. The lower
communities extend upward on warm
south facing slopes and the higher
communities descend downslope on
cooler or moister sites.
Pine-Fir Forest
At elevations of approximately 7,500’
to 9,000’, where snow and rain linger,
ponderosa pine and white fir are
dominant. They form well developed,
nearly closed canopy forests.
© Sharon Schafer
The wide range of elevation and
rainfall on the Desert NWR has
created a great diversity of flora and
fauna. Vegetation and associated
wildlife depends on soil type,
seasonal moisture, temperature, and
elevation. These life zones change
markedly with elevation. Seven
distinct plant communities are
© Sharon Schafer
© Sharon Schafer
© Bob Goodman
Life Zones
© Hermi Hiatt
Pinyon-Juniper Woodland
This open canopy forest occurs
from approximately 6000’ to
7500’ where precipitation may be
10”–15” per year, much of which is
received as snow. Utah juniper and
single-leaf pinyon pine dominate
this community that forms a zone
between brush and true forest.
Blackbrush Community
This community dominated by
blackbrush is found at 4,200’ to
6000’ on steep rolling hills. Soils
are typically shallow. Different
species of yucca, including Joshua
tree, Mormon tea and cholla cactus
are common associates.
Joshua Tree Woodland
The apparently dominant species
in this habitat type is the Joshua
tree, although the bulk of plant
material consists of a variety of
widely spaced shrubs known as
the understory. Joshua trees are
commonly found between 3000’
to 5000’ elevations.
Creosote Bush Community
This open scrubland dominated by
the creosote bush consists of widely
spaced shrubs and various cacti.
Other common species include yucca,
Mormon tea, bursage and range
ratney. This community is found
in elevations of 2,400’ to 3,600’ and
receives less than 5” of rain.
Saltbrush Community
In some basins on the valley
floors, particularly those with low
nocturnal temperatures and very
high soil salinity, the saltbrush
community predominates. A good
example of this community can be
found on the valley floor between
Corn Creek Field Station and
Highway 95.
© Sharon Schafer
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
© Sharon Schafer
Mojave Yucca
Over 320
Species of Birds
Palmer’s penstemon is a large multistemmed perennial with fragrant
showy pale-pink or lavender flowers.
The leaves of this plant were used by
Native Americans to numb the pain of
a sore tooth.
Indian paintbrush derives its name
from the top leaves or bracts that
look as though they have been dipped
in vivid, scarlet paint. This partially
parasitic species is often found
growing in or near shrubs. Their roots
tap into these host plants enabling the
paintbrush to obtain much of its food
and moisture from them.
All yucca species have evolved a
special relationship with the yucca
moth. The female moth enters the
flower gathering pollen into a tiny ball
and then flies to another flower and
pollinates it. She then lays her eggs in
the ovary of the flower and her young
develop there with an assured food
source of developing fruit. One cannot
exist without the other.
The roadrunner is a ground dwelling
bird built for
speed with a
sleek body and
long legs. It is
able to fly short
distances, but
prefers to run,
reaching speeds
of 30 miles per
In the higher pinyon-juniper
woodlands, species such as bushtit,
spotted towhee, broadtailed hummingbird and
pinyon jay are common.
The pinyon jay is a highly
gregarious bird that is well
known for collecting pinyon
pine seeds and transporting
them to communal caching
areas where they store
them in the ground for later
Pygmy Owl
The high elevation pine
forests are home to the olive-sided
flycatcher, Clark’s nutcracker, whitebreasted nuthatch and the red-naped
sapsucker. This woodpecker drills
parallel rows of small holes in live
trees, then returns later to feed on
the sap and trapped insects.
© Gary Kramer
Golden Eagle
This common member of the mallow
family has showy, scarlet to peach
flowers. The foliage is a dusty graygreen covered with dense, short,
shiny hairs. Ancient people used the
globemallow as a treatment for eye
infection as well as the source of a
tea used as a hair conditioner and a
treatment for sore throats.
The wide variety of vegetation
communities in the Desert NWR
provides an ideal habitat for many
birds. Over 320 species have been
identified within its boundaries.
Despite the hot, dry environment of
the lower desert many species have
adapted well to it. Species commonly
seen include the black-throated
sparrow, Le Conte’s thrasher, sage
sparrow, loggerhead shrike, cactus
wren and the greater roadrunner.
© Bob Goodman
The deserts of the Mojave are
known for their displays of spring
and summer wildflowers that are
spectacular in years of abundant
winter rainfall. These desert
annuals avoid the heat and
drought by surviving as seeds in
the soil, often for decades, until
favorable conditions occur. When
environmental conditions are
right they quickly sprout, flower and
drop seed, compressing their lives into
a very brief time period.
© Bob Goodman
© Sharon Schafer
© Sharon Schafer
Desert Annual
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Kit Fox
© Bob Goodman
Kangaroo Rat
The low desert communities provide
habitat for many mammals well
adapted to the hot, dry climate, such
as the kit fox. This small nocturnal
fox, about the size of a domestic cat,
has exceptionally large ears. The feet
are heavily furred which gives them
good support on the deep sandy soils
of their desert habitat. Their range
closely coincides with their favorite
prey, the kangaroo rat. The nocturnal
kangaroo rat spends the day in its
burrow, plugging the entrance with
soil to keep the interior cool. This
desert dweller never needs to drink
water, getting all the water it needs
from seeds. Also found in this harsh
community is the California myotis,
whitetail antelope squirrel, and the
blacktail jackrabbit.
Some species, such as the coyote,
bobcat, gray fox, and mule deer, are
found in many life zones. The highly
adaptable coyote is similar in size
and appearance to a medium-sized,
slender dog. It scavenges carrion and
may eat berries and plant material,
as well as hunting small mammals,
reptiles, and occasionally birds.
Reptiles found include the chuckwalla,
horned lizard (also known as horned
toad), Mojave rattlesnake, western
king snake, banded gecko and the
federally protected* desert tortoise.
The desert tortoise feeds on forbs,
grasses and flowers that provide
much of their necessary moisture.
Tortoises spend most of their lives
underground in burrows that may be
up to 30’ long. Tortoises can live 75–100
years and grow to 15” in length.
© Bob Goodman
© Bob Goodman
Over 35 reptiles, including snakes,
lizards, and tortoises, as well as 4
amphibians have been identified in
the Desert NWR and are present in
all but the coldest life zones.
Horned Lizard
© Gary Kramer
© Bob Goodman
Mountain Lion
In the brushy areas of the middle
elevations, various species of bats
along with cottontail rabbits, ground
squirrels, and coyotes are commonly
found. The less commonly seen
mountain lion grows from 5-9’ long
including the tail, stands 2.5’ at the
shoulder, and weighs as much as 125–
200 pounds. Their favorite prey is the
mule deer. Mountain lions often stalk
and ambush their prey by leaping on
their backs and breaking their necks.
© Bob Goodman
© Bob Goodman
The Desert NWR, with its great
diversity of habitat types, is home to
52 species of mammals. Species found
in the higher pine forests include cliff
chipmunk, spotted skunk, long-legged
myotis bat and occasionally the
Reptiles and Amphibians
Collared Lizard
The chuckwalla is a large vegetarian
lizard found in areas of rocky
outcroppings. It feeds on buds,
flowers, and fruits of a variety of
plants. When alarmed the chuckwalla
will retreat to safety in a rock crevice
and distend its body by gulping air,
thus wedging itself firmly in place
and making it difficult for a predator
to capture it. Native Americans
occasionally used them for food.
Colorful collared lizards are found
on rocky slopes and rock strewn
alluvial fans (bajadas). These lizards
have powerful jaws and often hunt
grasshoppers, cicadas, moths, wasps,
and small lizards by sight, seizing
their prey with a quick rush. The
collared lizard often runs on its back
legs when moving at high speeds.
Although temperatures soar in areas
of direct sun, in the immediate vicinity
of shaded, moist areas around springs
and seeps, moderate temperatures
prevail. Here, several species of
amphibians can be found around the
ponds at Corn Creek.
The desert tortoise is listed as Threatened
* under
the Endangered Species Act.
© Sharon Schafer
and &Regulations
U.S. Fish
Wildlife Service
All motorized vehicles must be licensed
and registered for highway use. They
are permitted only on designated named
roads as shown on the map. Vehicular
travel on service roads is prohibited.
NOTE: This is a
partial list of
common rules
and regulations.
dated brochures
may contain
changes and/or
new regulations
which may be in
effect. Please
contact the
refuge manager
with specific
Operation of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs),
including but not limited to all-terrain
cycles and quads, is not permitted within
the refuge.
Camping is permitted year-round but is
limited to 14 consecutive days during any
twenty-eight (28) day period. Following
the 14 day period, person(s) may not
relocate within ten (10) miles of the site
that was just previously occupied until
completion of the 28 day period. All camps
except backpack camps must be within 50’
of designated roads. Camping within 1/4
mile of water developments or springs is
Roads are rough, unimproved and may
be impassable for passenger cars. They
are occasionally closed for maintenance
or rehabilitation. Road closed signs are
posted for your safety.
Make sure your vehicle is in good working
condition, has a full tank of fuel and
adequate emergency supplies. Don’t
forget to check your spare tire! No fuel
or service is available within the Desert
NWR. Please call ahead for current road
Campfires are permitted but there is
no wood available; you must bring your
own. Be careful with fire, a firepan is
recommended. Please call ahead for
seasonal fire restrictions.
Hiking and
Riding Areas
The entire Desert NWR, (excluding the
portion overlain by Nevada Test and
Training Range), is open to hiking and
horseback riding. Water is scarce and
critical to wildlife. Horseback riders must
carry feed and water for their stock. In
order to protect native plants, it is highly
recommended that only certified weedfree feed be brought onto the refuge.
No hunting allowed within the refuge
boundary except for desert bighorn sheep
hunting by permit only.
Carrying, possessing or discharging
firearms or other weapons including
crossbows, bow and arrows or airguns
is prohibited. This includes carrying,
possessing or discharging fireworks and
Damaging rock art or disturbing
archeological sites is a violation of federal
law. Removing objects of antiquity, rocks,
minerals or fossils is not allowed.
All pets on the Desert NWR must be
leashed at all times.
Animal and
Plant Life
Attempting to collect, possess, disturb,
injure, remove or transport any animal,
plant, or parts thereof, is a violation of
federal law.
There are no trash cans on the refuge.
Please carry out everything you bring in.
Littering is strictly prohibited!
The western half of the Desert
NWR is used by the U.S. Air Force’s
Nevada Test and Training Range
as a bombing, gunnery and aerial
warfare training facility. There may
be unexploded, live ordinance in this
area. All public access to this area is
prohibited by federal law.
© Sharon Schafer
Vehicular Travel
Rules and Regulations
Safety Tips for Desert
When entering the refuge from Corn
Creek, please register at the visitor
contact station podium.
Cellular telephone and radio
coverage are limited in this area.
Don’t travel or hike alone! Let
someone know your travel plans,
schedule, and the general area you
will be in. Stick to your plan and
don’t forget to report your return.
Be Ready
for Heat
Protect yourself from the sun!
Wear a hat, light colored clothing,
and sunscreen. Prevent exhaustion
by pacing yourself and avoiding
extreme midday heat.
Elevation ranges from 2,400’ to
10,000’. Climate varies widely and
in summer temperatures may reach
117˚F/47˚C. Days may be hot and
the nights may be cold.
© Sharon Schafer
No fuel or
service is
the Desert
Snow occurs almost every winter in
the Sheep Range, with occasional
sub-zero temperatures, and may
result in road closures. It is smart to
always dress in layers and obtain a
current weather forecast.
Flash floods can be caused, in a
matter of minutes, by quick, severe
thunderstorms. Never camp or park
your vehicle in a dry wash or stream
93 NWR
No water is available on the Desert
NWR. Always bring plenty of
water—don’t ration it! A person
requires at least one gallon of water
per day in the summer heat.
Travel through the back country
requires preparation to ensure a
safe, enjoyable trip. Plan your trip
Visit Nearby Refuges
Ash Meadows
National Wildlife
Admire the beauty of over 23,000
acres of spring-fed wetlands and
alkaline desert uplands. Walk the
Crystal Springs boardwalk to
learn about some of the 25 species
found here and nowhere else in the
world—12 of which are threatened or
endangered. Watch wildlife at Point
of Rocks or visit the historic
Longstreet cabin.
775/372 5435
Moapa Valley
National Wildlife
Warm water springs from the
hillsides giving life to the Moapa
Valley. Refuge staff and their
partners work to restore this fragile
habitat for the endangered Moapa
dace. The refuge is currently closed
to the public until all safety hazards
are removed.
702/879 6110
National Wildlife
This “valley of shining waters”
bordering the Mojave and Great
Basin deserts offers a resting spot for
migratory birds and waterfowl. Enjoy
this desert oasis while camping,
fishing, hunting, or observing wildlife.
775/725 3417
Map Service
U.S. Fish
& Wildlife
Where Do I Start?
The major access
point to the
Desert NWR
is through the
Corn Creek Field
Station, which
can be reached
by travelling north
on U.S. Highway
95 approximately
25 miles from
downtown Las
Vegas. A brown
sign on the
east side of the
highway marks
the 4-mile gravel
road into Corn
Desert NWR Boundary
Nevada Test & Training Range
Entry Prohibited
Main Roads
Dirt Roads
Desert NWR Map