by Alex Gugel , all rights reserved



brochure Zion - Mammals

Brochure of Mammals at Zion National Park (NP) in Utah. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

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National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Zion Zion National Park Mammals Encountering Wildlife Key to this guide Bats (Chiroptera) What wildlife will you see today? Watching animals in their natural environment is one reason we come to national parks. Free-roaming animals contribute to the wildness and uniqueness of Zion National Park. But, we must remember that this is their one and only home. Please treat them with the respect they deserve. Enjoy them from a distance. Animals will protect themselves, their territory, and their young if you get too close. Deer may kick suddenly and cause serious injuries. Turkeys can run at people and hop on cars. Even though it may seem harmless, feeding wild animals causes many problems. Squirrels will bite and carry diseases. Human food often makes animals sick and can even kill them. Most sadly, animals that are fed become less wild, and then something significant has been lost, possibly forever. Abundant: May be seen daily, in suitable habitat and season, and in relatively large numbers. Common: May be seen daily, in suitable habitat and season, but not in large numbers. Uncommon: Likely to be seen monthly in appropriate season and habitat. May be common locally. Rare: Present but seldom observed, usually only seen a few times each year. Unconfirmed: Reports of these species in the park are unconfirmed. Please report sightings with location/date/time, to the visitor center. Photos and GPS coordinates (with datum) are preferred. California Myotis - Myotis californicus: Uncommon, lower elevations. Western Small-footed Myotis - Myotis ciliolabrum: Uncommon, higher elevations. Long-eared Myotis - Myotis evotis: Uncommon, parkwide. Fringed Myotis - Myotis thysanodes: Uncommon, parkwide. Long-legged Myotis - Myotis volans: Uncommon, parkwide. Yuma Myotis - Myotis yumanensis: Uncommon, parkwide, near water. Western Red Bat - Lasiurus blossevillii: Uncommon, migrant, wooded areas. Hoary Bat - Lasiurus cinereus: Uncommon, migrant, wooded areas. Silver-haired Bat - Lasionycteris noctivagans: Uncommon, higher elevations. Viewing wildlife is often best in the morning and evening hours. In Zion’s hot, desert climate many animals are nocturnal or avoid the heat of the day. Slow down, be patient and don’t forget to listen — enjoy your wildlife encounters! Western Pipistrelle - Pipistrellus hesperus: Uncommon, lower elevations. Big Brown Bat - Eptesicus fuscus: Uncommon, lower elevations. Spotted Bat - Euderma maculatum: Uncommon, parkwide. Townsend’s Big-eared Bat - Corynorhinus townsendii: Uncommon, in canyons. Allen’s Big-eared Bat - Idionycteris phyllotis: Uncommon, likely to occur in forested areas. Pallid Bat - Antrozous pallidus: Uncommon, in canyons, lower elevations. Brazilian Free-tailed Bat - Tadarida brasiliensis: Uncommon, canyons to low desert. Big Free-tailed Bat - Nyctinomops macrotis: Uncommon, canyons. Western Red Bat Pika, Rabbits, and Hares (Lagomorpha) American Pika - Ochotona princeps: Rare, high elevation talus. Desert Cottontail - Sylvilagus audubonii: Common, below 5,000 ft elevation. Mountain Cottontail - Sylvilagus nuttallii: Uncommon, above 5,000 ft elevation. Black-tailed Jackrabbit - Lepus californicus: Uncommon, parkwide. Black-tailed Jackrabbit Rodents (Rodentia) Cliff Chipmunk - Neotamias dorsalis: Uncommon, middle elevations, near cliffs. Least Chipmunk - Neotamias minimus: Uncommon, on plateau in shrubby areas. Uinta Chipmunk - Neotamias umbrinus: Uncommon, on plateau in pine-fir zone. Yellow-bellied Marmot - Marmota flaviventris: Uncommon, middle and upper elevations. White-tailed Antelope Squirrel - Ammospermophilus leucurus: Uncommon, lower elevations. Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel Spermophilus lateralis: Uncommon, higher elevations. Rock Squirrel - Spermophilus variegatus: Common, rocky areas, parkwide. Red Squirrel - Tamiasciurus hudsonicus: Uncommon, on plateau in pine-fir zone. Northern Flying Squirrel - Glaucomys sabrinus: Uncommon, higher elevations. Botta’s Pocket Gopher - Thomomys bottae: Uncommon, canyons and lower elevations. Northern Pocket Gopher - Thomomys talpoides: Uncommon, upper elevations. Great Basin Pocket Mouse - Perognathus parvus: Uncommon, middle and upper elevations. Little Pocket Mouse - Perognathus longimembris: Unconfirmed, mid to high elevations. Report sightings; photos helpful. Long-tailed Pocket Mouse - Chaetodipus formosus: Uncommon, lower elevations. Merriam’s Kangaroo Rat - Dipodomys merriami: Uncommon, sandy areas, lower elevations. Chisel-toothed Kangaroo Rat - Dipodomys microps: Unconfirmed, sandy areas, lower elevations. Report sightings; photos helpful. Ord’s Kangaroo Rat - Dipodomys ordii: Uncommon, sandy areas, middle elevations. American Beaver - Castor canadensis: Uncommon, along water courses. Report sightings; photos helpful. Western Harvest Mouse - Reithrodontomys megalotis: Uncommon, parkwide. Brush Mouse - Peromyscus boylii: Uncommon, low and middle elevations. Canyon Mouse - Peromyscus crinitus: Uncommon, low and middle elevations. Cactus Mouse - Peromyscus eremicus: Uncommon, low and middle elevations. Deer Mouse - Peromyscus maniculatus: Unommon, parkwide. Piñon Mouse - Peromyscus truei: Uncommon, piñon-juniper zone. Northern Grasshopper Mouse - Onychomys leucogaster: Uncommon, middle elevations. Southern Grasshopper Mouse - Onychomys torridus: Uncommon, lower elevations. Bushy-tailed Woodrat - Neotoma cinerea: Uncommon, rocky areas. Desert Woodrat - Neotoma lepida: Uncommon, low and middle elevations. House Mouse - Mus musculus: Uncommon, buildings. Non-native. Gerbil - Meriones unguiculatus: Uncommon, Non-native. Report sightings; photos helpful. Long-tailed Vole - Microtus longicadus: Uncommon, grassy areas, upper elevations. Montane Vole - Microtus montanus: Uncommon, grassy areas, upper elevations. Common Muskrat - Ondatra zibethicus: Uncommon, along water courses in Zion Canyon. North American Porcupine - Erethizon dorsatum: Uncommon, parkwide. Shrews (Insectivora) Merriam’s Shrew - Sorex merriami: Unconfirmed, may occur in arid areas. Montane Shrew - Sorex monticolus: Uncommon, higher elevations. American Water Shrew - Sorex palustris: Uncommon, along streams in canyons. Crawford’s Desert Shrew - Notiosorex crawfordi: Uncommon, lower regions of Zion Canyon. Carnivores (Carnivora) Coyote - Canis latrans: Uncommon, parkwide. Kit Fox - Vulpes macrotis: Unconfirmed, lower elevations. Report sightings; photos helpful. Red Fox - Vulpes vulpes: Rare, parkwide. Gray Fox- Urocyon cinereoargenteus: Uncommon, low and middle elevations. American Black Bear - Ursus americanus: Rare migrant, high country. Please report sightings. Ermine - Mustela erminea: Uncommon, high elevations. Report sightings; photos helpful. Ringtail - Bassariscus astutus: Common, parkwide. Northern Raccoon - Procyon lotor: Uncommon, lower elevations. Report sightings; photos helpful. Long-tailed Weasel - Mustela frenata: Uncommon, parkwide. American Badger - Taxidea taxus: Rare, parkwide. Western Spotted Skunk - Spilogale gracilis: Uncommon, rocky areas, lower elevations. Striped Skunk - Mephitis mephitis: Uncommon, parkwide. Mountain Lion - Puma concolor: Uncommon, parkwide. Please report sightings. Bobcat - Lynx rufus: Uncommon, parkwide. Even-toed Ungulates (Artiodactyla) Elk - Cervus canadensis: Uncommon, higher elevations. Mule Deer - Odocoileus hemionus: Common, parkwide. Bighorn Sheep - Ovis canadensis: Uncommon, east side on steep rocky areas. Reintroduced. Please report sightings and location. Common Porcupine Bighorn Sheep EXPERIENCE YOUR AMERICA™ printed on recycled paper with soyink 4/09

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