"Owachomo Bridge" by NPS photo / Neal Herbert , public domain
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Natural Bridges
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Natural Bridges National Monument
Stand for a moment at an overlook. Nothing in the scope of your vision moves. Strain
your ears for a sound; silence alone greets them. The desert landscape seems eternally
unchanging. But stay a moment longer and a small animal sends a pebble clattering
down the slickrock. Stay for an hour and the wind picks up, blowing sand and dust
against you. Tomorrow a thunderstorm may send a flood twisting down the course of
White Canyon. In one month, several tons of rock may thunder down from Kachina
Bridge as it did in June of 1992 when 4,000 tons fell from the bridge. If you return next
year, Owachomo Bridge may no longer be standing. The momentary stillness of Canyon
Country is deceptive; the same processes which formed the seemingly eternal landscape
you are enjoying today are still at work, continually changing the face of the earth.
Before the Bridges
Slip Face
Formation of the crossbedded
Cedar Mesa Sandstone
Bridges and Arches
Bridges are formed by the erosion
of meandering streams.
If you had visited this area 260 million years
ago, you would be standing on the dazzling
white beach of a sea which covered eastern
Utah during the Permian geologic period.
You may have noticed the sweeping lines,
known as crossbedding, that pattern the
white sandstone. Crossbedding represents
the down-current face of a sand dune, down
which sand slips as the dune advances under the force of wind or water. Geologists
debate whether the Cedar Mesa Sandstone
formed under water or along the shore as
windblown dunes. You can see ripple marks
forming today in the mud left in the canyon
bottoms by receding flood waters.
Although the waters of the warm Permian
Sea supported abundant life, fossils are rare
at Natural Bridges. If you have ever stood
on the ocean shore, you may know why.
You may have noticed that arches stand
on the skyline whereas bridges form in the
bottoms of deep canyons. Once water dissolves the cement between the grains of sand
in a narrow fin of sandstone, frost wedging
and gravity begin to work. While seeping
moisture and frost shape arches, running
water carves natural bridges. As the curving
meanders of streams carved down into the
sandstone, they undercut the canyon walls
and bent back upon themselves until only a
thin fin of stone separated them. Flash floods
periodically pounded against weak spots
formed by the soft siltstone layers in the
sandstone. Eventually, the water cut through
the narrow neck of the meander, forming a
A beach is classified as a high energy environment, where grains of sand continually
grind back and forth with each sweep of the
tide. Few organisms can survive such rough
treatment; thus, few make it their home.
Any plant or animal remains swept ashore
soon wear away. If you examine the Cedar
Mesa Sandstone with a hand lens, you may
see that some of the sand grains are actually fragments of fossils. One type of fossil
is abundant in the streambeds of White and
Armstrong canyons: petrified wood. This
wood washes out of the Chinle Formation,
found high above the Cedar Mesa Formation. When the trees died, they fell into
stagnant swamp water which prevented their
decay. Eventually, silica derived from volcanic ash replaced the wood, preserving its
grain in stone.
natural bridge. At first each bridge is thick
and massive, as is Kachina Bridge, but as
erosion attacks them on all sides, the bridges
become more delicate (as with Owachomo
Bridge) and eventually collapse.
How Old is Old?
We know that compared to the other bridges
in the monument, Owachomo is the oldest bridge, but how old is old? Geologically
speaking, the bridges themselves are relatively recent and short-lived occurrences. Since
sandstone erodes at different rates (more
weathering occurs when the climate is wet
than during times of aridity), the exact age of
the bridges is difficult to determine. We do
know that ten million years ago the Colorado Plateau was flat and featureless. When the
last glacial period ended 18,000 years ago,
glacial melt and increased rainfall speeded
the erosion of canyon country. A wet climate
between 900 and 4,000 years ago probably
began the erosion of most spans; the largest
spans are believed to be over 5,000 years old.
The Many-Colored
Southeastern Utah is a land not only of
texture, but of radiant color. In the hills,
pale greens mingle with grey and white, and
mesas glow with the red of the setting sun.
Much canyon country color derives from
the presence of iron in different combinations with oxygen. The original sediments
may have been drab, but they contained a
small percentage of iron-bearing minerals.
Groundwater later weathered these minerals, and oxygen rusted the iron a brilliant
orange-red. Without enough oxygen, iron
turns green. When iron combines with both
hydrogen and oxygen, it becomes yelloworange limonite. Beneath the multi-colored
mesas, the Cedar Mesa Sandstone appears
startlingly white. The waves of the ancient
sea washed nearly all of the darker minerals away, leaving only white quartz sands
behind. Down the walls of White Canyon
streaks of red, orange, black and brown
“desert varnish” run in a patterned tapestry.
Here, where water pours off the mesas during rainstorms, bacteria grow. These microorganisms combine iron and manganese
with oxygen and fix these particles to the cliff
walls, producing the shiny surfaces which
often served as canvases for the petroglyphs
of early Puebloans.
Geologic Formations
Millions of
Years Ago
Formed from the sand dunes of an ancient
desert, this hard, reddish cliff-forming sandstone (400ft/122m thick), caps buttes and
mesas, notably the Bear’s Ears buttes to the
east of the monument.
A complex, multi-colored formation
(600ft/183m thick), composed mainly of shales
deposited in swamps and lakes, and sandstones
and conglomerates deposited by streams and rivers.
Dinosaur tracks sometimes wander through the
formation. Fish fossils and petrified wood are often
found in the slopes and rounded hills of this formation,
as well as uranium ore.
Composed of limestones and reddish-brown shale, sandstones,
and siltstones (800ft/244m thick), the Moenkopi was deposited in
tidal mud flats, marshes and the floodplains of wide, slow-moving
streams. Ancient ripple marks and mudcracks, as well as the tracks
of reptiles and amphibians, may be visible. Its harder layers erode
to form walls and pinnacles, while softer layers form gentle slopes.
A dark reddish brown combination of siltstone, shale and sandstone
(300ft/91m thick) which forms gentle slopes beneath the mesas and
buttes in Monument Valley and the Natural Bridges area.
A mappable rock unit; rocks of similar age and
appearance which can be recognized in the
field. The geologic characteristics of an area are
often recorded in a profile called a stratigraphic
column which represents the thickness and
specific features by which each formation may be
An erosional surface representing
a gap in the sedimentary record.
A light colored fine-grained quartz sandstone of great depth
(1,200ft/366m thick), cemented by calcium carbonate interbedded
with lenses of red siltstone. Deposited near the shore of an
ancient sea, it preserves its original large scale crossbedding and
ripple marks. Geologists argue as to whether the ancient dunes
from which it formed were deposited beneath the water or as
windblownsand along the beach front. Cedar Mesa Sandstone
forms cliffs and erodes into large alcoves and natural bridges.
Printed by Canyonlands Natural History Association on
recycled paper (100% post-consumer waste). 01/03 7.5m