"Hazel Mountain Overlook Sunrise" by U.S. National Park Service , public domain

Shenandoah South

Loft Mountain

brochure Shenandoah South - Loft Mountain
National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Loft Mountain Area | Shenandoah National Park 2017 ck Ro ytop Big Run Porta l Tra il Trail Pa Big Run Loop Trail North Big Run Loop Trail South 79 l Frazier Discovery Trail Big Run Overlook MP 80 81 P MP 82 n Run Fire Road B r ow registration Doyles River Overlook Loft Mountain Camground Fir e ns Browns Gap P Parking MP campstore amphitheater Doyles River Cabin Trail Doyles River Parking Big Run Loop Trail diso ge Tra i MP Ga p Ma MP Loft Mountain Wayside Riv er Aus tin Mo un tai nT rai l tte rson Rid Upper Doyles River Falls (28’) 83 Dundo Overlook Lower Doyles River Falls (63’) See inset s Jone R Jones Run Falls (42’) un Trail oad R Jones Run MP 84 Parking P Doy le s Dundo Picnic Grounds and Group Campground Blackrock 0 MP 85 0.2 Mile 0 Blackrock Summit Parking Blackrock Summit Parking P ad P 0.2 Kilometer Ro Trayfoot Mountain Trail Blackrock Spur Trail Blackrock Hut Fire Road Blackrock Spur Trail Hu MP 86 t MP ck ro 85 ck B la Hiking Trail Hiking Trail (Appalachian Trail) Hiking Trail (Horses) Unpaved Road Unpaved Road (Horses) Paved Road Skyline Drive Park Boundary Stream P Parking Building North 0 1.0 Kilometer 0 Viewpoint 1.0 Mile Waterfall Emergency 1-800-732-0911 • Information 540-999-3500 • Online www.nps.gov/shen Frazier Discovery Trail Hike Markers & Blazes 1.2-mile circuit 1-hr hiking time Easiest 429-ft elevation gain Trail markers are at trailheads and intersections. The metal bands are stamped with directional and mileage information. From the north end of the Loft Mountain Wayside parking area, cross Skyline Drive and follow the blue-blazed Frazier Discovery Trail. Go right at the intersection and follow the fairly steep uphill grade to where the trail joins the Appalachian Trail. Turn left, staying on the blue-blazed trail and left again at the next trail post to descend to your starting point. NO PETS. Trail blazes are found on trees and rocks throughout the Park. The color identifies the trail type: Doyles River Falls Hike 3.3-mile round trip 2¼-hrs hiking time Moderate 1,189-ft elevation gain From the trailhead at mile 81.1, take the blue-blazed Doyles River Trail. Cross the Appalachian Trail and pass the access trails to Doyles River Cabin and Browns Gap Road. Trail posts mark the locations of Upper (2.7 miles) and Lower Doyles River Falls. 1 stream crossing. Retrace your steps to return. Jones River Falls Hike Blue - Hiking trail White - Appalachian Trail Yellow - Open to horses Need to Know ■ ■ 3.2-mile circuit 2½-hrs hiking time Moderate 1045-ft elevation gain From the trailhead at mile 84.1, Cross the Appalachian Trail and follow the blue-blazed Jones Run Trail to Jones Run Falls and return by the same route. 1 stream crossing. Browns Gap Hike ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 6.5-mile circuit 7-hrs hiking time Moderately Strenuous 1400-ft elevation gain From Browns Gap Parking at mile 83, cross Skyline Drive and take Browns Gap Fire Road to its intersection with Doyles River Trail. Turn right and connect with Jones Run Trail. At the Jones Run parking area take a right onto the Appalachian Trail and follow it back to your starting point. Blackrock Summit Hike 1-mile circuit ¾-hrs hiking time Easiest 175-ft elevation gain From the Blackrock parking area at mile 84.4, follow the Appalachian Trail (A.T.) south. At the trail post, turn right and continue to the boulder field where you can see the layers and quartzite patterns on the rocks and a beautiful view. Continue south on the A.T. around the slope. At the intersection, turn left onto the Blackrock Hut Road-Trayfoot Mountain Trail and follow to the parking lot. ■ Pets are not allowed on Frazier Discovery Trail. Where allowed, pets must be on a leash no longer than 6’ at all times. Do not attempt to cross streams during icy conditions or flooding. Be sure you are physically able to complete the hike you’ve chosen. Take plenty of water—at least a quart per hour. When you return from your hike, check for ticks. Stay on the trail and avoid trampling sensitive vegetation. Be sure someone knows where you are and when to expect your return. It’s dangerous and potentially deadly to climb on the rocks near waterfalls. Filter or treat water from streams before drinking. Hiking Difficulty Scale Easiest: Generally suitable for anyone who enjoys walking. Mostly level or with a slight incline. Generally less than 3 miles. Moderate: Generally suitable for novice hikers seeking a bit of a challenge. The terrain will involve a moderate incline and may have some steeper sections. Generally 3 to 5 miles. Moderately Strenuous: Generally challenging for an unconditioned person. The terrain will involve a steady and often steep incline. Generally 5 to 8 miles. Strenuous: Will challenge most hikers. The hike will generally be longer and steeper, but may be deemed strenuous because of the elevation gain. Generally 7 to 10 miles. Very Strenuous: Only well conditioned and well prepared hikers should attempt. Generally long and steep, and may include rock scrambling, stream crossings, and other challenging terrain. Generally 8 miles and over. Trail maintenance and map funded by recreation fee dollars.

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