"Tug Boat docked off of Derby Wharf for the Salem Maritime Festival in 2016" by U.S. National Park Service , public domain

Salem Maritime

National Historic Site - Massachusetts

The Salem Maritime National Historic Site consits of 12 historic structures, one replica tall-ship, and about 9 acres (36,000 m2) of land along the waterfront of Salem Harbor in Salem, Massachusetts. It interprets the Triangle Trade during the colonial period, in cotton, rum, sugar and slaves; the actions of privateers during the American Revolution; and global maritime trade with the Far East, after independence.



Official Visitor Map of Salem Maritime National Historic Site (NHS) in Massachusetts. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).Salem Maritime - Visitor Map

Official Visitor Map of Salem Maritime National Historic Site (NHS) in Massachusetts. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Map of the U.S. National Park System. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).National Park System - National Park Units

Map of the U.S. National Park System. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Map of the U.S. National Park System with DOI's Unified Regions. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).National Park System - National Park Units and Regions

Map of the U.S. National Park System with DOI's Unified Regions. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Map of the U.S. National Heritage Areas. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).National Park System - National Heritage Areas

Map of the U.S. National Heritage Areas. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

https://www.nps.gov/sama/index.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salem_Maritime_National_Historic_Site The Salem Maritime National Historic Site consits of 12 historic structures, one replica tall-ship, and about 9 acres (36,000 m2) of land along the waterfront of Salem Harbor in Salem, Massachusetts. It interprets the Triangle Trade during the colonial period, in cotton, rum, sugar and slaves; the actions of privateers during the American Revolution; and global maritime trade with the Far East, after independence. Established on March 17, 1938 as the first National Historic Site in the United States, Salem Maritime National Historic Site consists of nine acres of land and twelve historic structures along the Salem waterfront, as well as a downtown visitor center. Located in the urban setting of Salem, the park preserves and interprets over 600 years of New England's maritime history and global connections. Salem Maritime National Historic Site is located in downtown Salem, Massachusetts and is accessible by vehicle, commuter rail, bus, ferry, and recreational boat. Salem Armory In the Salem Armory Visitor Center, National Park Service staff and volunteers provide information on historic sites and other places of interest throughout the Essex National Heritage Area (ENHA). Visitors can learn more about Essex County from the exhibits. A free orientation film is played at 10:15 AM, 12 PM, & 2 PM, and the ENHA film "Salem Witch Hunt" is played at 11 AM, 1 PM, & 3 PM (ticket required). Books and gifts are available for purchase in the Salem Maritime National Historic Site Park Store. The Salem Armory Visitor Center is across from the Peabody Essex Museum and the Museum Place Garage 14 miles north of Boston, Massachusetts. Waite & Peirce Waite & Peirce offers a curated selection of quality products that will help extend your park experience with maritime themed goods that hearken back to Salem's place in the history of global trade. Explore the exclusive line of Waite & Peirce apparel, jewelry, home goods, historical reproductions, collectibles, toys and gifts. Waite & Peirce is located on historic Derby Street in downtown Salem adjacent to Derby Wharf. Friendship of Salem A three mast tall ship on the water under a blue sky with red brick buildings on the shore. Park Waterfront & Vessel Friendship of Salem Custom House Three story red brick building with white columns has a wide staircase and golden eagle on top. This Custom House was built in 1819 and housed offices for the officers of the U.S. Customs Service, as well as an attached warehouse, the Public Stores, used for the storage of bonded and impounded cargo. Derby Wharf Light A white rectangular lighthouse approximately 20 feet tall is near the water on a gravel road. The Derby Wharf Light Station has aided navigation in Salem Harbor since it was first lit in 1871. Derby House Three story red brick building with white windows and a brick pathway through grasses and trees. Built in 1762 as a wedding present, the Derby House was the home of Elias Hasket Derby (1739-1799) and Elizabeth Crowninshield Derby (1727-1799) for the first twenty years of their marriage. Latino Heritage Intern: Maryana Carreón Learn about Maryana Carreón's internship with the National Park Service (NPS) and how she aims to connect NPS with the local Latinx community! Carreón comes to the National Parks from the Latino Heritage Internship Program (LHIP) and Environment for the Americas. woman stands at a river overlook smiling Education Specialist: Maryann Zujewski Maryann Zujewski is the Education Specialist at Salem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sites. Learn about her career path and her commitment to sharing Black voices in history. This is one of a series of articles written by Tahmoor Chadury, intern with the Latino Heritage Internship Program (LHIP). A park ranger speaking at a podium. Future Park Leaders of Emerging Change Intern: Shanasia Sylman Derby Wharf, one of four historic wharfs at Salem Maritime National Historic Site, has been identified as the most vulnerable asset to current environmental conditions as well as projected future conditions from climate change impacts, such as sea level rise, increased storm surge and more frequent tidal flooding. FPL intern takes measurements at Derby Wharf FRIENDSHIP OF SALEM returns to Derby Wharf After nearly three years, FRIENDSHIP OF SALEM splashed off the marine railway without incident on Thursday, April 17. She returned to Salem Maritime at high tide on Monday, April 22, 2019 under her own power. 2014 Freeman Tilden Award Recipients Introducing the national and regional recipients of the 2014 Freeman Tilden Awards, given in recognition of new and innovative programs in interpretation. Two rangers holding a whale skull Privateers in the American Revolution The Americans responded to the situation with the time-honored practice of privateering. American privateering activity during the American Revolution became an industry born of necessity that encouraged patriotic private citizens to harass British shipping while risking their lives and resources for financial gain. A tall, 3 masted ship with red and white bottom; blue sky and clouds beyond Facilities Supervisor: Anna Spencer Anna Spencer has found the dream job as a gardener with the National Park Service! She spends each day outside, taking care of and learning from plants and animals. Anna working in a garden El Punto: the "Open Air Museum" and a Little Taste of Home In honor of Latino Conservation Week, Maryana Carreón reflects on the Punto Urban Art Museum, located within the historic Salem neighborhood, El Punto. Carreón comes to the National Parks from the Latino Heritage Internship Program (LHIP) and Environment for the Americas. painting of a person with long hair Resource Program Manager: Gavin Gardner Gavin Gardner is the Resource Program Manager at Salem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sites. Learn about his career path and his message on World Ranger Day. This is one of a series of articles written by Tahmoor Chadury, intern with the Latino Heritage Internship Program (LHIP). a park ranger walking through a park with balloons Ship Rigger: John Newman John Newman started as a volunteer and is now a ship rigger at Salem Maritime National Historic Site. A park ranger inside a wooden building A tonic for national pride: Early triumphs of the super-frigates Thomas Jefferson was never more wrong. In late June 1812 he wrote to his friend Thaddeus Kosciuszko that no war had been “entered into under more favorable auspices” and that “[o]ur present enemy will have the seas to herself, while we shall be equally predominant at land, and shall strip her of all her possessions on this continent.” Fragmented pots showing naval battle scenes Rock stars of the early Republic: Culture of heroism on the high seas American naval victories in the War of 1812 are most commonly associated with the six super frigates such as the USS Constitution and USS United States that represented the highest level of naval technology available at the time. But American triumphs occurred with smaller ships as well. Portraits of naval heroes surrounded by ropes, flags and battle scenes Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Nathaniel Hawthorne Though Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Nathaniel Hawthorne graduated together as members of Bowdoin College’s class of 1825, the friendship between the two men truly started in 1837. They would remain friends and literary colleagues the rest of their lives. Engraving of young man looking down in profile Archeology ABCs Coloring Book Archeology paints a colorful picture of the past! Download and print this full coloring book packed with archeological objects from A to Z! Title page for coloring book entitled Archeology ABCs Coloring Book Series: “The Luxuriant Shoots of Our Tree of Liberty:” American Maritime Experience in the War of 1812 Thomas Jefferson was never more wrong. In late June 1812 he wrote to his friend Thaddeus Kosciuszko that no war had been "entered into under more favorable auspices" and that "[o]ur present enemy will have the seas to herself, while we shall be equally predominant at land, and shall strip her of all her possessions on this continent." The American army quickly experienced a series of horrendous reverses, while the navy gained triumph after triumph. Portraits honoring naval heroes of the War of 1812 The Unsung Heroes of Essex County On Sunday, March 28, Essex National Heritage Area and the National Park Service co-hosted “Unsung Heroes: Black Women’s History in Essex County”. The virtual event presented research from a project funded by the National Park Service (NPS) and the Organization of American Historians (OAH) and included the work of two local leading scholars in United States history, women’s and gender studies, race and ethnicity, and social justice. Red Saltbox house. Green grass, wildflower garden, and historical sign in front. Boarding Pistol or Bayonet Pistol This object in the collection of Salem Maritime is a brass, cannon barrel, boxlock flintlock pistol. It is approximately 11½ inches in length overall, 3½ inches in height, with a 6-inch barrel. Attached on the underside of the barrel near the muzzle is a spring bayonet, with a 4¼ inch blade. This piece was acquired by the park in 1974 from the collection of Gettysburg National Military Park, as a representative of a style of pistol utilized on Salem merchant vessels. Brass pistol with wood stock and spring bayonet extended. Ancestry and Genealogy: Dan Finamore Interview New England has a rich history of genealogy and ancestry. Communities have documented their lineage back to the original settlement of the area. This article shared insights from a museum curator whose work interfaces with this history. Yellowed page of book with unreadable writing arranged in columns. Tea Chests Tea has been cultivated and drunk in China since at least as far back as the Han Dynasty, (about 150 BCE). By the 7th century CE, tea had spread to Japan and Korea. Almost a thousand years later, in 1606, the first shipment of tea landed in Amsterdam, beginning a Western obsession with these loose dried leaves that shows no sign of slowing down. Wood tea box with paper label stating the origin as Japan. Has a border of flowers and plants. History of Salem Maritime On March 17, 1938 Salem Maritime National Historic Site was the first national historic site established by the National Park Service. Its purpose is to promote the maritime history of New England and the United States, and preserve part of the historic waterfront in Salem, Massachusetts. This collection of wharves and buildings tell the story of the development of colonial port towns and the importance of international trade to the early economy of the United States, Wood and brick buildings surround Salem Harbor with their image reflected in the water. U.S. Customs Service in Salem Before 1819, the U.S. Customs Service occupied at least thirteen rented facilities in Salem. Eventually it became clear that Customs Service officials needed a secure and permanent headquarters; and the Federal Government wanted to declare a strong and impressive presence in Salem. So in 1818, the U.S. Treasury purchased property directly across from Derby Wharf. Two-story brick building with large white columns and 12 stairs leading to an arched doorway. Voyages of FRIENDSHIP FRIENDSHIP was an “East Indiaman,” the type of merchant ship that was used in the East Indies trade in the years after the American Revolution. It made 15 voyages to countries including China, Indonesia, India, Venezuela, Spain, and Russia. The cargo brought back to Salem consisted of pepper, silk, sugar, coffee, ale, sherry, tin, salt, cheese, candles, and other goods and merchandise. Masts, rigging and white sails of a large sailing vessel. Top 10 Tips for Visiting Salem Maritime We’re expecting an especially busy summer season and want everyone to have a great experience. A little advance trip planning can ensure that your only surprises are happy ones. Check out our top 10 list to get the most out of your summer vacation. A three-masted replica tall ship with black rigging and hull. Figurehead of a woman on the bow. Latino Heritage Intern: Karla Bonilla Karla Bonilla is an intern at Salem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sites. She is a bilingual education/interpretation intern and her project has focused on visitor services, community engagement, and media development. Learn more about why she wanted to work for the National Park Service and how she thinks more youth should be involved. A woman in blue shirt sitting in front of large wooden building. Latino Heritage Intern: Tahmoor Chadury Tahmoor Chadury is an intern at Salem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sites. He is a bilingual education/interpretation intern and his project has focused on exhibit development and community outreach. Learn more about why he wanted to work for the National Park Service and how he thinks more youth should be involved. A smiling man in a blue shirt standing next to a wooden ship's steering wheel. Make a Faceless Doll Have you ever heard of Faceless Dolls (or Muñecas Sin Rostro)? Faceless Dolls were first created in the 1980’s by sculptor Liliana Mera Limé. Their lack of faces is what makes them a truly unique symbol of the Dominican Republic. Learn more about faceless dolls, their relevance to Salem Maritime National Historic Site, and show off your craft skills by making one of your own! Two paper dolls with long black hair wearing hats, pipe cleaner arms, and decorated dresses. Salem Marine Society Certificate The Salem Marine Society was founded in 1766 by a group of captains from Salem and Beverly. Its purpose was to provide assistance to members if they became ill or met with other difficulties and to assist the widows of deceased members. Still in existence today and made up of the descendants of its seafaring founders, the Salem Marine Society continues its charitable mission. Salem Marine Society Certificate depicting sailing scenes and member's name with date of acceptance. The Joseph Bellamy House: The Great Awakening in Puritan New England (Teaching with Historic Places) Examine the influence of Reverend Joseph Bellamy, a leading preacher in New England from 1740-1790, in colonial American religion, and learn about the role of religion in 18th-century life as well as the resurgence of religious fervor known as the Great Awakening. Lessons Learned from a Decade of Forest Health Monitoring in NETN After more than 10 years of monitoring forest health in NETN parks, plant ecologist Kate Miller shares here knowledge and insights and current forest conditions and tips on long term forest management. A forest glade NETN Species Spotlight - American Woodcock The American Woodcock is a quirky bird. Learn about their habits. and why they are a welcome sight (and sound) each spring in the Northeast, An American Woodcock walks on the forest floor. NETN Field Note: Deer, Worms, and Invasives When too many deer, earthworms, and invasive plant species work i concert, detrimental effects happen to the health of northeastern forests. Forest health monitoring NETN Species Spotlight: Monarch Butterfly The monarch butterfly is a majestic insect. Mimicry, migration, and metamorphosis all help to make it the true king of butterflies. But it's numbers have been dropping dramatically in recent years. Learn more about this amazing species and how you can help to save it. Monarch butterfly on a Meadow Blazing Star plant NETN Species Spotlight: Japanese Knotweed Japanese knotweed is a very robust invasive plant species. Learn why it spreads so readily outside of its native Japan, and how the NPS and other groups are trying to control it. Japanese knotweed plant New England Province The New England province is part of the Appalachian Highlands and contains similar rock types to those found in the Piedmont. However, the provinces differ in that the New England province contains more mountains and has been subjected to Pleistocene glaciation. Structural features on this province include block-fault basins, large intrusive igneous masses, and shoreline cliffs. Baker Island in Acadia National Park. NPS photo NETN Species Spotlight - Sharp-shinned Hawk About the size of a Blue-Jay, Sharp-shinned Hawks are aerial acrobats and are the smallest of three North American agile hawks known as the accipiters (ah-sip-it-ers). Learn more about this amazing and oft misunderstood hawk. Sharp-shinned Hawk perched on a branch NETN Species Spotlight: Acorn Barnacle Barnacles may at first glance appear to have the most boring of lives. But dig a little deeper into these crafty crustaceans, and you'll learn they are among the most fascinating of seashore creatures. Barnacle feeding close-up NETN Species Spotlight - Serviceberry Though it goes by many names, the serviceberry tree is much loved by people and birds alike. Learn more about one of spring's first bloomers and why you should plant one in your yard. Serviceberries ripening. NETN Species Spotlight - Short-tailed Weasel The short-tailed weasel is as energetic as it is resourceful. It has had a reputation of being both virtuous and vile over the centuries. Find out more about the amazing capabilities of this slender member of the weasel family An ermine in full white. NETN Species Spotlight - Your Flowers, Shrubs, and Plants Native species - birds, insects, plants, etc - need our help. When planning your yard layout, consider adding some valuable native plants to the mix. Red maple flowers NETN Species Spotlight - Snowshoe Hare Snowshoe hare are perfectly adapted to their cold, snow environments. Even so, a warming climate and a complex predator/prey relationship has a large influence on their overall population. The enormous hind feet of snowshoe hare. NETN Species Spotlight - Eastern Coyote The eastern coyote is a new predator on the scene. But where did it come from and why is it so much larger than its western cousins? Learn about how this animal came to be and the important ecological niches it is filling in the Northeast. A coyote stares at the camera. NETN Species Spotlight - Northern Short-tailed Shrew The northern short-tailed shrew seems like an impossible mash-up of different creatures. From venomous saliva to echolocation, this tiny predator employs many tactics to satiate an endless appetite. Short-tailed Shrew NETN Species Spotlight - Turkey and Black Vultures Vultures have the thankless job of cleaning the environment up of dead animal carcasses. Learn how they are able to do it without getting sick from deadly bacteria. Close-up of a Black Vulture. Doug Greenberg. NETN Species Spotlight - Paper Birch The Paper Birch is undeniably a tree of the north woods. Entwined in lore and legend, it has been a key part of ecosystems and cultures since well before the time of the Neanderthals even. Paper birch trees in winter. NETN Species Spotlight - Hermit Thrush The Hermit Thrush's ethereal song is a mainstay of summers in the Northeastern U.S. But climate change could mean its song will only be heard north of the border if warming continues unabated. A Hermit Thrush perches on the forest floor. NETN Species Spotlight - Ruffed Grouse Ruffed Grouse have evolved many effective and surprising traits that allow them to survive northeastern winters. Ruffed Grouse displaying Lucas Bobay NETN Species Spotlight - Wild Turkey Wild Turkeys are one of the most iconic species in America. They have a long, and as it turns out, mythic history. Wild Tom Turkey. Wayne Dumbleton. NETN Species Spotlight - Ruby-throated Hummingbird The ruby-throated hummingbird is the only bird of that species that makes its home east of the Mississippi. Learn more about this remarkable bird. A hummingbird feeds on a flower NETN Species Spotlight - Fisher The fisher is a very capable predator of northeastern forests. Learn about the ways this large member of the weasel family makes its living. A large male fisher sitting Polish Legion of American Veterans The Polish American Veterans Association was one of many different groups of Polish World War I veterans, several of which amalgamated in 1931 to form the Polish Legion of American Veterans. A formal portrait of men in uniform outside a building. Chopin Choir Polish nationalists at home and abroad saw classical Polish music and literature as an important tool for mobilizing emigrant support for the fragile Polish state between the world wars. Local leaders in immigrant communities like Salem's promoted Polish culture as a way to combat stereotypes of Poles as heavy laborers suited only for the lowest-paying industrial jobs. A group of men and women in tuxedos and gowns for a formal portrait. Poles at Work in Salem's Industries Salem's "golden age" of maritime trade was over by the 1830s, and like many New England towns and cities, it turned to manufacturing in the later part of the nineteenth century. The Derby Street neighborhood became home to many factories, including numerous small leather companies and also the city's largest mill: the "Pequot Mill" of the Naumkeag Steam Cotton Company. Huge mill complex, with buildings ranging from one to three stories in height. Series: Salem's Polish Community With support from the National Park Service's Ethnography Program, researchers interviewed community members about their memories of the neighborhood, studied materials in archives, museums, and library collections, and pieced together an ethnohistorical account of Polish Salem from the 1870s to the present day. The information on these pages is excerpted the final report from the project, "In the Heart of Polish Salem: An Ethnohistorical Study of St. Joseph Hall and Its Neighborhood." Black and white photo of three girls dressed in costumes. 9 Daniels Street and the Polish American Citizens Club Founded in 1916, the Polish American Citizens Club seems to have emerged from older efforts to promote citizenship and naturalization among Salem's Polish immigrants. With its close ties to religious, fraternal, cultural, military, and other groups in the city, the region, and Polish America in general, it was effective in registering Polish American voters and electing politicians. Black and white photo of rows of men sitting at tables at a formal banquet. Poles and Yankees at the House of Seven Gables The House of Seven Gables Settlement Association, established in 1908 by wealthy Salem native Caroline Emmerton, was a part of a national movement in which progressive educators and social reformers established residential programs intended to assist immigrants and help them become good American citizens. A black and white photo of men and women on stage for a performance. St. Joseph Society and St. Joseph Hall The St. Joseph Society was founded in 1899, as a branch of the national Polish Roman Catholic Union of America. It was unique among Salem's Polish organizations in constructing its own meeting hall rather than adapting an existing building—a clear statement that Poles intended to set down roots here. A large group of people gathered in front of three-story brick building on Derby Street. 128 Derby Street This former firehouse at the corner of Derby and Bentley Streets was a meeting place for several of Salem's Polish organizations between the 1920s and the time it burned down in the 1960s. These groups reflected different time periods and generational experiences in Polish Salem. Black and white photo of Bentley Street in Salem after a heavy snowfall. Salem's Polish Catholic Church and School Ethnic parishes and schools were a cornerstone of most Polish immigrant communities in late nineteenth and early twentieth century America, although there was intense debate about how central a role Catholicism played in Polish identity, and how Polish Catholic parishes should relate to the Irish-dominated American Catholic Church. Black and white photo of children lined up outside the front of a wooden school building. Why Rose Matters The typical and traditional story of Essex County is of just and thriving communities, celebrated wealthy white men, and a free population seeking self-sufficiency. That contrasts with the story of Rose (Lane) Derby, a Black woman whose status as free or enslaved is ambiguous. By knowing her, we can better understand the lived experience of a Black woman—one of the first generation in Massachusetts transitioning from enslaved to free. A yellowed, handwritten page of names from a family Bible. A Woman Named Rose This is a story of a Black woman named Rose (Lane) Derby. The earliest known records of Rose are in a collection of papers from a wealthy Salem family. The records that illuminate the life of Rose allow us to re-imagine the landscape of Salem, where she lived and worked. Through Rose, we gain a fuller and more accurate picture of early Essex County history. A yellowed, handwritten piece of paper reading, Luis F. Emilio: Captain and Story Keeper of the 54th MA Regiment Captain Luis F. Emilio, the son of Spanish immigrants, served with the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment and emerged as the acting commander after many officers were killed or wounded at the assault on Fort Wagner. In 1891, he wrote of the history of the 54th in his book “A Brave Black Regiment.” Portrait of Luis Emilio and two officers of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Fat Book Week You've heard of #FatBearWeek...now get ready for #FatBookWeek! In honor of the 10,000+ books in the Longfellow family collection, we called on other literary-minded sites to submit the fattest book in their museum collections for a tournament-style bracket of 10 heavyweight tomes. Check out the bracket, then visit @LONGNPS on Instagram each morning from October 6-12 to vote for your favorite bulky book! Graphic of a bear with a paw on a stack of books. Text reads "Fat Book Week October 6-12, 2021" Unfinished: America at 250 Unfinished: America at 250 is a partnership of historical and cultural institutions, National Park Service sites, historians, and changemakers. This partnership harnesses the stories of the past and activates historic spaces to provoke community conversations about the ongoing American Revolution. Unfinished: America at 250 graphic with people along the bottom Quadrant First used in the fifteenth century, the quadrant was the most popular navigational tool of the mid-eighteenth century. In order to determine his ship's position at sea, a sailor would use this instrument to measure the angle of the sun over the horizon at noon, and then use that measurement to calculate his vessel’s latitude. A triangular quadrant made of ebony, brass, and ivory. Teofil Bartnicki Teofil Bartnicki first came to the U.S. in 1891 at the age of 16, but not settling for good in Salem until 1900. He was among the most energetic community leaders of the first generation, serving with Wladyslaw Sobocinski and others in the St. Joseph Society to build the St. Joseph Hall and establish a local Polish parish. Four men in a line wearing feathered hats, regalia, and holding swords. Wanda Walczak Part of the extended Sobocinski family and the first generation of Polish American children, Wanda Walczak was born in Salem in 1902. She was a member of the House of Seven Gables as a child, and later became very politically active, helping to establish a Polish presence in the city and the region. Black and white photo of older woman looking through newspapers and family photos. Joseph and Hedwiga Kohn Joseph and Hedwiga Kohn represented a new generation of leadership in Polish Salem, one that combined his self-made success with her inherited status. They were instrumental in the founding of a local chapter of the Polish National Alliance and the Women's Polish American Citizens Club was founded in Hedwiga Kohn's living room. Black and white photo of man in a suit and woman dressed up with a feathered hat. Series: Prominent People in Polish Salem Polish Salem was a much smaller settlement than those in the Midwest (particularly in Chicago), Boston, or other Massachusetts cities. But regional, national, and transnational politics and culture were reflected in Salem's local organizations, along with the specific culture of this small New England maritime city. The heart of a community is, of course, its people. The Polish community in Salem has been fortunate from its beginning to have had a number of active leaders throughout the years. Black and white photo of a large group of people posing in front of a three-story brick building. The Sobocinski Family One of the older Sobocinski brothers, Wladyslaw, and his wife, Franciszka, were already in their thirties with a growing family of their own when they came to Salem. Both Wladyslaw and Franciszka became very involved in Salem's Polish community. Photograph of bald man with white moustache and woman with glasses. Mary Nowak Mary Nowak came to the U.S. from the Austrian-occupied region of Poland at the age of three in 1913, making her one of Salem's last representatives from the immigrant generation of the early twentieth century. As a young woman, Mary sang in Salem’s Chopin Choir and was involved in many groups and activities in Polish Salem, including the Women's Polish American Citizens Club. She also worked in all three of Salem's main industries. Black and white photo of a smiling older woman with white hair. Herman Tyburc Herman Tyburc was a founding member of the St. Joseph Society in 1899. He rose quickly into leadership positions in the group becoming vice president in 1901 and president in 1903. Tyburc's background illustrates the regional, ethnic, linguistic, and national complexities of identity in the first generation of Polish settlement in the U.S. Newspaper photograph of man with dark hair and beard wearing suit and regalia. African Americans in Essex County: An Annotated Guide The rich history of Black people, cultures, and communities in Essex County, Massachusetts, runs deep. This history is embedded in the cultural landscape, from cemeteries like the one at South Church in Andover where Pompey Lovejoy rests to renamed memorial parks such as Remond Park in Salem. Learn more from this completed report. Cover page for, "African Americans in Essex County, Massachusetts: An Annotated Guide." Museum Technician: Lissa Herzing Lissa Herzing is a Museum Technician at Salem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works national historic sites. Learn more about her background, passion, and career with the National Park Service. Person kneels in front of a hole with measuring tape and records measurements on a clipboard. Salem Women's History Day: Doreen Wade Interview Salem Women's History Day is celebrated in March every year during March—Women's History Month. It is a time to honor the remarkable work of women and give a voice to stories that haven't always been heard. In this interview, we spoke with Doreen Wade, President of Salem United, Inc. to learn more about her organization's role in preserving women's history. Women wearing black hat and clothes, and a leopard print vest stands in front of a museum exhibit. Series: Staff of Saugus Iron Works and Salem Maritime National Historic Sites Have you ever wanted to be a park ranger? There are many different careers with the agency -- learn more from this article series! Uniformed park ranger kneeing next to white and brown dog. Ancestry and Genealogy: Doreen Wade Interview Salem Ancestry Days is a time for residents and visitors to celebrate their ancestral and immigrant connections to Salem, Massachusetts. We interviewed Doreen Wade, President of Salem United, Inc. to learn more about her organization's role in preserving Black history. Women wearing black hat and clothes, and a leopard print vest stands in front of a museum exhibit. El Punto: The Point Neighborhood The people of this coastal region have always connected with inland communities and distant points, which continues to create the unique social histories and landscapes of Salem. Located between Salem’s South River and Palmer Cove, “The Point” is one of several historic neighborhoods and longtime hubs of cultural exchange. Like all of Salem, the neighborhood is ever-evolving, perhaps most evident by its long history of names. Brick wall with colorful art depicting two African American women. Muñecas Limé: Dominican Faceless Dolls Muñecas Limé, also known as Dominican faceless dolls, are a celebrated handicraft of the Dominican Republic and in Dominican homes. Over 40 years ago, in 1981, pottery worker Liliana Mera Limé began sculpting small clay dolls in the town of Moca, located in the Cibao region of the Dominican Republic. WWI Victory Parade On April 25, 1919, Boston welcomed the soldiers of the 26th (Yankee) Division back from a year of hard fighting on the front in France. It was the largest military parade in Boston’s history, with 20,000 soldiers marching or being driven in convertibles if they were wounded, and over a million people lining the streets on a rainy day. Parade of marching soldiers surrounded by spectators on city streets lined with tall buildings. VE Day VE Day—May 8, 1945—is the day that Germany and the other Axis powers surrendered to the Allies. For many Massachusetts National Guard soldiers and their families, it was the end of many years of service and anxiety. Black and white photo of men in uniform standing on the bed of a truck. Pike Point In early 17th century Massachusetts, every able-bodied male between 16 and 60 was required to attend militia drill once a month except during the harvest months of July and August. One of the main weapons for European armies at the time was the pike, a wooden pole about 16 feet long with a sharp metal point on the end. Metal black object with sharp point. Military Flyovers The Fourth of July is celebrated around the country with fireworks, parades, and of course the military flyover, where military aircrafts like the F-15C Eagles flown by the Massachusetts Air National Guard’s 104th Fighter Wing fly in formation over celebrations. Three silver military jets flying in a blue sky. The Great Salem Fire of 1914 At 1:37 PM on June 25, 1914, a fire started in a leather factory on Boston Street in Salem. At 2:31PM the fire was out of control and Salem’s National Guard unit, the Second Corps Cadets, was called into service. A National Guardsman stands on guard among the chimneys and foundations left after the Great Fire. Flag Day Flags, or colors, have traditionally been very important to the military. Military units would usually be issued with two flags, the United States flag, and a state or unit flag. Through the end of the 19th century, a regiment’s colors would be carried onto the field to provide a visual marker of their position on the field of battle. Historic photograph of Sgt. William Carney holding the Massachusetts 54th colors, c. 1864. 5th Ranger Battalion D-Day–June 6, 1944–saw the launch of Operation Overlord, the massive Allied invasion of France. One of the first units to land on Normandy was the 5th Ranger Battalion, whose mission was to eliminate German defenses and clear the path for follow-on forces. Pixelated black and white photo of a uniformed person. Private Albert Edward Scott “Scotty” was only 15 years old and a freshman at Brookline High School when he lied about his age to a recruiter and went to France with Co. H of the 101st Infantry Regiment in 1917. On July 23, 1918, the 26th (Yankee) Division was advancing near Chateau-Thierry when his company came across a German unit. PFC Scott ended up alone on his unit’s flank and killed 30 attacking German soldiers before he himself was killed by a sniper. Metal plate showing one soldier on his knees and others standing around him. Military Music In the 19th century, summertime was encampment season. Units would march out to the country for a week or so and train. However, these encampments were also social events, marked by dinners, balls, and band concerts, as many of the wealthier units had their own bands.  Illustrated cover depicting rows of soldiers standing around tents and a flag pole. Olympians The first Olympics of the modern era was held in Greece in 1896, and the qualifications to enter were somewhat more casual than they are today! The American team was mostly made up of members of the Boston Athletic Association, along with athletes from Harvard and Princeton. Black and white photo of over a dozen men in uniform with caption displaying all of their names. Powder Horn Powder horns carried extra gunpowder for the flintlock muskets then in use by the Massachusetts Militia. Many powder horns from this period are heavily decorated. This one is much simpler, but very charming. Brown curved object held up in one end with small stands. Military Dogs Military dogs have always been an important part of soldier’s lives on the front. Sergeant (Sgt.) Stubby, a stray Boston Terrier mix, became the mascot for the 102nd regiment, 26th (Yankee) Division in World War I. Black lab sitting at attention wearing a collar, leash, and a camouflage harness. Baltimore Riot This uniform coat was worn by a member of Company G of the 6th Massachusetts Regiment on April 19, 1861. On that day, the 86th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord, the Massachusetts 6th Regiment was on its way from Boston to Washington DC to defend the Capitol in response to the Confederates firing on Fort Sumter. Grey military uniform adorned with golden buttons and golden shoulder pads with frills. War Correspondents In the era before the internet, newspapers and magazines were how the folks at home learned about what the troops were doing. From the Civil War through the present day, men and women joined the troops, sometime putting themselves in harm’s way to report on the condition at the front for newspapers and magazines back home. Black and white photograph of a two columned page with the title Scribner's Magazine. Croix de Guerre For their gallantry, the 104th Infantry Regiment was given the Croix de Guerre on April 28, 1918. The Croix de Guerre is a French military award created during World War I. It can be awarded to individuals and units both from France and from allied nations for valiant service in action. Metal medal depicting a star comprised of two interlocking swords. Sword Hilt From the late 17th through the 18th centuries, one of the accessories carried by gentlemen was a smallsword, a smaller version of the rapier. Militia officers would carry them as a badge of rank throughout the 18th century.  A piece of brown, rusted metal. Colonel Lloyd Godfrey Lloyd Godfrey was born in Boston in 1919, the son of Jamaican immigrants. At the beginning of World War II, he was working as a machinist at the Charlestown Navy Yard and had just married his wife Ruby when he decided to join the elite group of African Americans training to be airmen at the Tuskegee Airfield in Alabama. Military uniform with multiple patches, colorful medals, and a hat with gold adorned brim. Knapsacks Knapsacks or backpacks have been an important part of a soldier’s equipment for centuries, used to carry clothing and supplies while on the march. Before waterproof fabric was invented, knapsacks were often made of heavy canvas that was painted to protect the contents from water. Square shaped bag depicting a man in a large hat and the letters OLI. Salem's Maritime Economy of Slavery The links between Salem’s economic and social fabric and the history of slavery in the broader Atlantic world (including but not limited to the US South) are extensive. An shipping document with a list of items and columns of numbers written by hand. Black Activism Knowing the history of African Americans in Salem is central to understanding all aspects of life in the city from the seventeenth century up to now. Mariner Widows in Eighteenth Century Salem Discover the story of widows in maritime Salem. A gravestone marker. Series: Citizen Soldiers Salem Maritime National Historic Site partnered with the Massachusetts National Guard to explore their shared history. Learn about citizen soldiers and the birth of the Massachusetts National Guard—the nation's first. Grey military uniform adorned with golden buttons and golden shoulder pads with frills. Series: Physiographic Provinces Descriptions of the physiographic provinces of the United States, including maps, educational material, and listings of Parks for each. George B. Dorr, founder of Acadia National Park 50 Nifty Finds #11: Carving a Place in NPS History Few employees have left as visible a mark on National Park Service (NPS) exhibits as John A. Segeren. His work has been enjoyed by generations of park visitors who never knew his name but appreciated his intricate wood carvings and playful animal figures displayed in parks throughout the system. A master woodcarver described by former President Lyndon B. Johnson as "a legacy to this country," Segeren carved out his own place in NPS history. Round wooden plaque with bison, globe, and waterfall 2022 Excellence in Education Awards View 2022 recipients of the National Park Service Excellence in Education Awards, which recognize expertise within the field of education. Young students participate in an activity with a park ranger at a table outdoors. Species Spotlight - Water Striders Water striders effortlessly float and skate over the surface of water bodies around the world. Learn how they do it, and how they can be a good sign of water quality. A floating water strider Community Volunteer Ambassadors The primary duty of the Community Volunteers Ambassadors is to encourage local residents, particularly young people, to volunteer for climate-resilience-related projects in the park. A young woman holds two fingers up in front of a cactus, seemingly doing the same thing

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