ShilohShiloh National Cemetery |
Brochure about the Shiloh National Cemetery at Shiloh National Military Park (NMP) in Tennessee and Mississippi. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
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Shiloh National Military Park
Shiloh National Cemetery
“These Honored Dead”
After the renown orator concluded his remarks and
the thunderous applause faded, the tall, gaunt man
rose and began to address the crowd in a high pitched
voice. Featuring none of the outward appearances of
importance, the second speaker nevertheless spoke
as if his was the keynote address. Although invited to
speak almost as an afterthought, President Abraham
Lincoln humbly spoke from the heart. The brief remarks he made that day still echo through American
history as one of the most important speeches ever
Known to history as the “Gettysburg Address,” Lincoln’s
November 19, 1863, speech was more than a dedication of a new national cemetery. While fulflling that
obligation very successfully, the speech did more.
Lincoln’s masterpiece pointed to a vision of the future,
setting the course of national destiny. It pointed toward
an America that Lincoln hoped would one day exist.
In this vision of the future, Lincoln spoke of “a new
birth of freedom,” of a “government of the people, by
the people, for the people.” But Lincoln knew that such
a future would only be possible with the tragic death of
America’s best.
In dedicating the new national cemetery at Gettysburg,
Lincoln tied this new vision of America to the loss of humanity on the battlefeld. The intention was not only to
“dedicate a portion of that feld as a fnal resting place
for those who here gave their lives that that nation
might live,” but also to call all Americans “to be dedicated here to the unfnished work which they who fought
here have thus far so nobly advanced.” Lincoln called
Americans to “highly resolve that these dead shall not
have died in vain,” and that “from these honored dead
we take increased devotion to that cause for which they
gave their last full measure of devotion.”
The National Cemetery
Lincoln’ s dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery was a part of a larger movement to decently inter
America’s war dead. Battle after battle produced many
dead who deserved proper burial. The result was the
congressional establishment of a national cemetery system. President Lincoln signed the bill on July 17, 1862.
All over the nation, particularly on Civil War battlefelds,
workers began to build national resting places for
America’s dead.
Cemeteries began to appear at such places as Antietam, Soldier’s Home, and Gettysburg. Most cemeteries
on southern battlefelds were not established until after
the war, however, allowing time for word of the end of
the war to spread and for emotions to cool. Wartime
building of cemeteries in the South would not only take
manpower away from the war efort, but also expose
laborers to still-active Confederate forces that might be
lurking in the area.
“The Handsomest Cemetery
in the South”
In 1866, the War Department established a cemetery
on the battlefeld of Shiloh, in southwestern Tennessee.
In order to bury the dead not only from the April 6-7,
1862, battle of Shiloh but also from all the operations
along the Tennessee River, workers began building
the “Pittsburg Landing National Cemetery.” Changed
to “Shiloh National Cemetery” in 1889, the cemetery
holds 3,584 Civil War dead, 2,359 of them unknown. In
the fall of 1866, workers disinterred the dead from 156
locations on the battlefeld, and 565 diferent locations
along the Tennessee River. Headboards of wood frst
marked each grave, but were replaced in 1876 and
1877 by granite stones. Tall stones marked the known
dead and square, short stones denoted unknown
1911. A superintendent cared for the cemetery until it
was ofcially consolidated with Shiloh National Military
Park in 1943. The results of so much labor produced
what one observer called “the handsomest cemetery in
the South.”
Workers built a stone wall around the cemetery in 1867,
and fashioned ornamental iron gates at the entrance in
Although established as a Civil War burial ground, the
Shiloh National Cemetery now holds deceased soldiers
from later American wars. Many World War I and II,
Korea, and Vietnam burials are in the newest section of
the cemetery. There is also one Persian Gulf War memorial. Total interred in the cemetery now stands as 3,892.
Although the cemetery was ofcially closed in 1984, it
still averages two or three burials a year, mostly widows
of soldiers already interred.
“An American Soldier”
Where Are The
“That These Dead Shall Not
Have Died in Vain”
There is perhaps no more honorable title than that of
“American soldier.” Inscribed on the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery are the words,
“Here Rests in Honored Glory, An American Soldier,
Known But to God.” Thousands of known and unknown
American soldiers rest in national and private cemeteries all over the world, as they do in Shiloh National
Cemetery. Near the river bank lies six Wisconsin color
bearers, all killed in action as they carried their regimental standard into the heat of battle. Just to their
west lies Captain Edward Saxe of the 16th Wisconsin,
the frst Federal ofcer killed in the battle. Near him lies
the teenage drummer boy John D. Holmes of the 15th
Iowa. Nearby, two Confederates lie amid so many Union
soldiers, their pointed tombstones in stark contrast to
the rounded stones of United States soldiers. Across the
cemetery lies J.D. Putnam of the 14th Wisconsin, whose
With the exception of the two Confederates, all those
interred in the national cemetery are United States
soldiers. There has been heated debate concerning
why the Confederates are not buried in the cemetery.
There are several reasons. Regulations require that only
veterans of the United States military can be buried in
national cemeteries. As Confederates were technically
not United States personnel, they have traditionally
been buried elsewhere. Although Congress stipulated
in 1956 that Confederate soldiers should be treated the
same as United States soldiers, the practice of burying
Confederate remains in places other than national cemeteries still exists. Similarly, when taken in the context
of Civil War era events, the practice of burying Confederates in national cemeteries was almost non-existent.
The Federal government’s view of former Confeder-
1867 View of the National Cem
1862 burial inscription on the foot of a tree, cut by his
friends in the heat of battle, was still legible in 1901.
Near him lies George Ross, a Revolutionary War soldier.
In the newest sections of the cemetery, many more recent American soldiers lie in honored glory. One memorial honors a Persian Gulf veteran killed in service. Most
sadly, interspersed between all these American soldiers
are countless grave stones with only a number identifying them. They too had lives, mothers, perhaps wives,
sons, and daughters, fears, hopes, and dreams. All these
soldiers, known and unknown, served their country and
gave the ultimate sacrifce. They deserve the honor and
tribute of Americans, and the title “An American Soldier.”
From the French Declaration of the Rights of Man,
to Masaryk’s Declaration of Independence, to freedom’s
cries from Tianenmen Square, Jeferson’s words are still
ates in 1866, when the cemetery was established, was
that of traitors, revolutionaries, the enemy. Burying
Confederates in national cemeteries in 1866 would be
synonymous with burying American Revolutionary War
soldiers in British military cemeteries.
As a result, the Confederates who died at Shiloh were
not disinterred from their battlefeld graves. They remain on the feld in several large mass graves and many
smaller individual plots. As many as eleven or twelve
mass graves exist, but the park commission that created the battlefeld could only locate fve. Those fve are
now marked and preserved.
National cemeteries and soldier plots are special places,
and Shiloh is no diferent. Buried with these American
soldiers is the honor, courage, and sacrifce of an entire
American generation. Indeed, these soldiers gave the
ultimate sacrifce for what they believed in. Can we
of today’s generation learn from these soldiers and
meet our own challenges and problems with the same
dedication they possessed? Despite diferent means
to wage war, diferent enemies to face, and diferent
objectives to win, we are still fghting for the same
causes they were: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Perhaps President Lincoln said it best when he
declared “that these dead shall not have died in vain,”
but that this nation “shall not perish from the earth.” It
is our duty to take the standard and make sure Lincoln’s
vision is never lost.
Unknown U.S. Soldier