"On the Trail" by Evans , public domain

Captain John Smith Chesapeake

National Historic Trail - VA,MD,DE,DC,PA,NY

The Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail is a series of water routes in the United States extending approximately 3,000 miles (4,800 km) along the Chesapeake Bay, the nation's largest estuary, and its tributaries in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and in the District of Columbia. The historic routes trace the 1607–1609 voyages of Captain John Smith to chart the land and waterways of the Chesapeake.



Map of the U.S. National Trails System. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).National Park System - National Trails System

Map of the U.S. National Trails System. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Map of the U.S. National Park System. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).National Park System - National Park Units

Map of the U.S. National Park System. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Map of the U.S. National Park System with DOI's Unified Regions. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).National Park System - National Park Units and Regions

Map of the U.S. National Park System with DOI's Unified Regions. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Map of the U.S. National Heritage Areas. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).National Park System - National Heritage Areas

Map of the U.S. National Heritage Areas. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Bicycle Map of Virginia. Published by the Virginia Department of Transportation.Virginia State - Virginia State Bicycle Map

Bicycle Map of Virginia. Published by the Virginia Department of Transportation.

https://www.nps.gov/cajo/index.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitol_Hill_Parks The Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail is a series of water routes in the United States extending approximately 3,000 miles (4,800 km) along the Chesapeake Bay, the nation's largest estuary, and its tributaries in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and in the District of Columbia. The historic routes trace the 1607–1609 voyages of Captain John Smith to chart the land and waterways of the Chesapeake. People first arrived in the Chesapeake Bay during the last ice age. As glaciers melted, diverse societies learned to thrive in a world of water. When Englishman Captain John Smith explored the Bay in 1608, he documented hundreds of American Indian communities. Today, sites on his map are archeological treasures and sacred sites for tribal citizens. Come join us on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay! The water trail is 3,000 miles long and there are countless places to explore it. The trail's headquarters and main visitor center is at Colonial National Historical Park - Historic Jamestowne. For an internet map search or GPS, use the following: Historic Jamestowne Visitor Center, 1368 Colonial Parkway, Jamestown, Virginia 23081. Historic Jamestowne - Trail Headquarters The trail shares a headquarters with Historic Jamestowne, an historic site and visitors center managed by Colonial National Historical Park. Visitors to this coastal Virginia island can explore the site where English colonists built their first successful settlement. Jamestown was the starting point of John Smith's voyages, which form the basis for the trail's route today. Take in the natural beauty of the James River, bike around the loop road, go on a guided tour, and more. For a google map search or GPS, use the following address: 1368 Colonial Parkway, Jamestown, Virginia 23081. Zimmerman Center for Heritage The Zimmerman Center for Heritage sits on the banks of the Susquehanna River and is part of the Susquehanna National Heritage Area. The Susquehanna River has long been a gateway to exploration and a corridor of culture and commerce. As rich in history as it is in breathtaking scenery, spectacular wildlife and soul restoring recreation, the river is a place for experiencing the stories of America. The Zimmerman Center for Heritage is located on the west bank of the Susquehanna River, just south of Wrightsville, PA and east of York, PA. Heron at sunset at Blackwater NWR A heron at sunset in the waters and marshes of Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge Many people visit Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge to spot birds, like this heron, that rely the natural resources of the landscape. Living History at Jamestown Settlement A re-created American Indian town. At Jamestown Settlement, trail visitors can view yihakan, the houses seen pictured here, which are constructed from saplings and reed mats. Cypress Trees Chickahominy River Many baldcypress trees standing in the Chickahominy River Some scenes - like this one of cypress trees in the Chickahominy River - look similar to what Captain John Smith would have seen 400 years ago. Kayaker at Jug Bay A lone kayaker explores the Patuxent River The upper reaches of the Patuxent River at Jug Bay give visitors a view of the Chesapeake region that feels similar to a time before European settlement. Susquehanna River view from Zimmerman Center A view of the Susquehanna River and the boat dock at Zimmerman Center for Heritage Visitors can use the dock at Zimmerman Center for Heritage to launch canoes and kayaks onto the beautiful Susquehanna River in south central Pennsylvania. New Paddling Resource for the Susquehanna River The Susquehanna River is the main water source into the 18 trillion gallon Chesapeake Bay, supplying 19 million gallons of fresh water every minute. This beautiful river spans across three states – New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland - and more than 45,000 total miles of waterways. There’s no shortage of places to explore on the Susquehanna, but how do you know where to start? Lower Susquehanna River that shows blue water and lush, green fields in the background. Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail e-Newsletter Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail, WARO quarterly e-newsletter Communities Celebrate Designation of Susquehanna NHA Separated by the vast Susquehanna River, residents of York and Lancaster Counties in Pennsylvania are known for having a (mostly friendly) rivalry. But neither river nor rivalry stopped locals from joining state and national representatives to celebrate the creation of the Susquehanna National Heritage Area (NHA) and their shared history, culture, and natural landscapes. Leaves and the stone arches of the Wrightsville-Columbia Bridge across the Susquehanna River Online Activity: Map a Cultural Landscape A “cultural landscape” is a place that is important to a person or group of people. Cultural landscapes have stories to tell about the people who lived there. In this activity, you will become a historian by making a cultural landscape map for a loved one. Interview someone about the neighborhoods they have lived in and make a map that tells their story. Map of a neighborhood with red pins Indigenous Artistry: Debra Martin Debra Martin is a citizen of the Pamunkey Indian Tribe, whose reservation is located in King William, Virginia. Martin makes pottery, beadwork, and quilting. She is also the Assistant Director of the Pamunkey Indian Museum and a councilperson in the tribe's government. Her pottery draws on traditional techniques and natural motifs. Portrait of Debra Martin in front of a building. Indigenous Artistry: Mario Harley Mario Harley is an artisan from the Piscataway Conoy tribe, located in what is now Maryland. He uses a variety of natural materials, such as feathers, porcupine quills, birch bark, and sweet grass, in his artwork. His designs are made with Native dancers in mind. Portrait of Mario Harley inside a house. Indigenous Artistry: Leonard Harmon Leonard Harmon is a citizen of the Lenape Tribe of New Jersey and the Nanticoke Tribe of Delaware. In his artwork, Harmon blends the traditional with the modern, infusing bright colors into the regalia he designs. He also uses beads made from wampum, the purple and white shell of the quahog or hard clam. The Lenape people were considered the keepers of the white wampum beads. Portrait of Leonard Harmon at the beach. Indigenous Artistry: Ethan Brown Ethan Brown is an artist from the Pamunkey Indian Tribe located in King William, Virginia. His painted gourds reflect scenes from tribal life and culture. In addition, Brown is a film maker, sculptor, painter, and potter. Artist Ethan Brown at work on his gourd paintings. Deep History & Archeological Periods Paleoindian peoples first arrived in the Chesapeake Bay watershed over 15,000 years ago. Since, Native peoples have thrived here, benefiting from the plentiful resources of the Bay. Three pipes from an archeological site. From Contact to Present: Indigenous Chesapeake This timeline provides an overview of major historical events affecting the Chesapeake's Indigenous peoples since the time of European arrival. Beginning with the first interactions with Spanish explorers in the late 1500s and concluding in the present day, this timeline describes some of the major impacts of colonization on the Chesapeake's Indigenous communities. A man in a suit and hat stands next to a river with rowboat and fishing net. Life in the Indigenous Chesapeake Prior to English settlement in the Chesapeake, indigenous cultures did more than simply “live off the land.” Native societies were sophisticated, with unique languages, religions, economies, political systems, and traditions. An illustration showing American Indians fishing using various techniques. A Tapestry of Nations The Chesapeake Bay watershed was home to several tributary networks of tribes organized around paramount leaders and operating on a gift-giving economy. An illustration of an Indigenous town showing fields and homes. Sew an American Shad Sew your own American Shad! The American Shad is one of the many fish species that migrates from the Atlantic Ocean up the rivers of the Chesapeake Bay to spawn each year. This silvery, iridescent swimmer has been called the fish that feeds the Atlantic. Indeed, it was historically a meal often enjoyed by American Indians and colonists that is still prized by anglers today. Make a shad of your very own with our first ever sewing pattern! Stuffed animal fish sitting on a beach. John Smith’s Writings Captain John Smith's writings offer an eyewitness account of the Chesapeake Bay in 1608. They describe his explorations in detail, recounting where he went, what he saw, and the people he met. His journals, published in 1612, introduced the English to the Chesapeake region and triggered a wave of colonization. Illustration of a sailing ship and text from the title page of a book. Colonialism: John Smith in Context During this period, several European nations sought to increase their wealth and power by taking control of trade routes and areas rich in natural resources. Captain John Smith's voyages throughout the Chesapeake Bay in 1608 were part of England's endeavor to establish a colony in the Americas. A royal seal featuring heraldry and a crown stamped on a map. A Closer Look: John Smith's Chesapeake Voyages In the summer of 1608, Captain John Smith set out on two exploratory voyages that covered thousands of miles of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. The information he recorded about Indigenous peoples and the landscape introduced the region to those in England hoping to expand the colony. A replica English barge sailing in a river beside cliffs. Captain John Smith's Shallop John Smith and his crew used a boat called a "shallop" to explore the Chesapeake Bay in the summer of 1608. In the Chesapeake Bay's shallow, unpredictable waters, the versatility of a shallop was essential. Illustration of John Smith's shallop, a row boat with a single mast. Colonial Maps of the Chesapeake Mapmaking was a crucial part of European colonial ventures. Early explorers in the Chesapeake created maps of the Bay and its rivers that were used by the English as they made their first settlements in the region. A crudely drawn sketch mapping the York River at the town of Werowocomoco John Smith's Map of Virginia: A Closer Look Captain John Smith's map was the first accurate and widely distributed map of the Chesapeake Bay region. Here, we give an overview of this fascinating document and take a closer look at some of the map's details and illustrations. A compass rose on an old map Mapping the Chesapeake: Cartography in the 1600s Cartography is the science of drawing maps. Learn about the tools and techniques John Smith used to produce his map of the Chesapeake Bay. A quadrant, a triangular metal tool used for measuring latitude. Chesapeake Bay Yoga Simply being outdoors is a fantastic way to promote health and wellness. If you're looking for a way to deepen your connection to both nature and your body, why not try out these Chesapeake Bay-inspired yoga poses? A person in lotus pose with lotus flowers in a pond in the background. Gourd Art: Telling Stories From Powhatan Culture Artist Ethan Brown of the Pamunkey Indian Tribe creates works of gourd art which tell stories from his Tribe. Let's look at three of his artworks and learn about the history and culture of Virginia Indian Tribes! "[Art] is a way to examine everything that has been written in the historical record, to take the stories I know from my community,...to dream and use intuition, and then through art to make new connections." Three gourds painted and carved on display outside on a tablecloth The Racial Integrity Act, 1924: An Attack on Indigenous Identity The Racial Integrity Act of 1924 banned interracial marriage in Virginia. It also required Virginians to register their race as either "white" or "colored." One of the many consequences of this discriminatory policy was the erasure of the Indigenous identity from public records. To this day, Indigenous people in Virginia have difficulty tracing their lineage due to this century-old policy. Walter Plecker sits in an office at a desk covered in files. Reflecting on 55 years of the National Trails System Act: A Journey Through the Establishment of National Scenic and Historic Trails In celebration of the 55th anniversary of the National Trails System Act, learn more about these significant trails and their history. A Story Written on the Land: Recovering the Site of Werowocomoco A brief history of Werowocomoco, its recovery by archeologists, and its entry into the National Park Service. Archeologists excavating a unit in a grassy field. Exploring the Delta of the Appomattox River The Appomattox River is rich with history, ecology, and local culture. Immerse yourself in the past and learn about how the local area was colonized and industrialized, and how the area is now moving towards restoration. See wildlife, go kayaking, and explore culturally abundant cities in the Appomattox delta. The Appomattox River with a modern bridge spanning it. Stepping Back in Time at Henricus Historical Park Everyone in the family can have a hands on learning experience at Henricus Historical Park. Delve into history with on site interpreters or just enjoy nature through walking trails and picnic areas. Two children looking at an American Indian dugout canoe. Exploring History at Historic Sotterley Below the manor house, on the long sloping field that ends at the river, is a one-room cabin with a steeply sloped roof. It's the last standing slave quarters on the southern Maryland plantation known as Sotterley. A plantation house. Paddle Back in Time with Captain John Smith The Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail, which runs for 3,000 miles up the Bay and its great rivers, is a charted course and history lesson wrapped together. It commemorates John Smith's explorations of the Bay from 1607 to 1609 and his encounters with the Indians who had lived here for centuries. Exploring Tangier Island It is a beautiful place, and all the more so when you realize how fragile and threatened it is. Just 12 miles from Crisfield, MD, and 14 from Reedville, VA, Tangier Island once included eight villages and 1,200 residents; three villages and 450 people remain, and they are all on the main island. Today, Tangier Island is one mile wide and three miles long. Marsh intersperses the few open fields, and yards take on water at high tide. Kayakers on the water. Exploring Mathews County, Virginia Thirty miles up from the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay, the passage between the Bay’s Eastern and Western shores is a scant 12 miles. Though the water depths reach more than 50 feet in the main channel, Wolf Trap Shoals ripple out from Virginia’s western shore off Mathews County. A kayaker on the water. Feast on Slices of Natural and Agricultural History at Chippokes Plantation State Park If you take the College Run Trail at Chippokes Plantation State Park, you will reach a stretch of the James River that still looks much as it did when the Jamestown settlers encountered the Native Americans here. Cypress trees by a body of water. Changes Slow & Seasonal - The Northern Neck of Virginia Discover the Northern Neck of Virginia, where history and nature intertwine. Explore landscapes once home to American Indians, founding fathers, and watermen. Paddle pristine waterways, hunt for fossils at Westmoreland State Park, or uncover the past at Menokin. With scenic byways, rich heritage, and stunning shorelines, this region invites you to connect with the stories of those who shaped the Chesapeake Bay. Person pulling a fishing net with a fish on a boat.
Chesapeake Bay Office National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior A BOATER’S GUIDE TO THE CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH CHESAPEAKE NATIONAL HISTORIC TRAIL BY JOHN PAGE WILLIAMS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE CHESAPEAKE CONSERVANCY and the CHESAPEAKE BAY FOUNDATION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PROJECT PARTNERS NATIONAL PARK SERVICE CHESAPEAKE BAY OFFICE National Park Service Chesapeake Bay Office (CHBA) leads National Park Service efforts to connect people to the natural and cultural heritage of the Chesapeake region. CHBA administers the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network, the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail, and the Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail. CHBA is a federal partner in the multistate and federal Chesapeake Bay Program and has a leadership role in the federal coordinated Strategy for Protecting and Restoring the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, in response to Executive Order 13508, issued in 2009. To learn more about National Park Service initiatives for the Chesapeake Bay and the best places to experience the authentic Chesapeake, start with online visits to the following websites: Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network www.baygateways.net Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail www.smithtrail.net Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail www.nps.gov/stsp CHESAPEAKE CONSERVANCY The Chesapeake Conservancy is dedicated to ensuring conservation, stewardship and access for the Chesapeake Bay, its lands and rivers. The Conservancy was created out of a merger between the Friends of the John Smith Chesapeake Trail and Friends of Chesapeake Gateways. The Chesapeake Conservancy works toward three strategic goals: • To realize the full potential of the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail and the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network, and coordinate with other Chesapeake Bay trails to promote recreation and tourism along with education about the Bay and its waterways • To generate and direct public and private financial and technical resources to conserve the Bay’s significant landscapes and expand public access • To advance the establishment of new conservation, recreation and public access corridor designations on the Chesapeake. To learn more about the Chesapeake Conservancy’s programs, visit www.chesapeakeconservancy.org, contact info@chesapeakeconservancy.org, or call 443-321-3610. CHESAPEAKE BAY FOUNDATION The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) was one of the founding supporters for the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail. CBF is the largest privately funded, nonprofit organization dedicated solely to protecting and restoring the Chesapeake Bay. The Foundation offers a wide range of educational, advocacy, and stewardship programs. The Chesapeake Bay Foundation has adopted Captain John Smith’s descriptions of the Chesapeake in the early 1600s as a baseline for measuring a rich and balanced Bay. CBF provides an annual State of the Bay report comparing the current health of the Bay to that baseline. Contact the Chesapeake Bay Foundation at webadmin@cbf.org or 410-268-8816. Visit the foundation online at www.cbf.org. i About the Guide A Boater’s Guide to the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail is a joint project of the National Park Service Chesapeake Bay Office, the Chesapeake Conservancy, and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. As the first guide to America’s first national water trail, this publication introduces paddlers and boaters to the best places to access the trail. Author John Page Williams expertly weaves practical information for today’s boaters with the historical context of the Chesapeake’s waters explored by Captain John Smith four centuries ago. The Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail was designated as part of the National Trails System in 2006. The National Park Service completed a comprehensive management plan in 2011 for the development of the trail. While this Boater’s Guide describes many places where boaters can access and explore the trail now, many more access areas and facilities will be added as trail development continues. For this reason, the Boater’s Guide is an online publication, designed to be updated as new information becomes available. The National Park Service acknowledges with appreciation the contributions of the Chesapeake Conservancy and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation as partners in creating this first Boater’s Guide to the Smith trail. We appreciate also the reviewers who gave feedback to improve the Guide. While we have endeavored to provide accurate current information at the time of publication, trailhead details, in particular, are subject to change. We encourage users of this Guide to verify contact information as they prepare for their travels along the trail. We also invite users of the Guide to notify the author of changes and new information to be considered for future editions. He can be reached by e-mail at jpwilliams@cbf.org.

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