"Truman Home" by NPS , public domain

Harry S Truman

National Historic Site - Missouri

The Harry S Truman National Historic Site preserves the longtime home of Harry S. Truman, the thirty-third president of the United States, as well as other properties associated with him in the Kansas City, Missouri metropolitan area. The centerpieces of the site are the Truman Home in Independence and the Truman Farm Home in Grandview, although it also includes the Noland home of Truman's cousins and the George and Frank Wallace homes of Bess Truman's brothers.



Map of the Westward Expansion of the Santa Fe Trail for Fort Larned National Historic Site (NHS) in Kansas. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).Santa Fe - Santa Fe Trail Westward Expansion

Map of the Westward Expansion of the Santa Fe Trail for Fort Larned National Historic Site (NHS) in Kansas. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Official Visitor Map of Santa Fe National Historic Trail (NHT) in Colorado, Kansas, Misouri, New Mexico and Oklahoma. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).Santa Fe - National Historic Trail

Official Visitor Map of Santa Fe National Historic Trail (NHT) in Colorado, Kansas, Misouri, New Mexico and Oklahoma. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Visitor Map of Harry S Truman National Historic Site (NHS) in Missouri. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).Harry S Truman - Visitor Map

Visitor Map of Harry S Truman National Historic Site (NHS) in Missouri. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Map of the U.S. National Park System. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).National Park System - National Park Units

Map of the U.S. National Park System. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Map of the U.S. National Park System with DOI's Unified Regions. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).National Park System - National Park Units and Regions

Map of the U.S. National Park System with DOI's Unified Regions. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Map of the U.S. National Heritage Areas. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).National Park System - National Heritage Areas

Map of the U.S. National Heritage Areas. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

https://www.nps.gov/hstr/index.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_S._Truman_National_Historic_Site The Harry S Truman National Historic Site preserves the longtime home of Harry S. Truman, the thirty-third president of the United States, as well as other properties associated with him in the Kansas City, Missouri metropolitan area. The centerpieces of the site are the Truman Home in Independence and the Truman Farm Home in Grandview, although it also includes the Noland home of Truman's cousins and the George and Frank Wallace homes of Bess Truman's brothers. President Harry S Truman took America from its traditional isolationism into the age of international involvement. Despite his power, he never forgot where he came from. Today, visitors can experience the surroundings Truman knew as a young man of modest ambition through his political career and final years as a former president. The Visitor Center is located at 223 North Main Street. From the north or south, take I-435 to Truman Road (State Hwy 12), exit 60. Travel east on Truman Road three miles; you'll pass the Truman Home at Delaware Street. From the east or west, take I-70 to the Noland Road exit (12). Travel north on Noland Road four miles to Truman Road. Turn west on Truman Road and travel two blocks. The Truman Home is five blocks to the west of the visitor center. Visitor Center (Secure Truman Home Tickets Here) The park visitor center is located at 223 North Main Street, in the historic 1928 Independence Fire Station, which is in the Harry S Truman Historic District National Historic Landmark and one block north of the historic Independence Town Square. (816) 254-9929. (Closed Mondays and Tuesdays) An audio version of the park's main brochure is here: https://unidescription.org/account/project/export/123 The Visitor Center is located at 223 North Main Street, in Historic Fire Station No.1. From the north or south, take I-435 to Truman Road (State Hwy 12), exit 60. Travel east on Truman Road three miles; you'll pass the Truman Home at Delaware Street. From the east or west, take I-70 to the Noland Road exit (12). Travel north on Noland Road four miles to Truman Road. Turn west on Truman Road and travel two blocks. The Truman Home The Truman home near sunset. Although Harry Truman was a 20th century president, his home was from the Victorian era. The Truman Farm Home The Truman Farm Home sits behind Autumn trees. From when he was 22 until he was 33 years old, Harry Truman lived on his grandmother's farm. The Noland Home The Noland home sits across the street from the Truman home. Harry Truman's cousins, the Nolands, lived right across the street from him. The George Wallace Home The George Wallace home with the Truman home in the background. Bess Truman's brother, George, and his wife, May, lived right behind the Truman home. 219 North Delaware Street...Then and Now The Truman Home, Then and Now! Once the home of a flour mill partner, it later was the home of a president. The Frank Wallace Home The Frank Wallace home where Bess Truman's brother lived. Bess Truman's brother, Frank, and his wife Natalie, lived in this small bungalow right behind the Truman home. Listening to the Eclipse: National Park Service scientists join Smithsonian, NASA in nationwide project A solar eclipse is visually stunning, but what will it sound like? NPS scientists will find out by recording sounds in parks across the USA. An NPS scientist installs audio recording equipment in a lush valley at Valles Caldera NP. Harry S Truman and the Influences of His Service in World War I His war experience affected the course of his life and influenced his rise to the presidency in two important ways: he discovered a leadership ability he hadn’t known that he possessed, and he garnered a significant political base that supported him in his rise though political ranks. Harry Truman in army uniform 11 Ways National Parks Influenced World War I (and vice versa) Uncover the hidden history of World War I in the national parks! A Renault tank and infantry move through a field Harry Truman’s Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb President Harry S Truman was notified of the successful test of the atomic bomb, what he called “the most terrible bomb in the history of the world.” Thousands of hours of research and development as well as billions of dollars had contributed to its production. This was no theoretical research project. It was created to destroy and kill on a massive scale. As president, it was Harry Truman’s decision if the weapon would be used with the goal to end the war. image of atomic bomb devastation in Japan Captain Harry Truman Long before serving as the 33rd President of the United States, Harry S Truman served his country on the front lines of World War I. Captain Harry Truman Souvenirs of War “Trench art” is any decorative item made by soldiers, prisoners of war or civilians directly linked to armed conflict or its consequences. It offers an insight not only to their feelings and emotions about the war, but also their surroundings and the materials they had available to them. Mortar shells and rifle cartridges made into Trench Art How Harry Truman Helped with D-Day Senator Harry S Truman and the Truman Committee investigated World War II camp construction, shipbuilding, raw material availability and shortages, government contracts, the manufacture of airplanes, mobilization, and the administration of the war production program, just to name a few. Over the course of the committee’s existence, thirty two reports were issued, dozens of suggestions made, and according to one estimate, $15 billion saved. image of Harry Truman and Andrew Higgins President Eisenhower "Wages Peace" Shortly after the lifting of the Berlin Blockade, in August 1949, the Soviet Union broke the American nuclear monopoly by developing its own atomic bomb. This development forced the United States to reevaluate its defense posture and accelerated the creation of even more powerful weapons, such as the hydrogen bomb, to regain its nuclear superiority. As president, Eisenhower struggled to balance defense and spending. President Dwight D. Eisenhower standing with Lyndon B. Johnson and others On Presidential Births and Deaths There are many connections between the Presidents. This article will explore some of those connections. the United States Presidential Seal National Park Service Commemoration of the 19th Amendment In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th Amendment the National Park Service has developed a number of special programs. This includes online content, exhibits, and special events. The National Park Service’s Cultural Resources Geographic Information Systems (CRGIS) announces the release of a story map that highlights some of these programs and provides information for the public to locate and participate. Opening slide of the 19th Amendment NPS Commemoration Story Map Truman Home Cultural Landscape The Truman Home shows a picture of the life that Harry Truman and his wife Bess enjoyed in Independence, Missouri before and after his presidency. The features of the landscape are similar to its historic appearance. The Truman Home, as well as the nearby Noland and Wallace Homes where several of their relatives lived, are part of the Independence Unit of Harry S Truman National Historic Site. Twilight glows on the windows and siding of a Victorian house, framed by leafless trees. Series: Eisenhower and the Nuclear Arms Race in the 1950s "We will not be aggressors," said President Eisenhower, "but we ... have and will maintain a massive capability to strike back." Eisenhower's comments reflected the doctrinal basis behind much of America's strategic planning during the Cold War era. Learn more about how the Eisenhower administration moved beyond containment and addressed new Soviet threats. President Eisenhower with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev Fences and Fame: The Truman Home Fence Truman Home, Independence, Missouri, with Secret Service fence Large white house owned by Harry and Bess Truman, with black iron fence in front Miss Vietta Garr Miss Vietta Garr, housekeeper, cook...and dear friend of the Truman family. Woman sitting at piano Harry S Truman and Civil Rights Brief history of the role of President Harry S Truman in the history of Civil Rights development. Harry Truman addressing large crowd at NAACP meeting Oral History Interview with Robert Lockwood, United States Secret Service Oral history interviews with Robert Lockwood, former United States Secret Service Agent. Photograph of Robert Lockwood Norine Allen (Mrs. C.H. Allen) Oral History Norine Allen, widow of Dr. Charles Allen and longtime neighbor of the Trumans, had four daughters in the same age range as Margaret Truman Daniel. Photograph of Mrs. Norine Allen C.E. Anderson Oral History Interview Charles E. Anderson, a building contractor from Independence, Missouri, performed remodeling services at 219 N. Delaware Street beginning in 1953 when the Trumans returned from the White House. Marcia Armstrong Oral History Interview Marcia Armstrong, employed by Upjohn, worked as a nurse for Bess W. Truman from September 1980 until Bess's death in 1982. Photograph of Marcia Armstrong, interview subject. The Wallace Family and the Truman Family Two families, bound by love and marriage, proved to be a vital support system for President Harry S Truman. Group of people aboard the USS Williamsburg Mary Shaw Branton Oral History Interview Mary Shaw Branton has been a life long friend of Margaret Truman Daniel. Branton's mother was a member of the Tuesday bridge club. As children, Branton joined Margaret Truman in producing plays and playing at the Truman house. Photograph of Mary Shaw Branton Evan Bayh Oral History Interview Senator Evan Bayh (D - Indiana) discusses his visit with Harry S Truman in January 1962 at the Truman Library. Six years old at the time, young Bayh accompanied his parents Birch and Marvella Bayh during a social call in advance of Birch Bayh's run for the U.S. Senate. Bayh remembers the impression Truman made on him that day and compares the meeting with others he had with Presidents Kennedy and Johnson as a youngster. Portrait of Evan Bayh with American Flag behind him. Jimmy Carter Oral History Interview Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter talked about their relationship with Harry S and Bess W. Truman, including their personal feelings about the Trumans' performance in the White House and their visits to Independence. Photograph of President Jimmy Carter and four women, in front of painting of Harry S Truman Margaret Truman Daniel Oral History Interview Margaret Truman Daniel (1924-2008) was the only child of Harry S and Bess Truman and grew up at 219 N Delaware. The interview focuses on the history of her family home and the changes made to the home and surrounding grounds through the years. She discusses the people and relationships of those closest to her that lived in and near the home. Photograph of Margaret Truman Daniel. A. Layle "Petey" Childers Oral History Interview Petey Childers owned and operated a pharmacy in Independence, Missouri for approximately fifty-five years. As a pharmacist, he served the Trumans, Dr. Charles Allen, and many other notable Independence residents with ties to the Trumans. Photograph of "Petey" Childers. Jessie Colby Oral History Interview Jessie Colby was an acquaintance of the Trumans throughout their lives beginning in the early 1920s. Her husband graduated with Harry S Truman in the same Ararat Shrine class in 1945. Colby was a co-member of a women's organization with Bess Truman. Photograph of Jessie Colby Pat Kerr Dorsey Oral History Interview Patricia Kerr Dorsey, an employee of the Truman Library since 1969, helped perform the initial inventory of the Truman home, beginning in 1981 prior to Bess W. Truman's death. Dorsey relates extensive information about the condition of the house and the artifacts within at the time of the home's transfer to the National Park Service. Picture of old style tape recorder Barbara Allen Gard Oral History Interview Barbara Allen Gard was born and raised in Independence as a next-door neighbor of the Truman family. Along with her three sisters, Gard was a childhood friend of Margaret Truman. The Allen sisters were part of the neighborhood group "Hen House Hicks." Gard explains how Independence residents adjusted to having a President of the United States living in their midst and provides glimpses of life in the 1930s through 1950s. Photograph of Barbara Allen Gard Harry Truman and the 48-Star Flag Harry S Truman and the 48-star American flag. Army general with President Truman and a 48-star flag that flew in Europe. Stella E. and George B. Earnshaw Oral History Interview Stella Earnshaw worked for Dr. Charles Allen and as a nurse occasionally aided Bess W. and Margaret Truman. Mrs. Earnshaw, a native of Platte City, Missouri, provides information about the Gates and Wells families located in that area. Photograph of Stella E. and George B. Earnshaw Sue Gentry Oral History Interview 1985 Sue Gentry, a newspaper reporter from Independence, Missouri, has written for the Independence Examiner since 1929. Miss Gentry served as a local liaison for national reporters during the Truman presidency. Photograph of Sue Gentry Sue Gentry Oral History Interview 1991 Sue Gentry, a newspaper reporter from Independence, Missouri, has written for the Independence Examiner since 1929. Miss Gentry served as a local liaison for national reporters during the Truman presidency. Photograph of Sue Gentry Glenn Gibeson Oral History Interview Assigned as a special officer to the Truman Protective Division of the United States Secret Service in 1981, Glenn Gibeson was a member of the team of men who protected Bess W. Truman until her death in October 1982. Photograph of Glen Gibeson Andy and Georgia Neese Clark Gray Oral History Interview Georgia Neese Clark was the first woman appointed as Treasurer of the United States (1949-1953) by President Harry S Truman. She later went on to serve on the Board of Trustees at the Harry S. Truman Library. She and her husband Andy discuss their many visits to the Truman Home over a 20 year period. Photograph of Georgia Neese Clark Gray Alice T. Gross Oral History Interview Alice Gross worked for Bess W. Truman as a personal care assistant from June 1978 to August 1980. Photograph of Alice Gross Hazel Graham Oral History Interview Hazel Graham served as the executive director of the Jackson County Historical Society in Independence, Missouri. Graham recalls the support given by the Trumans to the historical organization and other movements in Independence and throughout the Kansas City area to preserve historic structures. Photograph of Hazel Graham in front of painting of Bess Truman. Dr. Wallace H. Graham Oral History Interview Wallace H. Graham, M.D. (October 9, 1910-January 4, 1996) was a colonel in the United States Army when President Truman chose him to be his personal physician and medical advisor. From that point in September 1945 until the death of Bess Truman, Graham was the Truman family physician. Photograph of Dr. Wallace H. Graham Reverend Robert L. Hart Oral History Interview The Reverend Robert L. Hart served as the rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Independence, Missouri from 1977-1983. In this position, he served as pastor to Bess W. Truman, attending to her in her home, and then performed her funeral service after her death. Reverend Robert L. Hart Ardis Ragland Haukenberry Oral History Interview Ardis Ragland Haukenberry was the grand-daughter of Joseph Tilford and Ella Truman Noland and the second cousin of Harry S Truman. She grew up at 216 N Delaware, across the street from the Gates-Wallace family. Her memories provide a first-hand glimpse into the on-going changes of the neighborhood and relationships of the people around her home. Ardis Ragland Haukenberry Howard P. Hinde Oral History Interview Howard P. Hinde, a retired biology professor at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, grew up in Independence, Missouri. Hinde relates many family stories about relatives he shares with Bess W. Truman. Photograph of Howard P. Hinde Reverend Edward Hobby Oral History Interview The Reverend Edward Hobby worked for the Trumans from 1953 until Mrs. Truman's death in 1982. Hobby describes his position as "handyman" in which he maintained the grounds and gardens, completed various repair projects, cleaned the home, and helped prepare meals. The Reverend Edward Hobby in front of the Truman Home Reverend Patric Hutton Oral History Interview The Reverend Patric Hutton served as rector of Trinity Episcopal Church from 1955 to 1960. As a result he performed the wedding ceremony of Margaret Truman and E. Clifton Daniel in April 1956. Photograph of Father Patric Hutton Lisa Bosso-Houston Oral History Interview Lisa Bosso Houston served as museum aide during the first three years of Harry S Truman National Historic Site, 1984-1987. Photograph of Lisa Bosso-Houston Lady Bird Johnson Oral History Interview Lady Bird Johnson visited Harry S Truman National Historic Site on June 24, 1997 with her daughter and granddaughter to research the National Park Service's management policies of the Truman Home. Photograph of Lady Bird Johnson F.A. "Andy" Ketterson Oral History Interview Andy Ketterson served as the cultural resources management chief in the National Park Service's Midwest Regional Office during the foundation and development of Harry S Truman National Historic Site. Ketterson discusses the issues and decisions made during the year and a half from Bess W. Truman's death to the dedication of the site in 1984. Photograph of F.A. "Andy" Ketterson Trudy Johnson Oral History Interview Trudy Johnson was hired in October of 1980 and served as a night time nurse and companion to Mrs. Truman until June 1981. Photograph of Trudy Johnson in makeup Dr. Henry and Nancy Kissinger Oral History Interviews Dr. Henry Kissinger describes his only meeting with Harry S Truman at the Truman Library in 1961, while Kissinger was a consultant to President John F. Kennedy. Subsequently as secretary of state in 1975, Kissinger and his wife Nancy Kissinger visited Bess W. Truman in her home in Independence. Photograph of Bess Truman with Henry and Nancy Kissinger Doris Miller Oral History Interview Doris Miller was Bess Truman's beautician from 1953 until 1982. She discusses the development of her beauty shop and her husband's barber shop, where Harry Truman had his weekly trims. Photograph of Doris Miller Reverend Thomas G. Melton Oral History Interview The Reverend Thomas G. Melton (1919-1997) lived at 305 North Delaware, across from the Trumans since 1964. Melton recalls his first meeting with Harry S Truman, daily walks, and neighborly visits with both Trumans. Photograph of Reverend Thomas Melton Valeria LaMere Oral History Interview Valeria LaMere, first nurse and companion, later housekeeper, worked for Bess W. Truman from October 1977 to Truman's death in 1982. LaMere discusses Truman's birthday parties, daily routine, President Carter's visit in 1980, shopping with the Secret Service and local friends and visitors. Photograph of Valeria LaMere Albert Lockyear Oral History Interview Albert Lockyer worked in the Truman home on several occasions performing remodeling tasks to prepare the home for the Truman's return from Washington, D.C. Lockyer describes the Trumans' attitude towards the workers and the various changes made in the attic in 1954 and 1955. Truman Home, white Victorian Home. No photograph of interview subject available. Maxine LaRoe Oral History Interview Maxine LaRoe, librarian at the Independence branch of Mid-Continent Public Library, often assisted Bess W. Truman during her frequent visits to the library. LaRoe discusses the books chosen by Mrs. Truman and remembers Mike Westwood's presence in the library. Photograph of Maxine E. LaRoe Lola Mann and Donald Gore Oral History Interview Lola Mann and Donald Gore through their interview represent the majority of the Independence population. Mann and Gore, though not friends of the Trumans, provide examples of the average Independence resident's respect for the Trumans' attempts to be "regular" citizens after the presidency. Photograph of Lola Mann and Donald Gore Mary Sue Luff Oral History Interview Mary Sue Luff, a longtime resident of Independence, discusses growing up, attending school, and interacting with the Truman family from the 1930s to the 1970s. Through her group of friends and eventual marriage to Jack Luff, Mary Sue Luff "watched history" at 219 N. Delaware Street from across the street in the Luff home. Photograph of Mary Sue Luff John Martino Oral History Interview John Martino came to work at the Truman Library in 1958 as a custodian. When he retired in 1972, he was an assistant superintendent. Martino accumulated a treasure trove of stories and memorabilia from his association with Harry S Truman as his secondary driver and maintenance employee at the Library. Photograph of John Martino Reathel Odum Oral History Interview Reathel Odum was Bess W. Truman's personal secretary from 1945 to 1953. Odum discusses living in the White House, Madge Gates Wallace, guests of the Trumans during the presidency, and visiting the Truman home in Independence. Photograph of Reathel Odum Edmund S. Muskie Oral History Interview Senator Edmund S. Muskie discusses his visit with Harry S Truman in 1968, accompanied by his wife, while campaigning with Hubert Humphrey as the Democratic nominee for vice president. Photograph of Edmund S. Muskie shaking hands with Harry S Truman, 1968 Orlando Nace Oral History Interview Orlando Nace was a piano tuner and violin maker from Independence, Missouri. He and his son tuned the Trumans' piano at 219 N. Delaware Street over a period of approximately fifty years. Photograph of Orlando Nace Reverend David C. Patrick Oral History Interview The Reverend David C. Patrick served as rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Independence, Missouri for four years (1951-1955). During that period he was the pastor for Bess W. Truman, Margaret Truman, and Madge Gates Wallace, who died in 1952. Photograph of Rev. David C. Patrick Milton F. Perry Oral History Interview Milton Perry served as the first curator of the Truman Library until his retirement in 1976. Perry had the unique benefit of working closely with Harry S Truman to develop the exhibits in the library. Photograph of Milton Perry Normal Reigle Oral History Interviews Norman Reigle was the first superintendent of Harry S Truman National Historic Site. The interviews describe early development of the Truman Home and park headquarters, local organization involvement and park operations. Photograph of Norman Reigle Dwain Reynolds Oral History Interview Dwain Reynolds repaired the Truman home first as a child with his father and then later as an adult. Reynolds discusses minor changes to the home over the years, including the roof materials, interior door locks, and windows. Dwain and Lenora Reynolds Alex Petrovic Oral History Interview Judge Alex Petrovic offers a unique perspective as the legislative representative of the Trumans in Jefferson City, Missouri, as then as an eastern district judge of Jackson County. These positions brought him into occasional contact with the Trumans and reveal Mr. Truman's interest in local political affairs at least until 1970. Photograph of Alex Petrovic Thomas Richter Oral History Interviews Thomas P. Richter served as the ranger in charge when the Truman home was transferred to the National Park Service and was the site's first chief ranger. He remained at the site until October 1987. Tape recorder. No photograph of Thomas Richter available. Elizabeth "Liz" Safly Oral History Interview Elizabeth Safly began working at the Harry S. Truman Library in 1962. In her position as research room librarian, she witnessed the development of the Truman Library and Museum. In this interview she discusses the Truman Library and focuses particularly on the inventory of the Truman home that she helped compile in 1981-1982. Elizabeth "Liz" Safly Elizabeth Sapper Oral History Interview Elizabeth Sapper grew up on North Delaware Street in Independence as a contemporary of Margaret Truman. Sapper relates several stories about plays and other activities which filled the days of Truman neighborhood children. Photograph of Elizabeth Sapper Sol Stolowy Oral History Interview Sol Stolowy a Kansas City tailor, made several suits for Harry S Truman from the time Truman was president until his death. Truman was buried in a summer suit made by Stolowy shortly before Truman's death. Photograph of Sol Stolowy Frances Myers Schlichenmaier Oral History Interview Frances M. Schlichenmaier was hired by Rose Conway in 1951 to serve as an assistant in President Truman's White House office. Schlichenmaier worked for Truman until shortly after his death in 1972. She describes the development of Truman's downtown Kansas City office and then the transfer of records to the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. Old tape recorder. No photograph available of Frances Schlichenmaier Roger T. Sermon, Jr. Oral History Interview Roger Sermon, Jr. co-owner of Sermon-Anderson, Inc., provided window treatments for the Truman Home. In the first half of this hour-long interview, Sermon walks through the Truman Home's first and second floors while discussing curtains, draperies, and shades. Roger T. Sermon, Junior Robert R. Shemwell Oral History Interview Robert R. Shemwell, podiatrist, served the Trumans from 1954 until Harry S Truman's death in 1972 and Bess W. Truman's death in 1982. Photograph of Robert R. Shemwell James and Clare Stone Oral History Interview When James and Clare Stone were in the market to rent a house in 1962, they chose one with a unique characteristic. It was owned by former president and Mrs. Harry S Truman, and situated two doors east of their Independence home. For five years the Stones rented the house that was built for Bess's brother Frank and his wife Natalie. old tape recorder. No photograph of James and Clare Stone available. Martha Ann Swoyer Oral History Interview Martha Ann Swoyer, daughter of J. Vivian and Luella Truman and niece of Harry S Truman, was raised on the family farm in Grandview, Missouri. Swoyer discusses the many relationships within the Truman family spanning four generations. Photo of Martha Ann Swoyer James W. Symington Oral History Interview From 1969 to 1976, James W. Symington (born September 28, 1927) served four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives from the state of Missouri. As a candidate in the Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate from Missouri, Symington visited Bess W. Truman twice in her home in Independence, Missouri, in 1975. Mrs. Truman agreed to serve as honorary chairperson of his campaign. James W. Symington Fred Leland Truman Oral History Interview Fred L. Truman, son of J. Vivian and Luella Truman and nephew of Harry S Truman, discusses the Truman family and life on the Truman farm in Grandview, where he spent many years. Truman relates the importance of Harry S Truman as a member of the larger Truman family rather than as a national political figure. Fred L. Truman, son of Vivian Truman and nephew of President Harry S. Truman. Date(s) ca. 1944 Mary Higbee Truman Oral History Interview Mary Higbee Truman met Harry S Truman when he was Jackson County judge, and she later married his nephew, John C. Truman. Truman shared stories about family activities such as Sunday dinners in Grandview at the Truman farm, inaugurations, vacations at the White House, and VIP tours of the capitol. Mary Higbee Truman Thomas Saulter Oral History Interview Thomas B. Saulter owned T.B. Saulter Tree Service and was hired by the Trumans to remove over ten trees after their return to Independence in the 1950s. Saulter also painted stumps, sprayed for weeds, and cleaned the gutter. Saulter discusses his first meetings with Judge Harry S Truman in downtown Kansas City during the 1930s. Photograph of Thomas Saulter Velma James Simmons Oral History Interview Velma James Simmons was a nurse and companion for Bess W. Truman for sixteen months. Simmons discusses the meals she prepared for Mrs. Truman, the other nurses employed in the Truman Home, and visits by Margaret and Clifton Daniel. Velma James Simmons photograph Christine (Meyer) and David F. Wallace, Jr., Oral History Interviews Christine Wallace, sister-in-law of Bess W. Truman, and her son David F. Wallace, Jr., reveal in detail the inner workings of the extended Wallace family during the 1930s to early 1940s. Photo of Christine Meyer and David F. Wallace, Junior William R. Wagner Oral History Interview William R. Wagner served was a Naval Corpsman who assisted Harry S Truman from 1970 until Truman's death in 1972. Wagner discusses the daily routine, those involved, and the use of the house during his tour of duty in the Truman home in Independence, Missouri. William R. Wagner Dorsy Lou (Compton) Warr Oral History Interview Dorsy Lou (Compton) Warr grew up down the street from the Trumans. Her father Louis "Polly" Compton, a prominent Independence businessman, was a member of Harry S Truman's poker circle and often provided the Trumans with pop and ice cream. Warr relates many stories about growing up in the same neighborhood as a president. Dorsy Lou (Compton) Warr May (Southern) Wallace Oral History Interviews May Wallace, wife of George Wallace and sister-in-law of Harry and Bess Truman, discusses the Wallace and Truman family members. Wallace discusses the Gates family's move to Independence, Madge Gates Wallace's relationship with her family, domestic help and cooking, and Christmas traditions. Photograph of May Wallace Helen Wells Wilson and Bess Wells Paris Oral History Interview As the daughters of William Gates Wells, first cousin of Bess W. Truman, Helen Wells Wilson and Bess Wells Paris grew up within the extended Gates family that stretched from Independence to Platte City and Kansas City, Missouri. The Wells sisters discuss their branch of the family tree in Platte City, Missouri, including their grandmother Maud Louise Gates Wells. Helen Wells Wilson and Bess Wells Paris Palma Wilson Oral History Interview Palma Wilson discusses her years of employment at Harry S Truman NHS first as lead park ranger (1984-1988) and chief ranger (1988-1990) and the development of the interpretive program. Old tape recorder. No photograph available Dr. Benedict K. Zobrist Oral History Interview Dr. Benedict Zobrist was director of the Harry S. Truman Library from 1971-1994. Zobrist worked to develop the library as a research institution. At the request of Margaret Truman Daniel, he directed his staff to complete an inventory of the Truman home in 1981-1982, then oversaw the transfer of the home from the National Archives to the National Park Service after Bess Truman's death in October 1982. Dr. Benedict K. Zobrist Sue Gentry Oral History Interview 1995 Sue Gentry, a resident of Independence since 1924, worked as a reporter and city editor for the Independence Examiner for over sixty years. During much of that time she served as a press liaison for the Trumans. This brief interview discusses the preparations made by the Examiner and the city of Independence for Harry S Truman’s first visit home as president including the ceremonial parade and speechs. Sue Gentry in 1995 Sue Ogden Bailey and Dudley Bailey Oral History Interview Sue Ogden Bailey discusses growing up in Jackson County and spending summers in Independence. Just months older than Margaret Truman Daniel, Bailey describes the Henhouse Hicks, games played by the neighborhood girls, the Wallace/Truman adults’ attitude towards the children, and surrounding neighbors. Combined, Sue Bailey and her husband Dudley, describe the political interaction of Independence and Jackson County. Sue Ogden Bailey in front of her home. Mary Kay Westwood Oral History Interview Mary Kay Westwood was married to Mike Westwood, Harry Truman's personal security attendant. Mrs. Westwood discusses her close relationship with the Trumans during their retirement years. No photograph available Larry Stewart Oral History Interview Larry Stewart, member of the Secret Service's Truman detail, describes the procedures and persons utilized to protect the Trumans. The majority of Stewart's information explains the period from 1977-1981 when he served Bess W. Truman. Larry Stewart Viola Zumault Oral History Interview Viola Zumault became friends with Mary Jane Truman after joining the Order of the Eastern Star. Zumault gives a detailed description of the society and also discusses letters she received from Mary Jane Truman. No photograph available Bo Pike Oral History Interview On May 27, 1955, Margaret Truman hosted Edward R. Murrow's Person to Person and interviewed her parents, former President and Mrs. Harry Truman while they sat in the comfort of their Independence, Missouri home. Bo Pike was then a technician for Kansas City's CBS affiliate and provided technical support for the broadcast. Photograph of Bo Pike Joan Sanders Oral History Interview Joan Sanders was the first Administrative Officer at Harry S Truman National Historic Site. She describes what it was like to build a new national park unit in terms of budgeting, staffing, personnel, and more. Joan Sanders Clifton Truman Daniel Oral History Interview Clifton Truman Daniel, eldest grandson of Harry S Truman and Bess W. Truman discusses holiday and summer visits with his grandparents in Independence, Missouri. Photo of Clifton Truman Daniel Things to Do in Missouri Find things to do, trip ideas, and more in Missouri. Purple flowers bloom on a grass-covered landscape under a partly cloudy sky. Series: Things to Do in the Midwest There is something for everyone in the Midwest. See what makes the Great Plains great. Dip your toes in the continent's inland seas. Learn about Native American heritage and history. Paddle miles of scenic rivers and waterways. Explore the homes of former presidents. From the Civil War to Civil Rights, discover the stories that shape our journey as a nation. Steep bluff with pink sky above and yellow leaves below. Regina P. Jones Underwood Brake Regina Jones-Brake's career with the National Park Service (NPS) began in 1976 with the bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence. Over the next 33 years, her love of American history compelled her to share untold stories as she advanced from park ranger to management assistant. Regina Jones-Underwood pictured outdoors in her NPS uniform. The NPS Wellness Challenge at Harry S Truman National Historic Site! Welcome to your wellness challenge at Harry S Truman National Historic Site! Personal wellness is well within reach if you get out and explore. White Harry S Truman Home, black iron fence Harry Truman and Independence, Missouri: "This is Where I Belong" (Teaching with Historic Places) This lesson is based on the Harry S Truman National Historic Site and the Harry S Truman Historic District, two of the thousands of properties/historic districts listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The Harry S Truman Historic District has been designated a National Historic Landmark. Learn why the life of the 33rd U.S. President serves as an example of civic duty and explore the town that helped form his character. Photo of a large, two-story white house. Plan Like a Park Ranger at Harry S Truman National Historic Site When planning a visit to Harry S Truman National Historic Site, and to the Independence and Kansas City, Missouri, area, you can plan like a Park Ranger to help make your visit safe, memorable, and meaningful. White Victorian House, surrounded by trees, gas lamp post in front. "A Cold and Frosty Affair:" Ike and Truman's Strained Relationship on Inauguration Day, 1953 It is a routine yet special occurrence in American history—one political leader handing over the most powerful office in the land—the Presidency of the United States—to another. In some cases, this transfer is done amongst friends and political allies. In others, it is amongst political rivals. On January 20, 1953, such a transfer of power occurred, when President Harry Truman passed the torch of leadership to incoming President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Dwight Eisenhower and Harry Truman seated in the back of a car waving at crowds. Mrs. Madge Gates Wallace: The Grand Lady of 219 North Delaware Street Mrs. Madge Gates Wallace was the mother of First Lady Bess Wallace Truman, and the mother-in-law of President Harry S Truman. Her parents built what we know today as the Truman Home, and she owned it during her son-in-law's administration. Born a few days before the Battle of Antietam during the Civil War, she died a few days before her son-in-law's administration ended. She was the glue of the family at 219 North Delaware Street. A black and white photograph shows Mrs. Madge Gates Wallace, looking at the camera. Jennifer A. Hayes Oral History Interview Jennifer Hayes was one of the first employees of a new National Park in Independence, Missouri, called Harry S Truman National Historic Site. She tells the wonderful story of our earliest days. Jennifer Hayes, Circa 1984

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