Yellowstone Handbook 2019Fire |
Yellowstone Resources and Issues Handbook. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
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Fire has been a key factor in shaping the ecology of
the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Native plant
species evolved adaptations so they survive and, in
some cases, flourish after periodic fires. Fire influences ecosystem processes and patterns, such as
nutrient cycling and plant community composition
and structure. Fire regimes in the western United
States changed with the arrival of European and
American settlers, whose livestock removed grassy
fuels that carried fires and whose roads fragmented
the continuity of fire-carrying fuels. Most naturally
occurring fires were suppressed to the extent possible. The National Park Service aims to restore fire’s
role as a natural process in parks when and where
this is feasible.
Lightning may ignite dozens of forest fires during
a single summer, but most of them go out naturally
after burning less than half an acre. Others torch
isolated or small groups of trees, become smoldering ground fires, and eventually go out on their own.
On rare occasions, wind-driven fires have burned
through large areas of forest, as in 1988, when
multiple fires crossed more than one million acres
in Yellowstone and on surrounding federal lands
despite massive efforts to extinguish them. Without
frequent small and occasional large fires to create
a mosaic of plant communities in different growth
stages, biodiversity declines and leaf litter and deadfall accumulate much faster than they can return
nutrients to the soil through decay.
How does fire benefit Yellowstone?
Fires are a natural part of the Greater Yellowstone
Ecosystem. Vegetation has adapted to fire and, in some
cases, may be dependent on it. Fire promotes habitat
diversity by removing the forest overstory, allowing
different plant communities to become established, and
preventing trees from becoming established in grassland.
Fire increases the rate that nutrients become available to
plants by rapidly releasing them from wood and forest
litter and by hastening the weathering of soil minerals.
This is especially important in a cold and dry climate like
Yellowstone’s, where decomposition rates are slower than
in more hot and humid areas. Additionally, natural fires
provide an opportunity for scientists to study the effects of
fire on an ecosystem.
Why aren’t burned trees removed?
Burned trees and those that have died for other reasons
still contribute to the ecosystem. For example, dead
standing trees provide nesting cavities for many types of
animals; fallen trees provide food and shelter for animals
and nutrients for the soil. However, park managers will
remove dead or burned trees that pose safety hazards
along roads or in developed areas.
Evidence of fires that burned before the park
was established in 1872 can be found in soil profiles,
charcoal found in lake sediments, landslides, and
old-growth trees. Research shows large fires have
been occurring in Yellowstone since forests became
established following the last glacial retreat 14,000
years ago. Yellowstone’s fire season typically lasts
Greater Yellowstone is a fire-adapted ecosystem. Smoke may be visible from ongoing fires during the fire season,
typically mid-June through September.
from July to the end of September. The number and
extent of fires that occur each year depend on climate and what efforts are made to suppress the fires,
as well as weather conditions such as the number and
timing of lightning storms and the amount and timing
of precipitation.
1988 and again since
Burned areas in Yellowstone from 1988 to 2018. Until
2016, the large fires of the 2000s were burning in areas
largely unaffected by the 1988 fires. In 2016 alone,
42,425 acres burned in 1988 fire scars.
Afternoon thunderstorms that release little precipitation occur frequently in the northern Rockies.
Yellowstone receives thousands of lightning strikes
in a typical summer, but most do not result in fires. A
snag may smolder for several days and then burn out
because fuels are too moist to sustain combustion or
too sparse to permit the fire to spread. The park’s forests have few shrubs; understory fuels are predominantly young trees. The moisture content of both live
and dead vegetation tends to drop as summer progresses, temperatures increase, and relative humidity
decreases. Fuels have often dried out enough to ignite
the first wildfire of the year by mid-July.
A forested area that has burned recently enough
to contain only young stands of trees usually doesn’t
have enough combustible fuel to carry a fire, except
under extreme climate conditions. But as the years
pass, trees that don’t survive the competition for light
and other resources die and eventually fall over. On
living trees, older branches die and fall off as they
are shaded by new foliage growing above. As a stand
grows older and taller, the canopy becomes more
broken. This allows enough light to reach the forest
floor for a shade-tolerant understory to be established. The accumulation of fuel on the forest floor
and the continuity of fuels among the ground, understory, and canopy make older stands more vulnerable
to fire. Some forests in Yellowstone may not have
burned in at least 300 years and may be particularly
prone to lightning ignition.
Quick Facts
Numbers in Yellowstone
In 2018, 1,764 acres burned from 8
known wildfire starts. One humancaused fire (unattended campfire)
was suppressed. Two lightningcaused fires were suppressed due
to dangerous conditions. Five fires
were monitored for public safety,
while fulfilling their role in the
Since 1988, the number of fires has
ranged from 1 to 78 each year.
The most active fire year since
1988 was 2016, with 70,285 acres
in Yellowstone burned.
In an average year, approximately
21 fires are ignited in Yellowstone
by lightning.
About 75% of fires in Yellowstone
never reach more than 0.1 hectares
(0.25 acres) in size.
About 92% of fires in Yellowstone
never burn more than 40 hectares
(100 acres).
Yellowstone’s landscape has been
shaped by naturally caused fire for
14,000 years.
Factors affecting size and severity
of a fire include: type of vegetation;
fire location; time since the last
stand-replacing fire; moisture in
the dead and down logs; length of
drought; temperature; humidity;
and wind.
Yellowstone Resources and Issues Handbook, 2019
In Yellowstone, on average,
fires are detected at 3:03 in
the afternoon—fires burn most
vigorously during the heat of the
day, causing tall smoke plumes to
be seen by fire lookouts or sharpeyed park visitors.
Management Issues
The park is required to protect
human life as well as the
approximately 2% of Yellowstone’s
2.2 million acres that are
considered developed (e.g., roads,
buildings, and other infrastructure)
from the threat of fire—while at
the same time letting fire carry out
its ecological role in the landscape
as much as possible.
Fire Behavior
Of the fires that occur in Yellowstone National Park,
75% are less than 0.2 acres and another 13% range
from 0.3 to 9.9 acres. These smaller, less intense fires
play a role in this ecosystem by helping to thin out
smaller trees and brush and boost the decay process
that provides nutrients to the soil.
Some fires burn with extreme fire behavior and rapid
rates of spread. These large, fast-moving fires send
plumes of smoke thousands of feet into the air and
receive much of the public’s attention. These large fires
(>100 acres) occur less than 10% of the time in the
Nearly all of Yellowstone’s plant communities have
burned at one time or another, but their varied
characteristics cause fires to behave differently in
them. To quickly assess a fire start and its potential to
spread, park staff use different vegetation communities as indicators of fuel load, dominant vegetation,
and time since the last fire or other disturbance.
The moisture content of dead and downed woody
debris and the year’s weather trends are the main
factors determining the severity of a given fire season.
While fires can occur no matter the fuel moisture,
many times conditions are too wet for fires to burn.
In fact, 88% of all fires burn fewer than 10 acres.
However, when 1,000-hour fuel moistures fall below
13%, fires can grow quickly. If extreme drought
continues, all forest types and ages are more likely to
To determine how much water is in the fuel,
Yellowstone fire-monitoring staff weigh and ovendry fuel samples to determine the moisture content.
In a normal fire season, 1,000-hour fuels within the
park may average 14–18% fuel moisture. (Dead fuels
are classified according to size, and how long they
take to dry out when completely soaked; “1,000-hour
fuel moisture” refers to the moisture in large fuels
such as downed timber that would generally dry out
within 42 days. Kiln-dried lumber is 12%.)
Active fire behavior is generally not observed until
1,000-hour fuel moisture contents are less than 18%,
and only minimal areas are burned until moisture
levels drop to 13%. At that point, a fuel-moisture
threshold is crossed; lightning strikes in forested
areas at 13% fuel moisture quickly result in observable smoke columns and, if fuel and vegetation
conditions are right, the fire spreads. Below 12%,
younger and more varied forest types burn readily,
especially when influenced by high winds. During
extreme drought years, 1,000-hour fuel moistures
may drop as low as 5%.
Depending on the forest type, fuel moisture,
weather, and topography, fires can grow in size by
isolated or frequent torching and spotting (transport
of burning material by wind and convection currents), or by spreading from tree crown to crown.
Fires in Yellowstone’s subalpine forests seldom
spread significantly through ground fuels only. Like
weather, terrain can be either an ally or adversary
in suppressing unwanted fire. A few natural barriers such as the ridge from Electric Peak south to
Mt. Holmes; Yellowstone Lake; and the Absaroka
Mountains along the eastern boundary of the park
are likely to prevent the spread of a low-to-moderateintensity fire, but fire may cross these features by
spotting, covering a distance of two to three miles.
Fire managers may be able to predict a fire’s
behavior when they know where the fire is burning
(vegetation, topography) and the fuel-moisture content. However, predicting fire is much more difficult
during extreme drought, such as was experienced in
1988 and in the early 2000s.
Ongoing research in Yellowstone is also showing
that forests experiencing stand-replacing fires can
affect fire behavior for up to 200 years. When a fire
encounters a previously burned forest, its intensity
and rate of spread decrease, except under extreme
drought conditions. In some cases, the fire moves
entirely around the burned area. Thus, fire managers
have another tool for predicting fire behavior: They
can compare maps of previous fires with a current
fire’s location to predict its intensity and spread.
Frequency of Fire
Fire return intervals since European American
settlement have ranged from 20–25 years for shrub
and grasslands on the northern range to 300 years
or more for lodgepole pine forests on the central
plateau and subalpine whitebark pine stands. Fire
scars on old Douglas-fir trees in the Lamar River
valley indicate an average frequency of one fire every
25–60 years.
Until 1900, written records on fires in Yellowstone
were sketchy, with generally only large fires reported.
From 1900 through 1930, approximately 374 fires
burned 11,670 acres. Since 1931, when fire statistics
began to be kept more methodically, 1,644 fires have
been lightning-caused and 740 were considered human-caused, including those caused by power lines.
The largest fire in the park’s written history prior
to 1988 occurred when about 18,000 acres burned at
Heart Lake in 1931. In 1989, fire ecologists William
Romme and Don Despain suggested that without the
fire suppression efforts that began in the 1880s, large
fires might have occurred during the dry summers of
1949, 1953, 1960, or 1961. They believe that fire behavior in 1988, in terms of heat release, flame height,
and rate of spread, was probably similar to that of the
large fires that burned in Yellowstone in the early- to
In 1988, 50 fires burned a mosaic covering about
800,000 acres in Yellowstone as a result of extremely
warm, dry, and windy weather combined with an extensive forest cover of highly flammable fuels. Some
of the largest fires originated outside the park, and a
total of about 1.4 million acres burned in the Greater
Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Some of the areas that burned in 1988 have
burned again during the drought conditions of
subsequent years, although unique conditions are
required for such areas to reburn. Rare, extremely
high wind events (greater than 20 mph), more than
80% ground cover of cured elk sedge (Carex spp.),
or a continuous fuel bed of 1000-hour logs during
very dry conditions, seem required for fires to again
Yellowstone Resources and Issues Handbook, 2019
carry through areas burned in 1988. Fire behavior
of previously burned areas is generally of a very high
intensity—probably because of the high fuel load due
to dead and fallen trees. Understanding the conditions necessary for recently burned areas (less than
50 years old) to reburn and modeling for the type of
fire behavior seen in these areas is a current challenge
for fire managers in Yellowstone.
Consequences of Fire
In the first years after a major fire, new vistas appear
while the lush growth of new, young trees emerges
from the burned ground. Today, decades after the
1988 fires, those young trees are renewed forests,
once again filling in vistas. Some visitors still feel the
Yellowstone they knew and loved is gone forever.
But Yellowstone is not a museum—it is a functioning
ecosystem in which fire plays a vital role.
Vegetation and Watersheds
The vegetation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
has adapted to fire and, in some cases, is dependent
on it. Some plant communities depend on the removal of the forest canopy to become established.
They are the first to inhabit sites after a fire. Other
plants growing on the forest floor are adapted to
survive at a subsistence level for long periods of time
until fires open the canopy. Fire creates a landscape
more diverse in age, which reduces the probability of
disease or fire spreading through large areas.
One of the two types of cones produced by lodgepole pines, which make up nearly 80% of the park’s
forests, is serotinous. Serotinous cones will not
In 1988, fires burned a mosaic covering 1.4 million
acres in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem as a result
of extremely warm, dry, and windy weather combined
with an extensive, highly flammable forest cover.
Trees in Greater Yellowstone are adapted to fire.
This serotinous cone from a lodgepole pine tree was
opened by fire, allowing it to release its seeds.
Some soils respond quickly after fires, but others may
continue to support little vegetation.
where conditions that enable fires to burn are infrequent. In 1988, 28% of the park’s whitebark pine
burned, though it grows in open, cold, high-altitude
habitats that accumulate fuel very slowly and have
only a short season between snowmelt and snowfall
during which fires can ignite and carry. Caches of
whitebark pine seeds collected by red squirrels and
Clark’s nutcrackers and the hardiness of whitebark
pine seedlings on exposed sites give this tree an initial
advantage in large burned areas over conifers dependent on wind to disperse seeds. However, this slowgrowing and long-lived tree is typically more than
60 years old before reaching full cone production,
and young trees may die before reproducing if the
interval between fires is too short or if faster-growing
conifers overtake them.
Tree seedlings sprout and grow at variable rates
between the surviving trees and the fallen and standing snags. As root systems of standing dead trees
decay and lose their grip on the soil, the trees fall—
sometimes hundreds at once in the presence of a
strong wind. However, many trees remain upright for
more than a decade after dying by fire or other cause.
Fires may stimulate regeneration of sagebrush,
aspen, and willows, but their growth is also affected
by other influences such as climate and wildlife
browsing. Aspen have thin bark, but the clones are
connected by a network of underground roots that
can survive even very hot surface and crown fires.
Although the above-ground stems may be killed, fire
stimulates the sprouting of suckers from the roots,
and fire leaves bare mineral soil suitable for the establishment of aspen seedlings.
Soils in Yellowstone that support little vegetation
have been largely unaffected by fire. Soils that have
dense, diverse vegetation before a fire are likely to
release their seeds until the resin sealing them melts,
requiring a temperature of at least 113°F (45°C). This
adaptation helps ensure the seeds do not disperse
until fire creates conditions that favor the establishment of lodgepole pine seedlings: diminished litter
on the forest floor and plenty of sunlight through an
open canopy.
Fire can limit trees in the grasslands of
Yellowstone, such as the Lamar and Hayden valleys.
For example, Douglas-fir seeds require conditions
that exist only in rare microhabitats in these grasslands. If a seed reaches such a microhabitat during
a favorable year, a seedling may develop. Once the
tree is growing, it begins to influence the immediate
environment. More tree habitat is created and a small
forest island eventually appears. Periodic fire kills
the small trees before they have a chance to become
islands, thus maintaining the grassland.
Mature Douglas-fir trees have thick bark that resists damage by surface fires. In the past in areas like
the park’s northern range, frequent surface fire kept
most young trees from becoming part of the overstory. The widely scattered, large, fire-scarred trees in
some of the dense Douglas-fir stands in the northern
range are probably remnants of these communities.
Although Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir
are thin-barked, they grow in cool, moist habitats
respond quickly after the fire with a variety of species
and nearly complete cover. Though above-ground
parts of grasses and forbs are consumed by flames,
the below-ground root systems typically remain
unharmed, and for a few years after fire these plants
commonly increase in productivity because fire
rapidly releases nutrients from wood and forest litter.
The regrowth of plant communities begins as soon
as moisture is available, which may be within days at
some sites.
Plant growth was unusually lush in the first years
after the 1988 fires because of the mineral nutrients in the ash and increased sunlight on the forest
floor. Moss an inch or more thick became established in burned soils, and may have been a factor
in moisture retention, promoting revegetation and
slowing erosion.
The amount of soil loss and sediment deposits in
streams after the 1988 fires varied greatly. Although
extensive erosion and mud slides occurred along
the Gibbon River after heavy rains in the summer of
1989, it is not known how much the fires contributed
to this. Vegetation regrowth slowed this erosion by
1991. About a quarter of the Yellowstone Lake and
Lewis Lake watersheds and half of the Heart Lake
watershed burned to some extent, but no significant
changes have been detected in stream bank erosion,
substrate composition, channel morphology, nutrient enrichment, or plankton production, nor have
any discernible fire-related effects been observed in
the fish populations in the six rivers that have been
monitored regularly since 1988.
Wildfires do not significantly affect the abundance
of most wildlife species in Yellowstone. Relatively
few animals died as a direct result of the large fires
in 1988, and most of those deaths were caused by
smoke inhalation. Of Yellowstone’s seven native
ungulate species, only the moose has experienced
a population decline that appears to have persisted
since 1988. Although moose population estimates
have been imprecise, it appears that with less willow
and subalpine fir available for winter browse, and
snow accumulating more deeply with many forest
canopies gone, moose winter mortality increased.
Mortality in all ungulate species was unusually high
in the winter after the fires, but it is difficult to know
how much of that was the result of burned forage rather than drought, large herd sizes, and the
Yellowstone Resources and Issues Handbook, 2019
relatively severe winter. Elk, bison, and deer populations soon rebounded.
Of the 38 grizzly bears wearing radio transmitters
when the fires began, 21 had home ranges burned
by one or more of the fires. Thirteen of those bears
moved into burned areas after the fire front had
passed, three adult females without young stayed
within active burns as the fire progressed, three
bears remained outside the fire perimeters, one adult
female was not located for another two years, and
another adult female was never located again at all. In
a study from 1989–92, bears were found grazing more
frequently at burned than unburned sites, especially
on clover and fireweed. Even though bear feeding
activity in some whitebark pine areas decreased substantially, the fires had no discernible impact on the
number of grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone
Rodents probably had the highest fire-related
mortality of any mammals. Although many could
escape the fires in burrows, others died of suffocation as the fires came through. They also were
more exposed to predators because they temporarily lost the cover of grasses and other plants. But,
because of their capacity to have multiple litters with
many young per year, rodents quickly repopulated
burned areas.
Most birds were not directly harmed by the fires,
and some benefited. Raptors hunted rodents fleeing the fires, but young osprey that were still in their
nests died. Post-fire habitat changes helped some
birds. Cavity-nesting birds, such as Barrow’s goldeneye, flickers, and bluebirds had many dead trees
for their nests. Robins and flickers found ants and
worms more easily. Boreal owls, however, lost some
of the mature forests they need.
Wildlife continue to use burned areas after fires.
Managing a Natural Process
Working Across Boundaries
Wildfire is a great example of interagency cooperation and coordination. Federal agencies, state and
local governments, and private contractors all play
a role in managing fire in the park. For example, the
National Park Service sometimes relies on Forest
Service smoke jumpers to assist with the park’s remote fires. In return, the National Park Service sends
its helicopter or engine to the Silver Gate or Cooke
City areas, which are located on or adjacent to the
Custer Gallatin and Shoshone national forests. Since
2009, the park’s wildland engine has been staffed
by both National Park Service and Forest Service
firefighters. Programmable radios ensure communication between National Park Service and Forest
Service dispatch, which improves firefighter safety.
The National Park Service is also working with its
partners to develop Community Wildfire Protection
Plans to help plan and prepare for a wildfire that may
threaten homes.
The National Park Service allows lightning-ignited
fires to burn in Yellowstone provided they are not a
threat to human life and property. The park is required to protect human life as well as the approximately 2% of Yellowstone’s 2.2 million acres that are
considered developed (e.g., roads, buildings, and
other infrastructure) from the threat of fire while at
the same time letting wildfire carry out its ecological
role in the landscape as much as possible.
Yellowstone National Park operates under the
2009 Federal Wildland Fire Policy, which continues
to evolve with experience and new knowledge. For
example, current guidelines allow firefighters to
manage a natural fire for multiple objectives. In the
past, fires were required to be categorized as “suppression” or “fire-use for resource benefit.” Now,
firefighters can suppress one flank of a fire to protect
structures and people while allowing another flank to
burn to achieve natural fire benefits.
The Antelope Fire of 2010 was an example of
managing a fire for multiple objectives. It was suppressed on its west flank to protect people using the
roads, and other values at risk. It was monitored,
but not suppressed, as it moved south and east away
from developed areas. A similar strategy was used in
the 2009 Arnica Fire, which burned in 300-year-old
lodgepole pine forests but threatened visitor travel,
power lines, and Lake Village.
Monitoring the perimeter and growth of the Maple
Fire, 2016
History of Fire Management
Fire suppression in Yellowstone National Park began
with the arrival of the US Army, which was placed
in charge of protecting the park in 1886. The Army,
which was in Yellowstone until 1918, successfully
extinguished some fires in the belief that suppression
would help save the forests. However, it is difficult
to determine how much effect a small group of men
could have had on overall fire frequency or the extent
of fires in a large park without motorized vehicles
or good roads. Fire suppression was most successful
on the grasslands of the northern range, which were
relatively accessible from the park headquarters in
Mammoth Hot Springs.
More effective fire fighting techniques and airplanes became available after World War II, but even
then, fire suppression did not result in a significant
increase in fuel loads except perhaps on the northern
range. Records indicate fire was almost completely
excluded (suppressed) from the Douglas-fir, sagebrush steppe, and aspen communities on the northern range from 1886 until 1987.
By the 1940s, ecologists recognized fire was a natural and unavoidable change agent in many ecosystems, including relatively arid portions of the Rocky
Mountains. In the 1950s and 1960s, other parks and
forests began to experiment with controlled burns.
In 1972, Yellowstone became one of several national
parks to initiate programs that allowed some natural
fires to burn. Two backcountry areas in the park totaling 340,000 acres, Mirror Plateau and Two Ocean
Plateau, were designated as locations where natural
fires could burn.
After three years, during which 10 fires burned a
total of 831 acres in the two natural fire zones, the
non-suppression area was expanded to include most
of the park, except for developed areas and a buffer
zone at the park boundary. Starting with Yellowstone
National Park and Bridger-Teton National Forest
in 1976, cooperative agreements were adopted
among all Greater Yellowstone federal lands that
by 1986 allowed natural fires to burn across shared
public-land boundaries.
From 1972 to 1987, 235 fires were allowed to
burn 33,759 acres in Yellowstone. The summers of
1982–1987 were wetter than average, which may have
contributed to the relatively low fire activity during
that period. Yellowstone’s fire managers began revising the park’s fire management plan. The new plan
permitted some lightning-caused fires to burn under
natural conditions; provided for suppressing fires
that threatened human life, property, special natural
features, and historic and cultural sites; and recommended prescribed burns when and where necessary
and practical to reduce hazard fuels. It was in the
final stages of approval in spring 1988.
However, Yellowstone’s “new” fire management
plan was suspended in July 1988 as a consequence of
the large fires that occurred that summer. After these
fires, a national policy review team examined the
national fire policy again and reaffirmed the importance of natural fire policies in national parks and
This old fire truck was pressed into use during the 1988
fires. Fire management policy, like the equipment, has
been updated many times since that fiery year.
wilderness areas. However, the report also offered
recommendations: establish more specific criteria
for conditions under which fires are permitted to
burn, and increase efforts to reduce hazard fuels
near developed areas. These recommendations were
incorporated into Yellowstone’s 1992 fire management plan. Other revisions occurred to the park’s fire
management plan in 2004 and 2014.
The 1988 Fires
The Yellowstone fires of 1988 have been described
as being instrumental in the public’s understanding
of the role of fire in ecosystems, history-making, and
career-building. In June of 1988, park managers and
fire behavior specialists allowed 18 lightning-caused
History of Fire Management in Yellowstone
The Issue
For the first 100 years of the park’s
existence, managers believed fires had
to be extinguished to preserve park
resources. Subsequent scientific research
fires have occurred in Yellowstone
for as long as there has been
vegetation to burn,
1972: Yellowstone begins allowing
some natural fires.
fire plays a role in creating
the vegetation patterns of the
1972–1987: 235 natural,
unsuppressed fires burned 33,759
acres—mostly in two dry years:
1979 and 1981.
fire is a part of the ecosystem park
managers want to preserve, and
suppressing fires alters the natural
landscape and diminishes diversity.
1886–1918: US Army suppresses
fire in Yellowstone.
1940s: More effective fire fighting
techniques become available after
World War II. Around the same
time, ecologists recognize fire is a
natural and unavoidable change
agent in many ecosystems.
Spring 1988: Approval of a
new fire management policy for
Yellowstone is suspended.
1988: 793,880 acres burn in
Yellowstone, sparking an increase
in the public understanding and
acceptance of the role of fire in
wildland areas.
Yellowstone Resources and Issues Handbook, 2019
1989: A national policy review
team reaffirms the importance
of natural fire policies in national
parks and wilderness areas.
1992: Yellowstone issues a new fire
management plan incorporating
the 1989 review team’s
2004: Yellowstone’s fire
management plan is revised.
2009: Yellowstone begins
operating under the 2009 Federal
Wildland Fire Policy, which allows
firefighters to manage fires for
multiple objectives.
2014: Yellowstone’s fire
management plan is revised.
Significant Events during the 1988 Fires
June 14
Storm Creek Fire begins.
June 23
Shoshone Fire begins.
June 25
Fan Fire begins.
June 30
Red Fire begins.
July 5
Lava Fire begins.
July 11
Mink and Clover fires begin.
July 14
On a backcountry fishing trip near
the eastern border of Yellowstone
National Park, Vice President George
H.W. Bush must leave early when fire
comes close to camp.
July 21
Yellowstone National Park begins
suppressing all fires.
July 22
North Fork Fire begins.
July 25
Fire camp crew jumps into West
Thumb Bay to escape flames.
August 20
“Black Saturday”: Fires double to more
than 480,000 acres.
September 3
Storm Creek Fire burns over Silver Tip
Ranch, north of Yellowstone National
Park; the historic ranch survives.
September 7
Fire storm blasts Old Faithful area; Old
Faithful Inn is saved, and no one is
September 10
Residents of Mammoth Hot Springs
evacuate as fire moves across Bunsen
Peak toward the area.
September 11
Rain and snow fall.
More than $120 million was spent fighting the fires in
the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Rain and snow in
September finally stopped the advance of the fires.
fires to burn after evaluating them, according to the
fire management plan. Eleven of these fires burned
themselves out, behaving like many fires had in
previous years. The spring of 1988 was wet until the
month of June,