"Snow Lays on the Mountain" by NPS Photo / Katy Hooper , public domain
National Memorial - Arizona
Chiricahua National Monument is a unit of the National Park System located in the Chiricahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona. The monument was established on April 18, 1924, to protect its extensive hoodoos and balancing rocks.
Map of Recreation and Historic Sites on Federal, State and Tribal Land in Arizona. Published by visitarizona.com.
Chiricahua National Monument is a unit of the National Park System located in the Chiricahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona. The monument was established on April 18, 1924, to protect its extensive hoodoos and balancing rocks.
It was a journey of conquest filled with exploration, wonder - and cruelty. Inspired by tales of vast cities of gold, 339 European soldiers and hundreds of Aztec allies embarked on an epic journey through arid deserts and rugged mountains. They encountered rich traditions and brought new technologies. The resulting collision and combination of cultures reverberates today.
From the city of Sierra Vista continue south on Hwy 92 about 20 miles and turn right onto S. Coronado Memorial Drive. Follow Coronado Memorial Drive (it will turn into E Montezuma Canyon Rd) 5 miles to the Visitor Center.
Coronado National Memorial Visitor Center
The visitor center includes in-depth exhibits on the Coronado Expedition of 1540-1542, as well as thorough information about the natural history of the park. There are hands-on displays of 16th century clothing and armor for visitors to try on, and interactive exhibits in English and Spanish. A 14-foot picture window provides visitors with a wonderful opportunity to view and photograph the flora and fauna in a relaxed atmosphere.
From the city of Sierra Vista continue south on Hwy 92 about 20 miles and turn right onto S. Coronado Memorial Drive. Follow Coronado Memorial Drive (it will turn into E Montezuma Canyon Rd) 5 miles to the Visitor Center.
Wildflowers and Montezuma Peak
Agave stalks and wildflowers with mountains in the distance
A field of wildflowers blooms in the grasslands, one of the many life zones in the park
Vermillion Flycatcher
A brilliant red bird in a tree
A great diversity of birds are found in and near Coronado National Memorial
Cave formations of Coronado Cave
Two cavers inspect a series of calcite cave formations
Coronado Cave is a large limestone cavern with cave formations such as stalactites and stalagmites
Sunset From Montezuma Pass
Sun setting over the San Rafael Valley with a cane cholla in the foreground.
Sunsets from Montezuma Pass provide a beautiful opportunity to gaze out into the Sky Islands.
Pink-throated morning glories in the grasslands
Pink morning glories with mountain and grasslands
Each year the pink-throated morning glories bloom during monsoon season in the grasslands
View from the cave trail
Rocky trail along a hillside with a tall stock of a blooming yucca.
View from the Coronado Cave trail.
It’s Alive! Biological Soil Crusts of the Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts
It might come as a surprise to learn that in the sublime expanses of the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts, some of the most interesting life around can be found in the dirt right in front of your feet! Biological soil crusts form a living groundcover that is the foundation of desert plant life.
Soil crust at White Sands National Monument
Fuels Treatments Help Save Homes and Park Buildings from Wildfire
In June 2011, the Monument fire started in Coronado National Memorial, AZ. The fire was suppressed aggressively from time of discovery, but drought conditions made brush and grass extremely flammable. The fire escaped initial attack and spread rapidly. Over 2 weeks, it burned more than 30,000 acres and 84 structures. Fuel reduction treatments completed within the memorial helped save homes and other structures, creating a more fire-adapted community.
Vegetation Mapping at Coronado National Memorial
Vegetation maps tell park managers what’s growing where, and what kinds of habitat occur in a park. This helps them with many planning, resource, and interpretive activities. At Coronado National Memorial, the Sonoran Desert Network mapped 25 different vegetation associations, ranging from dense, non-native grasslands dominated by exotic Lehmann lovegrass to steep expanses of exposed bedrock dominated by mountain mahogany and evergreen sumac.
Map of Coronado NMem with color fields indicating location of different vegetation types
NPS Geodiversity Atlas—Coronado National Memorial, Arizona
Each park-specific page in the NPS Geodiversity Atlas provides basic information on the significant geologic features and processes occurring in the park. Links to products from Baseline Geologic and Soil Resources Inventories provide access to maps and reports.
park landscape
2017 Freeman Tilden Award Recipients
Meet the national and regional winners of the 2017 Freeman Tilden Award; the National Park Service's highest award for excellence in interpretation.
Portrait of Hollie Lynch
Interdisciplinary Personnel Provide Value Support for Wildland Fire Efforts Nationwide
Many of our interdisciplinary agency personnel Servicewide play a key role in supplementing agency fire staff and providing key skill sets for interagency wildland fire efforts nationwide. Personnel from all disciplines – fire management, resource management, visitor and resource protection, administration, facility management, even Superintendents – help support wildland fire activities throughout the year.
Three firefighters standing in a field looking into the smoke and sun from a wildfire.
Monitoring Upland Vegetation and Soils in the Sonoran Desert and Chihuahuan Desert Networks
Vegetation and soils are two of many natural resources monitored by the National Park Service (NPS) Division of Inventory & Monitoring (I&M). Learning about vegetation dynamics helps us to better understand the integrity of ecological processes, productivity trends, and ecosystem interactions that can otherwise be difficult to monitor. In NPS units of the American Southwest, three I&M networks monitor vegetation and soils using the scientific protocol described here.
Quadrat used for biological soil crust sampling
Wildland Fire in Chaparral: California and Southwestern United States
Chaparral is a general term that applies to various types of brushland found in southern California and the southwestern U.S. This community contains the most flammable type of vegetation found in the United States.
Chaparral on steep rocky slopes.
Survey of an endangered bat roost at Coronado National Memorial, Arizona
After installation of bat-compatible steel gates at an abandoned mine, video camcorder surveys of lesser long-nosed bat activity provide valuable insight into management of this species on National Park Service lands.
Lesser long-nosed bats roost in a mine adit alcove. (Credit: Gabrielle Diamond)
Wildland Fire in Ponderosa Pine: Western United States
This forest community generally exists in areas with annual rainfall of 25 inches or less. Extensive pure stands of this forest type are found in the southwestern U.S., central Washington and Oregon, southern Idaho and the Black Hills of South Dakota.
Recently burned ponderosa pine forest.
Native Peoples of the Sonoran Desert: The Nde
The Apache (Inde) people came from as far north as Canada. They split into groups and settled across the American southwest. Although frequently cast as villains due to their historically antagonistic relationship with Spanish and American settlements, Apache people have a rich and varied cultural tradition.
four dancers, painted white, with black face-coverings, dance in front of a crowd
Pollinators - Lesser Long-nosed Bat
Get batty over Lesser Long-nose bats! With tongues as long as their bodies, lesser long-nosed bats (Leptonycteris yerbabuena) are unsung heroes in maintaining fragile desert ecosystems.
A researcher's gloved hand holds a brown Lesser Long-nose bat
Southwest River Environments
In the arid Southwest, water means life, and prehistorically, rivers were the lifelines of the people.
The Colorado River flowing through a canyon
Southern Basin and Range
The Southern Basin and Range is an extension of the Basin and Range Province centered on Nevada and the Great Basin and extending from southern Oregon to western Texas, and into northwest Mexico.
Mountains and Desert in Guadalupe Mountains National Park
National Park Getaway: Coronado National Memorial
Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a Spanish conquistador? Craving an adventure underground? Be ready to learn and explore when you arrive at Coronado National Memorial. The memorial is situated in southeastern Arizona along the US–Mexico border to commemorate and interpret the influence of Francisco Vasquez de Coronado's expedition of 1540–1542.
low mountains over a plain with taller, snowy mountains visible in the distance
Climate Monitoring in the Southern Plains, Sonoran Desert, and Chihuahuan Desert
Climate is one of many ecological indicators monitored by the National Park Service (NPS) Division of Inventory & Monitoring (I&M). Climate data help scientists to understand ecosystem processes and help to explain many of the patterns and trends observed in other natural-resource monitoring. In NPS units of the American Southwest, three I&M networks monitor climate using the scientific protocol described here.
Kayaking across a fl ooded parking lot, Chickasaw NRA, July 2007.
Tortillas de harina (Flour Tortillas)
What exactly are tortillas? How big are they? Of what are they made? How should they be made? These are questions that can spark much discussion and debate, even among tortilla makers themselves. The important thing is that none of this really matters - they are good, as you will be able to assert for yourself when you eat one made fresh by a Tumacácori demonstrator or in your own kitchen.
Tortilla demonstrator in front of Tumacácori mission church
Series: Defining the Southwest
The Southwest has a special place in the American imagination – one filled with canyon lands, cacti, roadrunners, perpetual desert heat, a glaring sun, and the unfolding of history in places like Tombstone and Santa Fe. In the American mind, the Southwest is a place without boundaries – a land with its own style and its own pace – a land that ultimately defies a single definition.
Maize agriculture is one component of a general cultural definition of the Southwest.
Series: Native Peoples of the Sonoran Desert
Who were the original inhabitants of the Sonoran desert and how did they adapt to the world-changing arrival of Spanish colonists?
folklórico dancers with a series of different flags including Arizona and Tohono O'odham
The Heliograph: 2020 Edition
The Heliograph is the newsletter of the Sonoran Desert Network and Desert Research Learning Center. This issue features stories on how we adapted our operations to minimize field work lost to the covid-19 pandemic, vegetation mapping at Saguaro NP, and communication improvements and opportunities for network parks. We also probe the minds of our interns and celebrate a high honor for our program manager.
Person wearing hat and face covering sits near a stream with a bucket and net.
The Heliograph: Summer 2021
The Heliograph is the newsletter of the Sonoran Desert Network and Desert Research Learning Center. This issue shares predictive tools and planning processes that can help park managers make proactive decisions in the face of climate change. We also explore some explanations for this spring's highly unusual saguaro bloom, celebrate our staff members, and provide updates on our monitoring projects.
Saguaro cactus with blooms all over its top
Climate and Water Monitoring at Chiricahua National Monument, Coronado National Memorial, and Fort Bowie National Historic Site: Water Year 2019
In the national parks of Southeast Arizona, desert plants, wildlife, and visitors all depend on reliable water sources. The Sonoran Desert Network monitors climate, springs, and streams at Chiricahua National Monument, Coronado National Memorial, and Fort Bowie National Historic Site. Understanding changes in these closely linked factors helps managers make informed decisions affecting natural resources. Learn about our recent findings.
Green moss grows next to water flowing down a rock face
Changing Patterns of Water Availability May Change Vegetation Composition in US National Parks
Across the US, changes in water availability are altering which plants grow where. These changes are evident at a broad scale. But not all areas experience the same climate in the same way, even within the boundaries of a single national park. A new dataset gives park managers a valuable tool for understanding why vegetation has changed and how it might change in the future under different climate-change scenarios.
Green, orange, and dead grey junipers in red soil, mountains in background
Older Caldera Complexes
The presence of voluminous ash-flow tuffs are one of the main markers for the presence of older caldera complexes. Subsequent erosion and/or volcanic activity can make their caldera walls hard to find. Most of the older caldera complexes in or near national park sites are very large and were of the resurgent type.
photo of hillside with layered rock outcrops
Calderas are large collapse features that can be many miles in diameter. They form during especially large eruptions when the magma chamber is partially emptied, and the ground above it collapses into the momentary void. Crater Lake and Aniakchak Crater are calderas.
photo of oblique aerial view of a volcanic caldera with snow and ice
Series: Volcano Types
Volcanoes vary in size from small cinder cones that stand only a few hundred feet tall to the most massive mountains on earth.
photo of a volcanic mountain with snow and ice
Explosive Calderas
Explosive calderas result from violent eruptions of great quantities of silicic magmas. These eruptions produce massive eruption columns that extend into the stratosphere, and voluminous pyroclastic flows. Eruptions that produce explosive calderas generally range from 6 (Colossal) on the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) to 8 super eruptions (Apocalyptic).
digital oblique aerial image of a volcanic caldera
Pyroclastic Flows and Ignimbrites, and Pyroclastic Surges
Pyroclastic flows and surges are among the most awesome and most destructive of all volcanic phenomena. Pyroclastic flow deposits are found in at least 21 units of the National Park System.
photo of a cloud of ash and dust moving down a mountain side.
eDNA Inventories to Reveal Species Use of Sonoran Desert Network Springs
At nine southwestern parks, Sonoran Desert Network staff are performing environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling. By analyzing the genomes present in a water sample, eDNA sampling allows us to learn which species use a given area without the use of capture, hair snares, or cameras. The results of this inventory will help NPS staff to prioritize springs for monitoring and conservation.
A large tinaja set within bedrock walls
The Heliograph: Summer 2022
The Heliograph is the newsletter of the Sonoran Desert Network and Desert Research Learning Center. In this issue, find out how eDNA inventories may change what we thought we knew about SODN springs. Learn about the new technology that will improve our streams monitoring, and the lasting contributions of our IVIPs to projects across multiple networks. Get caught up on our latest reports and the status of ongoing projects, and find out what’s happening at the DRLC.
Two men at the edge of a marsh. One crouches. The other holds a long metal rod with a disc on top.
Making an Impact: Long-Term Monitoring of Natural Resources at Intermountain Region National Parks, 2021
Across the Intermountain Region, Inventory & Monitoring Division ecologists are helping to track the effects of climate change, provide baseline information for resource management, evaluate new technologies, and inspire the next generation of park stewards. This article highlights accomplishments achieved during fiscal year 2021.
A man looks through binoculars at sunrise.
Testing Treatments for Mitigating Climate-Change Effects on Adobe Structures in the National Parks
In the US Southwest, climate change is making it harder to preserve historic adobe structures for future generations. Using adobe test walls and rainshower simulators, staff at the Desert Research Learning Center are evaluating the potential for increased erosion, and testing the effectiveness of different treatments methods to protect against it. The results will help park managers tailor their preservation methods to better protect culturally valuable resources.
American flag viewed through the remains of an adobe doorway.
A Changing Bimodal Climate Zone Means Changing Vegetation in Western National Parks
When the climate changes enough, the vegetation communities growing in any given place will also change. Under an expanded bimodal climate zone, some plant communities in western national parks are more likely to change than others. National Park Service ecologists and partners investigated the future conditions that may force some of this change. Having this information can help park managers decide whether to resist, direct, or accept the change.
Dark storm clouds and rainbow over mountains and saguaros.
Climate and Water Monitoring at Coronado National Memorial: Water Year 2022
At Coronado National Memorial, desert plants, wildlife, and visitors all depend on reliable water sources. The Sonoran Desert Network monitors climate, groundwater, and springs at the memorial. Understanding changes in these closely linked factors helps managers make informed decisions affecting natural resources. Learn about our recent findings.
View from desert hilltop of another hill with dried grass, mountains in distance.
Lesser Long-nosed Bat Research at Organ Pipe Cactus
Lesser long-nosed bats have been in scientific focus since the late 1900's. These unique animals face different obstacles in their changing environment, but researchers are at work in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, learning more about these bats. Through research here and throughout Central America, scientists are understanding better how to protect these animals and their environment.
A small black lesser long-nosed bat with a black face hovers above a waxy white saguaro flower.
Toad Research in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
Research at Organ Pipe Cactus has seen large monsoons, drought, and the Sonoran Desert’s impact on different species of toad. The aim of this research is to understand which species are present, as well as the geographical reach of the chytrid fungus.
A large dark green-gray Sonoran Desert toad sits in a pool of water.
National Park Service project to build up 'workhorse' native seed stocks for major restoration and revegetation efforts
The National Park Service, with funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, will be able to build up stocks of the native workhorse plant species that can out compete invasive plant species so that native grasses and forbs can grow in previously disturbed areas.
a man kneels next to a bucket collecting seeds in a field
Project Page: Amphibian and Garter Snake Recovery in Southwestern Parks
The American bullfrog is a great threat to aquatic ecosystems in the Southwest. They are voracious predators of aquatic animals and carry diseases that kill native species. We will implement three main actions in this project funded by the Inflation Reduction Act, Invasive Species Grant: bullfrog control, native species recovery and reintroduction, and development of early detection/rapid response protocols for bullfrogs.
One scientist crouching by water and another holding water sampling equipment on a long pole.
Updated Species Database Will Help Boost Amphibian Conservation Across the National Park Service
To steward amphibians effectively, managers need basic information about which species live in parks. But species lists need constant maintenance to remain accurate. Due to recent efforts, the National Park Service now has an up-to-date amphibian species checklist for almost 300 parks. This information can serve as the basis for innumerable conservation efforts across the nation.
A toad sits on red sand, looking into the camera.
Collaboration & Innovation For Ecosystem Restoration in the Southwest
The National Park Service is implementing the restoration of native amphibians in over 20 sensitive wetlands across eight southwestern national parks. However, there's a particular threat (that croaks) that requires the NPS and partners to collaborate and innovate to find solutions.
A bullfrog poking its head above a shallow pond, surrounded by twigs.
Project Profile: Control Bullfrogs and Restore Native Amphibians to Protect Imperiled Wetlands of Southwestern Parks
The National Park Service is implementing the restoration of native amphibians in over 20 sensitive wetlands across eight southwestern national parks - Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Chiricahua National Monument, Coronado National Memorial, Fort Bowie National Historic Site, Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument, Montezuma Castle National Monument, Saguaro National Park, and Tuzigoot National Historical Park.
An American bullfrog closeup.
Project Profile: Produce Seed for Intermountain Grasslands and Restore Intermountain Central Grasslands
The National Park Service will restore grassland ecosystems in select national parks in Arizona and Colorado to advance landscape conservation actions, mitigate the overall loss of these systems, and build a strong core of healthy grasslands to benefit the species and communities who rely on them. The process includes collecting and increase native seed for restoration in central grasslands, supporting the National Seed Strategy.
A tan grassland with trees in the forefront and two mountains in the background.