"Old Coast Guard Station and Golden Gate Bridge" by U.S. National Park Service , public domain
Presidio of San FranciscoPioneers of Flight |
Brochure Pioneers of Flight at Presidio of San Francisco at Golden Gate National Recreation Area (NRA) in California. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
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Pioneers of Flight
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Presi io of San Francisco
Gol en Gate National Recreation Area
GGNRA Park Archives
Crissy Airfield in 1919.
Death-Defying Firsts at
Crissy Fiel
GGNRA Park Archives
Pilo s ook heir families up o
prove ha aircraf were safe.
“Father of Aerobatics”
Frank Marrero Collection
Lincoln Beachey flies his
“Li le Looper” in 1913.
Success or Failure?
Have you ever been scared during an
airplane flight? Most of us have at one time
or another even in today’s very safe
aircraft. However during the pioneering
days of flight every trip was death-defying
and possibly one’s last.
The early pilots flying in and out of Crissy
Field performed many aviation firsts
putting their life on the line every day to
prove that airplanes were useful and
reliable. Their contributions and
commitment played a key role in making
air travel safe and routine for all. In 1919
the army built an airfield on the Presidio to
Even in the early years of aviation Lincoln
Beachey the father of aerobatics knew
that airplanes would one day be reliable
and commonplace transportation. To
promote this belief he flew anytime he
could find an audience. And it wasn’t hard.
Crowds flocked to see his stunts and if he
would survive them. Beachey was the first
person to fly upside down and to perform
a tail slide and a spin recovery. So when the
Panama-Pacific International Exposition
opened in San Francisco he became a
advance the military potential of airplanes
proven by their success in World War I.
But even before the airfield’s completion
in 1921 it had already seen aviation history
being made. As early as 1915 crowds
gathered here to see if the “father of
aerobatics” perform daring feats at the
Panama-Pacific International Exposition.
Standing on the grass of Crissy Field today
we can only imagine the wild cheers as the
first flight around the world landed or the
fearful good-byes as the first flight to
Hawaii departed. Crissy Field saw all these
daring landmark events and more.
main attraction flying over what would
become Crissy Field.
While performing stunts here in a new
early monoplane its wings collapsed.
Beachey was unable to escape the harness
that held him to the sinking plane. He
ultimately drowned in the bay between
Crissy Field and Fort Mason.
On October 8 1919 the First Transcontinental Reliability and Endurance Test
captivated the nation when 46 pilots
departed Roosevelt Field Long Island
headed west and 15 planes left the yet
unnamed airfield at the Presidio for the
east coast. Three days later at Roosevelt
Field New York a tired Captain Lowell H.
Smith ended the first military flight to span
the continent.
Of the 61 planes in the test only nine
finished the flight and nine men died
enroute. Among those killed was Major
Dana Crissy commander of Mather Field
in Sacramento. Moved by the loss of his
friend Major Hap Arnold commander of
the Presidio airfield requested it be named
Crissy Field.
GGNRA Park Archives
Major Dana Crissy was survived by his wife
and wo children.
(rev. 06/11)
Magellans of the Air
The world watched with excitement as four
Douglas World Cruisers and their pilots
made a daring attempt to fly around the
world in 1924. The Seattle Chicago Boston
and New Orleans lifted off from Clover
Field Seattle Washington on April 6 commencing their historic around-the-world
flight. Early on the Seattle crashed into a
fog-shrouded mountain in Alaska placing
Captain Lowell H. Smith the first army
pilot to fly coast to coast in command of
the mission. Later the Boston was lost at sea.
Near the end of their journey the courageous pilots received a hero’s welcome at
Crissy Field. When the surviving aircraft
finally returned to Clover Field on
September 28th the Chicago and New
Orleans had covered 26 345 miles in 172 days.
National Archives an Recor s A ministration
Crowds of housands gree around- heworld fliers a Crissy Field.
Surviving the Pacific
Righ : Inspec ing he PN-9
a Crissy Field, af er being
forced down. No e he
damaged righ wing ip.
NPS S aff Drawing
Sails were cu from he
canvas wings.
Hawaii State Archives
Islanders honored “Bird of
Paradise” pilo s wi h fea her capes reserved for
Hawaiian royal y.
Crissy Fiel To ay
Crowds once again flock o
see hings fly a opening day
of he res ored Crissy Field.
Prin ed on recycled paper
using soy-based ink
National Archives an Recor s A ministration
After the around-the-world flight which
made short hops between the northern
continents the nation engaged the next big
challenge— long distance flight crossing
entire oceans. In August of 1925 Navy
Commander John Rodgers led two
seaplanes down the ramp into the bay at
Crissy Field to meet that challenge. After
crossing six miles of the bay at full throttle
the PN-9 planes finally became airborne
and sped west towards Hawaii at 115 miles
per hour.
Within five hours an oil leak forced one
plane down. But Commander Rodgers and
his crew flew on alone. More than 400
miles short of Hawaii fuel became low
causing Rodgers to fly off course in search
of a refueling ship. Eventually the plane ran
out of fuel which not only stopped the
engines but also the radio. This left the
crew stranded in shark-infested waters
with a perilously small food supply.
Resorting to their naval training the men
made sails from the canvas wings. Imagine
the crew’s thoughts as they sailed
ever-so-slowly toward Hawaii watching for
ships or land but seeing neither until they
reached Kauai Hawaii over a week later.
After the Navy failed to fly to Hawaii the
Army Air Corps tried two years later. The
runway at Crissy was too short for the fully
fueled Fokker C-2 to take off so the crew
flew to Oakland airport for final fueling.
Charles Lindbergh called this “the most
perfectly organized and carefully planned
flight ever attempted.” Piloted by
lieutenants Lester J. Maitland and Albert F.
Hegenberger the “Bird of Paradise”
successfully completed the trip to Hawaii
in under 26 hours.
Standing tribute today’s Crissy Field is the
most intact 1920s Army airfield west of the
Mississippi. The restored grass field and
surrounding original buildings reflect the
area’s appearance when the pioneers of
flight made history here. As you look across
the field you can almost hear the roar of aircraft as young aviators took off risking their
lives to make air travel the safe and reliable
form of transportation that it is today.
w w w. n p s . g o v / p r s f /