"Buck Island Reef National Monument, Virgin Islands" by National Park Service , public domain

Virgin Islands

Marine Guide

brochure Virgin Islands - Marine Guide

Marine Guide to Virgin Islands National Park (NP). Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Virgin Islands Virgin Islands National Park Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument U.S. Virgin Islands Mooring photos by Jack Hopkins Mariner’s Resource Protection Guide Candis Davis Using the National Park Mooring System VIRGIN ISLANDS NATIONAL PARK WAS ESTABLISHED BY to some of the very features that visitors travel here to Congress in 1956 to preserve the natural and cultural enjoy. The coral reefs, seagrass beds, and algal plains have resources on St. John. In 1962, park boundaries were been heavily damaged by the anchors and anchor chains expanded to include 5,650 acres of submerged lands of boats. Although the weight of the anchor crushes adjacent to the island. In 1978, much of Hassel Island in marine life, the greatest impact is caused by the anchor St. Thomas was added to the park. The park is a UNESCO chain sweeping and scouring the area clean of plants and Biosphere Reserve, part of an international network of animals as the boat swings with changes in wind direction. conservation. A presidential proclamation created Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument in 2001, adding been established around the more sensitive reef and 12,708 acres of adjoining federal submerged lands to the seagrass areas to allow visitors to use these areas while National Park System. protecting resources from anchor and chain damage. These waters are popular cruising grounds for thousands This guide helps boaters preserve the park’s marine of pleasure boaters. The number of boats increased resources so that future generations will have the dramatically in the 1980s, resulting in escalating damage opportunity to enjoy them. Although day use of the park moorings is free, a self-registration fee of $26 per night is required for overnight anchoring or mooring between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Golden Age/ Access Pass holders pay half price. Overnight fees must be paid before spending the night. This revenue helps offset the cost of maintaining the moorings. For your convenience, payment stations have been placed at the following locations: • Land-Based Fee Stations: Cruz Bay National Park Service (NPS) Finger Pier, Saltpond Beach, and Great Lameshur Bay (pier), Mariners must use moorings in park waters if they are available and the vessel is of appropriate size. Size is based on length overall (LOA). LOA is defned in 50 CFR 679.2 as the centerline longitudinal distance, rounded to the nearest foot, measured between: (1) The outside foremost part of the vessel visible above the waterline, including bulwarks (section of a vessel’s side continuing above main desk), but excluding bowsprits and similar fttings or attachments, and (2) The outside aftermost part of the vessel visible above the waterline, including bulwarks but excluding rudders, outboard motor brackets, and similar fttings or attachments. For larger vessels or when moorings are full, vessels anchoring must use one of three designated anchorages for their vessel size as follows: Caroline Rogers Striped sergeant majors, rainbow colored parrotfsh, and spiny lobsters are just a few of the species living on the reef. Some fsh, such as snappers and grunts, migrate daily from the shelter of reefs to feed in adjacent NPS-Marine Guide12415PRESSREADY.indd 1 Healthy brain coral (above), and one damaged by a boat (below). More Information seagrass beds at night. Federally protected green sea turtles and locally protected queen conch also depend on seagrass for food. The juveniles of many species rely on both mangrove and seagrass habitats, moving to deeper water and offshore reefs as they mature. Seagrasses are fowering marine plants that spread primarily through root growth. These roots also help to retain sediments and reduce shoreline erosion, resulting in improved water quality. When anchors rip up seagrasses, what’s left is a scarred sea foor that may take years to recover. Important food sources for marine animals are also destroyed and crystal clear water becomes cloudy with sediment. Cruz Bay Visitor Center Open Daily 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (340) 776-6201 ext. 238 www.nps.gov/viis www.nps.gov/vicr • Lind Point Anchor Area: Private vessels up to 125 LOA may anchor: 18° 20’ 22” N and 64° 48’ 8” W, 18° 20’ 34” N and 64° 47’ 48” W, 18° 20’ 34” N and 64° 48’ 8” W, 18° 20’ 22” N and 64° 47’ 51” W; (no buoys mark this area). • Pay stations are identifed by a green fag with the NPS Arrowhead logo. • Floating pay stations are for the sole purpose of paying fees. All other activities are prohibited, including swimming and fshing. Anchoring is prohibited elsewhere in the park and in the monument. Overnight stays in park waters are limited to 30 nights in a calendar year and no more than seven consecutive nights in one bay. Monument moorings are day-use only. • Vessels up to 60 feet LOA use white mooring with blue stripe; • Vessels 61–100 feet LOA use big boat moorings - white mooring with red stripe. On the south shore of the park all vessels over 100 feet LOA are restricted from mooring and must be making way. On the north and northeast shores of the park all vessels over 100 feet LOA must be making way, except as provided by designated anchorages described above. During the peak visitation months of November through July, a Bay Host will be available fve days a week along the northern shore to answer questions and provide assistance. The Bay Host boat can be identifed by a green fag with the NPS Arrowhead logo. Virgin Islands National Park supports the principles of Leave No Trace. Please protect your natural environment, cultural resources, and the experience of other visitors. Warning: Johnson’s Reef Large yellow buoys mark Johnson’s Reef, a shallow reef one-half mile north of Trunk Bay. Stay outside of the ring of yellow warning buoys in this area. This dangerous reef lies two feet beneath the surface and many vessels have struck the reef and run aground. How to Moor Your Boat Types of Mooring Buoys 1) Approach the mooring painter line (pickup line with small surface foat) by heading into the wind or current at a very slow speed. Shift engine into neutral before reaching the mooring. 2) Pick up the eye of the mooring painter with your boat hook. 3) Thread your bow line through the painter line eye. Do not tie off eye at the boat stern or cleat. 4) Bring your line back to the boat and cleat it off on the same side. DO NOT put the painter line eye over your bow cleat. 5) When leaving a mooring, back away with the wind, after casting off the painter line. 6) To moor a large catamaran, feed a line from each side of the front (bow) through the thimble, then cleat the line to the cleat from which it originated. (Two lines pass through the eye, one from each side of the bow). This helps reduce chaff at the thimble. 7) Securing vessels to moorings using stern cleats is prohibited. For vessels on moorings with a tender, greater than 16 feet LOA , the combined LOA of the two (2) vessels must not be greater than the mooring (length) rating, either <60 feet or <100 feet. White moorings with blue stripes can be used by vessels less than or equal to 60 feet in length overall (LOA) for overnight use; unless labeled “day use only.” Larger White moorings with red stripes (Big Boat Moorings) can be used by vessels 61 - 100 feet LOA for overnight use; unless labeled “day use only.” Orange moorings with blue stripes are for vessels engaged in snorkeling or SCUBA diving (commercial and non-commercial) activities; no overnight use is permitted. Yellow moorings with blue stripes are for permitted hardnose fshing and are located offshore of Cabritte Horn in Virgin Islands Coral Mooring Buoy Painter Reef National Monument. Blue moorings with blue stripes are for commercial use authorization (CUA) permitees and vessels with CUA’s have priority. Please help keep the moorings safe by reporting any defects immediately to the Bay Host or phone (340) 693-8950 ext. 241. Down Line Blue moorings with red stripes are Caneel Bay Resort moorings. Additional mooring and anchoring information is available at: http://www.nps.gov/viis/PlanYourVisit/index.htm Emergency Park Headquarters: 911or 1-866-995-8467 Marine-related: VHF Channel 16 for U.S Coastguard and Virgin Islands Radio • Fees for the entire length of stay may be paid at one time. Secure and display the receipt with use dates in the cabin as proof of payment. • Cruz Bay-NPS Anchor Area: Vessels less than 60 feet LOA may anchor in NPS waters (north of green channel markers along northern part) of Cruz Bay Harbor (former sea plane ramp area), for up to three hours. Hours of anchoring are 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Overnight anchoring in this area is prohibited. Jack Hopkins Queen Angelfsh The Marine Community Mangroves, seagrass beds, and coral reefs are interrelated ecological systems. Fish and shellfsh depend on these habitats for food and shelter. Coral reefs are among the most diverse, productive, and complex ecosystems in the world. Corals are fragile, living organisms. Most grow only a fraction of an inch per year. Seven coral species found in park and monument waters are listed as Threatened and receive special protection under the federal Endangered Species Act. NPS photo V. Zullo NPS photo Caroline Rogers • Francis Bay Anchor Area: Private vessels less than 210 feet LOA may anchor in sand seaward of the mooring area, at depths greater than 50 feet, more than 300 feet from any park buoy, and shoreward (east) between the line created between the GPS points: 18° 22’ 0” N, 64° 45’ 5” W and 18° 21’ 36” N, 64° 45’ 3” W; (no buoys mark this area). A healthy, undamaged seagrass bed (above), and one damaged by an anchor (below). • Floating Fee Stations: Caneel, Hawksnest, Maho/Francis and Leinster Bays. Private Vessel Size Limits and Locations natural areas established to demonstrate the value of Moorings have been installed and protected areas have Anchoring is prohibited in the park except in designated anchorages at Francis Bay, Lind Point and Cruz Bay. No anchoring is allowed in the monument. More than two hundred mooring buoys have been installed in the bays around St. John. Moorings are safe, easy to use, and eliminate the need to anchor. The moorings are fxed to the sea foor with either a steel auger twisted into the sand or a stainless steel eyebolt that is cemented directly into rock. The foating mooring line (painter) is picked up and tied to a short bow line on the vessel. Moorings have been load tested to 11,000 pounds of upward pull. If sustained winds exceed 40 mph, vessels must vacate moorings. Proper approach and pickup of mooring. Two green buoys with a blue refective stripe with foat lines mark the dinghy tethers for vessels 16 feet or less. They are found at Trunk, Little Cinnamon, Little Maho, Maho, Hawksnest Bays, Honeymoon Beach and Waterlemon Cay. Subsurface Buoy Eyebolt 12/4/15 1:47 PM Virgin Islands Virgin Islands National Park Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument U.S. Virgin Islands Day Use Only LONG_DMS -64 45 5 -64 45 3 The endangered hawksbill sea turtle eats sponges growing on reefs and fnds shelter under coral ledges. G ISL AN H HATC T T REA D C ru THE GE il l el H Ca ne U.S. Customs Police 10 Cruz Bay Frank Bay GREAT CRUZ BAY GREAT ST JAMES ISLAND 0 0.5 LITTLE ST JAMES ISLAND ol Devers Bay Klein Bay au x M Cocoloba Cay Dittlif Point ou n ta Coral reef Picnic area with pit toilet Campground Salt pond/mangrove Restaurant and/or snack bar Showers and restrooms Unpaved road (4-wheel-drive vehicles may be needed; check locally for conditions) Ranger station Underwater trail Allowed Anchorage Pay station Self-guiding trail No Anchor Zone Large Vessel Mooring I NG FU Ba WH Overnight Mooring Palestina CL IFF 5 S 1 Virgin Islands Coral Reef Na s es inc Pr 5 1 Otter Mardenboro Creek 3 Point Popilleau Bay te Wa 3 HURRICANE HOLE r 10 ee Cr tio na Cabritte Horn Point en NO-ANCHOR ZONE Anchoring is not permitted anywhere within the park except where designated. Anchoring is also prohibited in Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument. Moorings must be used instead. t t ew Johns Folly Johns Folly Bay Sa 6 Kiddel Point 6 d on ltp Bay Nanny Point 1 Booby Rock 2 Caribbean Spiny Lobster May be taken at any time. Blackrock Hill 499ft 152m East End Bay Privateer Bay Pond Bay Lobster must have a carapace length of at least three and a half inches (3.5”) (8.75 cm). Females with eggs must be returned to the water. Privateer Point Red Point Leduck Island A FL Saltpond Bay Salt R a Pond m H nd Hansen Bay ROUND BAY Long Point Sabbat Point Saltpond Bay Trail fou EAST END NBay BAY Friis Bay Minna Hill 989ft 301m Within the boundaries for Virgin Islands National Park the limit for whelk is one (1) gallon (in the shell) per person per day. You may not have more than two (2) days limit in your possession. Gowed Point Elk Bay Lagoon Point Virgin Islands Environmental Resource Station (VIERS) Yawzi Point Trail 8 um en Calabash Boom 2 on en n Ba ebe y ck Limetree Cove CO RAL Johnson Bay 2 lM um Open from October 1 to March 31. k Turner Point 107 y on Whelk Season M y Sanders Bay ad Lameshur ITE k rc Ba Harbor Point Ro L ameshur Virgin Islands National Park CARIBBEAN SEA in lM Conch must be nine inches (9”) (22.5 cm) long and landed in the shell. Within the boundaries for Virgin Islands National Park the limit for conch is two (2) per person per day. You may not have more than two (2) days limit in your possession. Whelk must be larger than 2 7/16” (6.19 cm) in diameter. k ee Cr Fortsberg 426ft 130m CORAL HARBOR BAY Bordeaux Mountain 1277ft 389m Reef Bay Sugar Mill (ruins) REEF BAY Cocoloba Point Private property exists within the boundary of the park. Please respect property owner’s rights; do not trespass. One-way road National Park Service land REEF BAY FISH BAY RENDEZVOUS BAY Dog Island 1 Mile Trail Hart Bay CORAL T User fees are charged at Trunk Bay. 1 Kilometer 0.5 B l u ff Bovocoap Point CU Petroglyph Trail Genti Bay 2 Emmaus Moravian Church 108 108 na l Hermitage Carolina Reef Bay Trail tiona Drunk Bay Trail Drunk Bay ai l North JA aria ne s Na FRANCIS DRAKE CHANNEL ay Tr a i l Bo ad land d Tr ea ST S ME Boatman Point oc BAY Ch JAMES D ST Deck Point M le UN JERSEY BAY Monte Bay Ho har F e -C Bay a l ie SO uz Cr Am lo tt e (4 er ry B r o wn B 10 JOHN 104 at To Charlotte Amalie BAY E Brown Bay Coral Bay Petroglyphs SI Virgin Is Jo hn n il il GREAT nu 5 mi ST Gift Hill 827ft 252m t e s) er li Mamey Peak 1147ft 350m Camelberg Pk 1193ft 364m CRUZ BAY Threadneedle Point BAY a Tr 32 0 l T rail Tu Ba r ner y ferry dock el Margaret Hill 840ft 256m Gif t REDHOOK BAY NPS dock Cruz Bay ferry dock H il Tr a il Open from November 1 to May 31. o r a l R e ef N a t Virgin Islands C io Mtn h Steven Cay Red Hook RED HOOK t Tr Can e oo k Fe r r y ( 2 0 m i n u t e s ) P nd Li Y THOMAS y - Re d H 1 Community Health Clinic Emergency Care ay S TATE S 10 e UR ST Ba Cruz Lind Point Caneel Hill 719ft 219m Cent Ro All dates are subject to change. Please check with the Virgin Islands Department of Planning & Natural Resources or a ranger for the most up to date information. N CAY SIR Cinn Catherineberg Sugar Mill (ruins) 10 Water Catchment Trail 20 Annaberg Sugar Mill (ruins) B o rd SB Visitor Center R oa d te r B KINGDOM U N I TE D 20 20 ruins Peter Peak 967ft 295m Annaberg School (ruins) Waterlemon Bay in s UNITED Trail LL 38 Caneel Bay 22 n B Shore Le MAHO on Bay Tr am PI 32 Hawksnest Bay Biosphere Reserve Salomon moo ur Bay oneya c Sp Center H e 11 No r th Peter CINNAMON 8 BAY Bay 2 Mary Creek Bordeau x E Shark Island Cinnamon Cay Trunk Bay 10 4 Trunk Cay Perkins TRUNK Hawksnest Cay Denis BAY Point Bay 4 Jumbie ruins Bay Peace Hill 1 HAWKSNEST BAY 13 C HMA Seasons & Limits for Conch, Whelk & Lobster Conch Season Leinster Point Waterlemon Cay LEINSTER BAY 20 E u ro p a Bay Turtle Bay Henley Cay 2 Scott Bay Smith Bay PA S SA D AG E LO UR Ramgoat Cay GE SS Rata Cay YS CA Anna Point Maho Point America MAHO Point BAY 28 RID A Underwater Trail N DW C Little Thatch Island a Tr PA W IN PA RD INT FRANCIS Cinnamon Bay BAY 29 Johnsons Reef FREN Cruz Bay - Road Town Ferry Francis Bay Trail 4 End rk E CAY B ruz ay - 1 t Wes Pa DL MIN GO AY SS C SS E AG 3 Y PO ay - Fe rr y n y H or ID CAY NGO LOVA i Br i t irg sh V l an i n Is ds F Whistling Cay s e rr i e BE M GRA 3 Carval Rock Y O CA R oa d CONG THATCH CAY MAR S zB Littl OCEAN Hill AT L A N T I C NARROW TORTOLA West End Possession or use of any type of spearfshing equipment within park or monument boundaries is prohibited, unless under NPS permit. Within the boundaries for Virgin Islands National Park the limit for lobster is two (2) per person per day. You may not have more than two (2) days limit in your possession. E 3 LAT_DMS 18 22 00 18 21 36 G Water Creek ID 1 LP2 A Day Use Only With the exception of boat exclusion zones, while on moorings, at the NPS fnger pier, and NPS Cruz Bay Dock, fshing is permitted with hand-held rod and line. S 3 In the monument cast netting for bait fsh is permitted. Fishing for hardnose is also permitted while attached to yellow fshing moorings (see chart for location). S Otter Creek Watch for snorkelers and swimmers, especially when near a boat exclusion area or in an access channel. Run dinghies at a no-wake speed when travelling to and from a beach and within mooring feld. Fishing 200ft 61m Ram Head Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument 3.5” PA Day Use Only er 5 Look Out For Snorkelers further or greater than 300 feet from any mooring. Boaters should be especially careful to avoid Windswept and Johnson’s Reefs. Windswept Reef fringes the coastline between Trunk and Cinnamon Bays. N Princess Bay Anchorage at Francis Bay for Vessels up to 210 feet. Vessels must anchor east of the line and H Ba aul y ov SCUBA-Day Only SCUBA-Day Only y 1 1 Ba Booby Rock Eagle Shoal To avoid injury to yourself and marine life, please do not touch anything while snorkeling and diving. Dangerous Reefs A Day Use Only ng 2 Leave Only Bubbles Lo Ram Head Conditions may change rapidly, especially during winter months. If swells develop, you may need to alter your plans. Protect yourself from overexposure to tropical sunlight; use sunscreen and wear a hat and shirt. If you burn easily, stay indoors or in the shade between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. G SCUBA-Day Only Overnight LONG_DMS -64 48 48 -64 47 48 -64 48 8 -64 47 51 L 2 6 LAT_DMS 18 20 22 18 20 34 18 20 34 18 20 22 BB Tektite Salt Pond ID LP1 LP2 LP3 LP4 NE Fishing-Hardnose 4 Storm Swells AN Cabritte Horn Always swim, snorkel, and SCUBA dive with another person. CH Overnight Don’t Go it Alone AT Great Lameshur 16 Wear Sun Protection SA SCUBA-Day Only 1 Overnight Bay Lind Point Anchorage at Lind Point for Vessels up to 125 feet Little Lameshur 5 del SCUBA-Day Only Kid Day Use Only 1 otp an Bay 2 Cloverleaf Gro Reef Bay Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument Hurricane Hole Round Bay Virgin Islands National Park (unless noted above) Leinster Bay 2 Great Lameshur 2 Princess Bay 1 mes hur Bay Overnight Overnight Day Use Only SCUBA-Day Only Overnight Overnight Overnight Overnight Overnight Day use Only Overnight Overnight Overnight Lind Point/Caneel 4 Hawksnest 1 Maho/Francis 4 G m e re a sh t Ba ur y Leinster Bay 20 Fungi Passage 1 Whistling Cay 3 Whistling Cay 3 Francis Bay 31 Maho Bay 29 Cinnamon Bay 8 Trunk Bay 4 Hawksnest Bay 13 Henley Cay 2 Caneel Bay 22 Scott Bay 10 Lind Point 11 Safety Tips No Anchor Zone Big Boat Moorings La South Shore Moorings Location Number Type e La North Shore Moorings Location Number Type 1 EAGLE SHOAL N A NAUTICAL CHARTS For safe boating, use NOAA nautical charts 25641 and 25647. These charts show navigational aids, such as markers and buoys, and hazardous areas in detail. Do not use this map for navigation. CAUTION! Conch, Whelk, Lobster and fsh may not be harvested from Coral Reef National Monument waters! For more information contact Virgin Islands National Park at 340-776-6201 or the Department of Planning and Natural Resources, Division of Fish and Wildlife, at 340-775-6762. Day Use Only Mooring Scuba Mooring–Day Use Only Fishing Mooring–Hardnose Regulations and Resource Protection Do Not Touch or Feed Wildlife Feeding, touching, harassing or removing any wildlife in the park (other than fshing–see fshing regulations), either on land or in water, is prohibited. Balloons Balloons are prohibited, because when foating in the water they are eaten by sea turtles and may cause their injury or death. Waste & Trash Do not dump human waste or refuse in park waters. Waste must be treated and discharged at least three miles from the nearest land. Trash may be placed in receptacles located at Cruz Bay near the Customs Offce, Maho, Francis, Saltpond and Little Lameshur Bays. It may not exceed two 10-gallon bags, and must be placed inside NPS trash containers. Leave Only Footprints Help us preserve the historic treasures of these islands. If you fnd something old please leave it right where you found it and if you see someone collecting artifacts be sure to contact NPS-Marine Guide12415PRESSREADY.indd 2 a park ranger—removing artifacts from a national park is a federal crime and can result in fnes and or prison. Metal detectors, magnetometers, side scan sonar, and sub bottom proflers are prohibited. Use of bright deck lights or underwater lights of any kind, from boats to attract fsh or other purposes (other than hand held dive lights) is prohibited. Commercial vessels with an LOA greater than 125 feet are prohibited from anchoring or mooring within park waters. Water skiing, towing of any recreational device and use of motorized personal watercraft (jet skis, wave runners, etc.) are prohibited. SCUBA and snorkeling is permitted in areas adjacent to beaches and inside boat exclusion areas. SCUBA and snorkeling is prohibited in designated boat channels, shipping lanes, and dock areas. SCUBA diving is prohibited in Trunk Bay. Use of stationary positioning systems is prohibited in the monument. Use of stationary positioning systems is allowed within the Lind Point and Francis Bay anchorages by vessels that meet the vessel length restrictions for those areas. NPS Cruz Bay Creek Finger Pier Use of underwater diver’s scooter or dive propulsion vehicles is prohibited. Commercial and recreational use of the NPS dock facility at Red Hook is by special use permit only. Only vessels 60 feet or less may be considered for a permit. Dinghies Dinghies are permitted on beaches with designated channels, including beaches with dinghy tethers. Anchoring OR tying to natural features is prohibited. Dinghy Tethers Dinghy Tethers are provided at Trunk, Little Cinnamon, Little Maho, Maho, Hawksnest Bays, and Honeymoon Beach and Waterlemon Cay for vessels up to 16 feet in length; overnight use is NOT permitted. NPS Cruz Bay Creek Dinghy Area The NPS Cruz Bay Creek dinghy area at the fnger pier: South side – vessels 16 feet or less may tie up for up to three hours, North side – CUA vessels only. Vessels docking at the NPS Cruz Bay fnger pier are limited to 15 minutes to load and unload passengers. NPS Dock in Red Hook NPS Pier in Great Lameshur Bay Commercial and scientifc use of the NPS dock facility at Great Lameshur Bay is by special use permit only. NPS Bulkhead at Hassel Island Commercial use of the NPS Bulkhead at the historic Creque Marine Slipway is by special use permit only. Beach Access (Dinghy) Channels Vessels less than 26 feet LOA may access beaches inside boat exclusion areas via beach access channels, designated by red and green buoys. Vessels must stay inside these channels. Channels are primarily for pick-up and dropoff. Vessels that can be pulled completely out of the water may be kept on the beach; other vessels must immediately leave the boat exclusion area after picking up or dropping off passengers. Beached vessels may not be anchored or tied to any feature including rocks; overnight use is not permitted. Boats may not anchor in channels. Boat Exclusion Areas A row of white cylindrical buoys with an orange ‘X’ within a diamond shape delineates boat exclusion areas. The following are prohibited in these areas: • Motorized vessels • Operating a vessel under sail, including windsurfers • Surfng or skim boarding • Fishing with hook and line NOTE: A motorized vessel, being rowed or paddled, is allowed in a boat exclusion area while being used for cast netting for bait fsh. Operating a vessel in excess of 5 mph or creating a wake in mooring felds or within 500 feet of a mooring feld is prohibited. Rafting or second vessel on a Mooring • Vessels on moorings and utilizing a second vessel greater than 16 feet LOA as a registered tender, the combined LOA of the two vessels must be less than the rated vessel length for the mooring, either <61 feet or <101 feet. • Rafting with other boats while on moorings is permitted if the combined lengths of both vessels are less than the length rating of the mooring. Abandoned Vessels No abandoned dinghies or vessels are allowed in the park under any circumstances. Any equipment left in the park for over a 24 hour period is considered abandoned and will be removed. Beach Defnition & Use NPS beaches are defned as the area between the water’s edge and 50 feet landward and seaward of the water’s edge. Glass bottles and containers, pets, and smoking are prohibited on all NPS beaches. Smoking is also prohibited within 50 feet of pavilions, picnic tables or restrooms. 12/4/15 1:47 PM

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