by Alex Gugel , all rights reserved


Reptiles and Amphibians

brochure Zion - Reptiles and Amphibians

Brochure of Reptiles and Amphibians at Zion National Park (NP) in Utah. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

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National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Zion Zion National Park Reptiles and Amphibians Terrestrial Gartersnake and Canyon Treefrog Key to this guide Measurements: Measurements are from snout to vent for amphibians and lizards (tail length not included). † Threatened or endangered species. Western Chuckwalla Amphibians Tiger Salamander - Ambystoma tigrinum: 3-6.5” large stocky salamander. Yellow to dark olive spots/ blotches with irregular edges on dark ground color. Great Basin Spadefoot - Spea intermontanus: 1.5-2.5” hourglass marking of gray or olive on back set off by ash-gray streaks. Pupils are vertical. Spade on hind foot wedge-shaped. Arizona Toad - Bufo microscaphus: 2-3.25” green-gray, brown colored with light V-shaped stripe across head. Warts red to brown (also called Southwestern Toad). Red-spotted Toad - Bufo punctatus: 1.5-3” small toad with flattened head and pointed snout; Light gray to reddish brown with red/orange warts. Woodhouse’s Toad - Bufo woodhousii: 1.25-5” gray, brown, or olive above with whitish dorsal stripe down middle of back; warts light. Unconfirmed native - Please report sightings; photos helpful. Canyon Treefrog - Hyla arenicolor: 1.25-2.25”; brown, gray, or olive frog, normally without eyestripe; very faint pattern of dark patches on back. Suction discs on toes. Northern Leopard Frog - Rana pipiens: 2-4.4”; greenish/brown frog with well defined rounded pale bordered, dark spots; white stripe on upper jaw. Canyon Treefrog Lizards Collared Lizard Snakes Great Basin Gopher Snake Tortoise Western Banded Gecko - Coleonyx variegatus: 2-3”; fragile appearance, large eyes with vertical pupils, cream colored with dark crossbands. Common Chuckwalla - Sauromalus ater: 5.5-8”; large, flat, dark bodied. Loose folds of skin on neck and sides; may have dark or light cross bands on body; blunt tail with broad base. Great Basin Collared Lizard - Crotaphytus bicinctores: 3-4.25”; tail up to twice the length of the body; two black bands on shoulder and neck; overall color is olive-brown to green. Long-nosed Leopard Lizard - Gambelia wislizenii: 3.25-5.75”; gray-brown color with dusky brown spots; whitish lines across back and tail. Gravid (pregnant) females have bright orange spots. Zebra-tailed Lizard - Callisaurus draconoides: 2.5-4”; ear openings present. Underside of tail with black bars. Belly markings at midpoint of body. Desert Spiny Lizard - Sceloporus magister: 3.255.5”; stout, strong looking lizard; gray to brown mottled with yellow, green, brown, and metallic blue; black shoulder markings. Plateau Lizard - Sceloporus tristichus: 1.6-3.25”; Plain gray to brown with yellow to green blotches; may be some blue on throat. One of the most frequently seen lizards in Zion. (Note: taxonomy is unstable; sometimes listed as a subspecies of Sceloporus elongatus.) Common Sagebrush Lizard - Sceloporus graciosus: 1.8-2.6”; very similar to plateau lizard but slightly smaller and darker. Side-blotched Lizard - Uta stansburiana: 1.5-2.3”; overall gray to brown color with black “armpit.” In spring, males with variable flecking on sides and back. Ornate Tree Lizard - Urosaurus ornatus: 1.52.25”; gray to brown overall with strip of enlarged scales down center of back. Desert Horned Lizard - Phrynosoma platyrhinos: 2.5-3.75”; similar to short-horned but has long head spines and is found at low elevations. Greater Short-horned Lizard - Phrynosoma hernandesi: 1.75-4.25”; broad, flat body; short tail; short horns or spine on back of head; irregular dark and light markings; high elevation. Western Skink - Eumeces skiltonianus: 2.1-3.75”; body long and rounded; shiny appearance; body cream to light brown with dark stripe down each side and lighter stripe down back; tail bright blue in young, fading with age. Plateau Spotted Whiptail - Cnemidophorus innotatus: 2.5-3.5”; slender body; tail about twice the length of the body; well defined dark and light stripes down back. Western Whiptail - Cnemidophorus tigris: 2.254.5”; very long and streamlined; generally gray to brown with mottled black or brown blotches on back and sides; adults with orange tent on lower back and base of tail; tail about twice the length of the body. Gila Monster - Heloderma suspectum: 9-14”; swollen, dorsal bead-like tail. Gaudy pattern of pink, black, orange, and yellow. Ring-necked Snake - Diadophis punctatus: 8-30”; olive above; yellow-orange below; no ring around neck. Coachwhip - Masticophis flagellum: 36-72”; slender; pinkish (may be tan/light brown) with faint crossbands down back, those on neck much darker. Striped Whipsnake - Masticophis taeniatus: 36-72”; slender; black to brown back with four narrow stripes running length of body. Western Patch-nosed Snake - Salvadora hexalepis: 20-46”; light tan/ground colored with wide brown-black stripe running length of each side. Gophersnake - Pituophis catenifer: 36-72”; yellow-gray to red-brown; dark brown-black blotches down back; dark line from eye to eye. Common Kingsnake - Lampropeltis getula: 30-60”; black and white bands circle entire length of snake. Sonoran Mountain Kingsnake - Lampropeltis pyromelana: 18-41”; black, cream, and coral-pink bands down length of body; thin band of blackcream-black separates each pink band. Terrestrial Gartersnake - Thamnophis elegans: 18-30”; gray-green overall with light yellow lines along top and each side. Groundsnake - Sonora semiannulata: 8-18”; red and black bands on back fade into yellow sides. Smith’s Black-headed Snake - Tantilla hobartsmithi: 5.5-15”; plain brown or beige above with dark brown or black head. Unconfirmed resident; report sightings, photos helpful. Western Lyresnake - Trimorphodon biscutatus: 18-47.75”; gray with brown blotches edged in black on upperparts; lyre-shaped pattern on top of head. Nightsnake - Hypsiglena torquata: 12-26”; gray to tan with brown spots on back and dark blotch on each side of neck. Western Rattlesnake - Crotalus oreganus: 15-65”; generally gray to brown with dark hexagonal patches down back; wide, flat head and rattle on tail. † Desert Tortoise - Gopherus agassizii: 8-15”; high domed shell with prominent growth lines on shields; elephant-like limbs. Desert Tortoise EXPERIENCE YOUR AMERICA™ printed on recycled paper with soyink 4/09

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