"Great Basin landscape, Great Basin National Park, 2013." by U.S. National Park Service , public domain
Great BasinGreat Basin Guide 2017 |
Guide to Great Basin National Park (NP) in Nevada. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
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Park News
Great Basin National Park
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
The Midden
The Resource Management Newsletter of Great Basin National Park
Strawberry Fire Burned Area Rehabilitation and Restoration
The lightning-ignited Strawberry
Fire was reported on August 8, 2016
in upper Strawberry Creek in Great
Basin National Park. Aided by strong
winds, the fire quickly grew, burning
a large portion of the canyon and
pushing the fire down-canyon onto
BLM and private lands. The fire was
declared controlled on August 23,
2016 after 4,656 acres burned, with
2,790 acres on NPS and 1,769 acres
on Bureau of Land Management
lands. The fire consumed a mix of
habitat types. The dominant plant
communities impacted in the park
were montane sagebrush steppe
(1,148 acres), pinyon-juniper (667
acres), aspen (597 acres), mountain
mahogany (209 acres) and montane
riparian (42 acres).
After the fire, resource management
staff prepared a Burned Area
Rehabilitation (BAR) plan to address
and mitigate natural resource issues
created or exacerbated by the fire.
Plan objectives were 1) prevent the
establishment of non-native invasive
plants to enable the restoration and
establishment of a healthy, stable
ecosystem 2) revegetate lands
unlikely to recover naturally post-fire
and 3) replace minor infrastructure
destroyed by the fire.
The park selected several strategies
to meet BAR plan objectives for
native vegetation recovery including
aerial seeding and invasive plant
management. Preventing the
Summer 2017
Photo by Brian Flynn
By Meg Horner, Biologist
Native lupine growing after the Strawberry Fire.
establishment of invasive forbs and
annual grasses, mainly cheatgrass
(Bromus tectorum), following fire
is critical to protect and maintain
healthy, resilient plant communities.
Cheatgrass invades recently burned
sites, particularly pinyon-juniper
woodlands and sagebrush-steppe,
and can maintain dominance
for decades. Not only does this
compromise native plant recovery,
but it also adversely affects soil
stabilization and fire return intervals.
Non-native invasive forbs such as
bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare), spotted
knapweed (Centaurea stoebe), and
whitetop (Cardaria draba) exploit
soil and vegetation disturbances
following wildfires and fire
suppression activities. They can then
outcompete native vegetation for
limited resources, negatively affect
soils and discourage use by wildlife.
A total of 894 acres in the park were
determined to be at-risk of invasion
and recommended for aerial seeding.
Aerial seeding was completed on
February 12 -13, 2017 with support
from the Nevada Department of
Continued on Page 2
In This Issue
Strawberry Fire Rehabilitation.....1
Steps to BCT Recovery................3
Stalagmites Show Drying Trend..4
Fuel Loads near Bristlecones.....5
Results of Bird BioBlitz..............6
New Publications......................7
Long Term Ecological Research..8
2017 Lichen BioBlitz.................10
Volume 17 Issue 1
Bags of seed for restoration in the
Ely Seed Warehouse.
diverse, native plant community will
benefit park- and BLM-managed
lands along with private landowners
by stabilizing soils, slowing runoff
after precipitation events, preventing
the establishment of invasive plants,
and providing forage and habitat for
wildlife. Establishing native species
is a more cost effective strategy
than trying to restore native plant
communities from annual grass
monocultures or sites dominated by
invasive forbs.
NPS Photo by Margaret Horner
Restoration and monitoring will
continue for the next several years.
Additional seeding efforts may be
Aerial seeding objectives supported
needed depending on establishment
those outlined in the BAR plan
success and persistence of native
focusing on the restoration of native
plants seeded this winter. In arid
plant communities and minimizing
regions, precipitation is highly
the establishment of invasive forbs
variable, causing uncertainty and
and annual grasses. Restoring a
high failure rates in
germination and seedling
establishment. Recent
reviews of the factors
limiting seeding success
have recommended a “bet
hedging” strategy (Madsen
et al. 2016). Rather than
applying seed at high
rates during a single fall
seeding, seed is applied at
lower rates, with multiple
seedings at varying times
of year. With multiple
Helicopter returning with empty hopper after
2 The Midden
seedings, native species have more
opportunity to utilize soil moisture
conditions maximizing the probability
of establishment.
Both the park and BLM will be
monitoring vegetation to document
post-fire recovery and the success of
revegetation efforts. The BLM has
partnered with the USDA Agriculture
Resource Service to monitor biological
soil crusts and dust flux (particles/
m2/second). Portable weather stations
have also been installed on NPS and
BLM lands to measure precipitation,
temperature, soil moisture, and wind.
Invasive plant surveys and treatments
are already underway. Restoration
efforts will aid the recovery of
native plant species and limit the
establishment of undesirable species
improving soil stability, wildlife
habitat, and the stability and resilience
of the Strawberry Creek watershed.
NPS Photo by Bryan Hamilton
Wildlife, BLM, and Great Basin
National Park staff. Seed was flown
onto 811 acres of park lands and
1,157 acres on the BLM by Reeder
Flying Service. Sourcing locally
adapted seed was a priority for both
the BLM and the park. Native grass,
forb, and shrub species were part of
the seed mix including basin wildrye
(Leymus cinereus), bluebunch
wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria
spicata), mountain big sagebrush
(Artemisia tridentata), redroot
buckwheat (Eriogonum
racemosum), arrowleaf balsamroot
(Balsamorhiza sagittata), and
firecracker penstemon (Penstemon
eatonii). Over 5,500 pounds of
bulk seed were ordered and mixed
for the park by the BLM’s regional
seed warehouse in Ely, NV. Once on
site, seed mix was loaded into large
hoppers, picked up by the helicopter,
and flown onto burned areas at a rate
of seven bulk pounds/acre on NPSmanaged lands and 13 bulk pounds/
acre on BLM-managed lands.
NPS Photo by Julie Long
Strawberry Fire Rehabilitation and Restoration (continued)
Hopper used to distribute seed over
burned area.
Literature Cited:
Madsen M.D., K.W. Davies, C.S. Boyd, J.D.
Kerby, and T.J. Svejcar. 2016. Emerging seed
enhancement technologies for overcoming
barriers to restoration. Restoration Ecology,
24:S77-S84. doi:10.1111/rec.12332
Steps to BCT Recovery on Snake Creek
In August of 2016 Great Basin
National Park, in collaboration with
Nevada Department of Wildlife
(NDOW) and staff from other
NPS units, conducted a rotenone
treatment on Snake Creek. The goal
of the treatment was to eradicate
all non-native fish in the section of
Snake Creek that is located within
the park boundary. This will allow
the park to reintroduce Bonneville
cutthroat trout (BCT) into the
largest South Snake Range stream
identified as a BCT conservation
population in the 2006 Conservation
Agreement and Conservation
Strategy for Bonneville Cutthroat
Trout in the State of Nevada.
This summer, the fisheries crew will
conduct electrofishing validation
surveys to ensure the treatment was
successful. The entire length of the
treatment area will be electrofished
twice by a three-person crew.
After the validation surveys are
completed, an extensive eDNA
analysis of Snake Creek will be
conducted. This fairly new, but
rapidly evolving technology, allows
fish biologists to detect fish species
by simply testing the stream water
for their DNA. Using the protocol
provided by the United States Forest
Service, samples will be collected by
filtering five liters of stream water.
The filters will then be sent to the
Rocky Mountain Research Station
where Forest Service scientists will
test them for brook trout, brown
trout, and rainbow trout DNA. A total
of 74 sites (one site for every 200
meters of stream) will be sampled in
order to thoroughly cover the entire
watershed. If fish are not encountered
during the validation surveys and
fish DNA is not detected during the
eDNA analysis, then Snake Creek
will be ready for the reintroduction
of BCT.
Great Basin National Park will
work closely with NDOW to
determine which Snake Range BCT
population will be the source for
the reintroduction. NDOW will also
assist with collecting BCT from
the source population, transporting
them to Snake Creek, and releasing
them into predetermined locations.
If everything goes as planned, the
reintroduction will occur in June of
NPS Photo by Nathan Cullen
By Jonathan Reynolds, Fisheries
Filtering stream water to test
for fish DNA.
NPS Photo by Nathan Cullen
Free Booklets about Plants, Wildlife,
and Ecosystems
Electrofishing Snake Creek to relocate native fish before treating the creek
with rotenone.
The Utah Master Naturalist program
provides great classes on a variety of
topics for those who would like to learn
more about Utah’s great places. They
even venture a little farther sometimes,
including coming to Great Basin
National Park last fall, with another visit
slated for this fall. To see their schedule,
check out: http://extension.usu.edu/
They have also written free
downloadable booklets about plants,
wildlife, and ecosystems. If you’d like to
learn more, check them out:
The Midden 3
Stalagmites Show Drying of the Great Basin 8,200 Years Ago
The Great Basin has experienced
dramatic hydroclimate changes over
the past 30,000 years and beyond.
Today’s dry Great Basin is very
different from the much wetter
conditions that prevailed over most
of the last 30,000 years.
Photo by E lena Steponaitis
by Elena Steponaitis, Postdoctoral
Fellow, Tulane University
Stalagmites from caves are rich
archives of past climate information.
Geochemical analyses of stalagmite
calcite can provide information
about past conditions in and around
a cave. Importantly, stalagmites
can be precisely dated using a
radiometric method that exploits the
decay of uranium to thorium within Photo of a stalagmite that has had samples taken from it for geochemical
analysis in order to study changes in climate.
the sample over time.
broken stalagmites in order to find
rapidly after about 8,200 years ago.
This is broadly consistent with
With the help of the staff at Great
Additionally, with the help of the
existing records from many parts
Basin National Park, our research
park staff, we were able to conduct a
of the Great Basin, but the dating
group at MIT used stalagmite
cave monitoring study that helped us
precision of this stalagmite record
samples from Lehman Caves to
interpret the geochemical results we
makes it particularly useful for
study the timing of this drying
trying to understand how the Great
event in the region. By studying the obtained from the stalagmite.
Basin “reacted” to known globaltiming of past climate changes in
The selected stalagmites were
scale climate events. Interestingly,
the Great Basin relative to globalslabbed and polished and then finely
the timing of rapid drying of the
scale climate events, we can begin
Great Basin shown in this record
to understand what kinds of changes sampled down their growth axes for
is approximately coincident with
might be in store in the future.
to study changes in climate. Together,
the timing of the collapse of the
Laurentide Ice Sheet, a large event
Lehman Caves was an ideal location these analyses produce a time series
of data points that span the amount
which is visible in paleoclimate
for this type of study because so
of time between when the stalagmite
records from around the globe.
many of the cave’s stalagmites had
started growing and when it stopped
Though more work needs to be done
been previously broken off and
growing. Stalagmite records are very
to understand the exact climactic
piled up inside the cave by late 19th
useful in part because we can sample
mechanisms that caused this abrupt
and early 20 century occupants,
the stalagmite for dating at multiple
drying in the Great Basin, this study
so our work did not involve doing
points along the growth axis, so we
in Lehman Caves is an important
any additional damage to cave
step towards understanding when and
when climate changes occurred in the
how this drying happened.
Over the course of several trips
Read more in Quaternary Science
into the cave, our group took
Our record from Lehman Caves
Reviews, 2015, vol 127:174-185.
small samples for dating from the
suggests that the region dried
tops and bottoms of the already
4 The Midden
Measuring Fuels in Bristlecone Pine Communities
By Curtis Gray, Ecologist, Utah
State University
Great Basin bristlecone pines
(Pinus longaeva) are among the
oldest organisms on earth, an icon
of western forests. Bristlecone pines
grow at the highest elevations in
mountain ranges of the Great Basin
in the western United States, and
many park visitors have seen the
ancient groves.
Bristlecone pines also grow in mid
elevation mixed conifer forests, and
sometimes even in low elevation
Growing mostly high on mountain
peaks, Great Basin bristlecone
pine ecosystems are naturally
fragmented. Fires are infrequent
in high elevation bristlecone pine
forests due to sparse fuels, and
little was previously known about
fuels in these forests. However,
recent fire activity in Great Basin
bristlecone pine forests (e.g.,
the Phillips Ranch Fire, 2000;
Amos Canyon Fire, 2009; and
the Carpenter 1 Fire, 2013) have
burned many ancient trees. When
fires do occur at high elevations,
they are usually small, low-severity,
surface fires.
Our recent research has increased
understanding of Great Basin
bristlecone pine ecology by
examining how fire regimes
may change with warming air
temperatures. Our objective
was to measure discontinuous
wildland fuels across changing
environmental gradients
in bristlecone pine stands.
Environmental gradients describe
changes in conditions such as
found that fuels predictably decrease
with increasing elevation. At low
elevations, fuels are heavy and in
close proximity to ignition sources,
while becoming too sparse to carry
fire at high elevations. With climate
change, we might expect high
elevation stands to resemble current
low and mid elevation stands with an
increased risk of forest fires.
Measuring litter under bristlecone
pine trees to better understand how
fire spreads in those ecosystems.
elevation, temperature, humidity,
and water availability.
Forest composition usually
changes along environmental
gradients in predictable ways. For
example, elevation is a surrogate to
approximate changes in temperature
and moisture. Understanding how
fuel structure and composition
varies throughout the Great Basin is
useful to predict how fire frequency
and intensity may change at high
elevations with a changing climate.
We measured changes in fuels
from the lowest elevations to the
alpine treeline at several locations,
including two in Great Basin
National Park. Different fuel
classes (the down dead vegetation)
were tallied from the forest floor
and converted to fuel loads. Fine
woody debris (sticks, twigs, and
pine needles) are the class of fuels
that typically allow a wildfire to
advance, while coarse woody debris
(logs), indicate how long a fire
burns at a particular site. During
field data collection, we noticed that
fuels accumulate directly beneath
trees, which were not represented
in current monitoring protocols. We
measured fuels in north-east-southwest transects below tree trunks. We
For decades, fire suppression has
contributed to increases in woody
fuels, canopy cover, and fuel
continuity, which in turn, leads to
larger fires that are more severe as
fuels increase and become more
connected. Interestingly, however,
fire suppression, which produced
unnatural fuel accumulations
throughout the American West,
was not used in high elevation
pine forests, where bristlecone
pine are located. Although large
fires that burn entire bristlecone
pine stands are rare, our more
precise measurements and analysis
identifies elevations that are the most
susceptible to fire.
Managing bristlecone pine stands
might be unprecedented, but fuels
management could have large
impacts on preventing large fires in
these highly prized communities.
The greatest fire threat to bristlecone
pines located on high peaks are fires
that are ignited at lower elevations
on hot, windy days that move into
the upper forests. Improved fire and
fuels models would help describe the
discontinuous fuels for these iconic
and fragmented species.
Gray, C.A. and Jenkins, M.J. 2017. Climate
warming alters fuels across elevational
gradients in Great Basin bristlecone pinedominated sky island forests. Forest Ecology
and Management, 392:125-136.
The Midden 5
Results of the 2016 Centennial Bird BioBlitz
To celebrate the 2016 Centennial
of the National Park Service, Great
Basin National Park held a Bird
BioBlitz on May 20-22, 2016.
During the 2.5 day event, over
1,500 volunteer hours were spent
looking for birds. We recorded
1,843 birds representing 73 species.
The most common were Mountain
Chickadees, Clark’s Nutcrackers,
and Pine Siskins (Figure 1).
Locations with over 30 species
found included Grey Cliffs
Campground, Snake Creek,
Rowland Springs and the Sewage
Lagoons, Strawberry Creek Road,
and Upper Lehman Creek. A total of
18 field trips went to these locations
and others, including some to
remote locations that located species
not found anywhere else.
The BioBlitz also included 11
presentations, two bird illustrating
workshops, two live bird demos,
Photo by Annette Hansen
By Gretchen Baker, Ecologist,
GRBA and Kelly Colegrove,
Biologist, Great Basin Bird
Numerous field trips were held during the Centennial Bird BioBlitz.
and one live reptile demo. Over
150 participants (including 35
school kids) attended, with at least
11 states represented (NV, UT, WI,
CA). Numerous bird photos were
taken as vouchers to document the
birds that occur in the park.
Special thanks to:
* All of our field trip leaders (Lois
and Mark Ports, Dave Henderson,
John B. Free, Melissa Renfro,
Janice Gardner, Neil Paprocki,
Kevin Wheeler, Elisabeth Ammon,
Kelly Colegrove)
*All of the presenters (Joe Doucette,
Kevin Wheeler, Mark Kirtley, Neil
Paprocki, Evan Buechley, Bryan
Hamilton, Elisabeth Ammon, Martin
Tyner, Gretchen Baker, Mark Ports)
* Artists-in-Residence (Miki Harder
and Kristin Gjerdset)
* Great Basin National Park
Foundation for lunch
* Western National Parks
Association for raffle prizes
* Elisabeth Ammon and Kevin
Wheeler for helping with planning
* Beth Cristobal for registration
* Kelly Colegrove for data analysis
* ALL the Participants!!!
Following the BioBlitz, Great
Basin Bird Observatory did data
analysis on all the park’s bird data.
This resulted in an increase of 15
species to the park’s Bird Checklist.
Nomenclature and abundance and
occurrence rates were also updated.
This checklist is available at park
visitor centers and the park website.
Figure 1. Most common bird species found during the 2016 Centennial Bird
BioBlitz at Great Basin National Park. A total of 1,843 birds representing 73
species were seen during the 2.5-day event, attended by 150 participants.
6 The Midden
In addition, following the BioBlitz
and data mining, NPSpecies was
updated with an additional 33 bird
Bird BioBlitz Results (continued)
Photos from the 2016 Centennial BioBlitz: top row- Cedar Waxwings (John Dickson), Cassin’s Finch (John Dickson),
Green-tailed Towhee (Evan Buechley); bottom row - Black-headed Grosbeak (Evan Buechley), MacGillivray’s Warbler
(Annette Hansen), Turkey Vulture (Chris Gourlay).
Recent Publications about Great Basin National Park
Bruening, Jamis M., Tyler J. Tran, Andrew G. Bunn, Stuart B. Weiss, and Matthew W. Salzer. 2017. Fine-scale modeling of
bristlecone pine treeline position in the Great Basin, USA. Environmental Research Letters 12(1):014008.
Gray, Curtis A., and Michael J. Jenkins. 2017. Climate warming alters fuels across elevational gradients in Great Basin
bristlecone pine-dominated sky island forests. Forest Ecology and Management 392:125-136.
Hyde, Joshua C.; Blades, Jarod; Hall, Troy; Ottmar, Roger D.; Smith, Alistair. 2016. Smoke management photographic guide: a
visual aid for communicating impacts. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-925. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 59 p. https://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/pubs/pnw_gtr925.pdf
Steponaitis, Elena Anne. 2016. Deep-lake carbonates and speleothems as high-resolution archives of paleohydrology in the
Bonneville Basin, UT.” PhD diss., Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Wu, Rui, Chao Chen, Sajjad Ahmad, John M. Volk, Cristina Luca, Frederick C. Harris, and Sergiu M. Dascalu. 2016. A realtime web-based wildfire simulation system. In Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the
IEEE, pp. 4964-4969. https://www.cse.unr.edu/~fredh/papers/conf/167-artwbwss/paper.pdf
The Midden 7
Rare Species Find Reaffirms Importance of Long-Term Research
A seemingly small but important
victory for long-term ecological
research was accomplished
when the presence of a ringneck
snake (Diadophis punctatus) was
documented for the first time
within a 100-mile stretch of this
region. It is a vital piece of the
natural history of these highly
cryptic snakes that would likely
have stayed missing longer if not
for someone visiting the same
spot in the desert every year, 10
times a year, for 18 years.
A study in the March edition
of BioScience found long-term
ecological research (LTER)
studies had significantly larger
impacts on environmental policy
and ecologic advancement than
shorter-term ecological research.
This supports recent ecological
literature reviews, including
a November review of almost
20 years of NPS Inventory and
Monitoring Division-based
research in the journal Ecosphere.
While there are many definitions,
“long-term” here means five to ten
years or more of continuous data.
LTER investigates foundational
ecological processes and the
relationships between them, and
helps document rare events or
unanticipated ecological surprises.
Comprehensive datasets are
necessary for assessing complex
problems, such as changes in
land-use, species invasions, and
climate change. For managers,
LTER informs how to create
and prioritize conservation
strategies, and helps assess the
8 The Midden
NPS Photo
By Kathleen Slocum, Biological
Science Technician
Recently found Ringneck snake.
effects of previous strategies. LTER
is necessary for discerning if changes
are the result of anomalous shortterm events or large-scale pattern
shifts. As LTER yields site-specific
ecological trends, these findings can
then be used to test hypothesis-driven
short-term studies, which ideally are
translated into effective place-based
management decisions. Quality
LTER is applicable to outside of its
own discipline; large, comprehensive
studies promote interdisciplinary
research, such as understanding how
rodent population changes affect
disease vectors to humans (e.g., Hanta
virus), or providing background data
for relating ground water pumping to
upland stream ecosystem health.
Long-term research needs to be
statistically credible, cost-effective,
and address the needs of stakeholders.
However, it is generally difficult to
start LTER programs because of high
start-up costs, the inherent time delay
in obtaining results, and difficulty in
recognizing or quantifying benefits
(e.g., the monetary value of
documenting a rare species). LTER
requires careful planning of all
study aspects from data collection
to interpretation, particularly
in situations with interagency
cooperation, frequent staff turnover,
and shifting budgets. Having data be
easily discoverable is an increasingly
important aspect of LTER efforts; for
Great Basin N.P. and other federal
projects, government transparency
and archival regulations ensure data is
publicly accessible.
Great Basin N.P. participates in
and manages multiple long-term
data sets. Annual snake and small
mammal surveys are in their 18th
year. Continuous precipitation data
has been recorded at Lehman Caves
Visitor Center since 1937; GRBA has
participated in several widespread,
long-term climate and air quality
monitoring efforts, and currently
collects data for the Interagency
Monitoring of Protected Visual
Environments program (IMPROVE),
started in 1985. Snow surveys, as part
of the USDA’s Natural Resources
Conservation Service effort started in
1939, have taken place in Baker
Continued on Page 9
Importance of Long-Term Ecological Research (continued)
Creek drainage since the
1942, and the Wheeler Peak
SNOWTEL site was installed
in 2010. Great Basin N.P.
coordinates volunteers to
participate in National Audubon
Society’s Christmas Bird Count,
which started in 1900.
Great Basin N.P. is also
adopting long-term monitoring
protocols for sagebrush and
five-needle pines that have
multi-park footprints, which
will give greater context to the
unique findings at each park.
NPS-generated information is
available to the public through
online agency portals such as the
Integrated Resource Management
Applications (IRMA).
Great Basin N.P. also is part
of the larger Mojave Inventory
and Monitoring Network. The
NPS Inventory and Monitoring
Division (IMD) was started in
1998 by congressional mandate
to provide park managers
with broad-based information
on the status and trends of
their entrusted ecosystem
and resources. The IMD was
purposively structured to be
top-down and wide-reaching, in
order to bridge program, activity,
and funding boundaries inherent
to the independent structure of
park resource programs. The
Vital Signs Monitoring program,
in place for almost 20 years,
uses standardized practices of
resources assessment across and
between their networks to scaleup and contextualize information
gathered on air quality, water
quality, and other vital resources
at individual park units. Great
impacts of visitation to
park units by region,
state, and nationally
using visitor information
collected since 1982.
At Great Basin N.P. and
in other park units, LTER
helps us fulfill the mission
to preserve unimpaired
the resources for future
generations by making
the necessary investments
for sound and scientific
Ringneck snake in the wild.
Basin N.P.’s vegetation, soil, and
geologic resource maps have been
produced from this work.
Direct action and planning can take
effect on the basis of comprehensive,
long-term data. Model Cave
was closed to recreation after
comprehensive surveying revealed
its rich and sensitive biodiversity. As
we come into fire season, long-term
trends of climate patterns paired
with accurate vegetation data allows
the park to better anticipate fire
behavior and potential suppression
needs before fires occurs.
Having quality long-view data is
crucial to all park operations, not
only natural resources. Visitor-use
data informs administrative policies
and allocation of interpretation,
law enforcement, and maintenance
resources. It also affects volunteer
opportunities for the public. Park
visitation data has been collected
since 1933, and GRBA visitor use
report cards have been collected
since 1998. The Visitor Services
Program, through the University
of Idaho, assesses the economic
Brumbaugh D.R. et al. 2107.
Long-term studies contribute
disproportionately to ecology and
policy. BioScience 67:271-281.
Caughlan L. and K.L. Oakley. 2001.
Cost considerations for long-term
ecological monitoring. Ecological
Indicators 1:123–134.
Lindenmayer D.B. et al. 2012. Value
of long-term ecological studies.
Austral Ecology 37:745–757.
Rodhouse T.R, et al. 2016.
Ecological monitoring and
evidence-based decision-making
in America’s National Parks:
highlights of the Special Feature.
Ecosphere 7:e01608.
Join us for
Public Bat Mistnetting
on June 30, 2017!
Meet at the Lehman Caves
Visitor Center at 6 pm.
Contact Kathleen_Slocum@nps.gov
for more information.
The Midden 9
A spring/summer and fall/winter issue
are printed each year. The Midden is
also available on the Park’s website at
We welcome submissions of articles
or drawings relating to natural and
cultural resource management and
research in the park. They can be sent
Resource Management,
Great Basin National Park,
Baker, NV 89311
Or call us at: (775) 234-7331
Steven Mietz
Chief of Resource Management
Tod Williams
Editor & Layout
Gretchen Baker
What’s a midden?
A midden is a fancy name for a pile
of trash, often left by pack rats. Pack
rats leave middens near their nests,
which may be continuously occupied
for hundreds, or even thousands, of
years. Each layer of trash contains
twigs, seeds, animal bones and
other material, which is cemented
together by urine. Over time, the
midden becomes a treasure trove
of information for plant ecologists,
climate change scientists and others
who want to learn about past climatic
conditions and vegetation patterns
dating back as far as 25,000 years.
Great Basin National Park contains
numerous middens.
This year, Great Basin National Park
will hold its ninth BioBlitz. Each
year, the park focuses on a different
topic, from beetles to birds and now
to lichens. Results help the park learn
more about what lives in the park and
where it is found.
What are lichens? They are an organism made up of fungi, algae, and
sometimes bacteria. Lichens can grow
on soil, trees, rocks, and more. They
can live thousands of years. Some are
very particular about air quality, and
so only grow in the cleanest air. Disappearence of those species indicates
problems not only for the lichens.
Photo by Brad Kropp
The Midden is the Resource
Management newsletter for Great
Basin National Park.
2017 Lichen BioBlitz
Xanthoria elegans, one of the
most common and easiest identified
lichens in the park due to its bright
orange color.
Photo by John Dickson
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
In 2014 Natassja Noell and Jason
Hollinger studied the lichens on
Wheeler Peak to repeat a lichen study
done in the 1950s. They found about
50 species of lichens just at the top of
the peak.
In 2015, the park funded a small baseline lichen survey by Dr. Brad Kropp
from Utah State University. He set up
14 plots and spent a couple hours at
each one. He found 123 lichen species
in these plots. In addition, there are 37
lichen species from the Wheeler Peak
list weren’t in those plots. That means
that there are now 160 known lichen
species in the park, and probably
many more!
NPSpecies, the database that records
what lives in each park, shows zero
You’re invited to participate in the 2017
Lichen BioBlitz! Guided hikes to various
locations in the park with lichen experts
will be offered, as well as talks about
lichen natural history, an art workshop,
and more. To sign up, email
non-vascular plants in the park. Now
we’re up to 160 species in just a few
years. With this summer’s Bioblitz
focusing on lichens, we’re expecting
the list to grow even more.
Upcoming Events:
June 30 Public BatBlitz Help learn about the park’s bats with mistnestting at
night. Contact Kathleen_Slocum@nps.gov for more info.
July 9, August 7, September 6, Full Moon Hikes Experience the park at night
without flashlights. Call 775-234-7500 for more information.
July 17-19, Lichen BioBlitz Help find lichens throughout the park. Email
GRBA_BioBlitz@nps.gov to learn more.
September 21-September 23, Astronomy Festival Discover the celestial
wonders in the dark skies above the park.
10 The Midde