"Buck Island Reef National Monument, Virgin Islands" by National Park Service , public domain

Virgin Islands

Birds List

brochure Virgin Islands - Birds List

Birds at Virgin Islands National Park (NP). Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

From Name: Address: Caneel Bay Date: Frank Bay Salt Pond Enighed Pond Chocolate Hole Salt Ponds Virgin Islands National Park Birds of St. John, U.S.V.I. Hawksnest Bay Inhabited Areas Coral Bay Salt Pond Bay Salt Pond LEGEND Habitat in which the bird is most likely to be found: ( OS ) Ocean/Shoreline ( IA ) Inhabited Areas ( DF ) Dry Forest ( MF ) Moist Forest ( SP ) Salt Pond ( M ) Mangroves Brown Bay Salt Pond Hurricane Hole Dry Forest Leinster Bay Salt Pond Virgin Islands National Park 1300 Cruz Bay Creek St. John U.S.V.I. 00830 Annaberg Salt Ponds Mandal Salt Pond Lameshur Bay Salt Ponds Please staple closed Maho Bay Reef Bay Salt Ponds Europa Bay Salt Pond Salt Pond Compiled by L. Brannick & Dr. D. Catanzaro Revised 2002 The island of St. John is located on the eastern end of the Greater Antilles at 18 degrees North latitude and 64 degrees West longitude. St. John is 9 miles in length and 5 miles at its widest point. Virgin Islands National Park protects large tracts of natural habitat in which approximately 144 species of birds can be seen throughout the year. This checklist has recently been updated based on the observations and records of Park staff, the local Audubon Society and the V.I .Division of Fish & Wildlife. A few new species have been added to this revised list, while others that have long gone unreported have been dropped. Please help us in keeping accurate records, by mailing this list with your recorded observations to the park. Species taxonomy and nomenclature follow the A. O. U. ( 1998, 7th edition ) and supplements checklist. The birds are listed by their common names with their scientific names in parenthesis. Solid lines separate families Francis Bay Salt Pond Cinnamon Bay Fish Bay Salt Pond Moist Forest Status : ( A ) Abundant - A frequently encountered species ( C ) Common - likely to be seen in suitable habitat ( U )Uncommon- Present but not always seen ( O ) Occasional - May not be present every year ( R ) Rare Seldom seen ( * ) Not Reported Newfound Bay Salt Pond Haulover Bay Postage required Southside Salt Pond Concordia Fresh Pond N Mangrove s Original vegetation map was provided by: The University of the Virgin Islands. 2000. Conservation Data Center, Rapid Ecological Assessment. St. Thomas, VI USA National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Breeding Status: ( B ) Breeds in the Virgin Islands ( N ) Non-Breeder ( P ) Probable Breeder Season : ( W ) Winter Dec.-Feb. ( S ) Summer June-Aug. ( s ) Spring Mar.-May ( F ) Fall Sept.-Nov. Plovers Black-bellied Plover ( Pluvialis squatorla ) American Golden-Plover ( P. dominica ) Wilson’s Plover ( Charadruis wilsonia ) Semipalmated Plover ( C. semipalmtus ) Killdeer ( C. vociferus ) Oystercatchers American Oystercatcher ( Haematopus palliatus ) Stilts Black-necked Stilt ( Himantopus mexicanus ) Turnstones, Snipes and Sandpipers Greater Yellowlegs ( Tringa melanoleuca ) Lesser Yellowlegs ( T. flavipes ) Solitary Sandpiper ( T. solitaria ) Spotted Sandpiper ( Actitis macularia ) Whimbrel ( Numenius phaeopus ) Ruddy Turnstone ( Arenaria interpres ) Red Knot ( Calidris canutus ) Sanderling ( C. alba ) Semipalmated Sandpiper ( C. pusilla ) Western Sandpiper ( C. mauri ) Least Sandpiper ( C. minutilla ) White-rumped Sandpiper ( C. fuscicollis ) Pectoral Sandpiper ( C. melanotos ) Dunlin ( C. alpina ) Stilt Sandpiper ( C. himantopus ) Short-billed Dowitcher ( Limnodromus griseus ) Wilson’s Snipe ( Gallinago delicata ) Gulls,Terns and Jaegers Pomarine Jaeger ( Stercorarius pomarinus ) Laughing Gull ( Larus atricilla ) Ring-billed Gull ( L. delawarensis ) Gull-billed Tern ( Sterna nilotica ) Royal Tern ( S. maxima ) Sandwich Tern ( S. sandvicensis ) Roseate Tern ( S. dougallii ) Common Tern ( S. hirundo ) Least Tern ( S. antillarum ) Bridled Tern ( S. anaethetus ) Sooty Tern ( S. fuscata ) Brown Noddy ( Anous stolidus ) Pigeons and Doves Rock Dove ( Columba livia ) Scaly-naped Pigeon ( C. squamosa ) White-crowned Pigeon ( C. leucocphala ) White-winged Dove ( Zenaida asiatica ) Zenaida Dove ( Z. aurita ) Common Ground-Dove N SP N IA B SP N SP B IA O* * O * * * R CCCC CC* C UUR U B OS U U U U B SP CCCC N SP N SP N SP N SP N SP N SP N SP N OS N SP N SP N SP N SP N IA N OS N SP OR * O CC* C * O* O CCR C * * * R OOR O R R R R R R * R OOR O OO* O OOR O * O* O * * * R R * * * OR * O N SP N IA OR R O R R * R N OS B OS N OS P M B OS B OS B OS N OS B OS B OS B OS B OS R * * * * A A A R * * * * * R * CCR C * R UR * UCU R R R R * UUU * UU* * UU* * UUR B IA R R R R B MF C C C C B M UUUU P IA U U U U B IA A A A A ( Columbina passerina ) B IA A A A A Bridled Quail-Dove ( G. mystacea ) B MF U U U U Ruddy Quail-Dove ( Geotrygon montana ) P MF R R R R Cuckoos and Anis Yellow-billed Cuckoo ( Coccyzus americanus ) N ML O O * O B DF U U U U Mangrove Cockoo ( C. minor ) Smooth-billed Ani ( Crotophaga ani ) B DF U U U U W s S F N IA * R * R B IA * R U R ( Caprimulgus carolinensis ) N MF R R * R Hummingbirds Green-throated Carib ( Eulampis holoserceus ) B DF C C C C Antillean Crested Hummingbird ( Orthorhynchus cristatus ) B DF C C C C Kingfishers Belted Kingfisher ( Ceryle alcyon ) N OS C C * C Woodpeckers Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ( Sphyrapicus varius ) N IA R * * R Flycatchers Caribbean Elaenia ( Elaenia martinica ) B DF U U U U Puerto Rican Flycatcher ( Myiarchus antillarum ) P DF R R R R Gray Kingbird ( Tyrannus dominicensis ) B IA A A A A Vireos White-eyed Vireo ( Vireo griseus ) N DF R R * * Yellow-throated Vireo ( V. flavifrons ) N DF R * * * Black-whiskered Vireo ( V. altiloquus ) B DF U U U U Swallows and Martins Caribbean Martin ( Progne dominicensis ) B OS R R R * N OS R * * * Bank Swallow ( Rapiria riparia ) Cliff Swallow ( Petrochelisdon pyrrhonota ) N OS R * * R Barn Swallow ( Hirundo rustica ) N OS R O * O Mockingbirds and Thrashers Northern Mockingbird ( Mimus polyglottos ) B IA U U U U Pearly-eyed Thrasher ( Allenia fusca ) B IA A A A A Wood Warblers Blue-winged Warbler ( Vermivora pinus ) N MF R R * * Golden-winged Warbler ( V. chrysoptera ) N MF R * * * Northern Parula ( Parula americana ) N DF C C * O Yellow Warbler ( Dendrocia petechia ) B M CCCC Chestnut-sided Warbler ( D. pensylvanica ) N MF * R * * Magnolia Warbler ( D. magnolia ) N MF R R * R Cape May Warbler ( D. tigrina ) N MF O O * O Black-throated Blue Warbler (D. caerulescens ) N MF O O * O Yellow-rumped Warbler ( D. coronata ) N DF O R * R Black-throated Green Warbler ( D.virens ) N MF R R * R Blackburnian Warbler ( D. fusca ) N DF R * * * Yellow-throated Warbler ( D. dominica ) NM R * * R Prairie Warbler ( D. discolor ) N DF O O * O Palm Warbler ( D. palmarum ) NM OO* O Blackpoll Warbler ( D. striata ) N DF * R * R Black- and -white Warbler ( Mniotilta varia ) N MF U U * U American Redstart ( Setophaga ruticilla ) N MF UU * U Prothonotary Warbler ( Protonotaria citea ) N M R R * R Worm-eating Warbler ( Helmitheros vermivorus ) N MF O O * O Ovenbird ( Seiurus aurocapillus ) N MF O O * O Northern Waterthrush ( S. noveboracensis ) N M C C * C Louisiana Waterthrush ( S. motacilla ) N MF R R * R Kentucky Warbler ( Oporornis formosus ) N MF R * * * Common Yellowthroat ( Geothlypis trichas ) N MF R R * * Hooded Warbler ( Wilsonia citrina ) N MF O O * O Honeycreepers Bananaquit ( Coereba flaveola ) Tanagers Scarlet Tanager ( Piranga olivacea) Sparrows and Allies Black-faced Grassquit ( Tiaris bicolor) Lesser Antillean Bullfinch ( Loxigilla noctis ) Habitat Goatsuckers Common Nighthawk ( Choredeilies minor ) Antillean Nighthawk ( C. gundlachii ) Chuck-will’s-widow Status Breeding W s S F Habitat Status Breeding W s S F Grebes B SP U U U U Pied-billed Grebe (Podilymbus podiceps) Least Grebe (Tachybaptus dominicus) B SP U U U U Shearwaters Audubon’s Shearwater (Puffinus lherminieri) B OS R R R R Tropicbirds White-tailed Tropicbird (Phaethon lepturus) B OS R R U U B OS U U R U Red-billed Tropicbird (P. aetherus) Boobies Masked Booby (Sula dactylatra) B OS R R R R Brown Booby (S. leucogaster) B OS A A A A Red-footed Booby (S. sula) B OS R R R R Pelicans Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) B OS A A A A Cormorants Double-crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) N OS U U * * Frigatebirds Magnificent Frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) B OS A A A A Herons, Egrets and Bitterns American Bittern ( Botaurus lentiginosus) N SP R * * * Great Blue Heron ( Ardea herodias) N OS C C R C B SP U U U U Great Egret ( A. alba ) Snowy Egret ( Egretta thula) B M UUUU Little Blue Heron ( E. caerulea) B SP C C C C B M R R R R Tricolored Heron ( E. tricolor) Cattle Egret ( Bubulcus ibis) B IA C C C C Green Heron ( Butorides virescens) B M CCCC Black-crowned Night-Heron ( Nycticorax nycticorax) B M R R R R Yellow-crowned Night Heron ( Nyctanassa violacea ) B SP U U U U Waterfowl American Wigeon ( Anas americana ) N SP R R * R Blue-winged Teal ( A. discors ) N SP C C * C Northern Shoveler ( A. clypeata ) N SP R R * R White-cheeked Pintail ( A. bahamensis ) B SP C C C C Northern Pintail ( A. acuta ) N SP R * * * Green-winged Teal ( A. crecca) N SP R * * * Ring-necked Duck ( Aythya collaris ) N SP O O * O Lesser Scaup ( A. affinis ) N SP R R * * Hawks and Harriers Osprey ( Pandion haliaetus ) N OS O O * O Northern Harrier ( Circus cyaneus ) N SP R * * * Sharp-shinned Hawk ( Accipiter striatus ) N MF * * * R Red-tailed Hawk ( Buteo jamaicensis ) B IA U U U U Falcons American Kestrel ( Falco sparverius ) B IA C C C C Merlin ( F. columbarius ) N SP U U U U Peregrine Falcon ( F. peregrinus ) N OS U U * U Guinea Fowl Helmeted Guinea Fowl ( Numida meleagris) B IA U U U U Rails, Gallinules and Coots Clapper Rail ( Rallus longirostris ) BM R R R R Sora Rail ( Porzana corolina ) N SP O O * O Common Moorhen ( Gallinula chloropus ) B SP U U U U American Coot ( Fulica americana ) N SP O O * * Habitat Breeding Habitat Breeding Status Status W s S F B DF A A A A N DF * R * R B DF C C C C B DF C C C C Cardinals and Allies Rose-breasted Grosbeak ( Pheucticus ludovicianus ) Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea ) Indigo Bunting ( P. cyanea ) Orioles and Allies Bobolink ( Dolichonyx oryzivorus ) Baltimore Oriole ( Icterus galbula ) Troupial ( I. icterus ) Old World Sparrows House Sparrow ( Passer domesticus ) N IA N IA N IA R R * R R* * R R R * R N DF R R * R N DF R R * R N DF R R R R P IA UUUU Other Birds Of Interest These breeding species were not included on this list because they have gone unreported and are perhaps extirpated in the area : Least Bittern,West Indian Whistling-Duck, Caribbean Coot, Brown-throated Parakeet, Puerto Rican Screech Owl, Antillean Mango, Willet, and Shiny Cowbird. The following birds are considered Accidentals or Vagrants : Greater Shearwater, Wilson’s Storm Petrel, Leach’s Storm Petrel, Reddish Egret, Glossy Ibis, Hooded Merganser, Ruddy Duck, Upland Sandpiper, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Artic Tern, Black Tern, Red-eyed Vireo,Bay-breasted Warbler, Chimney Swift,Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Veery, Tennessee Warbler, Swainson’s Warbler, and Dickcissel. Please contact the V.I. National Park at 7766201 ext 238 to report sightings of any of the above birds. Then send back this list to the park accompanied by detailed written or photographic material. The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage. EXPERIENCE YOUR AMERICA

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