"Foggy sunrise over cannons, Manassas National Battlefield Park, 2014." by U.S. National Park Service , public domain
ManassasNational Battlefield Park - Virginia |
Manassas National Battlefield Park, located north of Manassas, in Prince William County, Virginia, preserves the site of two major American Civil War battles: the First Battle of Bull Run on July 21, 1861, and the Second Battle of Bull Run which was fought between August 28 and August 30, 1862 (also known as the First Battle of Manassas and the Second Battle of Manassas, respectively). The peaceful Virginia countryside bore witness to clashes between the armies of the North (Union) and the South (Confederacy), and it was there that Confederate General Thomas J. Jackson acquired his nickname "Stonewall."
featured in
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Official Visitor Map of Manassas National Battlefield Park (NBP) in Virginia. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
Official Visitor Map of Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (NHP) in Washington D.C., Maryland and West Virginia. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
Map of the U.S. National Park System. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
Map of the U.S. National Park System with DOI's Unified Regions. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
Map of the U.S. National Heritage Areas. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
Bicycle Map of Virginia. Published by the Virginia Department of Transportation.
Manassas National Battlefield Park, located north of Manassas, in Prince William County, Virginia, preserves the site of two major American Civil War battles: the First Battle of Bull Run on July 21, 1861, and the Second Battle of Bull Run which was fought between August 28 and August 30, 1862 (also known as the First Battle of Manassas and the Second Battle of Manassas, respectively). The peaceful Virginia countryside bore witness to clashes between the armies of the North (Union) and the South (Confederacy), and it was there that Confederate General Thomas J. Jackson acquired his nickname "Stonewall."
On July 21, 1861, two armies clashed for the first time on the fields overlooking Bull Run. Heavy fighting swept away any notion of a quick war. In August 1862, Union and Confederate armies converged for a second time on the plains of Manassas. The Confederates won a solid victory bringing them to the height of their power.
Located right off Interstate 66, just 26 miles west of Washington, DC.
Brawner Farm Interpretive Center
Begin your exploration of the Second Battle of Manassas at the Brawner Farm Interpretive Center. Here you will find an electronic map which provides the story and troop movements of Second Manassas. Three rooms of exhibits provide information on the campaign and some of the personalities of Second Manassas, the civilian experience and the current Brawner farmhouse. This building is open seasonally from late spring through early fall. Check our calendar and guided tours webpage for tour information.
From I-66 either direction: Take Exit 43B to US 29 North. Make a left onto Pageland Lane (at a stoplight). Drive one half mile and look for the park sign on the right. From Henry Hill Visitor Center: Exit visitor center and make a right on VA 234 Sudley Road. Make a left at the first stop light on to US 29. After about two and a half miles make a right at the stop light on to Pageland Lane. Drive one half mile and look for the park sign on the right.
Henry Hill Visitor Center
Begin your visit to the park at the Henry Hill Visitor Center. Here, you can pick up a park brochure, trail guide, or learn about the daily schedule of interpretive programs. A museum features artifacts related to the First and Second Battles of Manassas as well as a 6-minute electronic map showing the troop movements during the first battle. Walking tours of the fighting on Henry Hill are offered weekly. Check our calendar or guided tours webpage for current scheduled programs.
The Henry Hill Visitor Center is located on Virginia Route 234, approximately 3/4 mile north of I-66 at Exit 47/ 47B.
Bull Run Monument
Red sandstone obelisk surrounded by post and rail fence.
The Bull Run Monument on Henry Hill is among the nation's earliest Civil War monuments.
Stone House
View of Stone House, with worm rail fence and well in front yard.
The historic Stone House, a battlefield landmark, sheltered Union wounded in both battles of Manassas.
14th Brooklyn Monument
Civil War cannon and granite and bronze monument under a cloudy sky.
The 14th Brooklyn Monument overlooks the scene of heavy fighting near Groveton during Second Manassas.
Henry House
Rustic farmhouse, flanked by shade tree, stone monument, and white outbuilding, on top of a hill.
The Henry House, built over the ruins of the wartime dwelling, welcomed returning veterans to the battlefield after the war.
Stonewall Jackson Monument
Bronze statue of Gen. T. J. "Stonewall" Jackson on horseback in an open field.
The statue of Confederate Gen. T. J. "Stonewall" Jackson stands on Henry Hill, near the spot where he earned his famous nickname.
Traditional Trades Apprenticeship Program’s Rodney Flora
A veteran of the U.S. Navy, Rodney Flora applied to the Historic Preservation Training Center’s Traditional Trades Apprenticeship Program (TTAP) after graduating from Shepherd University. Find out how this veteran found his passion in manual labor, not unlike his military experience.
Rodney Flora stands to the right of five other crew and staff members.
Pawpaw: Small Tree, Big Impact
Pawpaw are small trees that don't grow past 100 feet. Yet they have a big influence-- they're the most commonly observed sapling in our National Capital Region forests. Pawpaw trees are virtually immune to deer browse and also produce the largest edible fruit native to North America!
A hand holds a lumpy green pawpaw fruit
Lichens and Air Quality
Lichens are durable enough to grow on tree bark and bare rock, yet are sensitive to pollution and air quality. One species in particular was used to track levels of air-borne lead over a 100 year period!
Pale green lichen growing on rock.
Women Amidst War
The extreme demands of wartime industry and the loss of traditional family breadwinners to military service caused hardship, but also presented opportunities to women for employment, volunteerism, and activism that previously had been unavailable to them. While many of these gains would be temporary, the Civil War nonetheless represents an important step forward in American society's view of the role of women. Women were increasingly seen (and saw themselves) as the foundat
Photo of women at a house on the Cedar Mountain battlefield
Archeology in the Park - Manassas National Battlefield Park
Until its destruction by fire in 1993, a rare example of a pre-Civil War African American homestead existed on the Grounds of the Manassas National Battlefield Park. Subsequent archeological excavations at the site unearthed a surprising discovery.
An image of Robinson House with two people sitting on the front porch from March 1862
From The Front Lines to the Hospital
For the wounded near the front, their first recourse for care lay at the numerous aid stations scattered across the battlefield. Farmhouses, barns, and outbuildings provided places for the wounded to be gathered until they could be sent to the main hospital in the rear.
Print of a field hospital
NPS Structural Fire Program Highlights 2014 Intern Accomplishments
An Innovative Technology of War
Among the technical innovations to come out of the Civil War were advancements in the methods the armies had to communicate among themselves. Signal flags, torches and rockets were used to pass along messages and reconnaissance, while codes and ciphers ensured that the messages wouldn't be intercepted and read by the enemy.
Union signal station on Antietam battlefield
Death and Dying
The somber aftermath of Civil War battles introduced Americans--North and South--to death on an unprecedented scale and of an unnatural kind, often ending in an unmarked grave far from home. Neither individuals, nor institutions, nor governments were prepared to deal with death on such a massive scale, for never before or since have we killed so many of our own. The Civil War revolutionized the American military's approach to caring for the dead, leading to our modern cult
Photo of freshly buried marked and unmarked graves near Petersburg, Va.
Medicine and Medical Practices
The story of Civil War medicine is a complex one. Through the dedication, innovation and devotion of surgeons and medical support staff, the foundation for today's modern military medicine was laid.
Modern photograph of Civil War medicine bottles
Prescribed fire in the national capital area
Learn how the National Park Service uses prescribed fire in the National Capital Area.
Forest Regeneration 2018
In 2018, tree seedlings and small saplings are in short supply in the parks of the National Capital Region. Without these trees of tomorrow, what will our forests look like?
A forest plot in Rock Creek Park showing some vegetation recovery.
American Eels in the Potomac Watershed
American eels are found everywhere along the Atlantic Coast, but many aspects of these fish remain poorly understood. They are perhaps one of the most mysterious fish in the Potomac watershed.
Hands hold a 2 to 3 foot long eel over a red container.
Civil War Battlefields: A Haven for Grassland Birds
Civil War battlefields have become a haven for declining grassland birds. As grassland habitat dwindles in the eastern U.S., grasslands, shrublands, and the pastures that make up battlefield parks are playing an ever more important role as habitat for a special group of birds.
A grasshopper sparrow singing from atop a cable.
National Capital Region Energy Savings Performance Contract
The National Park Service is investing $29 million in 81 individual energy efficiency and water conservation projects at national parks throughout the greater Washington region.
Cherry Blossoms at the National Mall
The Military Experience
The course of the war was the cumulative result of political, economic, and social policies that affected (and were affected by) military operations and battles waged across a front spanning 2,000 miles. The battles and campaigns of 1861-65 ultimately demonstrated that the simple application of massive military force, even with innovations in technologies and tactics, was insufficient to resolve a conflict between two sections mobilized against one another politically, socia
Engraving of soldier warming himself by a fire Photo of U.S. Sanitary Commission office.
Forest Regeneration 2017
Tree seedlings and small saplings are in short supply in the parks of the National Capital Region. Without these trees of tomorrow, what will our forests look like?
A forest plot showing tree seedling and low-growing plant recovery.
Go green for the National Park Service’s birthday!
We're adding energy- and water-saving improvements to save money! How can you do the same in your home?
National Mall and Memorial Parks Yearly Savings 50.9 M gallons of water, $1 M, 2.7M kwh.
Sustainability in Action: Reducing Manassas National Battlefield Park’s Carbon Footprint
NPS Geodiversity Atlas—Manassas National Battlefield Park, Virginia
Each park-specific page in the NPS Geodiversity Atlas provides basic information on the significant geologic features and processes occurring in the park. Links to products from Baseline Geologic and Soil Resources Inventories provide access to maps and reports.
park entrance sign
Stream Restoration Dreams: Stage Zero
Learn “stage zero” stream restoration basics and how they could be applied in Mid-Atlantic streams.
Water spreads across the ground around standing and fallen trees
The Nash Site
Discovered during a 1990 archeological survey, historical evidence indicates that the Nash Site was occupied by an African-American family, Philip Nash and his wife and children.
National Park Service archeologists excavate the Nash site.
Lost, Tossed, and Found
Using photographs, illustrations, and maps, this article focuses on the African-American experience, in slavery and freedom, in the immediate vicinity of Manassas National Battlefield Park.
Aerial view of Excavations at Portici. Shows plantation land and surrounding trees
Ash Tree Update 2017
The state of ash trees in 2017 in the National Capital Region after more than 10 years of harm from the invasive emerald ash borer.
A white ash leaf
Forest Regeneration 2019
In 2019 tree seedlings and small saplings are in short supply in National Capital Area parks. Without these trees of tomorrow, what will our forests look like?
A brown bird with a white breast and dark spots on its chest stands on the leaf-littered ground.
Eastern Hemlocks in the National Capital Region
Many evergreen, Eastern hemlock trees, typically found growing alongside forest streams, have succumbed to two insect pests. In the National Capital Region, we looked for surviving trees, and what other tree species are poised to replace hemlocks.
An evergreen branch with white fuzzy nubs along the stems.
DOI Region 1, National Capital Area Utilizes Prescribed Fire as a Management Tool
Resource and facility managers in the National Capital Area (NCA) are relying more frequently on prescribed burning as a tool to protect, restore, enhance and maintain historic Civil War sites.
Fire in grasses burn near a Civil War cannon.
Cultural Continuity
Artifacts found at both the Robinson House and the Nash Site indicate that the Robinson family retained a portion of their African identity.
Mancala gaming pieces from Manassas National Battlefield Park
The Civilian Experience in the Civil War
After being mere spectators at the war's early battles, civilians both near and far from the battlefields became unwilling participants and victims of the war as its toll of blood and treasure grew year after year. In response to the hardships imposed upon their fellow citizens by the war, civilians on both sides mobilized to provide comfort, encouragement, and material, and began to expect that their government should do the same.
Painting of civilians under fire during the Siege of Vicksburg
Oak Decline
Learn more about oak decline where a host of stressors interact to weaken trees over time, leading to what becomes "death by a thousand cuts."
Looking up into the canopy of a mature oak showing symptoms of oak decline.
Spring Amphibian Timeline
Learn how the progression of amphibian appearances unfurls every spring.
A gray tree frog clings to a small tree branch.
Amphibian Diversity & Habitat Connectivity
Habitat fragmentation is a major threat to amphibian communities, especially in National Capital Region parks at risk due to the region's growing urbanization.
A small frog crouches on a lichen-covered rock.
Finding Identity Through Material Culture: The Robinson's Tableware and Glassware
Conducting an analysis on the collection of glass and ceramics from the Robinson family provides the opportunity to study what types of goods the family used during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
American shell-edged plate broken in 4 pieces.
The Robinson House - Historical Background
The Robinson House site was the home of a free African-American family, the Robinsons, from the late 1840s through 1936. It stood until 1993 when arsonists burned part of the structure.
Robinson House ca. 1900, Manassas National Battlefield Park.
Finding Identity Through Material Culture: The Nash Site
Differences in the material culture of the Robinson and Nash sites illustrate the diversity within the African-American community in this area.
Colonoware bowl, a low-fired earthenware, found on the Nash Site
Archeological Excavations at the Robinson House
Archeological excavations at the Robinson House site were performed in 1995 and 1996 and focused around and within the existing house foundations and in the outlying yard areas.
Screening for artifacts at Robinson House
A Confederate Winter Camp
The investigation of a Confederate winter camp site at Manassas National Battlefield Park by professional archeologists found the remains of 20 Civil War-era structures.
Manassas Stonehouse
Archeology at Brawner Farm
Once the scene of fierce and bloody battle, the Brawner Farm today is a landmark in a quiet corner of the Manassas Battlefield.
Photo of the Brawner Farm, incorporating pieces of the masonry and brick from the original farmhouse
A New Economy of War
Dozens of wounded Federal troops found shelter inside the massive walls of the Stone House during both Battles of Manassas. Its location at the junction of two major turnpikes put it in the center of battle each time.
Photo of the Stone House at Manassas National Battlefield Park
"My Very Dear Wife" - The Last Letter of Major Sullivan Ballou
Like many soldiers on the eve of the first major battle of the Civil War, Sullivan Ballou feared he might not survive the conflict. The letter he wrote to his wife, expressing his anxiety, remains on the the most famous, and poignent, written during the war.
Kurz & Allison print of the First Battle of Manassas
Defeat at Manassas Leads to the Fortification of Washington
After a humiliating defeat at Manassas, the Union army realized that the war would be a long struggle and that the fortification of the nation's capital needed to be extended and expedited. The massive construction thus began, establishing a defensive ring around the city that would make Washington, D.C. one of the most fortified cities in the world.
Fast and Flexible
Cavalry acted as the eyes and ears of the army for both the Union and Confederacy, conducting reconnaissance and gathering intelligence. In addition to combat, cavalry also screened marches of infantry, guarded wagon trains, and raided enemy supplies.
Image of an advertisement for joining the Calvary
Constant Attack
The Battle of Second Manassas rages on with Stonewall Jackson leading the charge
Photograph of General Stonewall Jackson
The Attack Continues
Second Manassas would prove to be more of a challenge then the Union forces believed
Lithograph of General Kearny's gallant charge, at the Battle of Chantilly
August 28, 1862
The Confederate army, under Jackson's command, was closing in on Manassas for a second time during the war.
Photograph of Manassas Junstion 1862
Amphibian Disease Risk in the National Capital Area
Looking for disease, including ranaviruses and chytrid fungi, is an important part of amphibian monitoring done by the National Capital Region Inventory & Monitoring Network. Learn more about the risks posed by these diseases and the biosecurity protocols field crews use to reduce the risk of accidental spread.
Red-spotted newt on brown forest floor leaves. Black spots and eyes contrast with vivid orange skin.
Forest Soils
Highlights from a 2007-2017 study of soils in National Capital Region Network I&M-monitored parks. Includes discussion of parent materials, heavy metal soil pollutants like lead, and how past land use effects O horizons.
Collage of 6 color photos of soil profiles showing colors from orange-y reds to browns and grays.
Brawner Farmstead Cultural Landscape
The Brawner Farmstead landscape is in the northwest corner of Manassas National Battlefield Park in Virginia. Fighting broke out here on August 28, 1862 between "Stonewall" Jackson's wing of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and a division of the Third Corps of the Union Army of Virginia. In addition to its association with the Second Battle of Manassas, the landscape is historically significant for the agricultural development of the area.
Distant farm buildings at the end of a straight unpaved road through open, agricultural land.
Stiltgrass and Tree Seedling Recovery
Recent analysis at Maryland's Catoctin Mountain Park shows Japanese stiltgrass does not limit the growth of tree seedlings in a forest recovering from deer overpopulation.
Invasive Japanese stiltgrass blankets the sides of a shady forest road.
Falling Stars: James A. Garfield and the Military Reputations of Generals Irvin McDowell, George McClellan, and Fitz John Porter
During the Civil War, James A. Garfield was elected into the House of Representatives but they did not begin session until the end of 1863. While waiting to begin his new position Garfield was part of one of the most celebrated military trials in American history: the court martial of Maj. Gen. Fitz John Porter. Find out more about the trial and what part James A. Garfield played!
nineteen men in suits sitting around a table
James A. Garfield and the “Yankee Dutchman”: Maj. Gen. Franz Sigel
Major General Franz Sigel and James A. Garfield met each other in 1862. General Garfield's letters during the Civil War were put into a book called, The Wild Life of the Army: Civil War Letters of James A. Garfield. This article will examine the relationship and admiration Garfield had for a fellow Union officer.
Franz Sigel
Spotted Lanternfly 101
What you need to know about spotted lanternfly: a new, invasive, insect pest approaching the National Parks of the Mid-Atlantic.
A spotted lanternfly with wings spread showing namesake spots
Series: A Most Horrid Picture
When the war began, medical practitioners did not know the exact cause of many diseases or the mechanisms of infection, and were only beginning to understand the benefits of cleanliness and good sanitation in disease prevention and healing. As a result, two out of every three deaths in the Civil War were caused by disease rather than injury. Caregivers like Clara Barton, the "Angel of the Battlefield," brought food and supplies to the soldiers and inspired new hope and life to the injured.
Modern photograph of a medicine kit from the Civil War
Series: The Burden of Beasts
Though the battles were fought by men, Animals played important roles in the Civil War in a variety of capacities. Many units adopted mascots, including dogs, cats, pigs, goats, and even a bald eagle. Key roles such as officer's direction of battles, the transport of messages and orders, and the work of cavalrymen were conducted on horseback. Horses joined mules and oxen in pulling supply wagons, ambulances, and artillery pieces. Without animals it would have been a very different war. "A hor
Photograph of Lt. George A. Custer with his dog
Series: The Vortex of Hell
When the Peninsula Campaign began in 1862 Northern hopes were again raised for a quick victory, but the poor progress of George McClellan resulted in a restless northern public. In sharp contrast, Lee's success in stopping McClellan's advance cast him as the savior of Richmond and cloaked his army with a sense of invincibility. Even as Lee pushed McClellan away from Richmond, Union General John Pope led his army deeper into Virginia, introducing a policy of bringing the war directly to the south
Lithograph of Kearny's chage at the Battle of Chantilly
Series: African American Households
The Robinson House site was the home of a free African-American family, the Robinsons, from the late 1840s through 1936. James Robinson, also known as "Gentleman Jim," was a free African-American born in 1799. James and a slave named Susan Gaskins had six children, all born into slavery.
Two National Park Service archaeologists excavating the Nash Site
Spotted Lanternfly in Perspective
While spotted lanternfly and emerald ash borer are both invasive insect pests, introduced from Asia, that feed on trees (primarily), they have few other similarities. Learn how they differ in host preferences, feeding mode, and life cycle.
A spotted lanternfly with black wingspots on a tree branch
Brood X Periodical Cicadas FAQ
Learn about the Brood X periodical cicadas that emerged in 2021 throughout the Mid-Atlantic U.S.
A perched periodical cicada with red eyes and orange wings
Forest Regeneration 2020
What is the future of our forests? A look at forest regeneration capacity in National Capital Area national parks based on 2020 monitoring data.
hand holding a leaflet on a white ash seedling
Series: African American History at Gettysburg
Abraham Brian, Basil Biggs, James Warfield, and Mag Palm are just a few of the many individuals that were affected by the Civil War and the Battle of Gettysburg, and each has their own story to tell. We have collected their stories in one place so that you can learn more about their various trials during this tumultuous time in American history.
A black and white photograph of a black family posing with a white man and his horse in a dirt road.
Prospering Pollinators in Manassas Grasslands
How have pollinators been affected by Manassas National Battlefield Park converting ~1,000 acres of grasslands to native, warm-season grasses? A new survey aims to find out.
a hovering bumblebee moth reaches its probiscus toward a purple flower
September 11, 2001, NPS Oral History Project
This oral history project recorded the memories and perspectives of NPS staff who experienced the events of 9/11 and their aftermath. Transcripts and a 2004 report about the NPS response are available online.
A petinad hand holds a flame aloft in the air.
Beech Trees in the National Capital Area
American beech (Fagus grandifolia), the most common tree species in National Capital Area parks, is currently facing the emerging threat of Beech Leaf Disease (BLD).
A forest with healthy green leafed beech trees
Managing a Right-of-Way Helped This Park Restore Its Grasslands
An unexpected and often forgotten place becomes a vital part of one park’s bid to restore a critically imperiled landscape
Kelly Ewing walks through a grassland under a power line at Manassas National Battlefield Park
Overview of the Urban Forests
The eight urban forests measured in the Urban Ecology i-Tree analyses are diverse. The following articles explore just a few of the common ecological benefits the urban trees in these parks provide to the parks and the surrounding areas.
Overview of the Urban Forests icon of tree silhouettes. Icon put over photo of Prince William Forest
Other Benefits of Urban Forests
Other benefits of urban forests include: Trees and Building Energy Use and Oxygen Production. Trees affect energy consumption by shading buildings, providing evaporative cooling, and blocking winter winds. Oxygen production is one of the most commonly cited benefits of urban trees.
Other Tree Benefits icon of house with a tree besides it. Icon put over photo of cherry blossoms
Structural Values of Urban Forests
A tree’s structural value can be thought of as the cost of having to replace a tree with a similar tree. It can be calculated with factors like the tree trunk area and the tree’s health condition. Various insects and diseases can infest urban forests, potentially killing trees and reducing the health, structural value and sustainability of the urban forest.
Structural Values of Trees icon of tree on field. Icon put over photo of snow covered trees.
Carbon Storage by Urban Forests
Climate change is an issue of global concern. Urban trees can help mitigate climate change by storing carbon in tree tissue and sequestering atmospheric carbon from the key greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO2).
Carbon Storage & Sequestration icon of CO2 going into a tree. Icon put over photo tree trunk.
Air Pollution Removal by Urban Forests
Poor air quality is a common problem in many urban areas. It can lead to decreased human health, damage to landscape materials and ecosystem processes, and spoiled scenic views due to reduced visibility. The National Park Service monitors and assesses air quality in park units. The trees in NPS’s urban forests contribute to improved air quality.
Air Pollution Removal Icon of green lungs. Icon put over photo of tree canopy gap.
Incredible Untold Stories of Everyday Life
In the Reconstruction period following the Civil War, newly freed African Americans faced monumental challenges to establish their own households, farm their own lands, establish community institutions and churches, and to pursue equal justice under the law in a period of racist violence. A new NPS report presents the story of the extraordinary accomplishments of rural African Americans in Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Portrait of well dressed Black woman in round spectacles, short natural hair, and lacy white collar
Forest Regeneration 2021
The latest look at forest regeneration capacity in National Capital Area national parks based on monitoring data from 2021.
Green forest showing healthy understory of oak seedlings.
Resilient Forests Initiative - Managing Deer Impacts
A healthy forest needs to have enough tree seedlings and saplings to regenerate the forest canopy after a disturbance. Analysis of NPS I&M and other long-term datasets makes it clear that many eastern national parks lack adequate tree regeneration due to decades of over browsing by white-tailed deer.
Deer impacts
I&M Networks Support Resilient Forest Management
NPS Inventory and Monitoring Networks have been tracking forest health in eastern national parks since 2006. This monitoring information can guide resilient forest management and support parks in adapting to changing conditions through the actions described below.
Forest health monitoring
Managing Resilient Forests. A Regional Initiative
Forests cover tens of thousands of acres in eastern national parks and these critical resources face a range of interacting stressors: over-abundant white-tailed deer populations, invasive plant dominance, novel pests and pathogens, among other threats. The Resilient Forests Initiative will help parks address these issue collectively.
Forest health monitoring
Autumn Amphibians
Frog antifreeze and red efts? Learn more about fall amphibian life in the National Capital Area, including marbled salamanders, spring peepers, and red-spotted newts!
A red-orange juvenile red-spotted newt climbs a rock
Series: Managing Resilient Forests Initiative for Eastern National Parks
Forests in the northeastern U.S. are in peril. Over-abundant deer, invasive plants, and insect pests are negatively impacting park forests, threatening to degrade the scenic vistas and forested landscapes that parks are renowned for. With regional collaboration, parks can manage these impacts and help forests be resilient. This article series explores tools available to park managers to achieve their goals.
Healthy forests have many native seedlings and saplings.
Resilient Forests Initiative - Managing Invasive Plants & Pests
Park forests are threatened by invasive plants and pests. Strategically tackling invasive plants to protect park’s highest priority natural resources and planning around forest pests and pathogens are important actions in managing resilient forests.
Forest Regeneration
Ash Tree Update 2021
Emerald ash borer (EAB) has killed most of the 300,000 ash trees in National Capital Region parks since 2014. Fewer than 80,000 living ash trees remain. Some ash-dominated swamps transformed into shrublands as ash root systems re-sprouted after EAB attack. In dry habitats, EAB proved more quickly fatal.
A sunny swamp with dead tree trunks emerging from dense shrubs
Series: Amphibian Monitoring in the National Capital Region
Amphibians are a crucial part of both aquatic and land ecosystems, and National Capital Region parks are home to at least 20 different amphibian species. Learn how amphibian populations are changing based on more than fifteen years of NPS monitoring by the National Capital Region Inventory & Monitoring Network.
Northern red salamander on a patch of sun dappled moss
Amphibian Monitoring Update 2023
Learn how amphibians in the National Capital Region are faring based on fifteen years of NPS monitoring. Explore population changes, threats and stressors, and data-informed tools for protecting amphibian populations in our parks.
Eye level view of a red salamander creeping along bright green moss
Manassas Amphibian Monitoring 2023
Manassas is hopping! Learn what recent amphibian monitoring data shows us about amphibian populations in the park!
American toad (Bufo americanus)
Vines on Trees at Forest Edges
Learn how climbing vines affect tree growth and mortality in National Capital Region park forests. This material was originally presented in a 2016 resource brief.
Vines climb on trees at the forest edge at Rock Creek's Barnard Hill Park.
Re-Growing Southeastern Grasslands
Native grasslands once covered vast swaths of the southeastern U.S. Learn how national parks in DC, Maryland, and Virginia are working on conserving, rehabilitating, and restoring these grassland communities.
A sunny grassland with rolling hills in the distance
What We’re Learning and Why it Matters: Long-Term Monitoring in the National Capital Region
Knowing which natural resources are found in the national parks, and whether they're stable or changing, helps decisionmakers make sound choices. The National Capital Region Network is building that knowledge. After over fifteen years of monitoring, we've learned a lot about park ecosystems, how they're changing, and what they may look like in the days to come. Find out what we’ve learned and how it’s being used to help managers plan for the future.
Field crew measures the diameter of a tree.
Plan Like a Park Ranger 1-Day Itinerary Manassas National Battlefield
Today, in an increasingly urbanizing area, Manassas National Battlefield Park preserves the natural beauty and historic significance of this land and offers opportunities for both learning and recreation. While many visitors already know about popular spots like the Brawner Farm or the Stone House, we encourage you to explore areas throughout the over 4,500-acre battlefield.
Civil Rights and the Civil War in the National Capital Area
The Civil War showed the cracks in the loosely held peace between the North and South. As the end of slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation established a reason for African Americans to join the fight, the stage was set for African American men to fight for their own freedom and rights as citizens of America.
An unidentified African American soldier sits with a leg crossed over the other for his portrait.
Tree Rings and the Tales They Tell
Ecologists with the National Capital Region use tree cores from 36 different species to learn about the age of trees in park forests.
Tree core samples taken from forest plots, laid side-by-side.
Forest Regeneration 2022
Tree seedlings and small saplings are still in short supply in National Capital Region national parks. A look at forest regeneration capacity based on monitoring data from 2022.
Sunlight filtering through a green forest with green seedlings covering most of the forest floor.
A Forest Monitoring Cycle Like No Other
What if your office were the woods? Your break room a mossy log? This is the reality for members of the Inventory & Monitoring forest vegetation crew. The team has collected data on forest health in NCR parks every year since 2006 and recently completed the fourth cycle of forest vegetation monitoring (2018-2022). Learn what staff biologists and technicians have to say about their experiences in the field these past five years.
Five members of a forest crew leap for joy in a sun-soaked forest.
Ash Tree Update 2022
Emerald ash borer are still decimating ash trees in the National Capital Region. Read on for the latest look into the state of ash trees in our parks based on forest monitoring data.
Metallic emerald ash borer beetle atop a chewed leaf
Resilient Forest Briefs for National Capital Region Parks
As part of the ongoing conversation about managing resilient forests, short briefs on the resilience and regeneration status of each NCR park are now available. These summaries are based on 12 years of NPS forest vegetation monitoring data.
bio tech gazing up through a sunlit forest
Battling to Save Battlefield Birds
A recent analysis of two focal grassland birds—the eastern meadowlark and the grasshopper sparrow—at four battlefield national parks, showed that how grasslands are managed affects the survival and reproduction of birds in those places. Researchers used eight years of NPS grassland bird monitoring data to learn how different practices, in particular farming practices, help conserve these vulnerable species.
grasshopper sparrow perched on a post with green background
From TTAP to NPS: Carolyn Currin
Carolyn Currin participated in the Traditional Trades Advancement Program and is now an NPS employee. Learn more about her experience going from an internship to a full-time position.
A woman smiles looking through the wooden frame that is attached to a work table.
Back to the Future: National Park Service to convert agricultural acres to native grasslands
The National Park Service is investing funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to increase the ecological and cultural values in landscape restoration projects in six parks in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and western Pennsylvania. The initial work will focus on converting approximately 400 acres of open lands that have been previously used for agriculture into native grasslands.
a sunset over a battlefield with lone cannon
NCR's Forest Interior Birds
Explore how forest interior breeding birds are faring in National Capital Region (NCR) parks. These species prefer the shadiest and quietest core of the forest landscape and are excellent indicators of a healthy forest ecosystem. We look at data on wood thrush, ovenbird, Kentucky warbler, Louisiana waterthrush, hooded warbler, and scarlet tanager from a report summarizing population trends for forest birds in NCR parks.
a woodthrush perched on a branch with blurred green foliage background
Mary Jane Dogan House Virtual Visit
The Mary Jane Dogan house is located near Groveton, the site of the Second Battle of Manassas. It was erected between 1878 and 1880 for Mary Jane Dogan by noted Alexandria, Virginia, builder Alexander Lyles. The house incorporates building components salvaged from earlier structures on site. Many residents faced with deprivations after the Civil War rebuilt using the remnants of previous structures. Explore the house via HDP’s animation and archival HABS documentation.
3D rendering of small wooden house surrounded by trees
Veteran Story: Jim Burgess
Jim Burgess served three years in the U.S. Army. He joined the National Park Service in 1976 Today he serves as the park's museum specialist. Find out more about his transition to a career with the National Park Service.
A man in a dress Army uniform.
Groveton School House
The Groveton Schoolhouse that currently stands within the Manassas National Battlefield Park was built in 1917, but the history of the Groveton School predates the Civil War.
Series: A Timeline of Resistance: The Perseverance of African Americans from the Revolutionary War to the Civil Rights Era
The story of African American’s fight for equality did not begin or end with the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. In the National Capital Area, dedicated activism and self-determination has been documented since the Revolutionary War through the present day. This series consists of six articles that outline distinct timelines of resistance and activism in the fight for freedom.
A young African American girl gazes at the camera holding a banner for the March on Washington
Guide to the Annie Snyder Collection
This Finding aid describes the Annie Snyder Collection, part of the Manassas National Battlefield Park Museum Collection.
Guide to the Emanuel “Tersh” Boasberg Papers
This Finding aid describes the Emanuel “Tersh” Boasberg Papers, part of the Manassas National Battlefield Park Museum Collection.
Forest Regeneration 2023
Tree seedlings and small saplings are slowly increasing in National Capital Region national parks. A look at forest regeneration capacity based on monitoring data from 2023.
Three people stand in a forest, smiling and pointing to a large tree trunk between them.
Incised Fumewort (Corydalis incisa)
Incised fumewort (Corydalis incisa) is a "high risk" invasive plant in the mid-Atlantic US with the potential to become widespread and cause a lot of damage. Learn how to identify it, differentiate it from the native yellow corydalis (Corydalis flavula), and help be on the lookout for this invasive species.
A cluster of incised fumewort with green leaves and bright purple tubular flowers with violet ends.
When Forests Come Down with a Bug: Forest Pests in the Greater DC Area
Beech leaf disease, emerald ash borer, spotted lanternfly, spongy moth, oak decline and oak wilt are all pests present in National Capital Region (NCR) park forests. Learn about their effects and spread based on NCR Inventory & Monitoring data, and get the heads up on elm zigzag sawfly and beech bark disease.
A black and red insect sits on a leaf.
Updated Species Database Will Help Boost Amphibian Conservation Across the National Park System
To steward amphibians effectively, managers need basic information about which species live in parks. But species lists need constant maintenance to remain accurate. Due to recent efforts, the National Park Service now has an up-to-date amphibian species checklist for almost 300 parks. This information can serve as the basis for innumerable conservation efforts across the nation.
A toad sits on red sand, looking into the camera.
Flying Squirrels: A Field Note
Southern flying squirrels are common in eastern forests, but are rarely seen by humans because they are nocturnal. Learn more about these unique animals!
A flying squirrel clings to a tree trunk.
Beech Leaf Disease: Mistaken Identity
Beech leaf disease is a growing concern in the National Capital Region and beyond, but it can be difficult to distinguish from other pests. Learn more about how to recognize this disease and avoid falling for look-alikes!
A close-up image of a cluster of beech leaves striped with dark banding.
Project Profile: Restore Eastern Grasslands
The National Park Service will restore up to 4,000 acres of agricultural fields and degraded lands across 37 parks in 15 states. This landscape-scale restoration project will expand the range and connectivity of native grasslands across the eastern US, restore biodiversity and critical ecosystem functions, reduce pesticide use, benefit people and wildlife, and create employment opportunities for diverse early career youth.
A park manager and others standing amidst a grassy landscape.
Two-Horned Trapa (Trapa bispinosa)
Two-horned trapa (Trapa bispinosa) is an invasive aquatic plant that's considered an early detection rapid response species in the greater Washington, DC region. Learn how to identify it, differentiate it from the Eurasian water chestnut, and help be on the lookout for this invasive species.
A floating green water plant with diamond shaped leaves around a small pink flower.
View Virginia Bluebells and More at Bull Run Regional Park
Hike the trails of Bull Run Regional Park to see the beautiful bluebells!
A tree marked for a trail with bluebells in the background.
Native Grapes
Seven species of grapes are native to the National Capital Region. Learn how to tell them apart, where they grow, and how they benefit birds, bugs, and beasts alike.
Multiple clusters of grapes hang off of a leafy vine.
Rivercane: Our Native Bamboo
Rivercane is a woody grass native to the southeastern United States, extending up into the National Capital Region. Once a common species, rivercane now only occupies 2% of its former extent. Learn more about the ecology and cultural significance of this once abundant native bamboo.
Dense stalks and leaves of native bamboo.
The Racial Integrity Act, 1924: An Attack on Indigenous Identity
The Racial Integrity Act of 1924 banned interracial marriage in Virginia. It also required Virginians to register their race as either "white" or "colored." One of the many consequences of this discriminatory policy was the erasure of the Indigenous identity from public records. To this day, Indigenous people in Virginia have difficulty tracing their lineage due to this century-old policy.
Walter Plecker sits in an office at a desk covered in files.
Oaks of the National Capital Region
Out of the 50 oak species native to the eastern United States, 20 are native to the National Capital Region (NCR). Learn more about these oak species and where they can be found across NCR parks.
Green oak leaves against a forested background.
Freshwater Jellyfish
Preliminary results of recent macroinvertebrate monitoring in the National Capital Region (NCR) using environmental DNA revealed that freshwater jellyfish are present in all NCR parks. Learn more about these unique organisms, and the role they may play in our freshwater streams.
A single bluish white jellyfish floats in water.
Birch Family Natives of the National Capital Region
Out of the 150 birch species found across the globe, 9 are native to the National Capital Region (NCR). Learn more about these birch species and what makes them unique.
Tree trunk with horizontally textured bark with branches and leaves.
Christmas berry (Photinia villosa)
Learn about Christmas berry (Photinia villosa), an invasive shrub considered an early detection rapid response species in the greater Washington, DC region in 2024.
Cluster of white flowers above green leaves
Project Profile: Create a Comprehensive Flood-Risk Geospatial Layer for Historic Buildings, Structures, & Landscapes
The National Park Service will produce a comprehensive GIS-based layer to address flood risk and scenario planning in the National Capital Region.
Park Ranger turning a lock key to let water out of the Lift Lock.
National Capital Region Conifers
A comprehensive look at the conifers found in the National Capital Region (NCR). Learn more about where these species can be found and what makes each kind unique.
A branch covered in pine needles with a single pinecone.
Freshwater Salinization: Saltier Rivers Are a Growing Concern
Freshwater salinization is a growing threat to aquatic life in streams of the National Capital Region. Learn more about the factors influencing salinization and the actions parks can take to help reduce salt pollution.
A person with a backpack and a water monitor walks across a stream away from the viewer.
The Evolution of Virginia Agriculture on the Portici Cultural Landscape
Portici is a cultural landscape within Manassas National Battlefield Park that demonstrates the development of agriculture in Virginia since European contact and up to the present day. The landscape history reflects the changing industry, labor practices, and environment before and after the Civil War.
A row of leafy trees grow to the right of a trace of a farm road through a flat, grassy field
Inventory & Monitoring Partnerships Aim to Improve Park Forest Health from Coast to Coast
From coast to coast, the NPS Inventory and Monitoring Division is helping park managers improve the health and function of forest ecosystems. From promoting resilient forests in the Northeast, to conserving whitebark pine in the West, to protecting Hawaiian forest birds from avian malaria, scientific partnerships are helping parks to share information, leverage funding sources, and work together for outcomes that extend beyond what any park could accomplish on its own.
Four people, one in NPS uniform, stand in a forest. Three look upward through binoculars.
Hidden in Plain Sight: Old Growth Remnant Grasslands
During 2024 scouting for a large eastern grassland restoration project funded by IRA and BIL, several old growth remnant grasslands were identified in National Capital and Northeast Region parks that were previously unknown. These remnants preserve the genetic integrity of the original grassland flora of the eastern US and are true unexpected treasures that in some cases, were hidden in plain sight.
a grassland landscape with distant trees
Project Profile: Managing Resilient Eastern Forests
The National Park Service will improve the ecological health of eastern forests in 38 parks using an array of management techniques. The NPS has selected forest ecosystems of high ecological and cultural value across multiple parks from Virginia to Maine that are at greatest risk of forest loss due to chronic and interacting stressors.
Person gazes up at a tall tree
Springing Up — Dryad’s Saddle
Dryad's saddle is a large and unique fungi species that can be found across the National Capital Region. Learn more about where they can be found and how to recognize them.
A brown mushroom-shaped fungus emerges from a log and is surrounded by green leafy plants.
Carolina or Black-Capped Chickadee? Sometimes It’s a Hard Call
Chickadees are some of the most common birds in the National Capital Region. Both Carolina chickadees and black-capped chickadees can be found in NCR parks. Learn more about these birds and how they're sometimes hard to tell apart.
A Carolina chickadee with a black head and white and gray body sits on a branch.
The Big Reveal: Restoring Views at Manassas National Battlefield Park
The National Park Service is working to clear the views at two sites vital to the Battle of Second Manassas. Overgrown shrubs and trees have been hiding the sightlines used by Civil War commanders, and park managers are pulling out some unusual tools to address the situation.
An open landscape with distant trees. A sign reads 8/6/2024 Day 1 Mastication Plot 7A Direction 210