"Mount Rainier" by NPS/Emily Brouwer Photo , public domain

Mount Rainier Trails

Camp Muir

brochure Mount Rainier Trails - Camp Muir

Brochure of Camp Muir at Mount Rainier National Park in Washington. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Mount Rainier National Park National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Camp Muir Only experienced hikers and climbers should attempt this unmarked route. Camp Muir, originally known as Cloud Camp, was named Camp Muir after writer/naturalist John Muir summited the mountain. Muir was a member of the climbing party that made the sixth recorded ascent of the Mount Rainier in 1888. Camp Muir is one of the primary high camps for summit attempts and is a favorite campsite with climbers. Pebble Creek 7200ft 2195m Paradise Inn Trailhead Route Description Travel only on maintained trails or on snow. Do not pick flowers. Carry the “10 Essentials” and Leave No Trace of your visit. Pets and bicycles are not allowed on park trails. Do not feed or approach wildlife. Use a topographic map, compass and GPS. Permit required for wilderness camping. Permit and climbing pass required for any travel on glaciers or above the elevation of high camps (Camps Muir and Schurman). Round-trip Distance: 9 miles (14.5 km) Difficulty Level: Strenuous Elevation Gain: 4,680 feet (1426 m) Trailhead: The trailhead is located on the uphill side of the upper parking lot at Paradise. Hiking Time Round-trip: 6 to 8 hours Along the Route Follow the Skyline Trail 2.3 miles (3.7 km) upward to Pebble Creek. Be sure to treat water before drinking from the creek! Here the trail ends and the Muir Snowfield begins. The next 2.2 miles (3.5 km) is an unmarked route involving an ascent of 2,900 ft (884 m) up the snowfield. Warning: White-out conditions and inclement weather can occur suddenly on the Muir Snowfield at any time. Use the information listed on the back for navigating on the snowfield. Be prepared for changing conditions and unexpected difficulties! 1/18 EXPERIENCE YOUR AMERICA www.nps.gov/mora 10200 338º True 321.5º Mag 9600 0 0 88 0 72 0 680 0 e 29º True 12.5º Mag Sk ylin 0 700 680 0 0 Glacier Vista 6000 Contour interval: 200 feet Magnetic declination: 16.5º East GPS datum: WGS84 221º True 204.5º Mag PANORAMA POINT Latitude: 46º 48’ 10.30” Longitude: -121º 43’ 46.85” 6600 70 0 0 0 720 0 70 6800 feet 41º True 24.5º Mag 5800 MARMOT HILL Latitude: 46º 47’ 56.51” Longitude: -121º 44’ 4.49” 5800 (during maximum snowmelt) 5600 Maintained Trails 0 4400 0 42 0 1/18 www.nps.gov/mora 167º True 150.5º Mag 0 540 GPS coordinates (latitude/longitude) are600provided in 4 degrees/minutes/seconds (DMS) and use WGS84 datum. GPS units must use correct configuration, including projection and datum, for results to be accurate.800Serious 4 errors will occur if GPS units are not configured correctly! 17º True 0.5º Mag ALTA VISTA WEST Latitude: 46º 47’ 29.83” Longitude: -121º 44’ 16.19” 347º True 330.5º Mag PARADISE Latitude: 46º 47’ 10.46” Longitude: -121º 44’ 9.74” 5400 197º True 180.5º Mag Bare Ground 540 0 Snow and Ice EXPERIENCE YOUR AMERICA McClure Rock 7385’ 209º True 192.5º Mag il Tra 3000 0 50 0 0 0 Peb ble Cree k 6400 1500 0 78 0 0 70 0 74 6400 7400 Sugarloaf 7789’ 0 SUGAR ROCK Latitude: 46º 48’ 41.26” Longitude: -121º 43’ 21.58” 6200 750 G l a cier 760 0 0 760 0 0 0 se 6600 78 0 0 66 Map scale di 347º True 330.5º Mag 800 0 While traversing the Muir Snowfield, approach rock islands with care because of holes which form around rocks as snow melts. Crevasses occasionally open up on the snowfield in the vicinity of Anvil Rock in late summer and may be hidden by 68 00 snow. 0 8200 8200 ra 80 0 Pa 8400 74 0 ier 8400 167º True 150.5º Mag 0 lac Beware of open and hidden 88 00 86 0 G on the Paradise ! crevasses and Cowlitz Glaciers! 9000 8600 Always beware of steep cliffs to the east of Camp Muir and Anvil Rock and to the east of McClure Rock. These cliffs, obscured by snow and cornices in the winter, have been the sites of mountaineering tragedies. Panorama Point is a dangerous avalanche area. Anvil Rock 9584’ z MOON ROCKS Latitude: 46º 49’ 38.24” Longitude: -121º 43’ 40.55” 0 li t 9200 lly G la c ie r Proper bearings alone will not ensure a safe trip. Camp Muir and the Muir Snowfield are nearly surrounded by glaciers: the Nisqually Glacier to the west, the Cowlitz Glacier to the north and east, and the Paradise Glacier to the south and east. A 00 82 these glaciers minor error in navigation may lead you onto 8000 where there are numerous crevasses and other hazards. Stay 00 of travel to on course. You may have to correct your direction 78 the windward due to strong winds, usually out of the west or southwest. 9400 N is qua 86 ir Mu fi eld w Sno Mistakes in navigation while traveling to or from Camp Muir during storms and “white-outs” have resulted in lost climbers and hikers and fatalities. To decrease the possibility of this happening to your party, this map shows compass bearings to and from Camp Muir (true and magnetic north) as well as the coordinates (latitude/longitude) of landmarks along the route. This map will not substitute for a USGS topographic map. 00 0 92 860 0 9800 102 0 0 0 Muir Rock 10188’ 158º True 141.5º Mag w Co 102 0 0 102 0 00 0 106 0 10600 Get Your Bearings 10400 0 0 1080 0 10 90 0 0 CAMP MUIR Latitude: 46º 50’ 7.58” Longitude: -121º 43’ 57.61” 00 0 112 National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior 00 10 8 Mount Rainier National Park 106 110 0 0 00 118 160 400 1 11

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